#gee I wonder if there's gonna be a witch theme!
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
I’m just…
… IGN: The trailer hints at a strange direction the series, the AC logo is shown made out of twigs and hanging from a tree like a talisman!
Me: It… It’s called ‘Hexe.’ Y’all… Y’all know what ‘hex’ is right? Right???
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katierosefun · 3 years
creator tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works! 
thank you @kckenobi​ and @pandora15 for the tag!! <3 so here are the works, in no particular order and also oh gee i am so sorry this got so painfully long you can tell i’m procrastinating on my final + also i just tend to run my mouth when im talking about writing asdffd
to these memories (After Darth Sidious is defeated, everything changes. Some for the better, others not so much. Mostly better though. (Or: Anakin becomes a dad. Rex rehabilitates clone troopers who no longer want to be a part of the army. Ahsoka gets a call from an old friend. And maybe Obi-Wan finds out it’s not just his enemies who don’t stay dead. Basically, everyone gets the happy ending they deserve.)
so this was my first major longform tcw fic, and i just. i have a lot of feelings about this fic, mostly nostalgia and lots of gratefulness. first of all, i think i met a lot of super cool people through this fic, and i also? just? idk, this was a major project that i kind of worked on to cope with post-tcw sadness + also just. general sadness about the world’s situation. writing this story was actually super healing for me, mostly because i just. really wanted to have something where happy endings existed. 
so this really...was an experience, and i’m so super grateful for everyone who read along. to this day, whenever i get a comment about this fic, i feel super happy because it makes me feel glad to know that there were some people who took comfort in this work, because i really wanted this fic to have that kind of effect on people. :’) 
there they are (Right before Ahsoka leaves for Mandalore, Rex distracts Bo-Katan so she could give her family a proper goodbye. (There's hugging. We just needed our trio to hug.)
i think this was one of my first tcw fics of 2020, and. i just remember impulse writing this after watching old friends not forgotten because i was just. so sad that we didn’t get an anakin and ahsoka hug or a trio hug or anything. i understand why they didn’t--like, i really, really do, but. but i think if there’s a theme i’m going through this year, it’s ‘this was sad, so i’m gonna make it happy!!!’, so...as my masterlist puts it, ‘dave filoni said no trio hug, so i said fine, i’ll do it’. 
uhhhhh, how very unusual of me, but!!! probably my working on a new original story. i’ve got the fourth draft of another story siting in the background, but. this other story idea came at me, and five outlines later, i started this story. i’m about three chapters down now, but. a snippet of the prologue: 
“Well…it’s also a rather important story,” Rosalind said. “Do you enjoy stories?”
“I want to be a writer,” I blurted, and I stopped at that. I fiddled with my mug, heat that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate or the fire rushing to my face. Silly, oversharing me—oh, what a young, lonely child I was back then. So desperate for conversation that I had grown out of practice and resorted to sharing details that the average stranger would not care for.
But then again, these were not the average strangers—although I’m sure you’ve figured that for yourself.
“Yes,” I said meekly. “I enjoy stories.”
“Well,” Dae said after some time, “it’s good that you’re a writer.”
I lifted my head, and this time, I saw Dae and Rosalind smile at each other. A softer smile, one that made me feel suddenly dreadfully, dreadfully lonely.
“You might want to write this down,” Rosalind said at last. 
And so I did. 
*and cue the actual story* i won’t say too much because adsfsdfsfd talking about my original work makes me feel awkward + also i am constantly in fear of people stealing ideas even though,,,even though i know the only person who can write this story is me, anyways, but uh. i will say that i have a plan for a five-part series that’s basically about a witch and a princess. there’s a prophecy in the background. there’s magic. there’s rivals to friends to enemies to lovers. there’s father figures + big sister figures + found family + ancient kingdoms + the real world blending with the fantasy world + uh i’ve said enough okeee bye that’s it
the moment was enough (The war ends. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan try to work things out since the last time they actually saw each other.) 
it had been a long while since i had written anything that was really just about ahsoka and obi-wan, but. i think everyone knows that i really love my grandpadawan and grandmaster duo? idk, this fic really made me feel things because i was thinking a lot about how obi-wan and ahsoka had left things. i wanted to make it pretty clear that they both clearly care about each other a lot, but like. also. there’s still some hurt there. i just had so much fun writing this, because obi-wan and ahsoka are such an underrated duo and i love them :’) 
loose stitches (The discovery and aftermath of Maul. Anakin and Ahsoka find themselves pacing in front of the Council chambers multiple times. They might have taken Obi-Wan to Dex’s. Something might have unraveled, only to be stitched back together.) 
kasey before you say anything pls know that i would talk about this fic until literally the day i die i am sorry if i am making you feel self-conscious--but anyways this was a collab with the ever-talented, ever-wonderful @kckenobi. so uh, quick story which mayhaps i might not have told anyone before, but whatever, i’m listening to evermore and therefore have no choice but to be emotional huh--this fic was like...one of the first collabs i’ve ever done? in general, collaborations were always something that made me nervous because it required lots of vulnerability and honesty, and there’s a side of me that’s very obsessed with having this image of Neat Writer Who Has Coherent Thoughts (which,,,doesn’t even exist so why was i obsessed? no idea). so that said, this collab was just. so wild + wonderful because it really was, first of all, such a cool, magical experience. there’s something so amazing and insane about passing words back and forth and like, even a screen apart, there’s something magical about like. sitting down at a laptop at the end of the day and feeling like you’re about to step into a portal where it’s just two people trying to spin a story. writing with kasey was just such a wonderful, absolutely magical experience, and i’m really glad that we got to write this story + the many more that we did. just. there’s something really personal and beautiful about writing until 1, 2, 3 am when the world’s asleep. anyways. magical. 
asdfsdfd i’m very sorry that this got so incredibly long, but!! that said, 2020 was a hard year for lots of different reasons both personally + because of *gestures at the world* but. like. i’m really, really glad that i got back to writing clone wars fic this year, because i’ve met so many wonderful, wonderful, wonderful people here, and. yeah. y’all are my serotonin suppliers, and i do refer to a lot of people here as ‘oh yeah, my friend and i were talking the other day about...’ and ‘why are you smiling?’ ‘oh, just something a friend said--’ and. yeah. i hope y’all have a wonderful, wonderful rest of the year + also a wonderful life because y’all are simply the best :’)) 
no-pressure tags: @lightasthesun @meandmyechoes @soplantyourownflowers @ilonga @sonderwalker @mytardisisparked @60sec400 and really, honestly, anyone else who wants to!!! <333 (like. i mean it. literally. just tag me and lemme scream encouragements at you.)
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 251: Help I Love a Manga Too Much
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi answered the age-old question of “can the Todorokis ever be together for more than five minutes without lapsing into a daytime soap opera?” with a resounding “HAHAHAHA.” Fuyumi and Shouto sat down with Kacchan and Deku and told them all about their super-dead brother Touya, whose death -- and you’ll be shocked to hear this -- apparently had something to do with Endeavor. What exactly happened, though, we don’t actually know, because they didn’t tell us, because of course they didn’t. Anyway, so then Fuyu bid everyone farewell and they piled into the Endeavormobile and started to drive away. Except they didn’t get very far, because all of a sudden some guy was like “HEY ENDEAVOR I’VE KIDNAPPED YOUR SON, NATSUO” and Endeavor was like “!!!” and the guy was like “AND I’M GONNA KILL HIM, WHEEEE” and then the chapter ended. Anyway so we all agree this family is cursed, yes?
Today on BnHA: Ending, who really doesn’t have much depth to him beyond continuously screaming “SO ARE YOU GONNA KILL ME ENDEAVOR?? HUH?! COME ON AND DO IT! I FUCKING DARE YOU TO DO IT! COME ONNNNNNN”, keeps on doing that. After about three seconds, the Terror Trio gets bored of sitting around not kicking ass, so they explode out of the car to join in the action. Since they all have impeccable senses of narrative timing, they simultaneously choose this moment to figure out all that shit Endeavor was trying to teach them a few chapters ago, with the end result being that (1) Shouto uses Flashfire, (2) DEKU USES BLACKWHIP YESSSSS, and (3) Katsuki rockets himself at fucking lightspeed to save Natsuo in the nick of time. Then Endeavor wraps Natsu (and Katsuki lmao) in a big ol’ panicked dad hug, which fully destroys me, and the chapter ends! So that was pretty quick, actually, but it sure was intense!
lmao -- what?? -- are you --
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ME, TALKING TO A FOREST WITCH: so you’re saying that once I peer into this cauldron, the spell will reveal the thing I love most?
