#gee where are bill krebs' IG DMs when we need them huh?
bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
Believe Boomer being arrested had to do with his faking his death, knowing about the money laundering at F&F (from Turner in S1), etc.
Hey anon!
I guess you’re probably right, but also, can you go to jail for faking your death?? Liike, they’d surely make you pay for whatever the investigation/research cost, but not go to prison, am I right?
The money laudering part does make sense, but was it explicitely stated that when Beth put incriminating papers against Rio’s gang in the vault during the second robbery these did involve Boomer too? Also it seems that investigations against Rio ended with Turner’s death so why would anyone unearth that old case just to press charges against a very secondary link in the chain?
Idk. I guess that if the show didn’t bother to explain why Boomer was going to prison while they literally had the perfect exposition scene to do it, that’s because they have no idea either. They just needed him to come back and escape prison for *reasons*, and voilà
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