nina316 · 2 years
#azerbaycan🇦🇿 #bakü #baki #weddingdress #wedding #weddingday #toylarimiz #xnaparty #weddingdecor #xinateskili #toylar_mekani #toylarimiz #toyartistry_elite #toynisan #decoration #mugenniler #neolit #hollivud #bakucastlerestaurant #halikarnas #gilavar #partytime #xinayaxdi #xınayaxdı #xinayaxti #xina #xına #xinaxoncasi #show #showtv #showxeber https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd1SSKbrtC8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirislamh · 6 years
Azər Zeynalov - Gilavar
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thelioninmybed · 7 years
For the ask meme, Gilavar
their blog url: @notlikeotherboys
the kind of posts they reblog: you know those gifsets of conventionally attractive white women striking poses with some superimposed text saying something vaguely empowering? The genderswapped equivalent of those. 
the first person they followed: He grudgingly followed Cierza back and likes all the swordpics she posts. 
what kind of theme they’d have: Something edgy and not all that aesthetically appealing that he coded himself (that’s right, boys can code, fuck the gender binary)
what kind of text posts they make at 2am: ‘While you were performing masculinity I studied the blade’
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travelbinge · 7 years
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By Gilavar
Baku, Azerbaijan
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annalandin · 5 years
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As a final goodbye to Asra, before it’s time to go - I’ve shared the short story I wrote for her backstory on Patreon, as well as the summary of the Star Crossed game I played as part of her epilogue. May you live happily ever after, you big, blue, awkward disaster-girl. <3
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anar-abasow · 2 years
Yazdığın məktubu aldım, gözəlim,
Titrədi məktubunu tutmuş əlim.
Soruşursan: "Nə var o bağda gəlim?"
-Nə deyim? Şanısı var, ənciri var,
Bir də bu bağda saralmış biri var,
Buranı görməmisən, pisləmə, gəl,
Görməmişlər kimi kin bəsləmə, gəl,
Öz bağın bil, qapıdan səsləmə, gəl,
Keç evə, qorxma, itin zənciri var.
Bir də zəncirləri qırmış biri var,
Yellədir pərdəni yüngül gilavar,
Bacası azca əzilmiş samavar
Göndərir göy Xəzərə əyri buxar.
Divarın Xəzri tərəfdə kiri var.
Bir də burda ürəyi saf biri var,
Gecə gəl, gör buranın mənzərəsin,
Xəzri çırpır qapısın, pəncərəsin,
Yapışıb bir yana dartır hərəsin,
Elə bil, meynələrin təqsiri var.
Bir də ondan daha çılğın biri var,
Gəl, xitam ver bu bağın matəminə,
Yol da burdan gedir eşq aləminə.
Orda kimdir batan eşqin qəminə?!
Ora dünya qəminin təsiri var.
Burda dünyadan əl üzmüş biri var,
Kamal Hüseynzadə - Biri var...
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tozlukuceler · 3 years
Yazdığın məktubu aldım, gözəlim,
Titrədi məktubunu tutmuş əlim.
Soruşursan: "Nə var o bağda gəlim?"
-Nə deyim? Şanısı var, ənciri var,
Bir də bu bağda saralmış biri var,
Buranı görməmisən, pisləmə, gəl,
Görməmişlər kimi kin bəsləmə, gəl,
Öz bağın bil, qapıdan səsləmə, gəl,
Keç evə, qorxma, itin zənciri var.
Bir də zəncirləri qırmış biri var,
Yellədir pərdəni yüngül gilavar,
Bacası azca əzilmiş samavar
Göndərir göy Xəzərə əyri buxar.
Divarın Xəzri tərəfdə kiri var.
Bir də burda ürəyi saf biri var,
Gecə gəl, gör buranın mənzərəsin,
Xəzri çırpır qapısın, pəncərəsin,
Yapışıb bir yana dartır hərəsin,
Elə bil, meynələrin təqsiri var.
