#gk sofia
bowietiee · 1 month
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⎣ GOLDEN KAMUY x astronomical bodies ⎤
all stars appear and tell us their stories for a reason
it took me a plenty of time to finish this thing, and every single manga frame bears its own meaning
if even one single soul is interested, i can make a post about my choices. im desperate abt this creation and i really NEED the world (hello my fellow gk fandom you're my whole world) to see it. not gonna tell you how many times i dropped my tears while making it
so yeah
enjoy my salty tears
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pemcb · 3 months
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Women for women’s day
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amidonexor · 8 days
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vladivostok gang
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kingslayerstew · 7 months
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Kiroranke, Wilk and Sofia ▪︎ Golden Kamuy s3e9 "Revolutionary"
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blyahasmoko · 2 months
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speaking of ageless beauty, i love her
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any thoughts or headcanons on sofia, wilk and kiro, and what it was like for them to be on the run after killing the czar? i have sooo many ideas i would love to share abt this, and even a backstory i wrote for sofia. so many fics to write, so little time,,
Hey there, @interstellarshipwreck! Thank you for your ask, love! I apologize for the delay in my response, I had to research a bit on the three and really think of their dynamic together. I especially love this one because they’re characters that aren’t so popular (at least, on my side of the fandom), I’m thankful and glad to be given the chance to write about them! ALSO “so many fics to write, so little time…” IS SUCH A MOOD. HANDSHAKE EMOJI WITH YOU RIGHT NOW, MY GOOD FELLOW
I would absolutely love to hear about your own thoughts and backstory (OMG A BACKSTORY PLEASE FEED IT TO ME) about this!!!! I would love to hear more 🤲🥺
Sofia, Kiroranke, and Wilk Ten Year Runaways
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Okay, I’m gonna lay my main card down already: I hc that Kiroranke loved both Wilk and Sofia. His love for Sofia is canon. But honestly, Kiroranke’s devotion and love for Wilk during their revolutionary days were so deep and intimate, I can’t see it as just plain old war buddies type of love. He loved that man, hence it hurt so much to see the Wilk he loved since his teenage years grow into someone he didn’t know and couldn’t relate to anymore in the end. It was like betrayal. Maybe one day I should write more about that. But yes, sometimes I think the manga was framing the trio as some sort of love triangle, and it was, but it was Kiroranke loving the both of them. I argue that in that aspect, he was their emotional core. 
I think Kiroranke and Wilk had moments together — Kiroranke, a teenage boy in love with someone older than him, desperately kissing an injured Wilk after the assassination. He would be embarrassed about it, ashamed of his actions, but Wilk said nothing but thanks for his concern. Kiro looking deep into shining blue eyes crinkled in mirth underneath a layer of blood, you fucking bet he realized right then and there he would follow this man wherever he goes. I feel like in those ten years, they had some kind of tension between them that wasn’t platonic in nature. Kiro would be passionate and show his adoration for the older man in actions rather than words — being loyal to his leader, following orders without any complaints. Wilk was calculated and cautious, hence he wasn’t verbally affectionate, but he’d always had his hand on Kiro’s shoulder in greeting or leaning into his bigger bulk when resting… there was definitely some quiet affection shared between the two of them. 
Asirpa in the early parts of the manga tells Sugimoto that a lot of women fell in love with Wilk because of his fine motor skills, especially when crafting something from his own hands. I hc that Sofia wasn’t any different. In my mind, there was a point during their runaway days where Sofia asked Wilk to teach her how to hunt, and Wilk crafted her a simple knife Ainu-style while telling her stories about his childhood to pass the time (maybe she heard about the story of child Wilk and the wolf during this time). She started to fall for the man who was passionate about his heritage and was willing to do anything for the people he loved. When it was finished, Wilk brought her along to a two-man hunt. She wasn’t successful at hunting, despite Wilk’s instructions, but Wilk — who had caught their dinner for that night — encouraged her by telling her that she can practice hunting with him and Kiroranke if she wanted to. 
Sofia can’t cook for shit, Kiro can manage, but Wilk was the master at their, er, makeshift kitchen. I can see Sofia being the Sugimoto to Kiroranke and Wilk’s Asirpa, wherein the boys would cook something that is “exotic” to Sofia’s tastes. Initially, she subconsciously balks at the ingredients and cooking processes, but then later reminds herself that her culture and their culture were equal — they both deserve the same respect and reverance. She ends up liking the mixed cuisines a lot. Also, Wilk who came from both Polish minorities and Ainu people probably did a lot of fusion dishes for fun. 
