#dtui ngyen
satureja13 · 6 months
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The Morning after Winter Solstice
When Ji Ho woke up, Vlad had already left. And Ji Ho was glad he did. It would have been too awkward to wake up next to him. There was a lily on the bed. A symbol of Vlad's love for him. All obstacles are out of their way now. No curse and no need to cut the Bond anymore. They have a home now in the Otherworld and they are save there. Only thing Ji Ho has left to do is to learn how to love Vlad...
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Vlad stepped out of the sanctuary. Dtui and Rubyn are already up and busy with the pedestals. They are trying to figure out how to send the Boys back and forth between their home in the Otherworld and this world. Dtui: "Morning Vlad! It went very well as I see. You have your eyes back! The others are at Ichiraku's." Vlad: "Morning. Ah, yes ^^' and thanks!"
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Jeb and Jack noticed Vlad's good old eyes: "Oh my finally!" (Saiwa is sulking because neither Vlad nor Jeb told them why they showed up without their shirts yesterday... Jeb even in his hot cowboy outfit...)
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And really, Vlad regained his black eyes! It seems the Bond has forgiven him for trying to bond with Morgan and murder the Bond...
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A little later Ji Ho joined them. Jack: "Ji Ho! How do you feel after you shoved Caleb Vatore from your bed and your neck? For Vlad ^^' "
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Ji Ho flushed. But he sat next to Vlad <3 Saiwa to Vlad: "You must be a very good boy now to not make Ji Ho regret his decision ;)" Jack: "Ah lucky Genji! He left together with Lady Demon and Caleb in the limousine!"
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They indulged their breakfast and chatted for a while. Knowing they'd return to their new home soon. Together. Ah, it's been a while since I've seen them so carefree and happy! Only - Kiyoshi's place is empty. Let's hope they get him out of that tree soon.
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Saiwa: "You still haven't told us why you showed up without your shirts yesterday..." Vlad: "What happens behind the fence, stays behind the fence." Saiwa: "Yeah? What if I kill you behind the fence?" Jeb: "Vanië, such things happen when riding the fence. I told you it's dangerous. You never know from which leg of the Trousers of Time you'll emerge when you hop in the waistband. Let's just forget about it, hm?"
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Pff. Sai went over to Dtui and Rubyn to discuss when they are going to send them back home. Rubyn: "We still have no idea how to send you back and forth by yourself. If we send you back now, either Vlad or Ji Ho has to stay here with their meteorite." Saiwa: "Oh. No that's not an option. Other Jeb urged us to stay together..." Dtui: "While I cast my spells here yesterday, I figured a few things out. We already know that the meteorites, together with the crystals, allow you to teleport to certain places. Rubyn could be able to build a portable device for you. But we need more information about the powers of the crystals."
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Saiwa: "Oh we'd found an amazing website with all the information about the crystals when we were on the clue hunt in Selvadorada!" Dtui: "Unfortunately we need information from a specific old book. This wisdom is not shared on the internet. Saiwa. We can't send you home yet. We need you to go to the library in Windenburg to find this book. Make sure nobody recognizes you there. The Council is still after you. I'm sorry." Rubyn: "Hey, you've already managed harder stuff, right?" Oh no...
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Then poor Saiwa went over to the Temple with Dtui to discuss Kiyoshi. Saiwa: "We've made good progress and I'm positive we'll get him out of that tree. Little Goat already shows up from time to time. I'm just not sure how to interpret Other Jeb's message. When he urged us to stay together, did he also mean Kiyoshi? And If yes, how is he supposed to stay with us in the Otherworld when he has his duties here at the Temple. And for the Resistance?" Dtui: "I fear Kiyoshi can't return back here anyway. Kōjin banned him from the Temple. And he's of no use for the Resistance either as it is. Keep him with you and look after him. He still has so much to learn." Oh no...
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Ji Ho: "I hope Genji isn't sad I chose Caleb. Over him..." Jack: "Don't worry. He also chose Caleb ^^' Anybody would ;) " Vlad: "Tch...this bigheaded goth kitten. And what is even going on with his hair?..."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Here they are. Mount Komorebi is as grey as Copperdale. And Jeb's mood... Jeb changed clothes and joined Dtui, who was already doing her morning meditation.
