bellascool · 1 year
Hi ! I love your imagine ! 💓 Can you make a Gavi x reader. Where the reader being criticised by gavi’s fangirls about her physic and that Gavi can find many better girls than her so she stars crying and overthinking about her relationship with him and she thinks to leave but Gavi will arrive and ask her why she cries. Thank you if you’ll do it
Hii, thanks for requesting bae (and thanks for the love <33) 💕
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request on my profile
posted : 18/02/23 (European date)
Being compared and critics are killing you slowly
You grabbed your phone and put it on the dressing table to start a live.
You pressed the live button and made sure there was no filter since you didn't like it.
"Hi everyone, today I'm showing you my makeup routine!" you happily said while putting on your makeup headband
"You look gross without makeup."
"Thanks God she's not going to stay like this. Hopefully makeup will hide your ugliness."
You acted like you didn't read these comments, keeping your smile while you felt a small knot forming in your throat.
"A lot of you guys asked for my routine so here I am!" You started applying cream on your face
"The secret for a smooth skin is hydratation! Make sure to use some cream before doing your makeup and after taking it off."
"Absolutely no one asked but ok sure"
"Your own advice doesn't work on yourself. Your skin is horrible just like your big belly lmao"
You kept on laughing to the other nice comments but you couldn't ignore what they said.
"Are you and Gavi still together?" you read out lout while blending your concealer
"Of course we are! I never loved someone like him and- oh my, I'm so embarrassing" you cut yourself laughing at how easily you could talk about your love for your boyfriend
"Someone tell her to shut the fuck up"
"He could do better tbh. There are a lot of girls way prettier than her who could kill for him"
Your smile faded a little as you started overthinking about that one comment.
It wasn't even a lie. There's so many girls with perfect body, perfect smile, who doesn't need makeup to look like the future miss universe and yet, he still chose you.
You weren't that special, yes you were pretty but compared to all these girls.
Aww man, why can't I be perfect like them too?
"Are you okay? Why did you suddenly stop smiling and talking ?"
"Oh I'm sorry, my ADHD isn't helping me stay focused" you tried to hide your pain with some humor while you just wanted to disappear right now
"And then I add some mascara, I personally use the maybelline lash sensational sky high mascara, best mascara ever!" you said in a fake happy tone
"You look so fake. Gavi is probably dating you to use you for the medias or something."
"I don't understand, Adriana Falco is so much prettier than you. I hope Gavi dumps you for her."
That was it, you had enough, you felt tears forming and didn't wanted to cry in front of everyone like that.
"I'm sorry I gotta go, see ya" you quickly mumbled before ending the live as the tears and pain you held finally left your body
You started to cry harder and harder, remembering all the comments.
It wasn't the first time that people compared you and told you that you didn't deserved a guy like Pablo but you always let it slide and now all the accumulation was bursting out with your tears.
You took your head between your hands as your breath quickened at how hard you were crying, making your shoulders bounce while your whole body was shaking.
Well you knew that you wasn't attractive enough for a handsome boy like Pablo so you tried to hide it with humor.
Maybe you really don't deserve him, I mean, he's pretty, nice, famous, rich, funny, caring while you were quite the opposite.
You didn't even hear the door open and the boy throwing his bag as he rushed to hug you.
"Oh my God, y/n what's wrong?" he was standing next to you who was sitting which means you had your head against his abs, his arms around your shoulders hugging you tightly "I was gone for a hour and you were fine before I left, what happened?" he asked confused
You tried to speak but all you could get out of your mouth were sobs.
Pablo kissed your head as he softly stroked your back to comfort you, understanding that you couldn't speak.
"It doesn't even matter, come here" he gently picked you up bride style and made you lay on your mellow bed, putting the blanker on top of your body
"Wait a second"
He then disappear from the room, leaving you and your thoughts alone, you felt a little better thanks to him but not enough to stop crying.
He came back 2 mins later with a tray full of snacks and his grey sweater that you loved which he did too and never let you steal it from him.
He put the tray on the nightstand next to the bed and came next to you, giving you a small kiss on your wet cheek before handing you the piece of cloth you always wanted.
