powabnie · 2 years
Nie potrzebuje dużo czasu,
Żeby powiedzieć ci, kim jestem
Słyszysz mój głos w tej chwili,
Nie jestem nikim więcej
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beeholyshit · 5 months
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Playing xenoverse tonight, I needed to see my babygirl and I'm keeping these in my heart forever. He is an idiot I LOVE HIM WAAA
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istadris · 16 days
Unpopular Asterix meme: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
So when it comes to Asterix, I think the fandom is doing fine with him so far ?
BUT. What gets on my nerve is the "official" content makers : most of the live action movies (except Mission Cleopatra because that one is perfect) simply don't get what makes Asterix good ! And instead they turn him into the WORST character !
They don't know how to use a clever character without making him an insufferable know-it all. They don't know how to evoke his lack of love interests without making gross homophobic jokes and push forced straight romances on him (again, only Mission Cleopatra gets a pass because the romance with Gimmeakis is very cute and funny). They don't know how to make differentiate him from the rest of the Gauls without making unfunny jokes about him getting vegan. Hell, even his beef with Caesar is handled so poorly it gives me second hand cringe just from thinking about it.
And to some extent, even in good recent content, I feel like a lot of people don't really know how to use Asterix and instead just make him an extra in someone else's story. It didn't bother me too much in the Secret of the Magic Potion, because this was Getafix' movie and he deserves his moment of glory, but nowadays everytime there's a new album I find myself praying for the new authors to not butcher Asterix and give him some moment to shine.
Which is why, even if he gets ridiculed a couple of times in it, I really liked the Griffin album for giving our favorite short Gaul some golden moments ^^
Ask meme : unpopular opinion edition
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morte-a-elle-meme · 3 years
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Remember Gimmeakis from the live action movie Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra ?
I’ve always wanted to draw her in Uderzo’s style, so here’s one of my attempts. Sure, she only has, like, 2 lines of dialogue in the movie, but she’s the closest to an actual love interest Asterix ever got so she has a special place in my heart.
There’s more drawing of her coming out in the next days so keep checking the Asterix tag ^^
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morte-a-elle-meme · 3 years
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As promised, more Gimmeakis stuff. This is a redraw of the ending scene from Mission Cleopatra. Dialogue is just my personnal translation of some loose memory of seeing that scene like 10 years ago, sorry if it’s not accurate.
Flirty Asterix was really hard to draw, since it’s basically getting OOC for him ahaha
I’ll post some final Gimmeakis doodles tomorrow or the day after.
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morte-a-elle-meme · 3 years
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Here’s another drawing of Gimmeakis from Mission Cleopatra. She’ll keep changing hairdoes and jewellery because that’s exactly what she does in the movie. This look is from the egyptian-chess-thingie scene
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