Bir də ondan daha çılğın biri var,
Gəl, xitam ver bu bağın matəminə,
Yol da burdan gedir eşq aləminə.
Orda kimdir batan eşqin qəminə?!
Ora dünya qəminin təsiri var.
Burda dünyadan əl üzmüş biri var,
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jay-akhmed · 3 years
Mən səni olduğun kimi qəbul edirəm. Sən sadəcə mənim dostumsan. sənə olan sevgimdən səni hər halınla qəbul edəcəm. Əgər sən fiziki qüsurlusansa, səndən rəqs etməyini istəməyəcəm. birilərini sevməsən, onları səninlə ziyarətə gətirməyəcəm. Acsansa,səni yedizdirəcəm.
Daha yaxşı tanımaq üçün səni hissələrə ayırmayacağam. .sən bir hərəkət deyilsən, başqası deyilsən və bütün hərəkətlərin,duyğuların cəmi deyilsən. Səni dediyin sözlərə və ya hərəkətlərə görə mühakimə etməyəcəm. Sözləri və əməlləri sənin tərəfindən qiymətləndirəcəyəm.
Ancaq məni də qəbul etməlisən. Məni tanımayan və izahat tələb edən bir dostumla heç bir əlaqəm yoxdur, olmayacaq da. .özümü Xəzri və Gilavar küləkləri ilə sənə çatdırmaq mənim gücümdə deyil.
Mən dağam. Dağa nəzər salmaqla düşünmək olar, ancaq hiss etmək olmaz.
Sevgi belə məni anlamasa ,sənin eşitmədiklərini sənə necə izah edə bilərəm?
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nina316 · 2 years
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#azerbaycan🇦🇿 #bakü #baki #weddingdress #wedding #weddingday #toylarimiz #xnaparty #weddingdecor #xinateskili #toylar_mekani #toylarimiz #toyartistry_elite #toynisan #decoration #mugenniler #neolit #hollivud #bakucastlerestaurant #halikarnas #gilavar #partytime #xinayaxdi #xınayaxdı #xinayaxti #xina #xına #xinaxoncasi #show #showtv #showxeber https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyDGetMRgV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raxmetoffa · 3 years
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eltonqurban · 4 years
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1rashfeel · 4 years
Ən sevdiyim 10 mahnı trendini qəbul edirem
1. Şəmistan elizamanlı- qəlbin payızı
2. Aygün beyler-özün günahkarsan
3. Azər zeynalov- Gilavar
4. Elgün Hüseynov-sen ey uşaqlıq
5.Sexavet Məmmədov- azad bir quşdum
6. Anatollu Qəniyev- anamın gözləri yoldadır
7. Eyyub yaqubov- nağıl
8. Flora Kərimova- tapar məni
9. Oqtay Ağayev- ötən günlər
10. Aygün Zeynalova- dilbərin ariyası
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theredscreech · 5 years
Introducing My Original Work
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“If anyone knew about it, they would call it the Gods’ War. But no one knew about it. No one knew anything.”
Title: The Rider
Genre: Fantasy
Audience: Young Adult
Summary: 25 years after the forest goddess Írna vanishes, tragedy strikes the rural mounted patrols of the country Veribrar. Dozens of centaurs and their human riders are killed in a deluge of disasters and freak accidents. As the nation panics and blames everyone from mages to terrorists, Tyrthion, a centaur, must overcome his grief for his dead rider and best friend, and find a new rider.
Elría is living peacefully in a tiny village in Veribrar’s northeast with her brother Kethro when Tyrthion and his patrol arrive at the village gate. Called to a duty she never wanted, Elría must face the challenges of becoming the rider to a centaur who doesn’t want her yet chose her anyway.
And all the while, those behind the mass murders stalk the shadows, their sights narrowing on their true target.
World Building: Veribrar is a fantasy world where humans and non-humans of all kinds live in relative harmony, and magic - natural and learned alike - abounds.
