#gammorean pig men
tmorriscode · 6 years
Story Time, Younglings
In 2001, Barbara Hambly was the guest of honor at Rockcon, a literary convention that I attended in Little Rock.
Hambly did some novels under contract including a tie-in novelization to Beauty and the Beast (the show with Linda Hamilton and Ron Pearlman in lion makeup).
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And she did some work for the Star Wars novelizations.
So on a panel, she told war stories about writing for media tie ins. She said she loved writing the Beauty and the Beast tie-in because she came up with a plot in which the underground sewer/cave tunnels where the street people all lived flooded. And the show’s writers were all complementary because she did something they wanted to do, but couldn’t because they couldn’t risk getting the lion makeup wet.
She was more than a little salty about writing for the Star Wars tie-ins (IMO).
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Part of it was that Lucasfilm wanted a book in which Luke met the great, almighty love of his life. So she wrote a proposal and they accepted it. She was 3/4 of the way through the manuscript when she got a call. “They told me that a bigger author wanted to write the great love of Luke’s life.” So she had to change the ending. Hell, they hired her to write a whole other book to get rid of the character they hired her to create.
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Which, in reading the Thrawn trilogy, I feel that Zahn was setting Mara up to be Luke’s eventual love interest. Nothing too overt, in case Lucasfilm went another way. But he definitely set plot hooks in the books that could develop Mara along those lines.
One other thing Hambly said she did in Children of the Jedi was develop the Gamorrean culture. She basically became the author Lucasfilm sent you to talk to if you were going to use the Pig guards in an EU story.
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That’s something, I guess.
At the time, she’d also released A Free Man Of Color, which was a historical mystery. She’s since written 13 more books in that series, so she probably finds it more satisfying and lucrative than writing tie in novels.
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anandarunner · 4 years
Gammoreans are man-pigs.
Ugnaughts are pig-men.
Get it right!
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