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Jeb still sat there when Dtui came back for her afternoon meditation... But even though he entered the spheres, he found no solution how to help his friends - and Saiwa.
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Eventually Dtui stopped him. There is no use in forcing it. She invited him to dinner and they went over to the centre.
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Jeb asked her about Kiyoshi but she only told him that he left... neither why nor where to... oh my. Jeb was devastated. Dtui: "Why don't you go over to the Karaoke? Scream all your frustration away! This always helps me ^^' "
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During his life with his weird grandma Francine, he learned never to turn down an advice from the witches, as stupid as it might sound. There always was a gain from it. And it was all they could offer without interfering. And so he went over to the soundproof karaoke rooms.
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And screamed out all his frustration, pain, anger and helplessness.
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And then a song he didn't choose started to play. 'The old Landmark' from The Blues Brothers... Jeb was stunned. James Brown asked him: "Did you see the light?"
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The light? A little later Jake said to Elwood: "The Band! We're putting the band back together!"
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And then Jeb saw the light!
He will put the Boys back together!
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But this time each of them will help Saiwa carry the load of responsibility! They are all damaged and need help and someone to look after them. But they can also help each other. This will distract them from their own misery and they can grow - together. It already helped Jack to care for Ji Ho and Ji Ho to care for Luci! Thank you, James Brown!
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest This is the beginning of the 'Putting the Boys back together' chapter!
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Mount Komorebi - Temple District Kiyoshi is still banned from the Temple so Jeb texts Rubyn and asks her what do do... Jeb: "Ah, Rubyn said to bring him to the One OK Rock Bar? She said he's only been banned from the Temple itself but not from the buildings nearby." Jack: "Ah that's a relief." (Neither Jack nor the others (nor Kiyoshi himself...) know that Kiyoshi got banned from the Temple because he lost control over his demon side (because Jack had left him... because Kiyoshi neglected Jack and Jack went crazy...)
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And so Kiyoshi returned to the Temple after more than two months in this world - and a few decades in the Otherworld he'd spent in that tree...
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Saiwa went over to the Temple to talk to Dtui, and the others to the Bar to meet Rubyn. Ji Ho: "Ah the pedestals are still here!"
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Jack: "Very proactive from Rubyn to place them here and not at the Temple Grounds."
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Jeb and Rubyn shared their latest news about the crystals and the device. And of course they told her the story about the meteorites from the book Jack had found. (Rubyn is just as crazy about Star Wars as Jack and Vlad ^^'). They agreed to find out more about this book, the story and the author.
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But back to the teleport devices. Rubyn: "I'm positive we can send you back to the Otherworld soon! The device is built and we just need to adjust it and calibrate with all of you and then you're ready to go!" Jack: "Awesome!"
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Dtui is so sad. She is not allowed to see Kiyoshi until he learned why he'd been banned from the Temple... Saiwa reassured her: "Don't worry. He doesn't suffer. He's still in tree mode. But I'm sure we'll get him back and then he will learn from his mistakes and you'll meet again."
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Dtui stayed at the Temple and Saiwa went over to the others. Rubyn handed Ji Ho and Vlad their devices and they inserted their meteorites. She explained the functions and divided them in two teams. For 'balance'... Jack to Vlad: "See you on the other side, Pal!" The others were too anxious to say anything. No one had ever tested these devices. What if something goes wrong?
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But nothing went wrong. Because nothing really happened. Rubyn: "Argh! It's too weak! The beams have to cross. But we're already at full power... " Oh no...
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But then Jeb had the idea that saved the mission: "Ji Ho - sing!" And Ji Ho sang. The lights appeared around them, the scent of ozone wafted through the air and the beams crossed!
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And then the Boys were gone. Rubyn cheered! Hopefully she sent them to the right place - in one piece...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Seems Dtui isn't in the mood yet 🎄
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Master Kōjin prefers to eat his obsidian eggs at the pool. Dtui is having a hard time seeing him as the deity he is in moments like these... He was even standing right next to a table and benches and decided to undress and sit with his legs in the cold water...
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While we took the pics for the last scene when Kiyoshi left the temple and he was just about to pick up Kumo and Little Goat before saving, Jack came around the corner!
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wah? I consider this as a good omen!