Featured Critters (I’m just going to list two for now):
• Pocket Crooning Dragons, a special breed of dragon that is small enough to fit in most pockets, is used as a service animal, emits a crooning note to ground their owners in the present and/or drown out triggering sounds: Kona and Gilavar, belonging to two humans, Sebastian and Gwen respectively.
• Elría and Kethro’s Pony: Dragon, named so because when Kethro was little, he pretended to be a great knight and often rode a ‘dragon’ (read the family pony) into battle. The pony became so used to being called ‘Dragon’ that he won’t answer to anything else.
Status: Basic Outline, complete; First Draft, in progress.
If anyone would like to be tagged for future updates, send me a message.
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thelioninmybed · 3 years
too many fucking elves master post
It’s been a few years since I last posted a story about the Il’harren family, so since they’re back on their bullshit, I thought I’d put together a quick cheat sheet of who they are and why they hate each other to link so no one has to go reread the early stuff to remember what’s going on. 
Sharav Il’harren: Matriarch of the Il’harren household. Cool, calculating, and kind of a dick. Does not see how her children have turned out as an indictment of her parenting skills. Appearances: Whom The Gods Love, It’s Always Hardest on the Children, The Philosophy of Composition.
Zathri Il’harren: Oldest child and heir apparent until her untimely and pointless death. At Sharav’s behest, Serrika petitioned the gods to restore her to life and, after a fashion, they did. Zathri is no longer capable of inheriting her mother’s title, but she’s still very, very good at killing. Appearances: Whom The Gods Love (post-mortem)
Mathistrel Il’harren (Mathis): Second oldest of Sharav’s children. Was married to Qarajel, head of House Košava as a young man and gave her two sons (Gilavar and Tehaneth). Although the marriage was initially amicable, they quarrelled when Qarajel began to incur gambling debts, and quarrelled further over Mathis’s failure to give her an heir. By the time their daughter Marin was born, the marriage was irretrievable but Qarajel refused to allow a separation; at this point she owed a great deal of money to the Il’harrens and knew that holding Mathis was the only thing protecting her from reprisal. Mathis colluded with his sisters to enable an Il’harren attack that killed Qarajel, after which he and his sons returned to his mother’s house. Mathis is deeply bitter, drinks more than he should, and is haphazard in his parenting; while he has a good relationship with Tehaneth, his obvious favourite, he and Gilavar are constantly at odds and he took no interest in Khazri despite being his only male relative and, ostensibly, responsible for the boy. Sharav has not yet pressed the issue of remarriage but Mathis is quietly terrified that it is only a matter of time. Appearances: It’s Always Hardest on the Children, The Philosophy of Composition, Small Sacrifices (Flashbacks) 
Gilavar Il’harren (Gil): Oldest child of Mathis and Qarajel, styles himself as  Gilavar Košava in his mother’s honour. Without a true heir, Qarajel treated Gilavar like a daughter, allowing him to learn spells and swordsmanship despite the impropriety. As such, Gil was fiercely devoted to her, blaming his father for her death and refusing to cooperate with the Il’harren family’s later attempts to turn him into a proper young man. Gilavar was insolent, stubborn and never missed an opportunity to needle his father. As such, most people - including Gilavar himself - expected he would be chosen as House Il’harren’s offering at the sacrifice known as the Lady’s Feast. When Khazri was chosen instead, Gilavar was furious and made a series of decisions that many would consider unwise. Appearances: It’s Always Hardest on the Children,  The Philosophy of Composition, Stories For Children, Small Sacrifices (Flashbacks)
Tehaneth Il’harren: Youngest son of Mathis and Qarajel. Tehaneth is close to his father and blames his mother for the breakdown of the marriage and her own death. As such, he finds his brother frustrating and embarrassing, and the two are constantly at odds. When he was fifteen, his father and grandmother arranged for his betrothal to Jasatha, heir of House Entair, to cement the Il’harrens’ friendship with another noble family and (on his father’s part) to guarantee that Tehaneth would not be an eligible candidate for the Lady’s Feast. Tehaneth is ambivalent on the matter. Appearances: It’s Always Hardest on the Children, The Philosophy of Composition, Stories For Children, There’s daggers in men’s smiles.
