#girls n guns
asphaltangel-1 · 2 months
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podema98-blog · 1 year
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Elegant, beautiful and really dangerous. Don't mess with her...
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rag-cat-rp · 1 year
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Female mobster's dinner... 🍽️👑💣
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bonerdonorxxx44 · 2 years
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somnimagus · 8 months
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-blonde horror protagonist's abrupt and incorrect assumptions about blonde people
[id in alt]
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nymphdoll1e · 7 months
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seresinhangmanjake · 3 months
Not Your Type: Part 1
Jake Seresin x Goth Girl!Reader
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Summary: Jake Seresin doesn't usually have to try hard to get women, but the only woman to catch his attention in a long time doesn't want anything to do with him.
Notes/Warnings: Jake is annoying in this part. Unwanted flirting. This is a series, but it will be more like glimpses into their lives over time. Cursing. Eventually 18+
Words: 1269
Not Your Type Masterlist
Day 1: Meeting
“Holy shit.”
Bradley finishes his swig of beer before following his teammate's locked stare. Chuckling as he shakes his head, he says, “Don’t even bother.”
Jake’s eyes don’t waver from the woman who has snatched his attention quicker than a snap of the fingers. “Why not? She–”
“Deserves to be spared from your bullshit,” Bradley interrupts. “You pull a lot of shit on a lot of women, do you really think it’s a good idea to fuck with one that looks like she’ll cast some sort of spell on you?”
The blond’s head turns and tilts to keep his view of the woman covered in black from head to toe as she moves through the crowd. “I’m not so sure she hasn’t already.”
“Jesus,” Bradley mutters, putting the bottle to his lips again. He rolls his eyes at Jake’s lack of blinking while watching her take a seat at the bar. “Goth princess over there is not going to want anything to do with you. You look like a shiny, private school douchebag. You are a shiny, private school douchebag.”
“What do you think the chances are she’s into that?”
“Zero. Did you not just hear me?”
Finally, green eyes meet brown. “You know, you could take a lesson from Bob and be a little more supportive.”
Bradley snickers, nudging his head the woman’s way. “I give it five minutes and you’ll be limping back over here with your tail between your legs.”
Jake pats the brunet on the shoulder. “Thanks, buddy.”
“Any time.” 
Out of the chaos of melding sounds, it’s the scrape of a stool over hardwood flooring that manages to stand out. Surrendering your effort to separate one voice from another, you open your eyes to see in your peripherals that the stool—the stool that was right next to you; the stool that was perfectly satisfied being vacant—has been disturbed. It was unmoving and empty, as you liked it, and now it’s occupied, as you do not like it. A knee nearly bumps yours as a body shifts to get comfortable, but it’s pulled back in time to avoid the collision. 
With arms braced on the bartop, the man now beside you leans forward a bit to place himself in your line of vision; not fully, but enough for you to detect a hint of blond hair and tanned skin and pearly white teeth. 
“Hi,” he says. When you glance his way, his eyes gleam, emphasizing the sparkling flecks within the green. “I’m Jake.”
“Is that so.” 
Your lips thin in unenthused acknowledgment and you return your attention to your fingers twisting the stem of your martini glass. The black lip print on the rim makes two full rotations before he opens his mouth again.  
“Are you waiting on somebody?” he asks. “A date, maybe?”
“No,” you tell him, immediately cursing yourself for providing him with an answer. 
Somehow his grin gets bigger. Too wide, too radiant, too confident. He’s too squeaky clean for your taste. “What’s your name?”
You take a sip of your drink and let the entirety of it, aftertaste included, disappear completely before you say, “What could you possibly need my name for?”
“Should I just call you Hot Goth Princess instead?” He smirks. “I’m not against it if that’s what you want, but it’s less personal than I prefer.”
This guy wants your full attention—well, he’s got it. Your brows knit and you shoot him a glare. “No, you should not call me Hot Goth Princess,” you snap.