WITCH: yeah basically
ME: [peers, sees this]
WITCH: ...
ME: ... I can explain
[wiping away tears] yep so anyways. that’s my son. that’s my boy. so handsome. and talented
anyways so I guess that answers the question of whether or not the kids are gonna get involved lol. the title presumably refers to the one week of winter break that they had, which was also their time limit to try and beat a villain before Endeavor. GEE I WONDER IF THEY WILL DO IT
so Ending, our friend from last week (who apparently isn’t the “Takami” guy he was monologuing about, so so much for that), says that even under the most extreme circumstances, heroes will never choose to kill someone. and god I am so tempted to say something snarky about real life law enforcement here. but you know what, I’m not even gonna go there because this is supposed to be my happy weekly manga reading time, and lord knows Horikoshi is good enough at fucking that up himself without me adding on to it
anyway, so Ending says that despite that principle, Endeavor chose to kill that Noumu at Fukuoka. so I guess he assumes this means Endeavor just doesn’t give any fucks nowadays and will just kill ANYONE, ANYTIME, WHENEVER! sound, logical deduction there! airtight fucking reasoning
anyway this guy actually sounds seriously depressed though, and yeah this is getting dark real fast you guys
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a few people pointed out to me last week that this guy is manipulating the lines painted on the road, and that’s what his quirk is (and it was also pointed out to me that he shot himself up with something akin to Trigger before he got started, so presumably he’s hopped up on those quirk roids at the moment), and now that I know I can see it actually should have been really obvious lol. anyways so yeah, looks like he’s been busy. I’m sure the three buckos strapped into the back seat of this vehicle know when they’re beat, and will use this opportunity to just take a nap or something
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honestly, I could have predicted this coming even without that thumbnail lmao
also is anyone else dying at Katsuki being all BOOM!! while Deku and Todo are just “BANG” further back by the car. just a slight difference in intensity, here. it’s subtle but you can spot it if you look real close
anyway if I were Ending, this right here would be the point where I said “OH SHIT” real loudly, and screamed and dropped Natsuo and turned and hightailed it out of there with my road stripes whipping out behind me in the wind like tin cans dangling from the back of a newlywed car
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Endeavor’s face is fucking SENDING ME, man, oh my god. the man has gone FULL SURPRISED PIKACHU, someone help me I can’t breathe dfklsk
AND WHAT ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO DO, CATCH THE BRIEFCASES AND THEN THEY’LL JUST MAGICALLY UNFOLD THEMSELVES OUT OVER THEM LIKE IN IRON MAN 2? actually, scratch that, that’s exactly what should happen. please do this. I promise I won’t even poke fun, I’ll just accept it unconditionally
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“911, what’s your emergency?” YES HELLO PLEASE HELP, I LOVE A MANGA TOO MUCH. “ma’am, that’s not a real emerg –”  NO, LISTEN, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND
Kacchan doesn’t even look back, he just reaches his hand out and knows exactly what Deku is doing without looking, and trusts his aim to be perfect. I’m so fucking weak for this teamwork I fucking sighed in real life you guys, it’s unbelievable
I can’t tell if this is Deku using “Shouto” the hero name, or if it’s now “Shouto” as in his actual name lol. because he’ll keep on using “Kacchan” no matter what, in any and all circumstances, so we can’t even use that to try and gauge lol. but anyway I’m choosing to believe it’s “Shouto” the name because they’ve now graduated to the next level of friendship after that dinner, and after Fuyu clasped his hand in both of her own and was all “I want you to know that I approve of the two of you together with all of my heart” or whatever it was she said, but it was basically that. so anyways yeah after that they’re now on a first name basis. YOU HEAR THAT, SHOUTO?
and then, with these bottom three panels, I know this is supposed to be all “click/bzzz/whrrr/other high tech costume-changing sounds” and it’s supposed to be a near-instantaneous costume change, presumably while still in motion because THEY’RE JUST BADASS BITCHES LIKE THAT, but like. in reality I pictured them all instantly grinding to a halt, and unclicking the locks on the briefcases, and Kacchan just giving his a shake to spill all the contents out haphazardly on the ground, while meanwhile Shouto is much more fastidious and respectful, and kneels on the ground and opens his case with both hands, and Deku is hopping around on one foot trying to drag his gloves on with his teeth while putting on his metal shoe-thingies, and the entire time Ending and Endeavor are just staring at the three of them like, “.....”
so anyway that’s what I choose to believe is actually happening. lastly, you also need to understand that pretty much this entire time, I’ve had the Powerpuff Girls theme playing in my head AT FULL INTENSITY on repeat, including during the part where they stop for five minutes to suit up. so there’s that, too
moving on!
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lmao so anyway, now Endeavor is fully engaged in the fight once again, and thinking that Ending is “A FOOL” for letting himself get temporarily distracted by the interns’ shenanigans. but like. is he, though? seeing as he’s flat-out admitted to you that he wants to lose this fight? because he wants to die? did you hear that part? like, ??
so now there are some very intense closeups of Endeavor’s eye, and Natsuo’s face, and Endeavor’s feet
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(ETA: actually in hindsight of the hug, I fucking love this, because this is the moment where, right after he psychs himself up and is all, “now’s my chance!”, he sees Natsuo’s face and he sees the fear in his eyes, and all of a sudden he’s frozen in place, terrified of making a wrong move when his son’s life is at stake.)
-- oh snap, look who’s getting beaten to the punch!
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do you guys remember that season 3 anime filler where Deku somehow beats Iida in a race and everyone just accepts it like that could ever actually possibly happen, like...?? if he can’t even keep up with Kacchan and Shouto, I hardly think he could pose a challenge to the guy who’s basically the Usain Bolt of heroes. but it’s not like that still keeps me up at night or anything. anyway!
so Ending here is giving the Todorokis a run for their money in the drama department, which is really saying something
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okay, but what exactly is he supposed to do, then? you’re saying he should focus on killing you to save his son? so what, just like try to fry you and hope he doesn’t also hit Natsu? it seems to me like he has the same chance of success here whether he aims for lethal or nonlethal. so idk but go off I guess dude
oh damn, but in the meantime it looks like Todo is having some sort of badass awakening moment
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(ETA: so Shouto just burned off his entire uniform, yes? boy you’d better keep that fire going now for modesty’s sake until you figure something out sob.)
lol so anyway I just had a flashback to Shouto’s fight against Tetsu back in chapter 205, and I realized that if Ending really wants to fight someone who absolutely doesn’t give a fuck, and will straight up kill a bitch with his quirk if they test him, then HERE’S YOUR GUY LMAO
now Ending’s saying “because you took your time...” and I have no idea where this is going, but I’ll take this as confirmation that they really did take a time-out for five minutes to gear up
oh damn
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friendly reminder that gravity in BnHA tends to follow normal rules, unlike in most shounen manga. but even so, I’m finding myself hard-pressed to be concerned considering Kacchan and Deku are on the job. you’re gonna have to do better than that Ending my dude
wow is he shoving Natsu right into oncoming traffic?!
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where the fuck did all these fucking cars come from out of nowhere like this?? the highway was like empty two minutes ago, geez
anyways now we’re seeing another “condense it!” panel, and is this one Bakugou??
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I mean it looks like his gauntlet there, and I’m pretty sure Shouto was wearing sneakers in the panel earlier, and those obviously aren’t Deku’s shoes, so...!
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listen you judgey forest witch, I don’t need to justify myself to you, okay?? just!! I LOVE HIM END OF STORY
(ETA: and hey can we also just stop for a second and talk about how insanely fucking fast that was, though?? and Kacchan was fast to begin with -- remember how quickly he saved Jirou during the joint training arc. anyway so he’s basically moving at teleportation speeds now, and I’m here for it, and also terrified that he’s going to blow his fucking arms off at some point because holy fuck though.
also, once again I would like to express my gratitude for Horikoshi for once again giving Katsuki the big rescue moment, rather than having him go immediately for the bad guy. this is such an important thing to show. he’s really giving his all towards this “saving people” thing and trying his hardest and I’m so proud.)
and now it’s Deku’s turn to get to work!
