#gladiator IS yuris song
pheobia · 10 months
Songs I think the podium fam would skate to
Yuuri: Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act II: No.10 - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
The archer - taylor swift
And before he retires i feel like he would def skate to Long Live - t swift
What was I made for? - Billie Eilish
What was I made for? - Billie Eilish
Young and beautiful - lana del rey
The lucky one - t swift
Numb Little Bug - Em Beihold (maybe instrumental version?)
Gladiator - Jann
Once upon a december - Liz Callaway
Bloody mary - lady gaga (instrumental)
Applause - lady gaga
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So it’s kinda like my thing now that whenever I enjoy something with an ensemble cast, I gotta assign each character a song by The Mountain Goats, so welcome to Fire Emblem: Three Houses as Mountain Goats songs. 
Black Eagles
Edelgard: Going Invisible 2 “I'm gonna burn it all down today and sweep all the ashes away.” This song feels like her mantra for defiantly destroying everything corrupt no matter the cost. Also the slow and increasingly intense performance of the song just feels exactly how her plan unfolds. 
Hubert: Genesis 30:3 “Open up the promise of the day, drive the dark things away. I will do what you ask me to do because of how I feel about you.” I know this song is about having a baby, but the absolute yet tender loyalty feels perfect for Hubert. 
Ferdinand: Sicilian Crest “Look to the West, look to the man bearing the Sicilian crest.” This song captures the exuberance of Ferdinand while also being about blinding overconfidence and hey! It has the word crest! Fun!
Bernadetta: In the Craters of the Moon “If the strain proves too much, give up right away. If the light hurts your eyes, stay in your room all day.” Honestly, TMG is a very Bernie band what with all the paranoid isolation and abusive fathers, but I like that this one captures her sense of epic-level dread over even small interactions. 
Dorothea: Linda Blair was Born Innocent “Hungry for love, ready to drown, so tie down the sails, we're going downtown.” For a girl who just wants love, a song named after a movie about the exploitation of teen girls. 
Linhardt: Sourdoire Valley Song “Dream the pleasant dreams that people dream when they grow up down here.” A weird song about peaceful Paleolithic life that seems to align with the peaceful, sleepy world Linhardt prefers. 
Caspar: For Charles Bronson “Set you sights on good fortune, concentrate, pull back the hammer, try to hold the gun straight.” A song about giving your all, earning your place, and having the heart of a champion despite everything. 
Petra: Deuteronomy 2:10 “I have no fear of anyone, I'm dumb and wild and free. I am a flightless bird and there'll be no more after me.” This ode to a captured animal who is the last of its kind seems to align with Petra’s existence as a sort of exotic hostage in the empire. 
Blue Lions
Dimitri: Maybe Sprout Wings “I thought of old friends, the one's who'd gone missing, said all their names three times. Phantoms in the early dark, canaries in the mines.” This is just the most heartrending song about waking at night from a dream of people who are now dead, just as Dimitri is haunted by his own ghosts.  
Dedue: Sax Rohmer #1 “I am coming home to you, with my own blood in my mouth.” Loyalty, but this time with Dedue’s penchant for having to fight through literal hell for Dimitri in every route. 
Felix: Spent Gladiator 2 “Stay alive. Maybe spit some blood at the camera. Just stay alive, stay forever alive.” Since Felix is committed to fighting for survival rather than heroic sacrifice, this furiously defiant song about continuing to live despite terrible odds seems appropriate. 
Ashe: Sept 15 1983 “Try try your whole life to be righteous and be good. Wind up on your own floor, choking on blood.” A song about an unjust killing for Ashe who has to reconcile his noble ideals with the unjust death of his adoptive father. 
Sylvain: No Children “And I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say. And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out, you'd stay the hell out of my way.” I mean come on! The title, No CREST BABIES, also its like the ultimate anti-love song for the ultimate anti-love guy. 
Mercedes: Unmasked! “And by way of honoring the things we once both held dear. I will reveal you. I will reveal you.” I imagine this being sung both to Jeritza, masked both literally and metaphorically, with all the kindness mixed with brutal honesty that is Mercedes. 
Annette: Genesis 3:23 “Living room to bedroom to kitchen, familiar and warm. Hours we spent starving within these walls, sounds of a distant storm.” A song about breaking in to your old house aligns with Annette’s own troubled memories of a childhood marred by paternal abandonment. 