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And Kiyoshi's father called. What does he mean with 'little one'? A baby? ö.Ö' Is there something you need to tell me, Kiyoshi?
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 1 year
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It is still the second night after Jack's breakdown. Dtui is calling Kiyoshi's mind to Tae Yang Monastery. Their retreat in the otherwold. They have to talk...
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Dtui tells Kiyoshi what was really going on with Jack. That Jack wanted to kill Kiyoshi because he thought it was Kiyoshi who tortured them. And that Jack was about to endanger their mission and put Vlad's life (and the life of the others) in jeopardy by trying to kill their principal and her daughter. The council would wipe them from the planet if they laid their hands on humans...
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Dtui: "I told you it would be hard. Give up on him. It's the best for all of you. Jack himself wouldn't forgive you if you put Vlad's life at stake because of him. The mission is your priority. As well as your duty to the Temple. You asked only one thing of him - to trust you. He never did."
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Dtui: "He is so happy there and doesn't miss anything. He could leave if he wanted, but he didn't. He made his decision. Don't make it hard for him. Let go, Kiyoshi. It's the best for him, for the others - and for you. Right, Kesuke?" Kesuke did the only right thing ^^'
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Kiyoshi and Dtui went over to the sanctuary to meditate and Kiyoshi dived in his memories with Jack.
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So many of them are tainted. Now that Kiyoshi knows what was going on in Jacks mind. Jack never trusted him.
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All the years he had spent studying to be a good Alpha for Jack - wasted. He didn't help Jack - he drove him deeper in his madness with his dominant behavior trying to be something he wasn't.
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Kiyoshi was torn. Yes, he wanted Jack back so bad. But this was only for his own selfish needs. Jack is happier without him. He pushed Jack too far by thinking that if he only kept him on a short leash and lead him with a strong hand it would work out somehow. But Jack is not a dog - he is a wolf. A mad wolf that never can be tamed.
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Kiyoshi said a last prayer at the shrine and left.
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oh Kiyoshi :,(
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S he's like the wind through my tree/S he rides the night next to me S he leads me through moonlight/Only to burn me with the sun S he's taken my heart/But s he doesn't know what s he's done
Just a fool to believe I have anything s he needs S he's like the wind
S he's Like The Wind - Patrick Swayze
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 1 year
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We all know that - the alarm goes off and we think 'only 5 minutes more...' and 5 minutes later the alarm kicks us out of a long and eventful dream. All this could have never happened in only 5 minutes, right? This is possible because time moves different in dreams. Or when you enter otherworld for example (source: wikipedia) quote: 'Sometimes the hero returns after what he believes is a short time, only to find that all his companions are dead and he has actually been away for hundreds of years.' There even was a Star Trek episode where the time on a planet moved faster than on the Voyager.
So Dtui left collapsed Jack only a few minutes ago - but in Jack's 'Star Wars Realm' already a few days have passed... Kesuke and him had been repairing space ships and now they spend their evening at the cantina. Jack couldn't be happier. Like in a dream or in his 'Armadillo World' he doesn't question anything. (This is actually a good technique to step into a lucid dream. Starting to question things in real life so you remember to do it in your dreams to find sth odd to notice it's a dream - and then try to act.)
Kesuke doesn't look happy - he seems to lose this Sabacc game against the 'Wampa'...
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When Dtui/Hell-ena (the Demon-Chicken-Twi'lek shifter...) sensed that Jack fell into coma, she 'kicked' him to Kesuke. She knew Jack wouldn't find it suspicious and would be distracted because -> Star Wars... (Is this Kesuke's 'Armadillo World'?) Kesuke: "What have you done? We don't interfere!" Dtui: "The mission is at stake - and Vlad's life. And Jack was about to kill his principal and her daughter! Kiyoshi already sacrificed enough for them - and him." Kesuke: "You are biased. And you are disturbing the structure of space and time..."
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Dtui: "He is happy here and he has no intentions to go back. He could leave by his own if he wanted to." Kesuke sighs.
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Years have passed in Kōjin's realm. And Kiyoshi became one with the tree. Kiri, Kumo and Little Goat stayed with him during all this time and watched over him.
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Kōjin sent Dtui to wake Kiyoshi. He has a task for him.