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that guy gripping his steering wheel for dear life has the most perfect expression I’ve ever seen, like that’s exactly the face I would be making in that situation. this chapter has had so many great facial expressions overall. I feel spoiled
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lmao Ending looks so fucking shocked at being completely taken apart by these three kids with basically no effort. and I see that ice creeping up around him. oh, son. you tried
and then the last page is -- oh
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I mean, Deku and Shouto being complete badasses (ETA: and I so wasn’t kidding when I said that Shouto will straight up murder a bitch omg), but then
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aaaaand there goes my heart. hey would it kill you to give me a heads up before you just go and STUFF IT FULL OF FEELS like that?? like
just. Endeavor just ran up and gathered him up in his arms, and he’s holding him with this desperation that we’ve never seen from him before, and just... wow. it’s completely disarming and I’m almost at a loss for a coherent response. meanwhile poor Katsuki nearly got wrapped up in it as well due to proximity, but it’s not like it’ll hurt him to see this moment up close. I still have another essay I’m working on for you, you little honey badger
(ETA: on closer inspection it seems like poor honey badger actually has been fully included in the hug lmao. and at first I was thinking it was just the proximity as I said above, but you know what? if some punk kid flew in out of nowhere and saved my child’s life, you can bet I’d be wrapping them up in a bear hug too. so maybe it’s just the dad emotions getting the better of him. either way Katsuki you just gotta put up with it!)
anyways don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here thinking about how Endeavor has already lost a child (and yes I know, but like I said last week, I genuinely believe it was a tragic accident. to me that makes infinitely more sense than all of the darker/more sinister explanations. but anyways we’ll see eventually), and his family has been in shambles for so long and he’s been estranged from all of them (for good reason), and I think he finally even is coming to terms with that, and the fact that it may always be this way for him because of what he’s done. but to then almost have a second child taken from him, right before his eyes, and knowing that once again it would have been his fault, was apparently more than he could handle
and then, just the fact that he reacted in this of all ways. by openly showing tenderness and emotion, without even thinking about it, because he was so shaken up by the whole thing. this from Todoroki Enji, the most stoic, impassive, closed-off motherfucker to ever walk the earth! like, even after he clearly established that he was on the redemption path, he still never showed this kind of vulnerability. we’ve had a window or two into his thoughts and reflections, so we know he’s been experiencing remorse, and we could see it also during some of the quieter moments like him thanking Fuyumi or kneeling at the shrine for Touya. but I will tell you that I never for a moment could have imagined a scene like this. and I know it’s probably going to make some people angry because they feel like he hasn’t “earned” it or whatever. but I’ll be fully honest, at this point I’m kind of over feeling like I have to put a disclaimer every week explaining that yes, I like the Endeavor redemption arc lol. just, yeah. I like it. and anyway, so this was feels all over the damn place. fuck
(ETA: and I feel it’s worth adding here that even though Endeavor didn’t do anything to save Natsuo himself directly, it’s his guidance that enabled those three padawans to reach the next level so quickly. so in a way he did save his son: by finally moving past his self-centered mentality and taking these three kids under his wing and helping them grow. this wasn’t a victory he could have pulled off alone. but because he finally learned to see past himself, they were able to win the day and save Natsu.)
anyway, so now that all this has happened, I’m curious as to whether this is the end of this little arc! if so it’s much shorter than I expected. though obviously their internship is going to continue even after they head back to school, so it’s not like the action is just gonna come screeching to a halt. but maybe we’ll take a little break after this to catch up with the rest of 1-A, and maybe follow up with All Might to see who the great-great-grandfather of One for All is, oh snap
and having said that, I don’t really have a clean way of ending this recap this week lol so just. uh. I liked it a lot, thank you, good night
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
aaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! helloooo mods!!!!!!!!! SO! instead of a specific AU, I thought about an author shoutout! what are each mod's fave kaisoo authors? and maybe you could give us one of their underrated stories and/or your favorite that they wrote! Ps: you are all amazing and beautiful and I love you!
HELLOOOO~ this is a great idea annonie uwu. Here are our fav authors (both ever and at the moment) with our fav + underrated fics that we love from them.
I’m excited because this is my first time talking about my fav authors so here it goes~
My favorites: Something I Gotta Say (Tom and Jerry) (enemies to lovers au clair de lune (wolf au, royalty au + topsoo, iconic) and Anti-Climax (just read it it’s real hot)
Underrated: What’s Good, Princess? (hs au, crack, please im still laughing), Who You Gonna Call? (ghost busters au, TRULY UNDERRATED GO READ IT)
My favorites: Amid Shadows (hitmen + mafia au, one of the first fics i read and still so good), there are no wrong mistakes (college au, puppy love nini and nerdy soo, so cute and amazing)
My favorites: run batted in (college + sports au, baldsoo will forever be legendary), deep tissue (i am drooling jongin is soo’s new massage therapist :-))
Underrated: pause, rewind (this baeksoo but its soooo good and sexy)
My favorites: Love Me Right (hs + sports au, if you haven’t read this yet… where have you been?), Kiss and Cry (figure skater au, one of the most beautiful fics i’ve ever read), and of course The Devil Wears Gucci (fashion au, the devil wears prada inspired and a masterpiece)
Underrated: Break a Leg (college au + drama club au, this is SO good i love it so much), Carpe Diem (salem witch trials inspired, so unique and so good Bite Me (vampire au, we are so blessed this exists)
My favorites: lately all i want is you on top of me (college au, ~discovering their sexuality~, this is already one of my fav fics ever), spreading inside of me (college professors au but like, really sexy and beautifully written)
Underrated: by my side (love this, see admin w’s commentary. go read it
My favorites: Campaigning for Your Heart (college au + enemies to lovers, politics, but like it’s too good i’m in love ALSO THE SEQUEL), A Slice of Summer Love (college au, pizza delivery guy au, so cute and the pining i love love love), Lawyer Up (My Ass) (you were all expecting this one and here it is bc im still shook and amazed by this lawyer au), What the Nightingale Spies (spy au, legendary)
Underrated: Push the Pedal Down (hs au where bffs kaisoo escape the school to go on a small road trip Birthday Roulette (this so cute and funny i love it, go read it)
My favorites: Pay Me Some Mind (pretty sure this is the first fic i read from her and i’m still in love! college au, fwb to lovers Dark Shadows (Are Woken Inside of Me) (oof wolf au and jong discovers he’s an alpha and soo is in heat and jong is obsessed), Puppy Love (bartender nini is hot asf and soo thinks so too) and finally! Yes, Alpha (wolf au again with soo being nini’s personal in-house chef, fucking love this fic i can’t get enough even after every update)
Underrated: Romantic In Theory (im crying i love this so much jongin is so cheesy and its like crack but the smut is good and they’re just goals)
I have to add parkourdeer because he was one of the first authors I loved and I still love his fics very much.
- Admin Macaroon
t_dragon - is on a roll, so many kaisoo fics and still counting!
SM Origins: Kai - x-men au. it’s slightly more jongin-centric but i personally love the bestfriends-to-love dynamic he has with kyungsoo here :’)
Perfection - hurt comfort but also fluff, jongin is training so hard to become the best dancer but he only hurts himself in the process and kyungsoo is having none of it
coppertears - one of the classic authors (been around since 2012/13 yet!!) and all their kd fics are perfect, I defo recommend reading them all! 
landfall - stripper!kai + office worker!soo fall in love with each other (the push and pull rls ufgh)  
maybe in hell, there is a heaven - umm this is not for the faint-hearted :’) it’s a war au with some graphic scenes, jongin is a prisoner, kyungsoo is one of the commanders, but he always is there to protect jongin much to jongin’s surprise
mercuryretrograte/brujadelmar - amazing amazing amazing, i hope they’ll write more
fav: begging you to keep on haunting me - hybrid au, bodyguard au. jongin is a famous dancer but he’s also a swan hybrid and one evening, he receives a death threat. feared for his life, he hires the best bodyguards also hybrids to protect him day in day out
underrated: Ursae Minoris - game of thrones inspo. i dont watch GoT but i’m sure this fics is only loosely inspired by it. and it’s bomb! jongin got married into a new family and he learns about their different culture (ongoing)
xingnini- angst is good but comedy is the real mvp!
underrated: Itaidōshin (Army of Two) - zombie au + comedy au aka when they try to escape the zombies and fight as one but they AREN’T IN SYNC AT ALL also farmboy!jongin bless and chanhun are so fUNNY
Jjeut Jjeut (Tsk, Tsk) - college/enemies to lovers nerd/straight A’s jongin pisses kyungsoo with his unnecessary questions in class so much he wants to fight him but jongin just made him accidentally agree to go on a date instead HAHA freshman jongin is sooo qt
tinylittlepaws - cute, will they write more? ;_;
Say Hi! - omegle!au and the whole shebang :D in which Jongin is bored and alone on a sunday night and decides to try something new with a Random Stranger on the internet.