You don’t know his game, but you know you’re not interested. You’re not interested partly because he should not be interested in you. There’s a type that goes after you; dark, brooding, with tattoos that were done in a dirty garage after getting high. However, you won’t deny there are striking similarities in what attracts you to those men and what this man also possesses. The light eyes, the bone structure, the neat hair and the muscles thick enough to rip the short sleeves of a shirt. He ticks plenty of the boxes on your superficial checklist, but he’s also the antithesis of everything you are. If he weren’t showing signs of being the jerk you think he is, he’d be sunshine-bright to an irritatingly blinding degree; and you weren’t called Vampire Girl by some preteen brats the other day for no reason. 
“How would you like it if I called you Over-Confident Ken Doll?”
You don’t back away when he leans in a little closer. “Sweetheart, if that’s what turns you on I’d be all for it.”
Your eyes narrow. “How does this work on other women?” you ask.
“What other women?” 
That green gaze slowly roams about your face, lingering on your mouth the longest. He stares and after a moment, you think he’s gotten lost. He stares like he wants to lick the midnight hue right off of your lips. He stares as other men have stared; their minds wandering, undoubtedly imagining what a black ring of lipstick would like around their cocks. 
“I only see you,” he says.
He meets your eyes again and in return you roll yours so hard you have a brief moment of concern that they might stay that way. “That is the biggest batch of bullshit I’ve ever heard in my entire life.”
He blinks and flinches, drifting a few inches out of your personal space. “What do you mean?”
A scoff leaves your mouth. “I’m not your type, Sweetheart.”
“You’re not?”
You turn in your seat, facing him. 
“It’s Jake, right?” He nods, and you don’t miss the harsh bob of his Adam’s apple. “Well, Jake, I’m not new around here. I’m a regular, actually, and you know what? You’ve not noticed me before tonight. Not once. But I've noticed you. You’re loud and arrogant and it’s a very specific type of woman that flocks to you.” Your hand plants on your chest directly above your heart. “I am not that type of woman. So whatever this is that you’re doing,” you say, motioning between your body and his, “I don’t buy it.”
Either he’s not quick enough to come up with a logical response or you’ve stunned him into silence. He doesn’t say a thing when you twist back around in your seat and finish off your drink in one gulp, but his eyes on your face are burning. 
“Don’t waste my time,” you continue, “Or risk having your ego bruised further.”
The silence between you lasts too long, edging its way into awkward territory. Thankfully, he breaks it.
“Alright,” he mutters. He clears his throat and stands. “Sorry.”
You avoid looking his way until he’s far enough for a few bodies to partially block your view of him and the friend he joins. The friend laughs as Jake runs a hand through his hair. Still laughing, he says something, and Jake gives a defeated shrug of his slightly slumped shoulders before you see him start to turn his head. 
You whip around, hoping he doesn’t catch you watching him. His eyes linger again and they burn you just as strongly as they did when he was within twelve inches of your face; which means you feel the exact second he looks away. 
Releasing the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in your lungs, you glance over at him one last time, but it’s the friend who greets you. He smirks at you, then he chuckles and shakes his head. When he pats the shoulder of a hunched-over Jake, you suddenly feel a little bad. 
But not that bad.
A/N: Please understand that Jake’s behavior in this fic is not something I condone. I know he’s a bit too aggressive but it is not my intention to offend anyone. So hopefully I didn't. Thanks for reading :)
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw @ssa-sadboi @buckysteveloki-me @whatislovevavy @dreamlandcreations
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holywhorror · 7 months
can someone tell me why special ops, former servicemen, cowboys, bikers, tattooed gun & knife enthusiasts, and metalhead gym rats are so hot?? what's the math behind this? why big scary man sexy?
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asphaltangel-1 · 2 months
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podema98-blog · 1 year
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unknownn-girl · 2 months
lizzy loves her heavy metal boys
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she has also mentions mötley and nirvana in her songs (she references nirvana a lot)
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rag-cat-rp · 1 year
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Each beauty is a gangster, but not each gangster is beautiful...
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auroramercedes · 18 days
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^babygirlest babygirl at the function
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killazilla777 · 7 months
older duff can get it idec
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