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Kiri: 'Is there no way we can help him?' Dtui: "Change is a door that can only be opened from the inside."
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Dtui: "Kiyoshi. Stand up."
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Dtui: "Kōjin sends you back for one day. To watch and listen. No more." Kiyoshi: "I still have no control over my demon. How am I supposed to roam the mundane world as a demon?" Dtui: "The gates will open soon and the barriers are thin. You may wander unbothered."
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Dtui: "Summon your familiar. He will accompany..."
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"... and guide you."
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Dtui: "And Kiri too."
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Dtui: "You have one day. Seize the opportunity - to learn. Make sure to leave in time. One day - and no longer."
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Kumo: 'Will we accompany him too? I miss the others.' Little Goat: 'Me too. But maybe - take a bath first...'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning -> here Previous Chapter: 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 1 year
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While Jack and Vlad complete their training, Kiyoshi, Grogu and the Jedi Master discuss the 'Ultimate Question of the Life, the Universe, and Everything' (write the answer in the comments ;)
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The food is taking a while, so the Twi'leks suggested they could take a shower and go to the sauna.
Dammit. Kiyoshi is doing his demon seduction thing again! Like an incubus! No! Like a Sith he is tempting him to come over to the dark side! And Jack can't resist him!
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Vlad: "I'm going to spend some time in the Holo Library after the sauna. Will you two be ok?" Kiyoshi: "Sure. I'll take care of Jack." Jack: ö.Ö'
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And while Vlad was happily studying in the library...
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...Kiyoshi took Jack over to the hot tub...
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It's their third woohoo. They deserved something special <3
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I never knew the woohoo in the hot tub is so hot!
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And then reality hit again... Kiyoshi: "They are waiting for us with dinner. I go first." sigh...
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Rubyn from 'Mos Verdantis' came over and invited them for the '40 Years Episode 6' festivities next month.
Victory Celebration Theme from Episode 6 with scenes from the Movie
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TMI Rubyn was adult Ji Ho's first love in another universe ö.ö
From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Kiyoshi returned to the Temple at the break of dawn. He knew what awaits him. He almost lost control over his demon side in front of Jeb. Since Jack left him it's getting harder to supress the demon inside.
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Even Kōjin - their deity - is here. And Minerva/Ms Coombes (who had watched him when he met Jeb). Dtui's fated mate...
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Kiyoshi: "Master Kōjin. I failed." Master Kōjin: "You will leave the temple and reflect on why this has happened. You may return when you found your balance between being a Yōkai and being a Sim. And when you are able - again - to control your demon."
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Kiyoshi: "Master!" He owes Kōjin his life and pushed everything aside for his duties, the Temple and Kōjin (and for the Council)... even Jack. Most of all Jack. What does Kōjin want him to do? Anyway - the first painful step already lies behind him. Jack was the greatest distraction for him and kept him often enough from fulfilling his duties... Well, now he has a lot of time to reflect.
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Kōjin: "Even I will never understand how he can be so dumb and clever at the same time..." "He will find his way back." Dtui said - with a tear in her eye.
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And this is how Kiyoshi dropped out of the Temple where he served, lived and studied for three years...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 1 year
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A rainbow over Mount Komorebi! A bit crooked, but i consider this as a good omen! Kiyoshi woke up from his radio alarm. It’s gonna be a painful day for him.
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And even though he dreamt of Jack and that they kissed, it makes him miss Jack even more. And what kind of strange thing even was that in his dream? (Kiyoshi had the same dream as Jack!)
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We barely see Kiyoshi this tense Ö.ö He doesn’t even notice the new photo on his wall ;) (TMI: He can’t have any photos of Jack in his room because the council raids the temple and their rooms on a regular base since they survived their execution. The Council does not know that Jack and Kiyoshi are together (no one knows it). Jack and the others would be in danger if the Council finds out that it had been Jack and Sai who escaped from the lab and hang around with Vlad, who is on their radar for reasons we still don’t know.)
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They left the temple after a last meditation.
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Dtui: “I’m so sorry I can’t spare you from this. It must be so hard for you to return to this place. I wish I could have done more for you.” Kiyoshi: “We don’t have a choice anyway. And you did everything you could for me, Dtui. You even gave up your old life. I could not ask for more. Thanks for everything.”