Tonight is The Night - het is not many ppl’s fav, but this one is really nice OTL girl!nini is feeling brave one night with soo and makes him go down on her :))
ladyLiliah - they only have a few kaisoo fics but they slap!
Dunes - non au, smut, exo visits dubai again but this time with kyungsoo and jongin is ecstatic c:
Afloat - slice of life non au, smut, both train together and de-stress together yup
kaichocosoo - sooo many great kd fics idek what to rec first tbh! their spn au is gold!
Golden - vampire/werewolf au, kyungsoo is a vampire who has dated many times before but now baek convinces him to go this one with someone he thinks could be ‘the one’ for kyungsoo c: 
Hunt Me Not - jongin is determined to be a good vampire hunter but he’s very much into his mentor hunter prodigy kyungsoo (shy!jongin  hehe)
AbsoluteZXING - has a number of kaisoo fics and theyre qt :’)
Afterlight - first fic i read, this is celebrity au/ bestfriends au…the ending just reminded me of Trees of Heaven drama, i love this :(
No Promises - jongin is not happy he had to leave kyungsoo (he is now an angel), but fate has a different plan for them
potslooshi - a few but very nice kd fics uwu
Chances: The blind side - blind!soo is recovering from an accident and kai, who is junmyeon’s brother and soo’s doctor promises jun to pretend to be soo’s husband to help him heal 
Videre - non au smut with some cute moments of them travelling overseas (hj, dirty talk)
lovelyairi - from fluff to angst to smut this author can do it all c:
Make Me Love You - jongin seeks pleasure in a club but he gets more than expected - a pureblood vampire royalty ;) kyungsoo’s shaved head + purple eyes is a wonderful concept
Gentleman - kyungsoo goes to watch Hyung (yeees the movie he’s starring in) in theatres but there’s a person who’s sobbing loudly next to him which is quite annoying! 
Minty_Pixie - the queen of Garnet Hearts! but also of many other incredible fics *u*
Read Me Right - superpowers/abilities, kyungsoo can read people’s minds by a simple touch and he respects jongin’s boundaries (until one day he touches him in an attempt to wake him up from a nightmare)
Through Fire and Ashes - 84k zombie/post-apocalypse au oh em gee!!!! if you are into zombie au and survival theme w lots of heartbreak and action and kd being in love so much they withstand literally everything, what are u waiting for!
life_not_knife - people stop sleeping on this author!!
Hybrid Hyperbole - wolf au, the history of wolves has been always been full of violence, and mistreatment. it is a challenge for both to defy even if it means they’ll have to deal with repercussions
So Damn Hot! - d/s elements, sub!ks and dom!jongin well done uwu
kxdlola120 - nearly 40 kaisoo fics of various genres and aus? thank you for your service :’)
Crimson pink - vampire au, jongin sacrificed by his town to save them from extinction but the vampire he was sold to has seet his eyes on him long before. ongoing!!
Blue - hello angst :’(( jongin is always by kyungsoo’s side and would follow him everywhere, but he doesn’t get to follow him home… (w for terminal illness)
I’ve listed my favourites several times before and that pretty much still stands, these authors are my faves but also who I feel aren’t talked about much! I’ll make sure to rec more authors when I rmb ^^ - Admin J
Faves: The Loneliest Place to Be, Through the Midnight Streets, A Heart at Peace
Underrated: Somewhere Only We Know (it’s SeKai but it’s underrated AND IT’S FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL)
Faves: Do Overs and Second Chances, Something Lost, Something Borrowed.
Underrated: Tahanan, (Watch me make them bow) One by, one by one
Faves: Kiss From a Rose, The Devil Wears Gucci
Underrated: Peace of Mind
Fave: spreading inside of me
Have to put these in cuz they’ll always be my faves: changdictator, uponinfinity, rainbowtoxicity, w_anderingheart, curryramyeon, and of course arosoo
- Admin W
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
Tumblr media
I’m doing a Fansession with trolls based off social media,this one is YouTube,hope you like it!!!! (SA Here! How many of these are you planning on? There’s a lot of social media out there!)
Name:Videre Zolyna Videre means “see” on Latin,Zolyna is modified Solina which means “tube/pipe” on Greek (Not a lot of comments about the name, as it scans and sounds about right for a Troll name. But, I quickscanned this troll as soon as it came in and I instantly knew where this troll’s weakness came from, and it starts here: Overcommitment to a theme. You’re halfway to making this character The Beholding from The Magnus Archives, you’re so fixated on this eye-idea (eyedea?). We’re going to have to cut open this one’s stomach and add more stuffing so he stands upright.) (Actually... You know what? We’re gonna make this character a monster. Buckle up, we’re about to have some fun.) (This is where a quick “concept blurb” would do me wonders: All seeing, all knowing, all watching: Videre Zolyna, the mysterious and underground famous creator of TrollTube, a video hosting platform that has completely turned this cycle on its head. Known for his internet persona of an easygoing, laid-back Rustblood who just so happens to have random, incredible things happen to him whenever he’s recording, Videre is a master technopath, and uses his newfound platform to spy on the lives of anyone who’s recording to his network...)
6 sweeps old (13 human years)
Strife Specibus:Mic kind,he speaks on his mic to cause damage,also you can use it as a sword!!!! (Wait. Hold up. Right here. “You can use it as a sword”?? Sir, what kind of microphones have you buying at Troll Target? This is the singular place where you deviate from the Eyes motif, and ordinarily, I’d be all for it. But if you’re going to center a troll on one sense, keeping it to Vision would make more sense, not less.) (I’m actually gonna recommend something with a visual component. You know how old-timey cameras had that whole explosion for flash photography? Weaponizing that has SO many fun applications!)
Fetch Modus:unboxing modus,he needs to record him unboxing his items (I actually like this a lot. This expands on your gimmick, instead of being a slave to it. Content generation!)
Blood color:since the colors need to go with the media,he needs to be Red/Rust
Symbol: play symbol from YouTube
Trolltag: I’m making my own tag rule, it’s the MEDIA rule, I’m stuck with his tag,I only have Espectating but can’t find the other part…. (I... am not sure what word you were aiming at here. “Expecting”? “Spectating”? If we’re going with the Eye Motif, I’d lean for Spectating. Always watching!)
Quirk:pll>y >nd stop,double L and > instead of A
Special Abilities:none but the normally found on Rust bloods ones….
(That would be Necromancy and Telekinesis, for reference.)
(For the angle I’m going with this review, having him expand his telekinetic powers to fake things on camera and do all the recording work hands-free sounds useful to me!)
Lusus:I have no lusus for now…. (Rust lusii tend to be herbivores! Though, if you wanted to be edgy, you could write in that his lusus died- maybe that was part of what got him into making videos, and being someone new on screen! That bending of perception to distract from his own issues.)
Personality:he is kind of charming and relaxed,the kind of person you would like to watch on trolltube,but Don’t expect this if you engage in a discussion with him! (What does this mean exactly? Yes he’s not who he is on screen, but then, like, who is he? I’m gonna suggest making him kind of neurotic, obsessed with details. Someone who really doesn’t like conversing with people who aren’t actively giving him that sweet ad revenue.)