"Put it on, linda" you did as he asked, you immediately stopped crying as if you were a kid who would stop if you gave him a lollipop
Pablo noticed it too which made him chuckle before going under the blanket, pulling you against his warm body with his arm around your back so you're laying on top of him now.
You wrapped your arms around his torso while he put on your favorite movie.
He looked down at you, putting his hand on your right cheek, softly caressing it before he gave you a little kiss on your lips.
"Better?" he whispered as if he talked too loudly he would hurt you, you hummed in response and watched the start of the movie
"I love you, thanks for taking care of me" you
mumbled against his chest
"I will always take care of my favorite person" he softly smiled, followed by you, loving the nickname he gave you
"Pablo can I ask you something?" you broke the cute moment as you lifted your head to look at him in the eyes
"What is it hermosa?"
"Would you.. I mean do you really think that I'm pretty? Please be honest." you looked away, embarrassed as he was confused
"You're the prettiest girl on earth, of course you are" he said as if it was obvious
"But my body-"
"Your body is perfect the way it is" he cut you off
"There are girls that are prettier with a better body than mine though" you mumbled
He cupped your cheeks with his hands, forcing you to look at him. He had a serious face.
"Y/n I don't care about other girls, I only care about you and I know that you're the prettiest, nicest, most caring person and I have so many words to describe how perfect you are so stop comparing yourself to other girls. And if people try to convince you otherwise then they're jealous because they can't have what you got." he said in a calm yet serious voice
You felt a tear running down your cheek but this time, it was a happy tear.
He wiped it off with his thumb and connected your lips together in a soft and passionate kiss.
The kiss was delicate and you couldn't help but smile against his lips, happy to have him.
When you pulled out, you rested your head against his shoulder as his hands wrapped against your waist, pulling you even closer then you already were, a smile on his face, glad to have you as his girlfriend.
Funny how his words could impact you so much in a positive way.
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nemiepaezgavira · 1 year
Loving Your Everything
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Chapter 2
"Bitch, stop touching it!!", William groaned, wincing in pain as I tried to wipe his bloody nose. "Either you let us help you or we're gone too", Amanda said, taking out a salad from the fridge. "Don't touch that, Lily will go ballistic", William complained. "When doesn't she go ballistic?", Mandy replied, chomping down on her greens.
The apartment was a mess, glass shattered, dirty dishes across the house in various positions, most likely after being thrown by the girlfriend, three window panes mercilessly broken, and our dear friend left with a bloody nose and a bite, which somehow managed to tear off some of the skin.
"Is she an animal or something? Who does this??", Mandy asked, inspecting the bite, the bleeding had stopped after being iced, but it still looked disgusting to look at. "When will this stop, Will?", She asked,  holding and positioning his head so he looked straight into her eyes. William gave out a nervous laugh before pushing her hands away. "Chill Mandy, it's just a lover's fight, nothing serious". This blew Mandy off her rocker.
"Nothing serious? NOTHING SERIOUS?!! Will, SHE ATE A PART OF YOU, IN THE MOST LITERAL WAY!! WHEN DOES THIS STOP?", She was speaking through tears. "I love you so much, Will, I can't see you go through this kind of bullshit, it's unnecessary. You'll find someone so much better than her, I promise, and she'll love you like you deserve".
There was pin drop silence after that. I hated speaking at times like these. It hurt me to see my only two friends be at odds. I loved them so much, I couldn't just take one person's side. But more than often, it was Mandy who was in the right. "We need to get you to the hospital", I said, finally breaking the killing silence.
Will could barely move and that's when I noticed a huge gash across his waist . I looked at Mandy, she'd seen it too. Will knew he had been cut, but he refused to acknowledge it. He was having difficulty in even getting into the car. "Let's get going", He said, trying to be cheerful, but it looked bad. His cheerful face looked bad for once. I could see it was killing Mandy, but she swallowed her anger and hurt and quietly got into the drivers seat and I sat back, holding William, as he tried to hide the pain by incessantly talking away, like we were going someplace really rice to celebrate. But he knew, and I could see it in his eyes. Fear and anxiety were killing him from within. He knew he would have to file a report this time. He couldn't escape it this time, or he would be left alone with an abuser forever.