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They are back at the Council’s High Court - where Kiyoshi and Dtui should have been executed two years ago for freeing Jack and Saiwa and betraying the Council... The areal looks a bit different now. There is a fountain where the pyre was, and benches...
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Even though they both survived - 17 year old Kiyoshi Ito, raised in the beliefs of the Council, had died here. And the Kiyoshi we know now had risen from the ashes of the pyre his own father has lit. (Btw, the building is inspired by a series, do you maybe recognize it? It was all a bit darker in the series though. Let me know in the comments below :)
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This post is referring to the stories of Jeb, Jack, Saiwa and Kiyoshi. You can start to read them -> here
From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 10 months
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created by the imagechef AI
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 10 months
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Kiyoshi and Little Goat stepped through the portal first. It lead them to the temple area at Mount Komorebi.
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Kiyoshi waited for the others to come through. But it seems the portal leads each of them to their own destination.
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Eventually Dtui found him. She told him that this is an otherworldly version of the temple and it's surroundings and that it took her quite a bit of strength to appear here when she heard 'the call'...
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She didn't know about the horses but had another quest for him. Since he is already here...
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“The most exquisite paradox: as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can’t have it. The minute you don’t want power, you’ll have more than you ever dreamed possible.” ~Ram Dass (from the Tiny Buddha site)
So she sent him to the river to meditate over this task... (Nothing is ever easy in this story lol! And they don't have much time since the portal is overgrowing on the other side!)
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Kiyoshi sat by the river for a while and eventually came to the conclusion that he will let his family go. He grew up in a family loyal to the Council and when he met Dtui from the Resistance and his fated mate Jack, the werwolf, he changed sides and parted ways with his family (his father even lit the pyre at Kiyoshi's execution...) ( -> The story of Kiyoshi and Dtui) This had been eating him up for the last three years and it's time to move on and let them go. They only could act as good as they could and there's no way to change them or the situation.
In the meantime Little Goat seems to have found the first horse!
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Kiyoshi met him later by the river. He told him his name is 霧 = Kiri, the japanese word for 'fog'. His breed is: Nokota. (Just as Kiyoshi, I didn't change Kiri in CAS, he was perfect and beautiful as he was, just like Kiyoshi ;)
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He was something to observe Came in close, I heard a voice Standing, stretching every nerve I had to listen, had no choice
Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill
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They hurried back to the temple before the portal closes.
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But Kiri refused to go near the portal. It's already getting dark...
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No matter what he tried. Kiri grew fond of his freedom in the otherworld. Here he was able to achieve more that a mere horse at a farm.
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Eventually clever Little Goat made a deal with him. He would share his form in the other world with Kiri so he could shift into horse shape and Kiri could stay here for most of the time and come and go to his liking.
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And with the option to mainly stay in the otherworld, Kiri agreed. He kind of missed the farm (a bit ;) and the other horses (a lot). (Little Goat later registered a patent for this application: The PokeHor =pocket+horse)
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And so Kiyoshi, Little Goat (and Kiri) left the otherworld again.
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TMI: Komorebi 木漏れ日 (pronounced kō-mō-leh-bē) Literally, “sunlight leaking through trees,” this word describes the beauty and wonder of rays of light dappling through overhead leaves, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor.
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 1 year
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This is part five of ‘The Story of Kiyoshi and Dtui’ (link leads to chrono)
Dtui’s partner arrived! Just when they were about to set the cowplants free. Dtui: “Kiyoshi, this is my fated mate, Rita. When I first saw her, it hit me like a bolt in my chest.” Rita: “300 million volt ^^ “ Kiyoshi: “... ö.Ö’ ...” It had hit him like a bolt in his chest when he first saw the werewolf...
Kiyoshi packed Giga and Jack on the truck. They were still so numb, they didn’t see him clear. TMI: It’s still the same blanket Jack had been lying on when / after Vlad died and when they drove him to the temple to recover :3
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Rita: “Take care. I love you.” Dtui: “I know.”
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And then Rita had left with Jack and Giga.
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TMI: Ms Rita Coombes is the future teacher of the boys and will later be involved in the rescue of Ji Ho and Vlad too :3
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From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 1 year
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This is the last part of ‘The Story of Kiyoshi and Dtui’ (two years ago/link leads to chrono)
Dtui and Kiyoshi had risen from the ashes like a phoenix - stronger, smarter and more powerful.