Ingrid: Age of Kings “Wolves in the hallway gaining ground. Reach down to the moment when I should have said something true. Shadows and their sources now stealing away with you.” A song about the loss of a heroic past for the idealistic girl who lost her fiancé and watched her own father try to marry her off for money. 
Golden Deer
Claude: Heel Turn 2 “Spent too much of my life now trying to play fair. Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.” Claude is so interesting as both a brutal pragmatist but also a dreamer. I really like how he can always survive the game if you let him, despite the compromises he has to make. 
Hilda: Riches and Wonders “I am healthy, I am whole, but I have poor impulse control. And I want to go home, but I am home.” This one is hard since Hilda is a pretty low angst character, but I feel like this song walks the line between her love of the finer things in life versus her eventually learning to stand on her own. 
Leonie: The Legend of Chavo Guerrero “And I need justice in my life: here it comes. Look high, it's my last hope. Chavo Guerrero, coming off the top rope.” Replace Chavo with Jeralt and we have a perfect song about hero-worship and how it can get us through hardship. 
Lorenz: The Mess Inside “Tried to find the creeping sense of dread with temporal things, most of the time I guess I felt alright.” This was another hard one, but given Lorenz’s persistent failure as a lady’s man it seems right that he would just be enjoying luxuries to distract himself from his lack of love. 
Raphael: Animal Mask “That was when we were young and green, in the dawning hours of our team. Some things you will remember, some things stay sweet forever.” One of the few genuinely sweet and happy TMG songs for a sweet and good boy. I am conceptualizing this as being about his childhood friendship with Ignatz and his role as a protector to his sister. 
Ignatz: Unicorn Tolerance “Get a momentary chance to see the thing I've been trying to beat to death, the soft creature that I used to be.” A song about forcing yourself to seem tough when you actually love unicorns, just as Ignatz tries to be a knight for his family, but he just loves art and semi-horny religious iconography. 
Marianne: In the Hidden Places “I turned my face away and I shut my eyes tight. Dreamed about the flowers that hide from the light, on dark hillsides, in the hidden places.” A song to sum up Marianne’s desire to keep herself away from anyone she might endanger. 
Lysithea: The Autopsy Garland “You don't wanna see these guys without their masks on, or their gloves.” This is more metaphorical, but the song is about the abuse of Judy Garland throughout her childhood, which parallels Lysithea’s experience with TWSITD. 
Ashen Wolves
Yuri: Fire Editorial “Lord of the hidden pocket knife. Tawdry dreams all come to life. Save yourselves, save this town, save everything not nailed down.” If anyone deserves to be called the lord of the hidden pocket knife, it’s Yuri. Also, the repeated chorus to save the town aligns with his savage defense of Abyss.
Balthus: Color in Your Cheeks “Come on in, we haven't slept for weeks, drink some of this, it'll put color in your cheeks.” A welcoming yet rowdy song for the rowdiest of boys. Also he is like an actual adult so he can serve liquor. 
Hapi: Possum by Night “All your pack dogs have your say. Let me just find my own way. Moon in the trees my guide. Walk with my jaw hinged wide.” Hapi with her prickly attitude and forced loneliness seems right for this heroic little possum. 
Constance: Game Shows Touch Our Lives “Our house sinking into disrepair, Ah, but look at this showroom filled with fabulous prizes.” The feeling of a little brightness in the despair of something fallen makes sense for Constance’s efforts to reclaim the glory of her house. 