Mandy got a stretcher as soon as we reached the hospital. William tightly held on to my hand as he was getting wheeled into the ER. "Can we please not do it?", He whispered, begging. I shook my head and gazed over at Mandy who was at the hospital entrance making a call. We both knew it had to be done.
"I'm sorry", I mouthed, as William disappeared into the room.  I regretted listening to him. I regretted for never calling the cops on his psycho girlfriend. For all I knew, I could've found him dead in the apartment one of these days, if I'd have kept listening to him. I knew Amanda was thinking the same. Her worry lines were scarily visible, making her look like a whole different person, as she approached me.
"I've told them everything, they'll just need to get his statement", She explained. I nodded.
"I'll stay here, you get home, change and get some rest, okay?", I said. This was a regular drill. Mandy nodded, sighing as she walked off. This all was putting a strain on her, and I hated it. Especially just before her wedding.
It was time Will began to act like an adult. 
I fell asleep in the waiting room, cursing William.
"Excuse me? You're here for William Garza?", A nurse asked, waking me up.
"Y-Yes", I answered, sitting up.
"Well, you can meet him now. Room 403, third floor", She said before walking off.
I looked around, the waiting room was completely empty, and it was raining outside the window. I opened my phone to check the time.
5:41 pm.
Mandy  hadn't shown up yet, but hadn't sent any messages either, which meant she must have passed out once she reached home.
I got up from my seat, sighing and slowly made my way to the elevator.
"Hold the elevator please", someone shouted just as I pressed the button to the third floor. I tried pressing for hold, but the elevator closed anyway, and proceeded to move. I could hear him groan as I went up. I chose to ignore it and checked my messages yet again. No one. Sighing, I put it in my pocket.
I got off the elevator, walking quietly toward Will's room. I was nervous. I didn't want to see him. I was pretty sure the cops had taken his statement by now, and after "betraying" him, in his language, I didn't want to face him. I still felt guilty for some reason. I knew what me and Mandy had done was only the right thing, and any sane friend would've done that a long time ago, and us not doing that when we first got to know about it, was the first mistake we made because it fed to Will's thinking, that what was happening was right.
"Will?", I asked quietly, entering his room. It was pitch black. "Will? I know you're angry, but listen, we had to do it, and I won't apologize for it", I stated, adamant to not let my feelings get in the way. "She just isn't right for you, people who love you don't do that to you", I continued, feeling around for the switchboard. "I just want you to know, we love you, and we're sorry we didn't do it a long time ago, and that it somehow got to you and what she was doing was fine, when it's not, Will, it's not and never will be".
I took in a sharp breath when I felt the switchboard, and pressed on the switch, filling the light with light.
"Turn it off!!", Someone complained.
It sounded wrong. It wasn't Will. I quickly grabbed my phone and threw it where the voice had come from.
 "What the-!!!"
I blinked and took a good look at the person,now groaning. He gripped his head in pain and shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you?!!".
I felt blood drain from my body as I saw his bandaged head bleeding.
I rushed towards him and quickly pressed the call button, before quickly plumping the pillows and gently placing his head on them. I began to look around the room in a panic and on seeing a mini fridge, quickly opened it and grabbed a can of cold soda. "Here", I whispered, for some reason, and opened it for him. "Drink", I was being bizarre and I didn't know why.
The guy sighed in frustration and grabbed the can before positioning it on his head so as to not let it spill. That's when my brain finally began to function a little. I took out another can and placed it on his head, taking the opened can and placing it on the table beside his bed, while spilling a little in the process.
I stood there, beside the sofa, before collapsing on it in sheer fatigue. The day had been messy enough, I couldn't understand why it was going messier when it felt things couldn't get worse.
"And may I ask, who are you?", The guy asked, I could feel the irritation and anger lacing his voice. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know how I got here, I just-", before I could finish, the door flew open.
"Is everything alright?", The same nurse from before asked, quickly going to the guy's side, checking his head, followed by the guy who wanted me to stop the elevator.