I can see Sofia to be their spymaster. Sofia is a pretty woman, knows French and Russian, and isn’t wanted by the police. Hence, she’s the least suspicious out of the three. I bet that she was really good at her job because she’s a great actress. I’m willing to bet she used her aristocratic knowledge to steal from a fellow nobleman during their runaway years. The reason why she started slipping when it came to Hasegawa was because for the first time in ten years, she felt at peace (this was primarily because of the close presence of Olga, Hasegawa’s child). I can even extrapolate that she enjoyed holding Olga close to her because she would daydream of her own child with Wilk. 
Wilk knew that both Kiroranke and Sofia loved him, but didn’t do anything about it. He also knew that Kiroranke was in love with Sofia, and made hints to Kiro that he knew, but he was passive when it came to emotions like that. Maybe he saw that maintaining the emotions and reciprocating even a tiny bit was beneficial for him as a leader. Although, I can see him being more partial to Kiroranke because of their shared goal.
Wilk has a great singing voice, I can see him as a baritone. Which means that his voice is well-suited for lullabies and humming. Sometimes when Wilk was on the watch for their group, he would hum songs from his childhood. Both Kiroranke and Sofia would pretend that they were already asleep to hear him quietly and gently string notes that would form soft lullabies about Ainu proverbs and stories. More often than not, they both fall asleep into deep slumber whenever they hear Wilk. It’s a soothing rumble, a very nice sound to let go of consciousness and clutch dreams.
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piduai · 1 year
the church arc was a rollercoaster for me personally emotionally speaking, it tempered me like a sword and it kept hitting and it went so low it was about to break both itself and me. but by the end all doubt was burned away and the image became crystal clear, pure gold, pure bliss. the way it all happened in a church, at night, by candlelight. tsurumi's lengthy monologues? a confessional, though of doubtful sincerity. he's the serpent and the spurned martyr. it's always biblical with this horse
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myrfing · 2 years
seeing the blinds fall from koito & tsukishima’s eyes at pretty much the same time but seeing them both deal with it so differently was too good. the fact they found solace in each other as the sole survivors of tsurumi’s uhhhh thing in the end crazy
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allseeingbirchtree · 1 month
/ gk finale spoilers
one of the things i love most about golden kamuy (though there are hardly any things i don’t love about golden kamuy) is the characters’ deaths. it’s almost surreal how good noda is at evading the little things that can make a fictional death melodramatic and silly and hitting you straight in the heart.
ienaga and ushiyama both finding “perfection” and fulfillment in dying so that another person can live. botarou finding the true realization of his dream in dying so that another person can live and remember him. hijikata recalling his youth and letting new young warriors take his place. sofia dying forgiven after a lifetime of guilt. toni anji’s quiet death that is devoid even of sound effects on manga’s pages. nikaidou getting split in half (physically) and through this, at long last, reuniting with his other half (metaphorically). usami receiving tsurumi’s grand gesture of love, in a way that he’s aware of (the “brother in arms” speech) and in a way that he’s unaware of (the pinky finger). kiroranke calling out for sofia. heiji koito thinking of his son as he’s sinking with his ship. ueji seeing his father’s disappointed face in his own and laughing as he falls to death. inudou dying by the object of his life-long obsession. sekiya’s death proving to him that the world is more than simply a sequence of random events. henmi’s obsession with death and sugimoto’s mercy of giving him a good one. heita’s “i managed to beat it”. ogata’s entire dying monologue as he can’t deny his true feelings anymore.
“but really… it’s such a relief”.
death as a relief. death that completes a person or one that brings them happiness and fulfillment. one of the most intimate parts of human experience. noda writes his deaths in a way that allows the readers some alone time with the dying character — as we learn the conclusion to their story.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 7 months
Would Tsurumi's character arc changed to a grand extent if the fate of Olga and Fina was different? In a way they lived and Tsurumi had less to no trauma about his family. Is his arc really lowkey turns around what happened to his family, kind of? What changed do you think it would make for his role in GK if that event went different in which they lived?
It's an interesting question!
Possibly it would have, as he might have decided to remain in Russia with them, maybe even switch loyalties between Russia and Japan, or he would take them back to Japan with him and not harbour any other ambition than be with them or, at least, wouldn't have harboured such a great grudge toward Wilk and might have remained a more human person or, at least, a less ambitious one.