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fansxaesthetics · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
-Alphonso Mackenzie
-Daisy Johnson / Quake
-Elena “Yoyo” Rodriguez 
-Grant Ward
-Jemma Simmons
-Leopold Fitz
-Lincoln Campbell
-Melinda May
-Phil Coulson
-Robbie Reyes
Assassination Classroom
-Akabane Karma
-Nagisa Shiota
-Athena the Gladiator
-Gaige the Mechromancer
-Janey Springs
-Lilith the Siren
-Mad Moxxi
-Maya the Siren
-Mordecai the Hunter
-Nisha the Lawbringer
-Wilhelm the Enforcer
Butterfly Soup
Doki Doki Literature Club 
Drakengard / NieR
-Devola & Popola
Legend of Zelda
Life is Strange
-Amberprice (Chloe Price x Rachel Amber)
-Chloe Price
-Max Caulfield [1]
-Max Caulfield [2]
-Nathan Prescott
-Pricefield (Chloe Price x Max Caulfield)
-Rachel Amber
-Bucky Barnes
-Kamala Khan / Miss Marvel
-Loki Laufeyson
-Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver
-Peter Parker / Spiderman
-T’Challa / Black Panther
-Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Mass Effect
-Fem! Shepard
-Liara T’soni
Mystic Messenger
-Jaehee Kang
-Jumin Han
-Saeran Choi
-Saeyoung Choi
-V / Jihyun Kim
-Yoosung Kim
-Zen / Hyun Ryu
-Brigitte Lindholm
-D.Va / Hana Song
-D.Va [Cruiser Skin]
-Genji Shimada
-Hanzo Shimada
-Lúcio Correia dos Santos
-Mei-Ling Zhou
-Mekanic / Mekamechanic (Hana Song x Brigitte Lindholm)
-Mercy / Angela Ziegler
-Pharah / Fareeha Amari
-Pharmercy (Fareeha Amari x Angela Ziegler)
-Symmetra / Satya Vaswani
-Symmetra [Oasis Skin]
-Tracer / Lena Oxton
-Widowmaker / Amélie Lacroix
-Widowmaker [Côte d’Azur Skin]
Pacific Rim
-Chuck Hansen
-Mako Mori 
-Newmann (Newton Geizler x Hermann Gottlieb)
-Newton Geizler
RPG Games
-Garry (Ib)
-Riley Blue / Gunnarsdóttir
-Wolfgang Bogdanow
-Alec Lightwood
-Clary Fray / Fairchild
-Isabelle Lightwood
-Jace Wayland
-Lucian Graymark
-Magnus Bane
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [1]
-Malec (Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane) [2]
-Raphael Santiago
-Simon Lewis
-Hatsune Miku
-Gumi Megpoid
-Luka Megurine
-Rin & Len Kagamine
Yandere Simulator/ Lovesick 
-Amai Odayaka 
-Asu Rito
-Ayano Aishi/ Yandere-chan
-Hanako Yamada
-Kizana Sunobu
-Kokona Haruka
-Megami Saiko
-Mida Rana
-Muja Kina 
-Oka Ruto
-Osana Najimi
-Osoro Shidesu
Z Nation
-Addison Carver
-Citizen Z
Miscellaneous Fandoms
-Ellie (The Last of Us)
-Enjolras (Les Misérables)
-Jaylah (Star Trek)
-Jodie Holmes (Beyond: Two Souls)
-Joi (Blade Runner 2049)
-Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
-Ladybug / Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
-Maya and Riley (Girl Meets World)
-Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain)
-Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
-RWBY Characters (RWBY)
-Samus Aran (Metroid)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Victor (Fallout: New Vegas)
Random Themes
-Badass / Fun loving Lesbian
-Bisexual Hippie
-Bisexual History Nerd
-Christmas [1]
-Christmas [2]
-Internally sad but Happy looking Trans Boy
-Soft Indie Trans Boy
Not seeing your fandom and/or your fave character? Send us an ask!
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Spell your URL with 🎶 songs 🎶
Tagged by @cursed-angelica
Take Me Higher- A.C.E
Hey tomorrow- Jim Croce
Anisina- Pink Floyd
Total Eclipse of the Heart- Bonnie Tyler
Far Longer Than Forever- Swan Princess OST
Requiem for the Living- Dan Forrest
Untitled- G Dragon
It Was Love- Taeil (Block B)
The Logical Song- Supertramp
Stammi Vicino- Yuri on Ice OST
Blue Moon- The Marcels
Amazing- Aerosmith
Sheherazade- Rimsky-Korsikov
Kashmir- Led Zeppelin
Epiphany- BTS
Tesegu- Danone O’Sow
Crystal Ball- Styx
And So It Goes- Billy Joel
Sinnerman- Nina Simone
Elysium- Gladiator OST
Why is my username so long lol. Try it if you like! It’s pretty fun to see which songs come to your mind first for each letter.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Check Out The February 2018 Crunchyroll/Funimation Home Video Release Slate, Now Available For Pre-Order!
Following up on the first wave of home video releases under the Crunchyroll/Funimation partnership earlier this year, the next wave of releases is now available for pre-order directly from the Crunchyroll Store ahead of their scheduled February 2018 release. The slate is listed below with respective links to each title's Standard and Limited Editions, where available.
  Yuri!!! on ICE - The Complete Series (Standard Edition)
Product Description
After suffering a humiliating loss at the Grand Prix Final, Japan's number one skater, Yuri Katsuki, is ready to hang up his skates for good. But when his idol and five-time champion Victor Nikiforov offers to be his coach, Yuri's put on a trek for gold and to discover the true meaning of victory! Together, they'll face skaters from around the world while discovering where their true feelings lie.