"God,please..... not now"
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bellascool · 1 year
I wish I never existed Pablo Gavi imagine
Posted : 29/01/2023
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Posted : 29/01/2023
My life is so damn worthless.
I was standing on the edge of a cliff, watching the large city of Barcelona, thinking about leaving everything in that city and starting a new life alone.
I have a girlfriend, dating her for 2 years now. She's wonderful, she helps me when I feel down but I just wanted to be alone right now.
Everything was good in my life, I was good with money, my love situation was nice too, my family loves me and I have a nice career on football but I still wanted to leave everything behind me.
"Damn, I wish everyone could just forget about me like I never existed." I said to myself, watching the large city by night.
I suddenly felt a heavy headache come from nowhere as I sat down, feeling deezy. My eyes slowly shut down and everything went dark.
When I opened my eyes, it was still night and it seemed like nothing changed, I checked my phone to see the time, it was 19:32 (7:32pm), damn only 10 minutes passed.
I went back to where I parked my car to only find a vacant parking spot.
Oh shit. Don't tell me my car got stolen please.
After some minutes of searching, I gave up. My car was definitely stolen.
I walked to my shared apartment with Y/n, which was 10 minutes away.
What a nice day. I want to disappear, someone stole my car, it's cold and my phone died.
As I was walking, I saw a familiar shape.
"Pedri!" I yelled, running up to him but when I taped his shoulder, I was met by an unknown look.
Definitely not Pedri.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone I know." I apologized, the man just nodded and kept on walking.
After some minutes, I finally arrived at my apartment but when I tried to put my keys on the lock, it just didn't work. 
Oh well, maybe I didn't pay attention and took the wrong keys.
I knocked on the door, waiting for Y/n to open and greet me with a hug as she always did, but instead all I got was a strange gaze.
"Y/n!" I said with a smile, leaning to kiss her but she took a step back
"Excuse me but do I know you?" She said, still suspicious 
Okay now what the actual fuck
"Nice joke, amor, but I won't fall for it" I said chuckling a bit but immediately stopped when I saw her serious face 
"I'm sorry but I really don't know who you are, maybe you went to the wrong person? And how do you know my name?" She asked with a confused tone
"We're literally dating, stop with your joke Y/n. I don't find it funny." I finally said with a serious face
"Yeah sure we're dating and I'm the queen of Spain. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to do. Have lovely night." She tried to close the door but I stopped it by putting my foot, starting to panic.
"Look, please let me in and I'll explain to you." I begged, she seemed to hesitate before letting me in
It was cosy and sophisticated, just like her. She always loved when everything was clean and I always loved to take her to expensive hotels when I had a match, the smile on her face seeing how clean it was had no value for me.
I sat down on the couch as she did the same with the opposite one.
"So.." She started, waiting for me to continue
"Look, we've been dating for 2 years, you love cats, specially when they have long hair, you also love baking cupcakes, red velvet are you favorites. You always have a cinnamon candle in your room because it reminds you of your mother, Angelina. You absolutely love visiting new places and going to the beach helps you when you had a hard day." I said in one time, my eyes filling up with tears as I watched her confused face turning into a sad one. 
She sighed
"I don't know how you know that much about me but I do not know you! I don't even know what's your name and I don't have a single memory with you. I'm really sorry." She sadly said "But maybe if you tell me what happened before coming there, I'll have some memories?" Her eyes met mines, small smile on her face
"I'm Pablo Gavi, remember? I had a shitty day, I messed everything at training and even got mad at Pedri for nothing." I took a pause, regretting everything I've done before continuing "When I came home, you baked me some chocolate chips cookies, you always add some cinnamon in them because you love the taste." I smiled to myself, thinking that I had an amazing girlfriend "But I fucked up again, I didn't pay a single attention to you and just got out." tears almost rolled down my cheeks as I spoke, feeling like shit for treating my girlfriend like that. "I drove to the nearest cliff and wished that I never existed. Then I just fainted and when I woke up, my car was gone and the key I had for our apartment didn't work so here I am." I finally said, a single tear dropping from my eye. 
