#girl was down before she walked into The Beef like...s3 please
blackjack-15 · 5 months
ep 3!
"you can't curb that kind of chaos. until the thinking changes" wow we're getting a thesis statement this early huh
the way carmy obviously internalizes that plus syd's suggestions from her binder from last ep and proposes the brigade system and is confused when syd objects XD bless him he's trying
syd's impatience + idealism is showing through here -- she wants the Beef to be better, but while she has ideas as to how to make that happen, she doesn't have the patience to implement ones that she's not 100% sure will work. i'm sure there's a reason she's so risk averse right now, but she's working with carmy who is prone to taking risks and fighting his way out of them, so it's obviously gonna clash. carmy's not a cynic, he's the opposite kind of idealist from syd. syd believes if you just change things for the better, things will be better, easy as that. carm believes that if you do everything in your power and adapt on the fly to challenges, you'll reach a good place. it's a very different mindset and you can see syd's lack of experience shining through. it's not a bad thing,
"it'll make it a hierarchical shit-show" "what is it now?" "...a shitshow, but --" THE BEAR IS A COMEDY
i dunno if i've said it before, but i'm saying it possibly again: we get the most authentic carmy around syd. it's not an accident.
"the c stands for chaos! that can't happen again!" as the arcade is beeping behind him and the phone is ringing. nothing's an accident in TV, chaos is the regression to the mean in The Beef, carmy needs to learn to harness it, rather than regiment it. a little regimentation will help, it's just gotta be tempered
also having lived in towns where a handful of mom-and-pop diners had a C for a few months (and a B regularly), while it might deter more squeamish people and new customers, it's not gonna touch the regulars. small, local joints run solely on word of mouth and how long they've been a 'local institution'. a C, while not good, is not panic-inducing, especially since given the end of ep 2 it looks like the inspector will be back pretty soon, but Carmy's gonna panic more as even a B would have been fatal at any other place he's worked at
leaving syd to assign roles wasn't great, but also wasn't horrible; the kitchen doesn't really listen to carmy, particularly richie -- not that they listen to syd, but it wasn't a worse option than carmy doing it. he's so relieved to have someone he can rely on that he overdoes it, but it's a huge deal that he feels that he Can rely on her.
they're really not shy pointing out that the Beef needs carmy and syd to have all hands on deck. from the very little i know about s2, seems like that's the hydra to slay
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miggydiaz · 3 years
For the salty ask 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 23 and 26 for cobra kai pretty please
My answers are so long, so I am putting this under the cut @wonderwolfballoon! Also I just noticed your Daniel icon I SWEAR I’M NOT DRAGGING HIM TO BE MEAN!!!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* My biggest IDGI ships for CK are probably Elimetri or Kiaz. I’m not here to yuck other people’s yums or anything, but I do think there is something to the idea that Migueli isn’t popular because it’s a ship predicated on mutual respect for one another. Kiaz has the obvious enemies to lovers vibe and I just generally don’t sail those ships. Elimetri has... its problems, IMO, most especially around the idea that Demetri has to like... save Hawk from himself? Idk. I just like romances that I feel are based on love and mutual respect and not ...tropes.

 I am also not a Lawrusso shipper although I have a lot of those on my dash and you all are great! Again, not yucking yums! Daniel just makes me want to head butt him too much to pair him romantically with anyone 😂 I don’t even want his wife with him. He needs to self reflect~ 

4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* 

I once saw someone ship Amanda and Anoush and I noped out of that so fucking fast I almost tripped over myself. I’m not sure if they’re popular. I just think some people feel the need to get Amanda out of the way to sail their ship and stuck her with Anoush which... no. Just no. Let Amanda be a messy single queen with a martini hobby, thanks! 

5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* 

Not in CK. I’m lucky because I pretty much stick to my little Migueli bubble and I’m okay with that? Lmao lord knows the Squad on my dash is all about the DISCOURSE™️ so idk if I just don’t feel the need to get sucked into the wider ship wars because we have good healthy debates, but so far, so good. 