  Yuri!!! on ICE - The Complete Series (Limited Edition)
Product Description
After suffering a humiliating loss at the Grand Prix Final, Japan's number one skater, Yuri Katsuki, is ready to hang up his skates for good. But when his idol and five-time champion Victor Nikiforov offers to be his coach, Yuri's put on a trek for gold and to discover the true meaning of victory! Together, they'll face skaters from around the world while discovering where their true feelings lie.
  Limited Edition Bonus
80-page book of illustrations and behind-the-scenes interviews with director Sayo Yamamoto, co-creator Mitsurou Kubo, and choreographer Kenji Miyamoto.
3 art cards
Chipboard collector's box with "cracked ice" holographic finish and silver foil.
  Keijo!!!!!!!! - The Complete Series (Limited Edition)
Product Description
Welcome to the exciting world of Keijo, the new sport craze with girl-on-girl battles between boobs and butts! On the rigorous journey to going pro, 18-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi will train hard with other talented girls at Setouchi Keijo Training School. After getting hip-whipped into shape, it’s time for these ladies to test their skills against the gluteal gladiators of their rival school.
  Limited Edition Bonuses
Nice Rigid Box
Calendar featuring your favorite Keijo players
20-page Artbook
Episodes 1 – 12 + extras
6 OVAs
Textless songs
Promo videos
Episode Commentary
  Keijo!!!!!!!! - The Complete Series (Standard Edition)
Product Description
Welcome to the exciting world of Keijo, the new sport craze with girl-on-girl battles between boobs and butts! On the rigorous journey to going pro, 18-year-old Nozomi Kaminashi will train hard with other talented girls at Setouchi Keijo Training School. After getting hip-whipped into shape, it’s time for these ladies to test their skills against the gluteal gladiators of their rival school.
  Izetta: The Last Witch - The Complete Series - BD/DVD Combo
Product Description
It’s 1940 and the world is in the throes of war. Germania has threatened to invade a small neighboring country, putting their princess in danger. But in the midst of it all, a mysterious power awakens. The last witch has come to the aid of the princess, combining magic and weaponry to take on enemies.
  ALL OUT!! - Part One - BD/DVD Combo
Product Description
Fast, hard-hitting, and intense, rugby is the sport where anyone can shine! First year Kenji Gion has never played, but after a run-in with Sumiaki Iwashimizu, a tall and hesitant first year, he's ready to prove he has what it takes-despite his lack of height. But can this mismatched duo fit in on an already struggling team? They'll have to get it together and go all out!
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Kado 11 | Boku no Hero Academia 26 | Hina Logi 1 | Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL) | Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
I’ll just leave another reminder for this straw poll here, because I need a tiebreaker vote.
Kado 11
Even anisotropic beings have dreams? Welp, that was unexpected.
Uh, hey. Kado staff. Algerian people don’t all look like Asians, y’know? Google says Algeria is in Africa…
So, staff. Why is Shindo the only man/person/human who can stop zaShunina?
Oh yeah. Shinawa knows a way to stop the fregonics!
Basically how I feel about Kado is how Hanamori feels about the situation + Saraka right now – confused and torn.
(laughs) Thank…(face falls) you, Hanamori, for making me laugh with your mapo tofu comment and remember why I loved this show in the first place. It was fleeting, but good…Wait, but isn’t abduction against the law?
Uhhhh. Kado staff. The fregonics suit has boob space. Meaning a woman will wear it…awkwarddddddd…
Finally, we get back from our “shonen battle” roadtrip to drive to the final battle.
zaShunina’s like an old lady now, LOL. Reading on a rocking chair and enjoying the sunset.
Yeah…please just keep your lips away from each other, guys. I was here for the negotiation, remember?
Oh. That wasn’t a boob plate. I was LOLling at their idea to give that to a woman, because the one woman who needs that plate is Shinawa, whose job is already over. Good thing I was wrong there, then. It’s also interesting to note this suit looks like a gladiator suit…like humanity has reverted itself to medieval times to fight zaShunina, who represents the future. (I’m still laughing though, because I knew Shindo was hot under that shirt, but damn, I did get more than enough eye candy this season just by this one gladiator suit…and zaShunina’s butt.)
Well, I kinda did get what I wanted by having the Hanamori/Shindo ship broken, but even though I got a het ship (which I’m normally more supportive of), I don’t support this het ship at all.
