#gay lawrence gordon is so special to me
Trees by McCafferty is so Lawrence-coded to me (he is a closeted gay man and no one will ever change my mind)
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I mean !!!!
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adrianicsea · 2 years
Lawrence Gordon (for the character ask)
do I like them: this is like going to baskin-robbins and asking if they serve ice cream. yes he's my special little baby
5 good qualities: protective, nurturing, methodical, dependable, open-minded
3 bad qualities: secretive, bad temper, doesn't know when it's time to stop
favourite episode/scene: (i'm choosing to interpret this as scenes) either lawrence comforting diana or his early exchanges with adam before they start getting REALLY upset with each other ("you could be the one who put me in this room!" "i'm in EXACTLY the same situation you're in" comes to mind)
otp: chainshipping.... to the surprise of no one.....
brotp: lynn, amanda, and strahm all come to mind. lawrence has so few canon interactions with ANY of the cast but i think he would have some really good interactions with any of those three
ot3: i don't really have any for him. if i HAD to then lawrence/adam/amanda, but in like a V situation where lawrence and amanda aren't dating each other bc lawrence is gay and even if he wasn't he's not amanda's type at all
notp: i hc him as gay so any women, but also the idea of lawrence/hoffman makes me ill
best quote: "i wouldn't lie to you"
head canon: saying that he's gay or autistic doesn't even feel like just a headcanon anymore it's like a brother to me. i guess that he spent at least some of his grad school years in england
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2x4swrites · 4 years
more chainshipping bc I’m dummy gay. the song that plays in this is So Dark by Dan Croll — it’s big Lawrence @ Adam vibes and you cannot convince me otherwise yo
It’s been so long. That’s the only thing Adam can think about as he leans against the kitchen counter, watching Lawrence cook dinner. He was still a fucking abysmal chef, but where Lawrence excelled with regular food Adam excelled with sweets. He didn’t bake much, but when he did the results were almost always delicious. They’ve got a cake waiting for them, after they’ve enjoyed Lawrence’s meal. Tonight was special, after all: their anniversary. Seven years since the bathroom, six and a half since their relationship began, and five since their ceremony. It wasn’t legally binding, sure, but it was enough. Adam subconsciously rubs over his ring, still a little amazed someone as wonderful as Lawrence wanted to marry him.
Lawrence is as equally lost in his own little world, the radio turned on. He hums a little as he works; it still made Adam laugh, how much Lawrence actually liked modern music. Probably a side-effect of having a daughter who ate this shit up, but Adam could never stand it. Lawrence, however, was happy to hum along to anything, foot idly tapping as he makes sure all of the food is coming together properly. Adam shakes his head a little— most people passed Lawrence off as uptight, snooty, and it’s true he had his moments, but, well... there’s nothing stuck up about the way Lawrence’s eyes light up with delight as a new song comes on. He cranks their little radio at the same time as he turns the burners a little lower.
“Adam, I love this one! Listen to it.” he instructs, reaching out to take Adam’s hands. Adam puts up a valiant enough fight, he thinks, but his husband always wins. Adam is pulled away from his spot against the counter as an upbeat guitar and synth song fills their kitchen. Lawrence makes him dance, and it’s stupid and silly, but he does catch a few of the lyrics and he can see why Lawrence likes it so much: it reminds him of them. So what if Adam’d deny it any other day? In the moment, he twists and dances with Lawrence’s hands in his own to the poppy song, grinning stupidly at the taller man. Beautiful, smiling, obnoxiously-tall Lawrence picks him up and spins him as the song fades out, both of them laughing. Lawrence rests his forehead against Adam’s, the photographer kissing the corner of Lawrence’s mouth.
“Fucking goofball...” he mutters, voice warm and fond, still unable to keep himself from blushing when Lawrence looks at him with that much love in his eyes. Not even after all these years...
Lawrence swats his ass playfully as he turns his attention back to the food, and Adam leans back against the counter with a scoff and a grin. The food comes together perfectly, because of course it does, Lawrence fucking Gordon cooked it, and they sit down to eat at their small table. Through the whole meal, Adam has that stupid little song stuck in his head (thanks, Larry), and as Lawrence smiles that soft, lovesick smile at him Adam realizes his first instinct was right. The song is perfect for them.
