#go be a Greek mythology hater and tell Martin he’s a freak and leave randos alone online
featherfur · 4 months
Ethically I know it’s wrong and therefore I won’t do it
But sometimes I come across posts about ships and I just want to go “You’re not original, you’re not special, you’re obnoxious and frankly childish. Keep your shit out of the tags if you’re going to just be hateful. Until you have the balls to say that George R.R. Martin is a freak who deserves to die for problematic content like you say about randos on the internet, you need to sit down and shut up so the rest of us can exist without your bull in the tags of the things we like.”
Like yes I block them, and the ppl who encourage them in the tags, but it never kills the urge to snap at them.
Like on one hand, curate my own experience by blocking, on the other hand if no one counters and tells them that they’re wrong in so many ways and have turned disgust into morality that they would never hold against mainstream art and they’re regurgitating purity culture bullshit they may never actually realize why so many older members of fandom hate them and gets so aggressive and will continue to think that they’re in the right to be hateful and attack real people
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