It’s cute to see a floating pink cube act like a phone. Or one of those annoying fairy companions…
Welp, it’s almost over. See you next ep for the final simulcast commentary.
Boku no Hero Academia 26
Apparently BnHA’s on break this week, meaning I’m caught up after this.
There was a thing called work experience that we had to do at one point – that’s how I got the experience needed for One Wish They Never Wanted’s bookstore scenes.
It’s cool to see Eraserhead and Present Mic in the same situation as Deku and everyone else. Aizawa looked kinda bishie then, which is unexpected.
I don’t get the reference involving acid blood…
That’s nice. I already knew the names everyone was going to come up with due to the time I’ve spent on the wiki, but the homage becomes much more significant when you see it in context.
Dangit, Midnight. You stole my explanation thunder.
I always wondered why Shouto never got a better hero name. So he literally just used his own name, huh?
I wanna cry at the Iidas’ plight but I have no tears, dangit!
I don’t get it- what’s the “air chair exercise”?
Gran Torino. I’ve watched the movie that has that name, it’s about a vintage car (Ford Gran Torino), an old guy called Walter (Walt for short) and racism. I always suspected Walt was the reason Gran Torino (hero) was named thusly...but until Horikoshi says something about it, we’ll all have to keep speculating…(By the way, the racism perspective in that movie resonated with me, despite my not being a Hmong person. Maybe I’m not properly acknowledging it, but it might be one of my inspirations for Half-Paid Heroes…?)
Hina Logi 1
I have come here to hate on this magical girl spinoff, because man, Luck and Logic squandered what could have been a very good plot – it was “pretty but no substance”, to quote a past me. Indeed, it’s because magical girls are my passion that I have high expectations of new entrants into the genre…
Okay, what is this? Hogwarts???...Actually, the best match, right down to the white turrets, would be Alfea of Winx Club.
It’s stoic girl, Ojou-sama + companions and Shinawa-lite. See? Stereotypes, although I ribbed the names from ANN (having read it a few weeks before I got here). However, before I read ANN, I’d already predicted this would be a pile of road apples.
I feel like I should know who Nina is (from ANN), but I didn’t get far enough to familiarise myself with Nina in the original Luck and Logic, haha.
This genki glutton girl is basically gender bent shonen cliché, y’know? Serve me something slightly different, and I’ll be a happy camper.
I can’t believe I laughed at Nina going “my teacher told me to”, because I expected it.
The humour isn’t funny in this for the most part…the eyecatch says, “16th May. Fluffy! (Fuwaafuwaa!)” “Fluffy” of course being in reference to the messed-up hair.
Urgh, this fanservice is driving me up the wall and giving me a headache…
Ooh, nice transformation sequence!
Enough with the yuri between Nina and Lion! Gah!
“May 16th. From this point forward,  [Kagura] became very angry.” (I had to Google the teacher’s name. She’s so insignificant this episode, I can’t even remember it…)
Lion’s face is getting more annoying by the second…
“May 16th. Everyone ate heartily.” (I used the word “heartily” because I didn’t have a better substitute for oishii in this case, but *shrugs* I don’t care either way.) The use of itadaku I’m still fairly new to, so hopefully someday I can use the word with confidence…
“…reminds me of my mommy.” – Gah, Lion. Are you a toddler? I imagine you with a toddler’s tone when the subs say that.
“Send your beloved Hina on a journey.” – It’s actually a reference to something. Check this article’s title for what it is. That’s a Japanese proverb which says to not baby your kids too much.
I feel like this is a pretty clean drop. After all, if I rage for all the wrong reasons (and come out with a slight headache in the end), you know that the show is a drop.
Grimoire of Zero 12 (FINAL)
Thirteen’s with the crew at the end of the OP. Huh.
I have the feeling that Holdem will never kill Thirteen, even though that dogface is trying to stab the sorcerer right now.
Intruders,much? It’s an army!
It seems like these animal fights were meant to be a big spectacle but observe the background animals and see how off model they are. That’s how much care was put into what was meant to be the show’s climax this ep.
I would’ve loved to see Mercenary do a Batman backhand. Those are always cool and sometimes funny.
The cloud and white-frame animation look gorgeous in a sakuga way! Now we’re talking!
Having someone die solves nothing. It is only those who need an outlet for blame that require needless death, am I right?
Ohhhhhhhh! One kiss made at least 2 or 3 people jealous, LOL.
I wanted to see Mercenary as a human. He could’ve been real hot…dangit.