Things may not have been dark recently, but there’s a good reason why: Lawrence. Adam’s sun, his whole fucking universe, who chastised him whenever he smoked and always took his shoes off right inside the door and never seemed to have a single hair out of place. The man who chewed his pen caps and hummed when he cooked and made Adam dance to embarrassingly upbeat music when he definitely hated doing that. Totally.
Lawrence Gordon was the light of his stupid life, and when they get up to clear the dishes he pulls Lawrence into a kiss so good it could’ve been pulled out of a movie. Adam messes up Lawrence’s hair just to piss him off, laughing, and though the doctor grumbles about it Adam knows he’s smiling as soon as Adam turns his back. Of course he is. Because Lawrence loves him. Adam has no idea how, or why, but here they are. In love.
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight and Lawrence Gordon, together, in gross, pop-song love.
It’s fucking perfect.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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30 August 2017
[Outside in the Village with Aaron, Sheep, Maybe Cute Farmer, A Dog...oh and Jason in a graveyard where he should probably have just stayed]
*Gratuitous shot of Aaron running from behind in his new sweat pants* - for the fans -
SHEEP: Baaaa! We’re in the way but we’re cute and fluffy so we’re allowed. Baaaa! #ClassicVillageLife
MAYBE CUTE FARMER: *Whistles* Don’t mind us. Me, my sheep and my dog will be out of your way soon.
AARON: *Stares* Okay...wait...what’s that in the graveyard? Is that my Filler Plot coming back to haunt me already?
JASON: *Beaten and Broken*
(FANDOM: Sorry, not enough)
AARON: What happened? Why are you here? I swear I got enough closure yesterday.
JASON: Well apparently your Filler Plot thought you needed more because it had Cain beat me up.
AARON: *Sighs* Well, I’m turning into the most forgiving person ever, even though I still hate Rebecca and her baby, but that’s totally justified. Anyway, come on back to mine so I can get whatever closure the Filler Plot still thinks I need.
[Home Farm with Rebecca, Finn and Robert]
REBECCA: *On the phone* I’m sorry Mr. Important Client Sir...I’m just a Plot Device. I don’t have any agency or business skills. I’m just a womb or a prop. I can’t possibly be expected to have things like important files on hand…
FINN: Nope, the Plot won’t let me find the file. Your filing system sucks.
REBECCA: Oops, there goes another Important Client. I’m such a miserable failure. Why does the Plot hate me so much?
FINN: Is the business really doing that bad?
ROBERT: *Enters* No...everything will be fine. Get out Finn, go make us some tea. I can’t have anyone with even a shred of intelligence around for this next part. There’s a good PA.
*Finn leaves*
ROBERT: *Manipulative Rebecca Voice* Are you okay?
REBECCA: No! It’s time to have the conversation again. *Worried about Dad chat number 62 commences*
ROBERT: *Manipulative Rebecca Voice* There there, it’ll be okay. I’ll have a chat with him, give him some tough love. I’m sure we’ll both enjoy that.
REBECCA: Okay, but if that doesn’t work I’m probably going to continue to play right into your hand.
ROBERT: *As it should be Face*
[The Mill with Aaron and Jason]
AARON: Here’s some peas for your face. Now about this closure the Filler Plot thinks I need? Are we really going to have this conversation again? I swear we had it twice yesterday. Maybe now I can really start competing in this challenge of Robert’s and mine to see who can have the most repetitive scenes in their Filler Plots. Right...let’s do this.
JASON: Don’t think this changes anything.
AARON: Of course it doesn’t. The fans all think you’re scum and don’t want you in the same room with me let alone allowed any kind of redemption. Except those strange ones who want the Plot to Karofsky you and make you secretly gay, but let’s just say right now that that’s not going to happen. In any case, let’s go over this again. You’re still horrible and I’m still not afraid of you and you have no effect on me anymore. I have too much to lose now to go down that route again.
JASON: What? All these pictures on the wall?