There's to say though, in the last third of the manga his family drama is underused, basically it merely became an excuse to guilt trip Sofia into talking and into letting Tsurumi kill her. Tsurumi insists it's not his family drama what's moving him, and even though it's made clear he hates Wilk because he blames him for his loss and transferres this hate to Asirpa... well, all this hate just exists and goes nowhere.
It's not a motive, it's not an obstacle to overcome, it's not something that causes him to make mistakes (unless we want to consider the fact his brain started leaking like crazy in Vol 21 when he talks with Asirpa and never again [by the way this wasn't in the magazine version so if you're reading the mangazine version you might not know what I'm talking about]).
So... who knows?
The story wanted to say that loss was the thing that turned him into the Tsurumi we know so, without it, we wouldn't have Tsurumi therefore theoretically Fina and Olga's survival would have been a big change for him... but again, with how underused the whole thing was, we can't really tell what exactly it would have changed.
That's a question, I guess, only Noda knows the answer of.
Still thank you for your ask!
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grimescum · 1 month
SORRY FOR THE GK SPAM but i forgot to mention that me and my mom are on season 4 of golden kamuy now!! i've been watching the dub with her every day for the past few weeks (ive already watched the sub on my own, she just prefers dub)
her opinions on the characters as of rn are below :o3
asirpa: her absolute favorite
sugimoto & shiraishi: her two husbands. gets all giddy when sugi is on screen. got on me bc i said shut up to shiraishi
ushiyama & tsukishima: she says theyre her friends. she feels particularly bad for tsuki and thinks his face is funny
kiroranke: she says she thought he was a little cute but shes mad at him right now
koito: she's only said "coitus" everytime hes come on screen so far
ogata: she understands him but i dont think she feels any particular way
hijikata: she doesnt understand me 💔
tsurumi: she thinks hes weird
sofia: she thought she was cute in her youth but once she got older she said that she looked "mannish" and like an old man (derogatory). i did not let that shit fly. she respects her now
usami: she had trouble w connecting names to faces before but did so a lot quicker with him. wants to see more of him,, hasnt seen how freaky he is yet though
gansoku & tanigaki: "big babies". she thinks gansoku is cute though (based!!!)
sekiya: we both agreed he looks like sheldon big bang theory. "his eyebrows are worse than mine"
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pemcb · 1 year
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chibivesicle · 2 years
End of GK thoughts
I feel like I’m going back to the mindset I first had when I was reading GK and writing meta and going more with my gut. 
So, what did I think of the end of GK?
It was disappointing to say the least. 
Okay, I said it - moving on to other things . . . or you can read more reasons why it was disappointing to me.
What got me to lose interest as a reader (besides all sorts of IRL stuff) was that the last story arc was sloppy.  It had a vibe of it being far to rushed with too many loose threads and plot points that never got resolved. First off - the endings for the characters.
1.) Sugimoto and Asirpa return to Hokkaido - this was the one ending that I absolutely did not want to have happen.  This is further emphasized that indeed, Umeko never needed Sugimoto’s help which makes his entire premise - just dumb.  She took care of herself buddy and you ran away from things, just like you ran away from your burnt down house.  The MC’s entire rationale for the entire story was - utterly pointless.  To think that @goldenkamuyhunting and I wrote lots of metas about how Sugimoto was making a huge assumption that he needed to do this and never spoke to her in the flashback. . . .
2.) Many character deaths fell short or felt meaningless (and not in the futility of life sort of way).  Ushiyama, Hijikata, Ogata, Sofia . . . they all just sort of pathetically happened with very OOC moments for everyone except for Hijikata but it was still - meh. 
3.) Shiraishi using the gold he got to live out Boutarou’s dream - which seems OOC for him as well seeing that he was good friends Kiro and understood what he was fighting for.  To instead side with a Japanese convict’s more selfish dream was just weird.  Dude, Shiraishi was the one who really took the time to mourn Kiro’s death and thought of him in his youth on the river in a canoe . . . he was your friend man and you had a better understanding of his rationale than Sugimoto ever did. 4.) Tanigaki returns to his home in Akita with Inkarmat and they have lots of kids.  What about his debt to Huci?  We never saw that resolved, instead he lives happily ever after with a family that is even more marginalized due to the Matagi-Ainu combo?