6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* 

I never hated it... I just didn’t have many feelings on shipping with this show in general at first. Then I was in the CK tag one day and I saw Migueli fan art. Then I discovered @afurioushawk‘s falconry series and it was all over for me after that! So fandom DID make me love a ship, just not one I hated.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? Oh boy. How much time do you have? In some instances, it’s a good thing season 3 happened because otherwise, this would be a multi-page essay on the problems with race and class privilege as it pertains to Sam LaRusso and just some... generally not nice comments about Demetri that I’m conflicted about because I’m not sure if the writers are intentionally trying to write him a specific way and it’s just not translating to me or what. But season 3 revamped both of their images with me a lot. I’m way more flexible in terms of Demetri, but lmao I was the number one Sam LaRusso hater for a minute there (or maybe number 2, I can think of at least 1 other person who was in that boat with me back in like... August/September, but I won’t call them out because I don’t want them to get hate...) However, I have grown a bit in my opinions of Sam, and even though I still think she’s responsible  for a lot of shit she NEVER gets held accountable for, I also think that’s a reflection of the adults around her too, and this includes my otherwise unproblematic queen, Amanda.
But honestly, my most hated character (other than the obvious villain that is Kreese) is Daniel. No matter how handsome Ralph Macchio looks in cable-knits, because Daniel has always been a sanctimonious, shit starting drama king and I say that about KK Daniel too. I’m not saying Daniel was the ~true villain~ or anything, or that Johnny was innocent -- I can only drink so much Red and Yellow Kool-Aid -- but Daniel’s always been annoying to me as a protagonist, and turning him into a smarmy wealthy car salesman who is also a class traitor did not do him any favors in my book. I will say, I also like Daniel more in season 3 than I have in previous season, but since he is the adult, I will be mad at him longer than I will be at the kids, ya feel?
10. Most disliked arc? Why?

 Johnny’s entire season 3 storyline. The sheer level of REGRESSION at every turn drives me bonkers. It’s like watching him go through all of the stumbling blocks of season 1 all over again, but without the “he’s learning! He’s going to make mistakes!” free pass that I was willing to give him the first time around. He regularly jeopardizes Miguel’s recovery and it’s played for laughs. He fucks up on every level with Robby. He spends most of his time running away when things get hard or too real. He drops the ball completely with Hawk, and like, not to put too fine a point on it, but a lot of Hawk’s issues are because Johnny put Hawk on this ‘flip the script and be a badass’ path and then offered him no guidance for how to walk that path and instead left him in the hands of Kreese. And then he has the nerve to go to Hawk and basically be like “I made you what you are!” lmao yeah Johnny, you sure did, that’s why he’s breaking peoples arms, hoss. And then all of the nonsense with Ali and Carmen, like... if you were planning on teasing KK fans with Ali and him getting back together, why write her as married in the first place? Why even tease the idea of Carmen and Johnny until after you were sure what you were going to do with Ali as a character? Instead, they do what they did in season 3 and it makes him look like a colossal jerk. So yeah. Literally every choice they made with Johnny this season, I hated.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? People who hate Tory are not valid, sorry not sorry.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I would have kept Miguel entirely out of Tory and Sam’s beef. Or at least not directly inserted him into it like he was with the kiss. I know the writers thought it was necessary to push Tory to the point of inciting a fight at school, but I am just so exhausted over girls being unable to fight about anything but boys. Also I would bring Aisha back.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom? 

I am probably biased, but I still maintain it’s Migueli. Look, Miguel stood up to Kyler for Eli and Demetri both. Hawk joined CK because he saw what it could do for some skinny nerd who was getting his ass kicked. And he took to CK, really took to it! Even flourished before he started getting mixed messages. And he and Miguel were pretty much inseparable after that. They coordinated their wardrobes ffs. Hawk dubbed him El Serpiente and no one else calls him that — it’s Hawk’s nickname for him. Miguel confides in Hawk only secondary to Johnny, who is like a father to him. The entire Coyote Creek exchange shows they can fight and disagree but... well, to use the cliche, they don’t go to bed angry, you know? They’re square the very next day. Hawk is the first person at Miguel’s side when he gets kicked over the balcony and the LOOK he gives the second floor where Robby is? That boy is out for blood immediately to avenge Miguel. So much of his s3 behavior is fueled by that need for vengeance because MD is wholly responsible for what happened to Miguel. And Miguel is so confused and betrayed by Hawk’s shift in behavior, and yet still holds out hope that Hawk will see through Kreese’s BS and come with him to The Dojo I Refuse to Name. And when Hawk does make that deflection finally, he shows up at MD with Miguel. There’s so much more that I know I’m missing but whether someone ships them or not, that is a tried and true love and respect for one another, a willingness to fight for and defend one another that you don’t often see in TV friendships... or even in most tv relationships. And I just think that’s the best ❤️
22. Popular character you hate?