AARON: Actually there are a lot less pictures now that I took down all of my wedding photos and any picture that had Robert in it.
JASON: Right...so what? You think that weird vespa chair by your Spiral Staircase of Doom makes you special?
AARON: Yeah...Robert picked that out. It’s a bit weird innit? Ah well, the Plot may not be giving me him right now, but at least I still have all of his decor to make heart eyes at even though it’s all pretty terrible. Anyway, I was talking about the people who care about me. I messed everything up for everyone when I punched that Plot Device and got banged up and sucked into that Prison Plot. #IMissRobert #AreWeBackTogetherYet I’m not going to go there again.
JASON: Yeah, but underneath all this, you’re totally a junkie. We were involved in a Drugs Plot together.
AARON: Yeah, but you and the Prison Plot did that to me. You tortured me and forced me to relive my most painful memories all so the Plot could get me on drugs so that I would push Robert away so that he could cheat on me and get the Walking Womb Plot Device in a Hat pregnant! And this, this whole Filler Plot is just so the Main Plot can pat itself on the back and say that they didn’t drop the Prison Plot completely even though that’s a blatant lie and nothing that’s happening in this Filler Plot really makes up for that. Anyway, you have no power over me and I am totally better than you cause I’m a #TopBloke.
[The Cafe with Robert, Lawrence, Bob, Rodney, Emma and Cain]
LAWRENCE: *Sleepy Disgruntled Mode Activate* Where are my sausages!?!
BOB: I’m trying my best but Brenda has been in Canada literally FOREVER. Oh, Rodney, Eric is going to that auction you’re holding the brochure for too. Let me just tell you his secret plans so that you can screw him over later.
RODNEY: Great! Thanks. *Leaves*
CAIN: Can I order? I’m actually being allowed to have scenes at my place of work later and I need fuel.
BOB: I really am trying, but it’s very busy.
EMMA: I’m back to being super nice to everyone so that no one thinks I’m guilty of anything. Also the Plot wants to rile Laurel up, so I can totally help you Bob.
BOB: This is probably a bad idea but okay. Go check on Lawrence’s precious sausages.
ROBERT: *Enters*
LAWRENCE: Oh, Robert. Let me guess, we’re going to have the same conversation again?
ROBERT: Yep, I think I can count this as number 63 in my competition with Aaron. It’s too easy with people as dense as you and Rebecca.
LAWRENCE: Save your breath. I’m not listening. I’m fine.
ROBERT: Okay, I believe you.
LAWRENCE: Wait? That’s it? You’re not going to try and make me see a medical professional?
ROBERT: Of course not! If you did, then my scheme would be discovered. Can’t have that! In fact, I’ll continue to talk Rebecca around so she doesn’t force you to see one either.
LAWRENCE: Oh, well great then.
[Outside the Mill with Aaron and Jason]
AARON: Right, well, I hope you’re really leaving this time. As much as I’d love to beat Robert in this repetitive conversation thing, I’m really tired of having to talk to you. Oh and apparently the Plot would like me to relate your issues with mine to help you get past them, because all abuse survivors should have to have these kinds of sympathetic chats with their abusers. #OnMessage Oh and, really, thanks for being so out of character and standing there and listening to this speech four times now. Gold star for you!
JASON: I hope I’m leaving forever too because you’re right, these chats are getting a bit old. But, before I go, let me give you some news about your other abuser, Gordon. We had lots of heart to hearts in prison before I forced him to top himself and he really hated himself for what he did to you.
AARON: Oh great, the feeling’s mutual. Thanks for that extra bit of #Closure I feel SOOO much better now. Thanks Filler Plot. Can you please end now?
JASON: *Gets in taxi* *Taxi drives away*
(FANDOM: Please say it’s over now!!!)
[The Garage with Aaron and Cain]
AARON: I didn’t do the thing, so you had to instead?
CAIN: Well...maybe.
AARON: And all that about me NOT doing the thing when you don’t do the same?
CAIN: You deal with things your way and I’ll deal with things my way. But, I am proud of you. You did the right thing yesterday.