Interests:challenges(think of jelly bean or ice cube,he does everything his followers tell him to do),watching stuff that might be interesting or click baited,having fun =) (Here’s another place where I talk about overcommitment to gimmick. Nobody’s entire life and hobbies are their job, even at the age of 13. I actually think I had more hobbies at 13 than I do now as an adult with a career, not less. “Having fun” is not a hobby, you have fun by doing hobbies.) (Some of these are obvious- filmography! He likes to record things. Where does this come from? My high concept take is to make it an extension of greed and an extension of a desire for control. I think an interest in special effects, and possibly film theory is in order. Maybe he likes building models? Or organizing? Things that started off as just things (to feel control, but also because they feel good) he did that we monetized for ~his brand~ if you wanna portray his youtube career as (as it often happens) destroying and taking over his sense of self?)
Title: I’m not sure about this, he likes to see stuff,so maybe he might be a SEEr???? (Wrong approach. Classpect isn’t about things you like. It’s about things you are and could become. John was never, like “gee I sure love wind and the thing that it does!” It was a thing that was his destiny, his (admittedly static) development as a person. Classpect is a crucible, it shapes. You have to ask yourself: What purpose does this character serve to his team in Sburb? Where does he start and end?) (This is kind of a classic Mind player. I wrote a Mind Celebrity up at one point, and so I’m taking a few points from CD’s lovely analysis on how Mind works for this: Youtubers are Personalities before anything else, and their concerns are the perceptions and thoughts of the people watching them. Mind players deal in choices and who we become because of those choices (and so inverts to Heart, the Self, the Soul).)
(I’m giving this character Witch, to reinforce my idea that this character is a meddler, a fixer, a controller. Someone who makes contrivances happen and who bends the truth of who he is by the curvature of his camera’s lens. Someone who uses his powers to turn cameras on and off at will, who summons ghosts to fake hauntings, who couldn’t bear for anyone to find out that the person he is on the internet isn’t who he really is.)
Land:hmmmm (Shade and Dominoes. No lighting effects will save you from the all encroaching darkness of this wooded glade of a planet. Crows caw ominously in the distance, ruining every take without fail. Endless trails of dominoes just wait, covered in moss and dust, to be knocked over. But what happens when they fall? What lies at the end of the path? And can Videre bear the chaos that will be wrought once he has to knock down the final rock of stillness that surrounds him?)
Dream planet:prospit (Based on what you wrote about being a different person off camera, this character is likely a Dersite. Prospite characters are to their core sincere, and have difficulty keeping themselves under wraps. This character is explicitly dichromatic- classic Dersite behavior.)
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lillaxtrigger · 6 years
Young hope: Chapter 3
“And how did she go blind again?” Cayenne asks. Both her and Kingsley stared down a Chloe in her bed, who was wearing a blindfold. “Um...Well, she stared darting toward Mom and Dad’s room, when she kicked down the door and saw...Well...she saw them...Uh-” Kingsley tried to explain. “I saw them fucking!” Chloe spurted out. Cayenne drew in air through her teeth and said: “Damn. That sucks. She can’t see at all?”. “Nope. Cornea’s are completely burnt. Too much stimulation at once.”. “Guys. I can’t go blind. I’m too young to go blind now. I have my whole life ahead of me. How I am I going to enjoy it if I can’t even see?”. Cayenne thought to herself for a moment and said: “Hey, I got something. My mom once fixed my aunts eyes with her laser vision. Maybe if I can-”. Chloe stopped her short and said: “Cayenne, listen to me. You are awesome and can kick ass. But I don’t think you can help me there. You have as much grace and precision as a hyped up little kid on the piano. I don’t want my eyes to be melted out of my skull.”. Kingsley took a moment to think and said: “Maybe dad and I can build something that can restore your eyesight. Of course, I don’t know how long that might take. It could take weeks or even months before we could even come up with a prototype and-”. “That’s way too long. Ryu is gonna be at the mall tomorrow and I don’t want Opal out there taking him from me while I’m stuck here in bed. I might know somebody who can help. Her names Serena. She’s a potions brewer that lives on the other side of town. The address is 1134 haunt way. I need one of you to get a potion from her that can restore my eyesight. Look for a house that surrounded by flowers.”. “I’ll go. I can get there faster.” Cayenne said. Cayenne flew through the air, making her way through the city. She made it to the other side of town, where she descended down to the ground to get a closer look. The girl floated above an intersection and said: “What was the address? 1134 haunt way or some shit like that?”. She looks over to the right and sees a house surrounded by trees and flowers. Cayenne floated down made her way through the walk way, passing through a front yard full of trees and flowers. “Damn, these people go all out with the gardening.”. She approached the door and knocked. A young teenage girl with stripes of light and medium brown hair and a dark lavender dress answered the door. “Um, Hey. I heard that there was some kind of potion shop here. Is Serena home?”. “I’m Serena, yes.”. “Hold the fucking phone. You’re Serena? I though you’d be some kind of old bag near her deathbed. You don’t even look like your past 20 yet.”. “Everybody gets that impression their first time. Come on in.”. Cayenne went inside, seeing the interior of the house fitted with natural themed décor. “So, what kind of potion do you plan on buying today? Healing potion, transforming potion, love potion?”. “You sell love potions?” Cayenne questioned. “Yup, their one my most popular items. A big hit with teenage girls. Would you like a sample?”. “Eh no. Not really into that romantic crap.”. “Well if were being honest here, neither am I.”. Cayenne smiles and says, “Neat.”. Both of them start heading downstairs, where Cayenne saw tables of potions bottles and shelves full of books. A big cauldron sat comfortably in the middle of the room. “Anyway, I’m not here for myself. I’m just picking something up for Chloe.”. “Chloe? She’s one of my best paying customers. We even share lunch together sometimes. She usually comes here personally. Wonder why she couldn’t come here herself” Serena says. “She gone blind.”. “Oh...Well, I hope she’s doing okay.”. “She said that you might have a potion that can restore her eyesight. That true?”. “Hmm. I...I suppose I might have something. Give me a minute.”. Serena walked over to one of the shelves and pulled out a musty old book. She flipped through the contest with her finger saying: “Hmm...flight brew, no. Invisibility potion, no. Laser eyes concoction, close. Ah ha, here it is! The ocular remedy. Originally crafted by the Italian witch Aradia, this concoction is said to heal and improve eyesight, making it far greater than ever before.”. “Cool, cool. How long til it’ll be finished?”. “It shouldn’t take too long, provide I have enough ingredients on hand for-...Oh...Oh no.”. “What?” Cayenne said suspiciously. “Well, it seems that one of the ingredients is rather very rare.”. “And I don’t imagine you have it on you, huh?”. “Nnn, no. It’s a rare form of crystal called Aramonius. It’s quite valuable.” Serena turns the book towards Cayenne and shows her a red crystal in the shape of a flower. “I’m afraid without it, Chloe will remain blinded to the world. I’m sorry.”. Cayenne walked down the street from the house, finding her way back to the Spicer mansion. The setting sun dips down in the horizon as she treks back. “God dammit! Of course the ingredients for a potion to cure the blind would be rare. Now what do I do. If I go back home now, I’ll look like a dumb ass...I’ll just say she was out of stock.”. As she passed an alley, somebody said: “Psst.”. Cayenne stopped and looked around, only to hear that sound again. She backed up to the alley way. “Somebody here?”. Cayenne couldn’t see past the shadows of the alley, only being able to make out a black stiletto boot out from the darkness. “I hear you’re looking for rare kind of crystal. Aramonius it was called, right?” a womanly voice mentioned. “Who wants to know?” Cayenne asked. “I think we might be able to help each other. We obviously can’t talk here though.”. “Where do you plan on talking then?”. “Why don’t you come and find out.”. The boot into the shadows retreated into the shadows. Cayenne dashed into the alley after the mysterious figure. She picked up a discarded newspaper and using her fire breath, lit the tip to see in the dark alley. “Where the hell did she go?”. Looking around, she sees something of a black tail scurry around the corner. Cayenne sprints after, going through ally after ally, chasing the alleged figure down. Her chase led her through a door and into a dark room, where the door promptly shut as soon as she entered. “This looks like a good place, don’t you?” the voice said. Two lights came on a pierced through the dark. One of the shined on Cayenne and another across the room. The light revealed a blonde young woman in a black and fuchsia cat suit, complete with cat ears and a bell around her neck. “Whoa! You going to BDSM or furry convention? Probably both from the looks of it.” Cayenne said. “Charming. Like I said, you want to find the Aramonius crystal, right?”. “...Maybe...What’s it to you?”. “I happen to know where one is lying. The problem is that it’s too well guarded for me to just simply take. I can’t do it alone.”