But Kiyoshi’s first months at the temple had been very hard for him. For the first seventeen years of his life he’d been raised in the beliefs of the Council and now he had lost his home and his family (and almost his life). His whole life until now had been a lie. The guilt had been eating him up. And Dtui had been full time busy with keeping him stable.
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He had so much to learn, though. And the studies and his duties at the temple distracted him and kept him from overthinking too much. There was a whole new fascinating universe to discover he barely ever heard of before!
And then there was this subliminal longing for this werewolf. Could it really be possible that he was his fated mate? Like Dtui and Ms Coombes had implied? What crazy fate thinks it’s funny to make up a pairing like the two of them?
So in addition he started to study werewolves in his free time. And what it takes to be mated to one...
And additional to all this studies he had always been the best student of his year at school. He really gave himself no time to breathe...
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Kiyoshi waited for almost two years before he made his first move on Jack. Jack’s zodiac sign is cancer, so his birthday is between end of june to end of july. And on august 7th (i checked my tumblr archives lol) Kiyoshi asked Ji Ho if he can take Jack to the prom! Just a few days/weeks after Jack’s 18th birthday! Kiyoshi was just another premade then and neither part of the household nor was it planned to add him to the story. (And I learned about their zodiac signs in November ^^’) (crazy ö.ö) So now we know: - why he is so dominant in his relationship to Jack (because he prepares to become Jack’s Alpha. Even if it’s not his nature. (Kiyoshi is acting like a top/is a bottom and Jack is acting like a bottom/is a bottom.) But after all Jack went through plus the damage he took from the laboratory plus his puppy nature make Jack a omega through and through. He needs protection and someone to look after him - and a strong hand...)
- why they date in secret (because the Council is regularly raiding the temple and sent Sebastian to spy Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi does not want the Council to be overly interested in the boys to not put them in jeopardy. Plus the council is not aware that it had been Saiwa and Jack they had kidnapped and tortured in the lab. Kiyoshi does not want to draw the council’s attention to them again. This counts for Vlad too. Kiyoshi seemed to know about Vlad and his connection to the Council and that they were about to kill him earlier. See -> here and -> here.) Plus Kiyoshi feels guilty. He fears if Jack ever finds out about Kiyoshi’s family and that they are involved in the Council’s machinations, Jack would turn his back on him.
- why he pretends to be interested in other guys and girls (see above)
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From the Beginning   ~  Underwater Love   ~  Latest
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satureja13 · 1 year
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This is part three of ‘The Story of Kiyoshi and Dtui’ (link leads to chrono)
Kiyoshi wanted to know how Dtui was able to resist the ‘attack’. Dtui: “There are many ways to protect yourself from attacks and tricks on your mind and body. Best thing to start with is meditation. A clear mind, mindfulness, awareness - these things are incredibly valuable in any situation.” Kiyoshi: “Meditation? Isn’t this magic?” Dtui: “No ^^. Rather the opposite. Magic tricks you - meditation leads you to you inner self. To awareness. To trust your very own perception. To look behind the things that are blinding you.”
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The following days Kiyoshi spent meditating. And watching the foul creatures.
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And he watched the CCTV. Nothing his father told him about them was true. Could they really be fake 25/7? Everytime he looked at the werewolf his chest ached though.
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And then it was time for their first test they had to observe. Jack could keep himself barely on his feet because of the narcotics. Dtui is closing her eyes, she can’t watch this :,(
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Kiyoshi: “Stop it!”
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Soundtrack on youtube: All Along The Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix (Original by Bob Dylan)
There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief There's too much confusion I can't get no relief
Business men, they drink my wine Plowmen dig my earth None will level on the line Nobody offered his word Hey, hey
No reason to get excited The thief, he kindly spoke There are many here among us Who feel that life is but a joke But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that And this is not our fate So let us stop talkin' falsely now The hour's getting late, hey
All along the watchtower Princes kept the view While all the women came and went Barefoot servants, too Well, uh, outside in the cold distance A wildcat did growl Two riders were approaching And the wind began to howl, hey
All along the watchtower All along the watchtower
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