AARON: *Nods* *Cain is proud of me, this is great Face*
[Outside in the Village with Aaron and Robert]
ROBERT: Hey Aaron, I just happened to be walking by here because I'm pretty sure the Plot forgot we were broken up. Cain’s not giving you grief about the thing from yesterday right?
AARON: Why? You gonna throw money at that problem too?
ROBERT: I guess I deserved that.
AARON: And more too cause I’m still trying to pretend I want nothing to do with you. #StopLyingYouLiar
ROBERT: Right right, stay out of your life...except the Plot doesn’t seem to want that to happen. For the record though, I never doubted you. That wasn’t what the Plot money was about. Anyway...I was going to go get a drink if you...you know...wanna pretend that this Plot isn’t happening and we’re not broken up. I think we might be able to score a few minutes together before my Filler Plot catches up to me.
AARON: *Scrunchy Face* Are you sure you can afford it? #AaronStyleFlirtyBanter
ROBERT: *Smiles* *Heart Eyes* *He made a joke and didn’t say no Face*
*Aaron and Robert walk off to enjoy these blissful few Filler Plot free moments together*
[The Cafe with Rebecca, Bob, Emma and Sleepy Lawrence]
REBECCA: *Enters*
REBECCA: *Worried Face*
EMMA: He’s been like that for awhile.
BOB: Yep, didn’t even have the decency to finish the sausages he yelled at me about! He just fell asleep.
EMMA: I’m a medical professional and he seems pale and has shallow breathing.
REBECCA: OH NO! Does that mean something’s wrong? I’ve been having the same conversation 62 times with Robert trying to figure out this very simple thing, but I haven’t yet. Is it bad?
EMMA: It might be. I’m going in to see everyone’s other favorite medical professional, Dr. Cavanaugh. I can book him an appointment.
SLEEPY LAWRENCE: *Wakes up a the word medical professional* Leave me to sleep and dream of my exit in peace! *Leaves*
REBECCA: So, medical professional Emma, you’d tell him to see a medical professional about this problem he might have?
EMMA: I would. Seems logical.
REBECCA: Does it? Because I’ve been trying to make a decision about this for two weeks and I haven’t really gotten much further. Robert keeps telling me that seeing a medical professional is unnecessary and I know he only has mine and my dad’s best interests at heart. But thank you for validating this medical professional concept that should have been really easy to grasp. I thought I was the only one who thought it might be necessary. I feel at least a bit closer to making a decision now. I might have to have The Conversation another time or two though before I fully get there.
[The Woolpack with Robert and Aaron….oh and the Plotstacle]
*Half finished pints in front of them* - to show the fans that they’ve at least been enjoying this Filler Plot free time for a little longer than we’re seeing them now -
ROBERT: *Heart Eyes* So, you’re Filler Plot is over now and Jason got what he deserved in the end. Can’t say I’m gonna lose any sleep...cause I’m still not getting at any because I still miss you too much and I’m using all of my sleeping pills to drug Lawrence.
AARON: *Smirk* *Heart Eyes* You just lost a bit of cash.
ROBERT: Well you’d have done the same for me...right? We’d both die for each other because we’re both still hopelessly in love with each other in spite of the Plot?
AARON: *Nods* *Looks down to contemplate* *Would totally have agreed if not for–*
ROBERT: Do we really have to? I was having such a nice time.
PLOTSTACLE: Yes we have to!
AARON: *This is awkward and I really don’t want to be here but wow Robert is going to destroy me in this Repetitive Scene competition if this is anything to go by Face*
ROBERT: Look, I was...um… *Searching through back catalogue of manipulation techniques* I was just trying to use reverse psychology to get Lawrence to want to go see a medical professional himself.
PLOTSTACLE: Well that backfired!