. “Why go to me then? What’s your gain?”. “Are those really the questions you want to ask?”. “Can I least get a name?”. “It’s Alisha. Now do want to help me or not?”. “Where’s this gem at?”. “In China.”. “Damn. Other side of the world, huh? Okay, gimme a second and I’ll fly us their in no time.”. “I’m afraid that not gonna be an option. If the Chinese government catches us flying in restricted air space, we could both wind up dead. I have a private airlines that I commonly use for stealth operations we can take.”. “A stealth plane? Who the hell just has that on hand?” Cayenne remarks. The entire room lights up. “Follow me.”. Cayenne follows Alisha all the way to the roof of the building. The only thing she could see was the setting sun in the horizon shining on the building. “Alright, where the hell is this damn plane?” Cayenne said as she floated ahead. She suddenly bumped into something. The girl put her hand and was touching something that seemed invisible. It felt like cold metal. “The fuck?”. She looks over to Alisha as she pulls out a remote and pushed a button. A set of stairs descends out of nowhere, revealing the inside of a cockpit. “Holy shit.”. As Cayenne walks inside the cockpit, she sees how the interior was first class. Shag carpeting, leather seats, plasma TV, and personal bar. “Okay, fess up. You’re some kind of spy, aren’t you?” Cayenne asks as she sits down. Alisha sits in her seat and says: “Something like that.”. The plane takes off, Cayenne stares out the window as it leaves the city, the suburbs, and then the county as the sun sets. “Now, if you want to do this, I need you to not ask any questions from here on out, got it?” Alisha mentions. “Geez, you’re really into this mysterious shit, ain’t ya? You even gonna give me the plan”. The cat girl gives a little smile. “The Aramonius crystal is being held in a monk temple on the outskirts of Hong Kong. The crystal is being held right in the center of the temple. The place is crawling with trained monk guards, both inside and out. With the outside, there’s not really any kind of entry point, so we need to create a distraction from the outside. After we neter through the roof, we are going to sneak through the temple. The crystal might still have some security on it, even with what might be going on outside. Once we get far enough in, you are going to make yourself known and draw the security towards you. While you cause the distraction, I’ll come in and swipe the crystal right from under them. After I give the single, you bail and we make our escape.”. “Hm. Neat plan. How do I know you won’t leave me to die and just make of with the crystal?” Cayenne asks. “Ah ah. No questions. Remember? Just trust me.”. “Gee, that’s fucking comforting. Can you at least tell me how long this plane ride gonna take?”. “Oh it shouldn’t take that long. We’ll be there before you know it. Now come to the back, you need to change.”. “Change?”. “We are robbing a landmark monk temple. Don’t want anybody to recognize you after all this is over, right?”. “This coming from somebody dressed in bondage cat cosplay.”. Alisha took Cayenne to the back of the plane, where the cat girl gave her something she could wear. When she came out from the changing room, Alisha saw her wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. “Nice. Black looks good on you.” she said while handing Cayenne a ski mask with a hole cut in the top. “Meh, more into salmon pink really.” While putting on the mask and bringing her hair through the hole, Alisha asked: “Do you feel ready?”. “Bitch, I came out the womb ready.”. Looking into the front of the plane through the cockpit window, we see a glowing green hand snap it’s fingers. The intercom to the plane came on and said: “This is your captain speaking, we’ve just entered China and shall be above our destination in approximately 10 minutes.”. “Bullshit! We’ve only been on this plane for 10 minutes. There’s no way that we can be in-” Cayenne said as she walked towards the window. She looked outside and saw the city of Hong Kong. The tall buildings light up the cityscape below as the plane flew undetected in the night sky. “Well shit.”. She looks back at Alisha, who says to her: “Get ready. Were coming up on the target.”. The plane goes to the city outskirts, where a giant Chinese temple could be seen below. Alisha opened the cockpit door and dropped downward, with Cayenne following after her. Down below the front gate, two monk guards dressed in orange robes stand position carrying big spears. The guard on the right looks very tired and starts to lull into sleep. A pebble is thrown at the side of his head, jolting him awake. He looks turns to the guard to the left and finds him shaking his head while juggling pebbles with his other hand. The tired guard slaps his face and keeps himself awake. Alisha and Cayenne look out to the gate from behind a nearby tree. “Alright, just gimme a sec to take out both those guards and-” Cayenne said. Alisha stopped her short by saying: “Nope. Look over there.”. Cayenne looked over and saw another monk coming around the corner and towards the two guards. “So. Just take him out along with the others.”. “Not the point. They likely have 3 or 4 more of them patrolling the building. They’ll notice the guards missing.”. “Do you have any other idea’s then?” Cayenne snidely retorted. The cat girl pulled out a little ball out of her pocket and pressed the button on the top. The sound of loud rustling bushes could be heard coming from the ball. Alisha then threw the ball to the side. The three monks heard the noise in the distance and started running after it. Both girls move towards the gate, with Cayenne commenting? “Cute toy. What else you got in there?”. “If I told you that, I wouldn’t be a good spy now, would I?”. When they ran to the side of the gate, Cayenne floated up to the top of the wall. Alisha scaled the wall using her sharp golden claws at the ends of her hands. As soon as she got to the top, she said to Cayenne: “Follow me, stay in the shadows.”. Both of them circled around the temple, behind the towers in the corner, past a vegetable garden. When they made it to the other side, they saw some monks in various places, including inside the temple looking through the windows near the wall and on the ground. “We need to get to the roof, the only way we can is if you fly us over. But there are eyes everywhere. I doubt we’d be able to make it over without getting spotted.”. “Got another one of those noise balls?” Cayenne asks. “Not really. We need to think of something else.” Alisha sees her smile and says: “Got an idea?”. “Hells yeah. Wait here.”. She sneaks over to the garden and spits out a tiny fireball towards one of the vegetables. The fire starts spreading towards the other plants. Cayenne flew back to Alisha, who asked: “What’d you do?”. “3 2 1.”. She points over to where the garden was to see smoke coming from behind the wall. Most of the monks from the outside, including some inside, see the smoke and start racing towards it. “Hop on.” Cayenne says as she points to her back. As they landed, Cayenne whispered: “Okay, let me guess, we’re gonna break in by busting a hole in the roof. Is that it?”. “That’s the plan.”. “Alright, give me a second.” she said as she raised her fist in the air. Alisha showed the girl her hand and pulled out a laser pointer with a cat paw print design from her back pocket. “Is that a fucking cat laser pointer?”. The cat burglar points the laser towards the roof and starts circling one spot, seemingly with nothing happening. “So, why the hell do we have to be all sneaky like this? It’d probably be faster and way more fun just to kick the door down and bust some heads.” Cayenne asks. “Because we don’t know what kind of security measures these monks have in case anybody barges in. In situations like these, we need finesse and careful timing. They could hide the crystal somewhere we’d never find it, making this whole mission a failure.”. Cayenne groaned impatiently as Alisha was halfway done. “Hey, that’s what being a spy is about. It’s unexpected and dangerous. Who knows what might happen while we’re in here. And besides...”. After Alisha finished using her laser pointer, she lifted the part of the roof she used it on with little to no effort. “It’s all part of the fun.”. “Damn.”. Both of them dropped down just as the fire died off. As they descended down, Alisha place the part of the roof she cut off back as if it was never broken into. The cat girl lands down, but doesn’t see Cayenne around. She looks to the right and sees her near an ancient painting of a Chinese man in robes “What are you...” the feline spy said. When she approach, she saw that Cayenne drew a cock on the hand with a marker. “What the hell are you doing!?” she loudly whispered. “What?”. “You’re going to get us caught! Part of a spy’s jobs to leave no trace behind.” Alisha said as she took the painting of the wall. “If your not gonna take this seriously, then I might as well-”. She then saw a monk coming from around the corner. “Hide!”. Both her and Cayenne leaped up to the ceiling and watched as the patrol went by. The guard walked back and saw the painting was gone. He frantically looked around before running off. Both Cayenne and Alisha watched on the ceiling, with Alisha saying: “Great, now he’s going to tell the others and they’ll know we’re here. I told them that bringing you along with me was a mistake.”