#fun fact one of the poison oak times was today peace and love
jtbb · 1 year
okay ill jump on the hyperspecific poll bandwagon
here's the wikipedia page for heritage language; it's most commonly defined as 'a minority language (either immigrant or indigenous) learned by its speakers at home as children, and difficult to be fully developed because of insufficient input from the social environment. the speakers grow up with a different dominant language in which they become more competent'.
it doesn't have to be a first language, just one you grew up with, but as an example: i learned mandarin first from my mom, but i was born in and grew up in the us, so i started learning english at age 2 and never got very good at my first language. its a weirdly important part of my identity and i just had to put it here cause im so confused when polls conflate 'first' and 'native' languages lol
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