5.) What happened to the tiger curse?  Not only with Tanigaki but Koito and Tsukishima.  Instead, Koito goes on to get that leadership position he wanted with Tsukishima in the 7th until is will be dissolved due to the end of WWII. 6.) Anyone who had a strong political/social justice opinion died - specifically non-Japanese charas.  I’m looking at Kiro - the native who died fighting the system while Asirpa and Ariko take on the more integrated native way to survive.  I’m sure they had a great time dealing with discrimination, poverty and all that stuff.  Watch the Indie film Ainu Mosir to see what that looks like in present day Hokkaido. I’m also looking at Sofia who never got full potential as a character.  Or even Wilk - who I’d still nominate as the worst father of the year for many years.  He may have been misguided with his plans e.g. people don’t behave like he does but he was still working for something for the native peoples.  I continue to waffle back and forth if this is a case of a Japanese creator not wanting to capture them well and thus doesn’t try or that he’s using the excuse of not being of those groups so he can’t depict them. 7.) The ending was all about Japanese people fighting over the future of Hokkaido with no input from those who live there.  And that was what made this really disappointing for me.  Asirpa lost most of her agency, deferring to follow whatever Sugimoto did.  Ariko was absent having been heavily wounded previous in the plot.  Kirawus was just there with Kadokura in the background. 8.) No one cared about Vasily - honestly, really - he was useless to the overall plot.  Again, a foreigner who’s continued existence was just not doing much of anything.  It would have been better if he died when Ogata shot him at the Japanese-Russian border. Now that I got that off my chest, I can drop my second point in no particular order.
The last story arc was meandering, unfocused, and wasted potential.  What I mean by this is that before the final arc, the manga had much tighter pacing and control.  The plot moved forward in such a way that things tied in neatly and kept the readers guessing what would be important to remember and what might be foreshadowing.  It really lost me at a time when it was hard to put in the effort.  I’m not sure what Noda and his editor were thinking - or not thinking, but it showed.  I know we can get tired of things and it makes it hard to focus on them or give them the love they deserve.  If Noda were having creative burnout - something that could totally have been worse due to the pandemic - than he should have gone on hiatus and restructure things.  The elements of the story that I really enjoyed were lost in the last arc - the sociopolitical element and the nuanced approach to characters who became very disposable at the end. 
As story like this needed to breathe at the end and it never got a chance to come up for air.  It just got smothered in a murder/kill fest of violence souring things for me.  I had entertained the thought of writing about how bummed out I was at Ogata’s ending, but I’ve realized it isn’t even worth it.  Noda, if you wanted Ogata to die, you should have stuck to your original plan on the ice floe.  Thanks.
The Karafuto arc had me hooked to read each new chapter.  I loved it and how much it made me think about the historical and political context of things as a reader on something I knew very little of.  The last arc could not follow that up.  At. All. What this means is that if GK ended in a more cohesive manner - I’d rate it one of the best manga series that I’ve read.  However, it didn’t.  So, I’ll have to bump it down to a better than average manga that was good until the last arc.  Was this a terrible manga?  No, I still see it as better than most with themes and ideas that really started to make you think.  The problem is that it stopped doing that in the last arc and it shows.  Do I hate Noda?  Of course not.  He still put lots of effort into making the manga good for a long time.  I just expected him to do more and it didn’t work out that way.  Would I recommend this - sure, but I would do so with the caveat that the last arc falls in quality.
And I’m going to leave things here.
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kingslayerstew · 1 year
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teen revolutionaries
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femkabru · 2 years
the first ep of GK s4 was really good!! I decided to go through the relevant manga chapters and see what they cut/changed from this episode. The episode starts from chapter 201 and goes to 203. The second half the episode adapts chapter 172 (+the last few pages of 171).
Right at the beginning as the gang is leaving Russia they cut a scene of them stopping at a Karafuto Ainu village and eating “Grandma’s chewed dango”. Losing out on some choice Sugimoto Faces
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as well as this page that shows Koito starting to connect the dots re: his kidnapping. (Since they skipped Koito’s entire backstory in season 3... it wouldn't make sense to include)
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In chapter 202, because of the cut rice/dango scene from before, Shiraishi no longer throws rice into the air for the crows, instead ripping up and throwing the Russian sweet instead. (a very minor change, but still lol)
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Another minor change, In chapter 203, the man that walks past Koito and Tsukishima is just one guy, not a comically large family piled onto one horse.
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Later on, after Asirpa and Sugimoto contemplate Sophia’s whereabouts, we miss out on the scene of Sofia beating the shit out of Gansoku and ripping her shirt off +saying she's going to Hokkaido. (though maybe this will be in next ep?)
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As for the second half of the episode, I found it interesting they decided to go back and adapt Sekiya’s arc now. So far it didn't seem to cut out anything really. I guess the anime crew really does love Hijikata most </3
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