. “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. If your that desperate for cover, why not just pin it on someone else? That’s what I do.” Cayenne said as she pulled out the marker. The monk came back with others to find that the painting was back where it was. At first everyone was confused, most of them were mad when they saw the cock that Cayenne drew. They pin the crime on the monk that showed them, to which he immediately started denying. Alisha carefully dropped the marker in the monks robe. The other monk saw the marker and pulled it out of the first guards robe. The first monk was surprised that the marker was there. He tries to defend himself, but it’s too late, the rest of them think he’s guilty and make him escort himself out. While the guard runs away crying, the others walk back to their posts. Both Cayenne and her cat burglar companion dropped down after the coast was clear. “Good save. But try to be more careful. We almost got caught.”. “Whatever.”. Both of them managed to sneak through the halls of the temple, hiding behind pillars and tapestry. After sneaking down a flight of stairs, they found themselves facing a tight corridor with one monk standing by, spear in hand. The ceiling was too low to just fly over and there was minimal room for sneaking past. “Hmm...Don’t see anywhere we can just sneak through him. Let’s just fuck him up.” Cayenne said. “Hold it.”. Alisha said. She looks over and sees a vase, some look big enough to crawl in. “I have an idea.”. The guard is looking around, minding his own business trying to keep watch, when he hears the sound of stone grinding. He looks to the side and sees a big vase at the end of the hall. The monk looks away and hears the sound again. Looking this time, he notices that the vase had slightly moved. He starts to be suspicious and slowly looks back. The guard hears the grinding once more and finds that the vase blatantly moved farther away. He throws his spear at the vase and watches as it breaks into pieces. After which, he approaches thinking he’ll find a corpse to only find the shards from the vase. He looked confused, until he felt a cold stinging sensation on the back of his neck. The monk fell down to the ground, with his neck bleeding out. Alisha steps out with her claws stained in blood. “Holy shit! Did you kill that guy!?” Cayenne exclaimed. “Yep, all part of being a spy. Of course, assassin training helps. Now keep it down, your gonna blow our cover.” the cat girl casually said as she stuffed the shards and the body in different vases. She calmly walks past Cayenne as the girl stares at the pot. They manage to make it to the first floor of the temple, only to see a wide hall filled with monks. Some training, some meditating, others pretending to meditate so they can nap. Alisha and Cayenne watched above them all. “Alright, time to liven things up down there.” Cayenne said as she was about to drop down. “Not yet.”. “Fucking! What now?”. “We need to find out where the crystal is at, then you can go nuts.”. “Sheesh. How much longer are you gonna make me wait?”. Alisha traveled along the support beams of the temple to get to the other side of the room. The door to the next room was too well seen for her to simply walk through, so she had to carved a hole in the wall and proceed through there. The cat girl finally found the Aramonius crystal. It was at the end of a hall in with monks meditating on the side and two warriors with spears guarding the crystal in front of a golden Buddhist statue. She turned back to Cayenne and gave her the okay. Cayenne drops down the hall with a mighty crash, shaking the entire temple. All of the monk wake up and see her as she says: “What’s up, assholes!? Let’s party!”. She grabs one of the warriors and throws him into his fellow monks. All of them lunge at her in response, ready to fight. Cayenne started punching them into the walls as they came at her. When she started to become overwhelmed on the ground, she took to the sky and started spewing fire everywhere. One of the warriors ran up the wall with spear in hand and leaped up at the girl. Cayenne managed to turn around in time to grabbed the spear and spin the monk away. Monks from all around started to gather began throwing weighted balls tied together with rope, otherwise known as bola’s, at the girl. She tried her best to dodge them, although eventually one of them got her, and a bunch more following. She was eventually tied up as she floated in the air, barely able to move any of her limbs apart. Most of the monks started to calm down seeing her tied up, until they saw that she was starting to pull the ropes apart. Finally, she broke free of her shackles and dived at the crowd of monks. The fighting could be heard from in the hall of the crystal and all but the two monks on guards ran out to fight. Both of the guards that stayed behind stood prepared at whatever came next. The cat burglar came from behind the golden Buddhist statue and clawed one of the guards on his neck, killing him. The other guard saw his comrade go down and lunged at Alisha, nearly stabbing her with his spear. The cat girl jumped up over head and threw butterfly knives from above. The monk blocked them with his spear and swung them back at her. Alisha spun around as she descended dodging the knives that were sent back. When she landed, the cat girl lunged at him, ready to strike. The monk blocked her attacks as she clawed at him. He then swung his spear at her, making her jump up and land right behind him. The monk was about to stab her, when he felt a sharp pain behind him. The warrior fell to the ground, with the back of his neck cut open. With that fight over with, Alisha approached the crystal flower, gazing upon its red finish. She inspected the pedestal that it was resting on, being sure that there were no traps. “This being a monk temple, they won’t have anything fancy like laser trap, but I can’t be to careful.”. She looked closer at the bottom of the crystal to see anything like pressure plates, thankfully, there was nothing of the sorts. She slowly took the crystal of off its pedestal and awaited in anticipation for something to happen. Nothing did. “Hmm. Guess it didn’t have anything.”. Just as Cayenne finished of the cannon fodder, the girl saw one monk with a white robe come in. “Just one more.” she told herself. When Cayenne took a deep breath and spewed out a ball of fire, the monk clapped his hands together. “Fú, jiè g?i w? n? de lìliàng.” the monk whispers. The fire ball was deflected by a golden hand that sprung out of nowhere, almost hitting Cayenne. After dodging the fireball, Cayenne looks back and sees something coming out from behind the monk. It was a golden figure whose head and hands were attached to nothing. Eight blocky hands sprung forth, coming out from behind one another. The perfectly round head floated above the monks own head, it’s face had rectangles for a mouth and eyes, with it’s eyes being horizontal and mouth being vertical. “Ah fuck me.” Cayenne said. The hands aimed themselves at the girl and lunged forth at her. Cayenne managed to dodge five of them, stopped one in it’s tracks with a punch, but the other three smacked her into the wall. As she regained her senses, she saw two of the hands coming together at their hilts and spin around like a saw blade, spinning it’s way towards the girl. She jumped up and watched as the hands cut through the marble floor. Turning around, she saw three more hand blades coming towards her. She managed to grab one of them and toss it into another blade. The girl fired a laser from her eyes at the monk. The monk jumped high in the air to evade the beam and the head swooped under him. He was standing on the head as it floated in the air. All the hands detached from eachother and returned back to their master. Cayenne dashed at the monk in an attempt to hit him. The head flew around and evaded her attacks as the monk simply stood and prayed. The hands tried to hit her, but Cayenne blocked them. That’s when the hands grasped her by the wrist and held her still. She tried to break free of their grip but proved fruitless. Cayenne saw more hands come towards her and tried kicking them, giving them the chance to grab her legs and hold them down. With all of her limbs held down, the only option left for her was to used her fire breath on the monk. The remaining hands blocked the flames and punched her away, the other hands letting go. The force of the attack sent her crashing through a door and into the other hall with the golden statue. She got up and saw the pedestal that the crystal was on, but no sign of Alisha, only a hole on the side of the room, “That cat bitch ditched me!” she screams. She sees the monk drop down from the hole she crashed into. She waits in anticipation to see what the monks hands might do next. The head floats high above the monk, with all eight hand circling around it. The hands start to glow as they circle, the head gathering the light in front of it. Cayenne looks down and sees the monk defenseless and dashes towards him. The head at fires its laser at the girl. She manages to catch the beam and tries to push it back, the searing light burning her hands. But the force remained too strong, so she instead moves out of the way of the beam. The beam fires again, this time Cayenne evades. The laser cuts through parts of the temple, leading outside, but instead of escaping, she dashes towards the monk. The head fires once more, this time Cayenne ducks under the beam and takes a good swing at him. As he was sent flying to the wall, the golden head and arms disappeared. When he opened his eyes, the girl disappeared. Cayenne managed to get back to Townsville late at night, walking back to Kingsley and Chloe’s residence. “Damn fucking cat bitch. Why the fuck did I think she’d be able to help me? Why the hell did I trust her? Of course I shouldn’t have trusted her? I should’ve just helped Kingsley build his damn machine. That way I wouldn’t have had to go through all that shit.” Cayenne muttered. Just as Cayenne was approaching the doorway she saw something on the welcome mat She picked up from the carpet a shiny red crystal flower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serena and Alisha belong to: @princesscallyie
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boshawbearclaw · 6 years
You Did This For Me?