 Daniel, hands down. I mean... I don’t even necessarily hate Daniel, you know? I just think it’s really, pardon the pun, rich that a guy of immense wealth and privilege can’t get a therapist or turn to his far too patient wife for help with his existential crisis over his high school bully opening up a karate dojo to make some money and help a kid who is getting the crap kicked out of him. I get that Daniel’s narrative is necessary for the rivalry, but it does nothing to make him sympathetic as a character.
23. Unpopular character you love?

 Tory, definitely! Everyone hates her and then there’s me and the Squad over here banging away on our Coors Banquet cans yelling TORY RIGHTS! Seriously she catches so much flack for a teenage girl who is... the sole income provider for her family? At 17? While caring for a sick mom and a little brother? And fending off a creepy landlord? Tory has it so rough and then she meets a cool girl at her dojo who asks her to hang out at some fancy ass country club which is probably the nicest place Tory has ever been in, and then she gets talked down to and accused of being a thief and has another girl lay hands on her, only to find out that same girl is her new boyfriend’s ex and... ugh. I HATE that Tory gets shit all over when Tory and Sam wouldn’t even have beef if Sam had apologized to Tory as she SHOULD have. Tory isn’t innocent, but damn, I’d be pressed too.

 My other unpopular character I love? Nathaniel. Seriously that kid is THE best. He’s a literal child but is out there like I WILL FUCK YOU UP, even though he’s MD. Honestly, his Cobra Kai energy is so ferocious I won’t be surprised if he moves back to CK eventually. Anyway, I love him.