She looked at me with a sad face before looking down
"Look, Pablo, I have something to tell you." She marked a pause before continuing "Pedri, he died months ago, he was hit by a bus and didn't make it." 
My sad face changed into a shocked one, I couldn't believe it.
"And.. you're telling me that you play for the Barcelona team but.. There's no Pablo Gavi in there. And finally I'm so sorry but I'm already dating someone. His name is Joao Felix and we've been together for a year and half now." She said, feeling bad as she looked at her feet
My heart broke into several pieces, tears were now covering my red cheeks as I took my head in my hands
Why? What did I do? How?
I lost my bestfriend, my dream job and the woman of my life who's now dating a guy that I hate.
I just couldn't believe it.
She stood up and sat next to me, hugging me.
"Look, I'm so sorry for you, I do believe everything you told me and maybe if you came back to that cliff it will go back?" She said stroking my back
Maybe she was right?
I stood up and took her hands on mines "Y/n, even though you don't remember me, I promise that everything will go back. It'll be fine." I said before leaving her alone, running to that cliff.
I climbed and saw someone standing in the edge, the same position as me a hour before
"Hello?" I said, suspiciously
"Why are you crying Pablo? Isn't what you wanted?" He asked me, turning to face me
"No! I don't want that, I regret it, I want everything back! I want Pedri to live, I want Bella to love me, not Joao! I want to play to play for Barca again! Please!"
I yelled, falling into my knees
"Pablo, you wanted the world to be as if you never existed thinking your existence was worthless. But look, if you never existed, Pedri would be dead, you were the one who saved him from the bus accident. If you never existed, Y/n would've fallen for another one, for someone who would love her cookies after a harsh day and of course, you wouldn't play for Barca. Isn't that what you wanted, Pablo?" He calmly said looking down at me
"No, I didn't mean it. I promise I'll never get mad at Pedri for nothing, I promise I'll treat Y/n like she's the last woman on the hearth. I'll never get mad at her again. I promise, I'll always do my best! Please just give me back my old life!" I whispered, not knowing if he heard me or not.
I suddenly felt a cold breeze hit my soaked cheeks and when I looked up again, the man was gone.
After some minutes of sobbing, I got up, wiped my tears and went down.
Suddenly, I noticed something on the parking slot.
It was my car!!
I ran, unlocking it with my key, a hopeful smile on my face.
I drove as fast as I could to my apartment and when I parked, I noticed a familiar shape.
I ran up and jumped on his back, tears filling my eyes.
"Pedri! Oh I missed you so much, my bestfriend." I said hugging him tightly
He chuckled, hugging me back "What happened buddy, weren't you supposed to be mad at me?"
"Fuck that, I'm so glad to see you again." I smiled
"I'm glad too then, I'm happy to see you but I have to do something now. I'll see you tomorrow" he said before going to his car
I ran upstairs and took out my keys, praying that they'll work. I put them on the lock before opening wide the door.
A sweet cinnamon smell filling my nose as I heard Cinnamon girl by Lana Del Rey play
"Pablo? Is that you?" Y/n came from the kitchen a sad smile on her face "I'm so sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to hurt y-" I cut her off by hugging her tightly as if she would disappear if I let her go 
"No. I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I'm so happy to have you as my girlfriend and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love you so much, you don't have an idea of how much I missed you" I said happy to have her in my arms
She laughed, hugging me back "I'm so happy to have you too, Pablo. I baked you some red velvet cupcakes to comfort you" 
I chuckled, breaking the hug to look at her
She's there and she loves me.
"I'll be honored to try them." I said a big smile on my face before grabbing her chin and connecting our lips on a soft and passionate kiss, placing my other hand on her hip
I stopped the kiss, still smiling "Come on now let's try your cupcakes, I'd like to see if you put cinnamon in them." I said taking her hand
"I did! They taste soooo good, it reminds me of-"
"Your mom's cupcakes." I said cutting her
"Exactly!" She laughed before handing me one
I wouldn't change my life for anything in this world.
Hi! This is my first time posting an imagine so forgive my mistakes :)
Also, this is inspired by someone, I don’t remember who but as soon as I find it I’ll put the credits!
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