Sharky Boshaw x Lucas O'Connor
It was a hot and humid Tuesday mid afternoon in October, the wide open area of the land at the end of a random path in the woods had dirt and gravel all over. A perfect spot to burn something, or in this case someone, this isn't just another one of Lucas' random Peggie BBQs. This was special, a birthday present.
Lucas stood infront of 10 peggies, it only took one little outpost and the bed of his truck to haul them to this handpicked secluded spot. They all lay tied up and bound on the dirt and gravel, the behemoth puts his hands on his hips and grumbles softly, 'how am i gonna do this, mm shitty tits', they whimper collectivley as he snaps his fingers and shouts, "i got an idea!" Lucas saunters forward and grabs one of them by their long fluffy hair and drags the Peggie into the position of the top part of the capitol 'i'.
He crouched and flick the Peggie on the nose, he points a menacing finger at him, "Stay." Lucas said sternly, he smirks when the man whimpers sheepishly. Lucas stands again and continues the process of dragging frightened and shaking Peggies into position, he had to slap some of them into submission while for others he simply had to glare at them and they'd be pissing themselves, again.
He stood for a final time before walking over to his pickup he jumped up onto the hood and examined his work. The 10 bound Peggies were shaped in the form of the words 'I <3 U' with the heart placed upright, they wiggle uselessly trying desperately to get free but fail miserably as other pray to Joseph for help.
He genuinely smiled at his almost complete project, "He's gonna love this, haha, y'all are doin' a good job!" He shouts, clapping his hands sarcastically. He hops down and continue his saunter over to the bed of his truck, the gravel crunched underneath his mud and blood stained boots.
He pulled the tailgate down and grabs the full jerrycan, scooting it towards him, he unscrews the cap and takes a deeeeeep inhale of the gasoline, a sudden wave of euphoria washes over him, He shakes his head with a chuff and screws it shut again, Lucas take off his Boomer shirt to reveal his sweaty, scarred and tattooed upper body. "You know--" He begins as he walks infront of his truck, he uses his shirt to wipe the sweat drippin' down his chest. "-- Y'all were hard to wrangle up, i mean i barely sweat and look at this shit, Ruined my fuckin' shirt."
Lucas sighs and tosses his shirt onto the hood of his truck, he looks down at the Peggies while he sets down the jerrycan.
Their eyes collectively flicker up and down between him and the large gas canister, all of them whimper and cry as the realization of whats gonna happen to them hits them like a freight train.
He began to sing a Danish nursery rhyme his pa used to sing to him when he was little as they tried to plead for him to let them go, "Bjørnen sover, Bjørnen sover, i sin lune bo. Han er ikke farlig, når man blot er varlig. Men man kan dog, men man kan dog, aldrig på ham tro." Lucas picks up the canister again, unscrews it, he walks to the closest Peggie and starts strategically pouring the gas on him.
They start screaming in fear, it was barely a second later that Lucas burst with anger "SHUT UP YOU FUCKS, I'LL FUCKIN WATERBOARD EVERY ONE OF YOU WITH GASOLINE, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP MOVING!!!" He shouts in return making his mixed accent show through more prominently, stomping his booted foot onto one of their throats effectively crushing his trachea.
Lucas growls, he shuffles around them while pouring the gas all over their bodies, trying not to spill it on the ground too much, when he finished he does the little dance that John Travolta did from the movie Saturday night fever, he and Sharky's favorite movie that has disco as the main theme. After he does the little jig, Lucas caps the jerrycan and returns it to its spot in the bed of the truck, he walks to the front of the truck.
He takes out his zippo and flick it open, the sound alone makes them freeze. He cackles like a witch, "Y'all smell wonderful, including the scent of piss thats wafting through the humid air at the moment." Lucas says casually, he takes out a spliff from his belt and lights it while he grabs his phone out of his back pocket, he unlocks it then clicks on emergency contacts and taps on Sharky's picture.
It rang 2 times before the line clicked and Sharky's voice came through, "Hey, rook-a-saurus." Lucas laughs and takes a drag of his spliff, "I got a present for ya sugarplum, come down to the spot were we first met." There was a bit of shuffling coming fron the other line, then sharky replies with the sound of jingling keys in the background, "I'm on my way, do you, um, want me to bring some beer or something?"
Lucas smiles, "Yeah, that'd be amazing, i'll be waitin' for ya, dont be late now, ya hear?" Lucas said in a stern but calm voice, He heard a soft inhale and then the opening and closing of Sharky's driver side door, "Y-yea Bubba, im on my way." And With that he cancled the call and hopped up on his trucks hood, waiting for his boy to come to the party before it officially starts, Lucas takes another drag and moans a little when it sofly burns his throat.
He hops down and rounds the side of the truck and climbed into the cab, he turns the key in the ignition half way and plugs the auxiliary cord into his phone and clicks on his favorite music app, Spotify, he then chooses his favorite playlist, labled 'Disco Inferno motherfucker'.
He clicks shuffle and then turned up the volume when his favorite Bee Gees song came on, he hummed along to 'stayin' alive' when he jumped back onto the hood of his truck after slithering out of the cab. Minutes later Lucas hears a horn sounded a few feet away, the music muffled it a little.
Sharky hopped out of his green camo jeep and started dancing and singing while walking towards Lucas, "FEEL THE CITY BRAKIN', AND EVERYBODY SHAKIN' AND WE'RE STAYIN ALIVE!! STAYIN' ALIVE!"
Lucas laughs and jumps down from the truck and does a little jig as well as he shuffles forward, he hugs Sharky when he gets close enough and laughs as Sharky still dances in his grip. The smaller man returns the giants hug with eagerness and buried his face into Lucas' chest, disregarding his hat that started to fall off of his head.
Lucas grabbed it before it joined the blood splattered on the gravel, he pulled away from the singing man and put the hat back on its owners head. Lucas walks over to the cab of the truck, reaching in through the window he turns the music down, just enough for him to not have to shout over the disco music.
He turns around again only to be met face to face with a smiling Sharky who then leans forward to close the gap between them, Sharky's goatee scratches delightfully against Lucas' chin and upper lip as the man standing on his tippy toes tries to lick and suck at his pinkish lips, Lucas helps a little by grasping the smaller man's ass, essentially giving him a small boost of height so he doesn't have to struggle as much; Seeing as Lucas is 7 inches taller.
Lucas bites Sharky's lip and licks up the tiny drop of blood that blossoms from the teeth mark, Sharky grunts in surprise but doesn't stops him from shoving his tongue in Lucas' mouth. The tallest out of the two pushes the other away softly, laughing when the small man verbally protests by whining, and stomping his feet.
"I got a present for you sugarplum, jump up." Lucas says excitedly with a toothy smile, he motioned to the hood of his truck, he jumps up onto it and waits a moment for Sharky. "Woah, this an orgy or somthin', Bubba?" Sharky asks as his gaze sets upon the quivering gas soaked Peggies all bound with thick rope.
"Haha, no nothing like that, do you know what day it is?", Lucas wraps his big arm around Sharky's smaller shoulders, " Uh, October 2nd?" The big man smiles, "Yup, you know what that means?" "Nuh uh." Lucas laughs softly, "Its your birthday, dummy!!" Sharky beams in realization, "Oh shit yeah its my birthday! I guess i forgot with all this Peggie bullshit."
"Welll, with that said, heres your present, sorry their aint no cake, theres not exactly any bakeries open." Lucas took out three fire starters and lit them before chucking each of them onto each "letter". He grins like the devil when they scream into the night air, Lucas looked over at Sharky and genuinely smiled when his boys eyes lit up when he read the flaming birthday message.
" Aww, Luke, if this aint the sweetest damn thing. Damn it your makin me all watery eyed." He half squealed while a toothy smile plastered itself on his face. He turns and take of his hat, setting on the roof of the cab he wraps both arms around Lucas' neck and hugged him tight, Lucas squeezing equally as hard as the other man.
They stayed like that until only disco music and the distant noises of animals were heard, Sharky pulled away a little so he could look into Lucas' eyes as he spoke. "I love you, Lucas, thank you."
Before Lucas could respond Sharky pressed his soft lips against his own slightly cracked ones.
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