#fundus caerulei maris
sunnetrolls · 6 months
Hey Abby how’s that reunion going?
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Your tail is wagging...?!
"I can still hardly believe she's been alive all this time."
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sunnetrolls · 6 months
How’s all being together working out for you?
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"It's been so wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better outcome."
Someone else speaks from out of frame.
"What makes you think I was joking with you back then, Polly?"
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"Mur, were you--"
"Don't tell them my name."
"Were you planning on stealing my wife?"
"I think that was me. Crocell is more like your childhood sweetheart."
"You know what I mean!"
"I considered it."
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sunnetrolls · 6 months
You gonna introduce your wives to each other eventually?
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"My job is already cut out for me there. My dear Crocus was with me when we found her, and those two had already met in the past regardless. Did you know that Mu-- my Lapidary even used to tease me saying that she would try and steal her affection? Funny how that turned out."
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