The ED song is real cute and iyashikei. I don’t think I’ve properly listened to it until now, so…good on me for doing so, haha.
Tsukigakirei 12 (FINAL)
Tsukigakirei’s been a middle ranker for me most weeks, so to suddenly get better around the time when Kado fell was practically begging for the two to switch places…(Note: I’ve made a personal ranking for each ep in a document I’ve kept all to myself, and I haven’t posted them online. That’s why I’ve had comments that indicate where shows are on that ranking at the start and end of an ep’s simulcast commentary.)
That sparkly shot of the river is in the OP too, so when there was a shot of Kotarou and Akane, I was disappoined I wasn’t seeing the OP (even though I still think the live-action bit is a lil’ weird). It’s cute how those guys are wearing the same jackets, though.
There’s a water thermos in the back of Tachibana’s (glasses guy’s) bookstore.
Kotarou’s dragon background is so cool. I want one.
The thing with the rhino doesn’t translate well. The word for “goodnight” here is oyasuminasai and rhino is sai, so…yeah. I think it would be better to call it “sleep rhight” (including typo) to convey that pun better, but hey. I’m not going to major in Japanese.
When Chinatsu revealed she got into the same school as Kotarou, I verbally went, “Oh no!” Don’t you remember how I was with ep 7???
Even Chinatsu has that black jacket, so it seems to be a school-issued one.
My heart just broke a lil’ bit as Chinatsu hugged Kotarou…I’m not sure what to make of it…
I’ve never seen “graduation” being abbreviated to “grad” unless it’s “grad school” and the “grad” in that stands for “graduate” (noun). It’s a very American term, so I never use it, but…the term translated to “grad” is “graduation ceremony” (sotsugyoushiki). Seriously though, CR. Enough with your Comic Sans translations.
The translation of the prologue misses something. The first sentence has da to omou at the end, meaning “I think…”.
A novel board. Y’know, like Honeyfeed. I’ve got quite a lot of experience with ‘em, because I don’t intend to be a person who gains money from writing…not fulltime, anyway.
There’s a site called Syousteuka ni Narou which is basically Honeyfeed for a Japanese audience, with the added bonus of possibly getting your works into print and then anime. The recently announced Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, as well as Re:Zero and a lot of its kin, have come from that board. It’s pretty clear that Syousetsuka is being parodied here, that’s all…even though the titles of the websites are completely different phrases.
What’s that bird with the long neck called? The one standing in the water? I wanna know…
Normally with anime tears, it’s like me and CGI - I bash most efforts. However, I think this is the effort that I commend the most so far…this anime season is full of surprises…Well, Kotarou? Can you keep up with a girl that does track?
Everyone cries when someone leaves, so long as that person has made an impact. I know that all too well…
Dangit trash CGI people. Just as I got used to you, you become obvious again! Grah!
I admit I shed a few tears there…I’m not crying, you’re crying! (Also, if you haven’t paid any attention to what I’ve been writing, One Wish They Never Wanted was based on similar experiences to Kotarou and Akane’s graduation, although a lot of it happens outside Takuma’s point of view and so I didn’t write it.)
Oh! Hey, these are the end of ep LINE convos from previous eps, coupled with pics of the ones who typed them! The “seaman” convo would’ve made more sense if the translator would’ve bothered translating the word “semi” (short for “seminar”) as it was, because that makes more sense. I really don’t get the “marr” one though.
Well, any show that makes me cry on its first run is a show I don’t regret. I still feel weird putting Kado below it, because Kado was betted than Tsukigakirei for most of its run (as I’ve said at the start of this commentary). Regardless of what happened though, I guess…I’ll see you all for the next show then! Bye for now!
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a-trio-of-one · 7 years
I was tagged by @briam516 so here we go~
Last movie watched: Guardian’s of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (this movie is amazing 10/10 please go see it)
Last song listened too: “Waving Through a Window” from the Dear Evan Hansen OBC soundtrack
Last book you read: This Modern Love by Will Darbyshire
Last thing you ate: Sushi (it was so good i love sushi)
Time travel to: The Roman Empire so see gladiator fights I feel like that would have been cool to see. Also, probably the 80′s cause I feel like that was a wild time to be alive.
Fictional character hangout: I’d love to hang out with Yuuri Katsuki, Bokuto and Kuroo along with Kageyama and Hinata from Haikyuu!!, and Midoriya and All Might
Favorite Childhood Superhero: I really liked Nightwing and Beast Boy
Current fandom obsession: Yuri on Ice and Boku no Hero Academia
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