Marin Košava: Third child of Mathis and Qarajel. Killed by Sharav to ensure the extinction of the Košava line. Appearances: It’s Always Hardest on the Children.
Khamsin Il’harren: Third of Sharav’s children. Oldest living daughter and heir apparent, although her relationship with her mother is poor. Khamsin is an excellent commander and tactician but cold and standoffish, winning her the respect of her soldiers but few allies amongst the nobility of Zalach’ann. Following Amihan’s death, Khamsin took responsibility for her nieces Cierza and Chanali, in her brusque, indifferent way. While she is sure Cierza will try to kill her eventually, Khamsin considers this only proper and has ensured that her niece receives the best martial education possible. Appearances: Whom The Gods Love, It’s Always Hardest on the Children, The Philosophy of Composition, Small Sacrifices (Flashbacks) 
Khazri Il’harren: Khamsin’s only child. Offered to the gods in his early teens. Appearances: Stories For Children, Every Man Is A Wolf To Other Men, Out of the Woods, A Helping Hand, The Things We Left Behind, Small Sacrifices, Little Deaths, The Wild Hunt, Sealskin
Austru Il’harren: Fourth of Sharav’s children and Amihan’s twin brother. Married young and, while he still exchanges letters with Amihan, he otherwise avoids contact with his mother and siblings. Appearances: None. Possibly the smartest character in the series?
Amihan Il’harren (Ami): Fifth of Sharav’s children. Gentle and unwarlike, Amihan doesn’t care for the emphasis that Zalach’anni culture places upon martial feats, and resents that people respect Khamsin’s achievements on the battlefield over her own in scholarship and less violent magic. Amihan is charming but can come off as fascicle, and while she can be incredibly cunning, she tends to go to pieces when faced with direct threats to her personal safety. She thinks the treatment of her brothers is deeply unfair; she was very close to Austru growing up, and she was the only one of her siblings to stay in contact with Mathis during his marriage. She was the mastermind behind the attack that killed Qarajel, and she and Mathis remain close. Appearances: Whom The Gods Love, It’s Always Hardest on the Children, The Philosophy of Composition.
Cierza Il’harren: Amihan’s oldest child. Brash and confident, Cierza is a talented swordswoman and spellcaster but prone to biting off more than she can chew. Having grown up watching her aunts backstab each other for power, Cierza cannot bring herself to trust her little sister, but gets on well with both Gilavar and Tehaneth. After her mother’s death, Cierza was left with deeply conflicted feelings about her family, but masks her disquiet with her usual bluff cheer. Appearances: Stories For Children, The Philosophy of Composition, Small Sacrifices (Flashbacks)
Chanali Il’harren: Amihan’s youngest child. A scholarly girl who takes after her mother. Tries to keep her head down. Appearances:  The Philosophy of Composition, Stories For Children, Small Sacrifices (Flashbacks)
Serrika Il’harren: Sharav’s youngest child. With three older sisters, Serrika was given to the priesthood at an early age to reduce infighting. She ministers to the Il’harren family chapel, and relishes her status outside of the family’s pecking order. Serrika is whimsical and enjoys bad jokes, but takes her faith very seriously. Appearances: Whom The Gods Love, The Philosophy of Composition
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tauchner · 6 years
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Tahir - Gilavar
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annalandin · 6 years
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(All things are wind) (always going somewhere else) Asra and Sargas, when things fell apart. Since life’s gotten in the way of our Planescape campaign lately, I’ve had a lot of pent up The Deepest Dark-feelings that needed venting, so I’ve been chipping away at this in-between work and comics. There’s a process-post up on Patreon, with some wallpaper downloads, of you want to have a look.
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