#genji okada
satureja13 · 5 months
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Winter Solstice - Part 3 Part 1 and 2 -> here
And so they decided to let Ji Ho be claimed by Caleb to make it easier for Vlad to claim him back... and because everyone thinks Ji Ho hit the lottery with Caleb ^^'
And then finally, finally Vlad and Jeb made their way back from the Otherworld! But where are their shirts?
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They ran over to the temple. Hopefully in time! Ouf! Luckily Genji was quick-witted enough to steal some time. He started an argument with Lady Demon about that Ji Ho is his bonded and it's not legal to steal him away from him and give him to Caleb...
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Vlad: "What is going on here?" (Vlad and Jeb really had no idea what is going on here. They went over the fence to the Otherworld and hadn't heard of Ji Ho since they travelled to the Tomarang with the ship from Selvadorada.)
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Saiwa: "Gods, Jeb!" *hungry kiss* Vlad went to the altar to stop this madness: "Ji Ho is mine!"
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Genji: "Hey, Caleb. How about we two share a coffin?" Genji is very clever. He started the argument with Lady Demon not only for Ji Ho and Vlad. He wanted to hit on Caleb ;)
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Now that Ji Ho's rightful bonded is back, they decided to make their bond official in vampire terms so no one ever will question it again and try to claim Ji Ho while Vlad is in the Otherworld.
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Ji Ho: "Let's go over to the sanctuary and fix your eyes..."
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And that's what they did.
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They undressed and kissed.
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Ji Ho: "Claim me."
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And that's what Vlad did.
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When I added Vlad and Jeb to the household during Ji Ho and Caleb's ceremony, Vlad spawned there and looked so sad.
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Poor Lady Demon. The lucrative deal with Ji Ho is called off. But she will get a pretty penny for setting up Caleb with Genji too ;)
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And finally Vlad asked Ji Ho to be his boyfriend. Vlad: "From now on, no one will ever touch you again." Ji Ho: "But I want you to touch me." ... *sigh*
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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The Tale of Genji - Wakana by Okada Yoshio (1970′s)
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Taira no Kiyomori (Ep 47)
Kazusa Tsunezumi hears of the the Genji heir, Yoritomo no Minamoto (Okada Masaki), raising arms against the Heike but is skeptic of the young and inexperienced leader. He arrives in camp, refuses to dismount from his horse and demanding to see Yoritomo, to test his reaction and bravery.
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the-swan-sequence · 2 months
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“To sit alone in the lamplight, with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen sensations— such is a pleasure beyond compare.”
Yoshida Kenko, Essays in Idleness 1340
Art: The Tale of Genji - Wakana by Yoshio Okada (1939-2021)
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Okada Yoshio (Japan 1934-2021)
Akashi Series title:Genji emaki (Picture scroll of Genji)
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steliosagapitos · 1 year
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         Aristocratic beauty, from the series "Genji Emaki", 1979, by Okada Yoshio.
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vermilliongrey · 5 months
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" Genji emaki " 1979 by Okada Yoshio
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jareckiworld · 3 years
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Okada Yoshio — Firefly (The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu) [woodblock, 1978]
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shake----it----out · 6 years
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overwatch fancast genji shimada:
masaki okada ludi lin jun matsumoto
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Yoshio Okada (Japanese,1934-2021)
From "Genji E-maki" ("Scroll of the Tale of Genji"), "Wakana". --- Princess Murasaki-no-ue at the evening of prince Genji and Onna-san-no-miya's wedding. ,c.1970s
Woodblock print
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satureja13 · 9 months
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So yesterday Ji Ho's horse was jealous because Vlad's horse was hitting on Kiyoshi's horse.
Today Vlad's Horse 'broke the pencil' with Ji Ho's.
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And later I cought Kiyoshi's declaring his love to Vlad's... Are we going to have a horse drama? ö.ö'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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the-evil-clergyman · 3 years
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Princess Akashi at a Mountain Villa with Prince Genji, from The Tale of Genji - Matsukaze by Okada Yoshio (1970′s)
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
The Genji Story : Yoritomo
by the NHK Taiga Drama Taira no Kiyomori
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He lost everything in the war. His father and brother were good men. And yet, they were betrayed and killed. He felt he was the only Genji alive. He was exiled and gave up hope until he met his first love and had a child with her. 
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For a moment he thought he could have what he never thought he could, a family to call his own, but he lost them too. He ask himself why is he still alive. If this is some twisted fate by the Gods that he could not understand.
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His former vassals reunite and flock to see him in secret hoping to restore the glory of Minamoto Clan but they were devastated and pained at the sight of such a heartbroken and pitiful man who used to be a promising young Samurai.
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They told him to be strong, they told him to be patient, they told him he has the blood of Genji and will survive no matter what, to emerge stronger than ever. There is a greater purpose in his existence and that his time will arrive one day.
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Many years later, he would meet a warrior like woman who is a survivor like him named, Hojo Masako. They married and the house of Hojo and Minamoto joined together to establish the first military rule of the Kamakura Shogunate.
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ryuji-of-florida · 3 years
P5 Arcanaswap
Since everyone else is doing this I thought I’d share my take on it. Thanks to @wokenhardies for listening to my ramblings.
The Fool: Ryuji Sakamoto (Second Year at Shujin; On probation) Codename: Captain Persona: Hendrick van der Decken Random Fact: Can run 50 meters in 3 seconds.
The Magician: Yusuke (Metaverse guide; not a fox) Codename: Inari Persona: Ashiya Doman RF: His codename is actually a nickname given to him by Futaba.
The Chariot: Hifumi Togo (Second Year at Shujin; Queen of the Togo Kingdom) Codename:Venus Persona: Lady Trieu RF: Knowedgeable in immunology due to her father’s illness.
The Lovers: Yuuki Mishima (Second Year at Shujin; Only sane man) Codename: Pariah Persona: Hyde RF: Wants to punch a kangaroo one day.
The Emperor: Morgana Murasaki (First Year at Kosei; 1/4 Japanese) Codename: Ronin Persona: Okada Izo RF: Has read the tale of Genji 14 times.
The High Priestess: Futaba Ishikki (First Year at Shujin; Gamer tag: Medjed) Codename: Savant Persona: Anne Boleyn RF: Has yet to defeat Lady Noir’s score in Gun About.
The Hermit: Makoto Niijima (Hacker handle: Johanna) Codename: Druid Persona: Nimue RF: Takes online classes to ensure she can (eventually) get into a good college.
The Empress: Goro Akechi (Third Year at Kosei; Student Council President) Codename: Crusader Persona: Robin Hood RF: Has been working at the Jazz Jin for nearly 2 years.
The Justice: Akira Kurusu (Second Detective Prince; Fourth smuggest prick in Tokyo)  Codename: Hidalgo Persona: Donquixote (GilGamESh) RF: Is allergic to cats.
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eciore · 3 years
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woodcut by Okada Yoshio (born 1934) from the set of four prints 'Genji emaki', published by Yûyûdo (悠々洞出版), ca.1978-1979, illustrating four chapters of 'The Tale of Genji' by Murasaki Shikibu.
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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                 Okada Yoshio, 1979, from the set of four prints illustrating four chapters of The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu.
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