#funnily enough travis moore actually has done choices fanart in the past so that’s wild
sciralta · 1 year
out of all the choices books, which ones do you think would have worked better with a different art style? (like, for example I would love to see some of their horror stuff with a comic book-ish art style like what they used for hero bcs i think that'd be cool)
You guys have heard me say my reasons for how I think Choices’ current art style could be improved—adding texture, not making the sprites so rigid, individualising major character sprites etc—so I won’t go at length about that here. But in general, I think I’d be interested to see what the current style looks like if they added/left in the line art. Maybe that might help with the texture issue?
I think for fantasy books, returning to an art style like they had in TC&TF would’ve truly elevated the experience of Blades even further. That style had more grit, and for lack of a better descriptor, wasn’t ‘plastic doll-y’ like the current art style. It’s just one of the many factors that can help set and hone in on the tone. I think this same style could also serve their horror books well.
For a future sci-fi book like Across the Void, I’d actually be interested to see what that would look like in a style like the series professional comic book artist Lucas Werneck did designing what the X-Men might look like in the MCU. He has such an amazing style and I think I could actually work really well with a sci-fi heavy book.
Speaking of professional comic book illustrators, I’d actually really be interested to see what one would do with Hero. The original art style worked amazingly for the book, but I do want to see the alternate universe where the sequel wasn’t cancelled and someone like Travis Moore or Russell Dauterman stepped in to do the character art.
Continuing in this vein, if we ever get the hypothetical gay book, I want Nick Robles working on it because that guy gets it. He gets it.
Now to switch it up, are there books where I think Choices’ regular/current art style is the best? Yes, actually! I genuinely think it works really well for books like Desire and Decorum, Queen B, and also Perfect Match. I don’t think I can imagine any other art style for those.
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