ROBERT: Which fits into my schemes perfectly fine. But I was just trying to help. Honest! #FingersCrossBehindBack
PLOTSTACLE: Well now I hate you! Actually, that’s not true. I trust you implicitly and wholeheartedly believe that you care about me and have my best interests at heart and I apologize for doubting you even though you’re the cause of all of these problems. I’m just too Plot Brained to figure it out. It’s just that I bumped into medical professional Emma and she validated my suspicions that Dad has an actual problem so now I’m all worked up about it. You can tell by the fact that my voice is getting higher pitched and more breathy. It’s my #UpsetVoice
AARON: On that note...I’ll leave you to it, because, as I imagine the fans are thinking too, I cannot possibly watch this puppet show any longer. See ya, hope your dad gets better I suppose. *Leaves*
ROBERT: *Aaron please don’t leave me Face*
PLOTSTACLE: Well, my work here is done...I mean...sorry for interruptimg your cute almost date.
ROBERT: Yeah...you should be...I mean…*Manipulative Rebecca Voice* *Fingers Crossed Behind Back* Don’t worry about it, you did nothing wrong. We’ll get through this together.
PLOTSTACLE: Well I’m off now that I’m not needed anymore to remind Aaron why he broke up with you. Oh and next time you see me, I might actually have made a decision now that half the village has weighed in on it and made me some pro/con lists. *Leaves*
ROBERT: *Great and now I’m alone again Face* #StoryOfMyLife #ComeBackAaron #AreWeBackTogetherYet
[The Mill with Robert and Aaron]
ROBERT: *Stands outside* *Pauses to look at what should be his home* I probably shouldn’t but I’m going to anyway because we are seriously bad at being broken up and I literally can’t seem to stay away. *Heads for the door*
AARON: *Grabs beer inside* *Hears knock at the door* *Oh no not more Plot Face* *Opens door to find Robert there* Sup?
ROBERT: ‘Sup?’ That’s all you have to say? Way to make a guy feel welcome! You should work on that. Might put people off.
AARON: Clearly not...considering you’re still here and we legitimately can’t be separate from each other if we happen to be in the same episode. In any case, thanks for reminding me earlier why we broke up. Plotstacle had perfect timing.
ROBERT: About that...you know there’s nothing going on there right? I’m just pretending I care about the baby and helping out up there cause I’m stuck in this Filler Plot with them.
AARON: And scheming...cause it’s you and the Plot doesn’t know how to do anything different with you when you’re not with me.
ROBERT: Fair point. I’m glad you can still see right through my bullshit. It’s one of the things that made me fall in love with you.
AARON: Oh Robert don’t! The Plot isn’t ready for us to get back together yet and so I have to still pretend I don’t care about you at all. So go back to your boring Filler Plot and leave me out of it.
ROBERT: *Fuck this Plot Face* *Leaves*
AARON: *I still fucking care damnit Face*
[The Mill with Aaron]
AARON: *Stares at monkey sculpture of Robert because he clearly still cares* *Calls the other person he cares about* Hi Liv! I’m doing great now that my Filler Plot is finished and I supposedly got #Closure for my Prison Plot. In fact, I could use a new Filler Plot until the Hell Plot is ready to get Robert and I back together so I miss you and I love you and I don’t care how soppy I sound but I can’t wait for you to come home.
[Home Farm with Robert, Finn and Rebecca]
ROBERT: *Enters*
FINN: *Exists*
FINN: Umm...Robert, mate? That was like seven months ago. That Plot Device is long gone and I’ve even been to Australia and back to help the fans forget about that whole ordeal. So….sorry?
ROBERT: Get out of my sight! #BetterLateThanNever #LatentPlotFixes
REBECCA: Hey, I’m not interrupting anything right? I love to do that.
ROBERT: Nope, Finn was just leaving so I can get back to my manipulating.
*Finn leaves*
ROBERT: I know I’ve been a bit distracted for the last three days with Aaron’s Filler Plot and thinking we could have a pub date without Plotstacle rearing her blonde braided head but I assure you now that this Filler Plot will get my full attention. And just know that I'm absolutely doing all of this because the Plot won't let me have Aaron.
REBECCA: That’s so great to hear! My dad’s in the next room for you to manipulate.
ROBERT: Perfect.
[Home Farm with Robert and Sleepy Lawrence]
ROBERT: *Murder Face* Great! You just keep sleeping so I can con the business away from your unbelievably gullible daughter and apparently mother of my child.
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