#gagagaagaagagagagagaa i looove talking
cabinette · 3 months
not to be a freak weirdo but do you think the winged lion would have put chilchuck into a cunty little outfit too if he was dungeon lord. what do you think it would look like
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jkjkjk but no really i think he would totally keep his regular outfit- but it's in it's purely professional form. No little tidbits of his personal life that allude to his daughters nor his wife, starch white shirt that constantly gets bloodied because he keeps nosebleeding whenever the winged lion is helping him do magic. because he has everything he needs right here, right? He doesn't need more clothes when an exact copy of his family is right here. When his father is still waiting for him at the table. Don't be silly, now.
(rant below)
Also because i personally HC a lot of Marcille's outfit was based off of her mother's funeral gown and her own idea of what a calm and collected and diligent person looks like, so it would be a bit hard to apply that philosophy to chilchuck. Unless we know if he had a really pivotal moment in his life in which an important person seemed to hold a lot more understanding than him/guided him through that? like what happened with Marcille and her mother. Granted his situation with his wife- I don't think he would dress up as his wife (lol) nor do we have any understanding that there was someone else to help him get through it. In any case, he's a professional at heart, and when he's ruling over an entire ecosystem he's in a position that requires a lot of thought- So when the Lion sweeps him off his feet and tells him they'll do it all for them, he's still defaulting in adventurer mode and thinking logically about the best way to keep coinbugs n mimics and all that circulated, but it's only the default. He doesn't make the decisions himself anymore because he doesn't HAVE to. he doesn't have to work anymore because the Lion is helping him with EVERYTHING. so what's the point in putting so much more effort into his outfit, too? (He's just a puppet. He doesn't care for any of it. He doesn't have to.)
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