26. Most shippable character?

 Miguel, hands down. It’s because he’s so affable and sweet overall. And because his hair is so fluffy and pettable that no one can resist touching it. I like to imagine that one day he and Hawk are talking about their hair and Hawk makes a joke about how Miguel’s mane is getting so long that it’s going to be bigger than his own, and then he reaches out to ruffle it and internally has a bisexual meltdown because oh no IT’S SO SOFT AND NICE. But uh... anyway, yes. Definitely Miguel.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
Batter up! S3 Ep10 Sound & Fury Recap & Review #Empire
rate this episode 5 ***** and grade it a 10. You must see this episode. You can catch this episode on Comcast On Demand or the Fox Now App.
Man oh man, Empire returned with some heat, some fire, and a bat. Yesss!!! Empire started with a bang. The opening with Remy Ma and Stinky Fingers was nothing but love. I loved me some Remy, indeed. 
The Lyons are back. Lucious and Cookie seem to be beefing over his last stunt. Lucious tried to destroy Angelo's campaign for Mayor with a murder story from Angelo's past. Cookie not too happy with him for coming for her man. Lucious is on stage announcing his latest project Inferno. As he makes his announcement, Cookie strikes with her get back. She brought Mama Leah on stage and announced this is Lucious mother. Reporters are confused because remember Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang. In that song, Lucious said his mother committed suicide. How is he going to explain this one? Cookie and Lucious are really at war now after this stunt.
Hakeem and Andre have a disagreement over who should perform at the upcoming showcase. Hakeem said Tiana was already approved to perform by Cookie. Andre is trying to give the showcase to Nessa. It looks like Andre and Hakeem haven't solved their difference. Andre calls Lucious into the meeting for the final decision. Due to beef with Cookie, Lucious voted against Tiana since Cookie already approved her to performed. Becky is still disliking Xavier. Her knowing her job and letting it be known she knows her job might cause her to be fired. Cookie and Angelo are still together. Wow!! How long will they last? 
The Lyons family get together for a family meeting at the rehab facility Jamaal is attending. To everyone surprised Lucious shows up as well. Jamaal is saying he is clean and ready to go home. He has melodies of music in his head that he needs to release. Cookie tries to convince Jamaal he needs to finish his rehab program. Jamaal takes a shot at Cookie about finishing the pills in sink drain. Low blow Jamaal!!! As Cookie try to explain why she gave him the pills, Lucious interrupted. Lucious pointed out that Cookie gave Jamaal drugs to save her boyfriend campaign. He implied Cookie put her boyfriend Angelo before her son. Jamaal sits there in disbelief that Cookie and Lucious is bickering. Thirsty gets information from his sour that the FBI is investigating Lucious with his connection in Frank Gathers murder. Lucious give Thirsty all the names of who could have snitched but narrowed it down to one guy, Bam Bam.  
Andre and Shine met and discussed their plan to take over Empire. Shine tells Andre now might not be the time to try to take over Empire. Shine thinks Lucious Inferno project is going to be a big thang. Andre makes it clear, he not taking over Empire; he killing Lucious. Lucious is headed to a press conference with reporters. He doesn't give the reporters any information about his mother. He does announce he supports Angelo's opponent for Mayor. He reminds the reporter of Angelo murdering a young lady in his past. 
Back at the rehab, Jamaal is becoming friends with Tori. Tori is a singer who also got hooked on drugs and destroyed her career. Looks like she could be using Jamaal to rebuild her career. Jamaal explains how he needs to get out the rehab and work on his music. Tori says, let's get out.  
Nessa performs at the showcase. Her performance was interrupted by Hakeem and Tiana. Cookie and Lucious beef is causing so much drama and tension. Nessa and Tiana exchange some feisty words. Those words turn into a cat fight between the two ladies. While these two women are fighting, Lucious gets a call that Jamaal is missing from the rehab. Lucious and Cookie take off to find Jamaal. The first place they went was to see Derrick, Jamaal's producer boyfriend. Cookie is ready to bury Derrick in his grave for supplying drugs to Jamaal. Porsha comes in the studio with a video of Jamaal and Tori going into an old building. Cookie recognized the building. Jamaal and Cookie were at Tyrik's studio recording a song. Cookie and Lucious arrived questioning Tyrik about Jamaal whereabouts.
At first, Tyrik denying seeing Jamaal. Until Cookie wanted to get violent. Cookie and Lucious listen to Jamaal and Tori recording a new song until Jamaal sees his parents. Cookie walks in demanding to take him back to rehab. Tori tells Cookie, "they need to finish this song." This Tori girl, better back off. Cookie will ring her neck. Cookie didn't appreciate her speaking out of turn. Of course, Tori felt Cookie's wrath. Jamaal convinced Cookie and Lucious that he needs to be making music. Cookie and Lucious agreed to let him finish recording. 
Lucious meets with Bam Bam at his job. Bam Bam tries to explain his actions. Thirsty has Bam Bam's mother outside, and he see her, Lucious made it clear to Bam Bam that he will change his story for the Grand Jury. Bam Bam did exactly what was expected of him. Tariq has lost his case. His boss closed the case and made him take a leave of absence. Lucious FBI case is closed for now.
Cookie and  Jamaal are back at his place watching the latest news on Angelo. It looks like the murder case has been cleared up for Angelo.  Could Lucious have something to do with that? Jamaal and Cookie has a heart to heart talk. Jamaal claims he is done with drugs and focused on his music. I sincerely hope he is serious.  Lucious has a meeting at Empire about his project Inferno. His first ordered of business was firing Xavier. Yayyyy for Becky. I guess her driving around with Thirsty all day was a good thing. Ole, Thirsty came through for Becky. However, she still didn't get the A&R position. Lucious introduce his wife, Anika as the new head of Empire A&R Department. Cookie nicely excuses herself from the meeting.  I wow! I agree with Jamaal, Cookie, and Lucious has one sick kind of love. 
Lucious is at the studio listening to tracks. Cookie arrives at the studio with a baseball bat in hand. She is breaking everything in Empire. Cookie anger final is release and enough is enough for her. Cookie reminds Lucious of how he got his game on her back and her serving 17 years. Cookie swung that and landed her home run. She hit Lucious right in his head. Call me crazy,  but this is the best love and hate scene I've seen. Can't believe Lucious called her a hood rat like he isn't. The fire, the anger, the hurt, and the love ended in a kiss. Cookie stopped it before they took it any further. Sex didn't happen but the passion between Cookie and Lucious is undeniable. Could this power couple truly be over? I guess we will see.
Sneak clip of a scene from next week...
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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