#fufu's asks
janumun · 1 month
Faa, I was wondering, are there any gorgeous ladies in genshin that caught your eye?
Hey Nonny! Funny you would ask while her banner is active 🤣🕸️ but I guess this is a sign for me to gush about my love for Father 😍
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Fontaine AQ quickly cemented her at the top of my charts as my favourite Genshin woman. Arlecchino makes me as happy as she does insane 😩🫠❤️ And to think I wasn’t too interested at first when the Winter’s Night Lazzo trailer dropped.
She quickly gripped me by the neck though and asked me to be good because good things come to children who are good, after all. 🫠
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I think what grabbed me most was her design (!!!!) the suit and those eyes 😍😍 Genshin has many lovely frilly women 💙❤️ but Arle’s outfit just hits different. She is so perfect and so Father 🥰 which is why I’m going to try and C6 her this banner. Been saving since last year, wish me luck!
Among my other girls are Ayaka, Yae Miko, Jean and Furina 💙🩵
How about you, Nonny? What does your tier list for the Genshin women look like? 💕
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queenharumiura · 4 months
Time to mess with time! Send “🚀” with a number to send my muse to the future that number of years for a period of 5 minutes. Send “⏪” with a number to send my muse into the past that number of years for a period of 5 minutes. Add a “➕” if you have a specific prompt, location, etc you want to land my muse in. Be sure to specify. (Send her to TYL Dera your choice where he is)
Lol you mad lad, you found the meme. [original] @whiskeysmulti
"Hahi!" The last thing Haru remembers is that she heard screaming, and someone tell her to get out of the way. She instead froze from confusion and poof! She's done this before, so she knows now what just happened- she was hit with the 10 year bazooka.
On the bright side, she shouldn't have been sent to some crazy dystopian timeline- or so she hopes.
She coughs, waving the pink smoke away from her and she can hear rushed footsteps barging into the room.
A familiar voice calls her name and she directs her line of sight to the door. She is staring at a familiar and yet unfamiliar man in the doorway. Both individuals are staring at each other with confusion. 'Green eyes... silver hair... ton of accessories...'
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"Gokudera? Where is Haru?" She turns her head to investigate her surroundings, but Gokudera stops her. He says something about knowing too much of the future wasn't a good thing, something something, yada yada. A fair assessment to make, so she doesn't look around-- but she is still curious about where she is and what kind of mysterious things in this room she's not allowed to look at.
At this point in time, Haru still harbored one-sided feelings for a certain 10th generation mafia boss. Her seeing pictures of her and a certain righthand man would've raised a lot of questions. This may very well have changed the way she would eventually fall in love with the Storm guardian- which would in turn change the future.
Being disallowed to let her eyes wander, she keeps her eyes glued on Gokudera. She notes that he's become really attractive. It's not to say that he wasn't now, but there was something about the way he looked now that was really appealing from an aesthetics standpoint.
She can't help but wonder if he's seeing someone right now. 'That poor woman... Haru can only imagine how many women she'd have to fend off him.' She's mentally shaking her head in pity for the poor woman... not knowing that she's pitying herself.
"Ah- you can tell Haru where she is right now, can't you? Are we nearby Tsuna-san's home? Haru wants to see how everyone else looks!" Surely everyone still has the habit of congregating around Tsuna's home.
"Haru's sure that her future husband is very dashing in this time period~ Haru's surely married Tsuna-san by now!"
"A mafia boss's wife? Yeah right! It ain't the 10th you ended up marrying, Haru!"
"Hahi! You're still saying things like that to Haru! She's- eh?"
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Not the one she ended up marrying? So, she is married by now, but she's not married to Tsuna-san? She was about to ask for clarification when someone else walks into the room.
"Is Haru-san alright? Oh- it's young miss Haru, hello."
Haru recognizes this one. The curly hair... the unbuttoned shirt buttons... the one lazy eye... "H-Hahi! It's the pervert!"
"... I'm not a pervert..." a tiny sniff.
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blind0raven · 1 month
Hello again Kibby, not sure if you are aware, but I was causing chaos throughout NRC today/yesterday(how does time work when it's midnight????) I put cat spawners in all the dorms and a few other locations
- 🦊
-eating popcorn keeping tabs on the cat chaos happening- Fufu~ oh I am very aware of what was happening hehehe~
Excellent work >:3
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angeltism · 3 months
gonna be going to bed soon,, goodnight uu silly little beings ily all soo much . snoremimimi
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fuyuesu · 1 year
sometimes i iwsh i had an ipad or somethign like Just so that i could draw in bed . bc midway through drawing my back started hurting real bad so i can only continue tomorrow :(
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oblivions-dawn · 5 months
2, 9 and 26 for the 2023 in review?
Hello!! Have a snack before you go ❤
✑ How many fics did you work on this year?
✑ What fic meant the most to you to write?
Oh Petrichor and Breathless of course. It was all I COULD write. I seem incapable of writing anything else . . . Maybe one of these days I'll finish one of these other little writing projects I've started fufu
✑ If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
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chubsonthemoon · 2 years
Hiya! Are you accepting commissions for fanbinding (with the author's consent, of course)?
Hi! Thanks so much for reaching out--I'm flattered to be asked!
To answer your question: apologies, but I do not take commissions. However, if you're interested in finding someone who does, or if you're interested in getting into ficbinding yourself (!!!), I'm more than happy to point you in the direction of a few resources.
Here is the link to @renegadepublishing's current directory of members who have consented to have their name and/or imprint associated with Renegade. However (and this is stated at the top of the Dreamwidth post as well), please only reach out to members with commission inquiries if they have explicitly stated that they are taking commissions! This means that you will have to do a little digging around, but Renegade is first and foremost a community to share resources and information; in line with this, our directory's purpose is to organize our members' information rather than indicate who is open for commissions.
And if you'd like to get into fanbinding yourself (the much more fun route imo :3), I cannot recommend the Renegade Discord server enough! There's always someone around if you have questions, and the channels are home to a wealth of resources, shop talk, and book inspo. You can find the permanent invite link on our carrd, as well as several resources (including our founder @armoredsuperheavy's How to Make a Book) on our tumblr page.
Commissioning fanbinders can often be tricky and expensive (and rightfully so!), so the DIY route is the route I recommend if you have any interest in binding more than one fic. However, everyone's situation is different, so of course it is ultimately up to you!
I hope this helps! Thanks again for reaching out, and best of luck to you! <3
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coffinsister · 11 months
Do you have a crush on someone? Irl and fiction
Amazed there's people following this blog who don't know of my inmense thirst towards Andrew Graves from popular rpg maker game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Besides that of course I have many fictional crushes too many to even count but right now I'm really regressing to my Asriel and Chara simping stages for some reason
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
so we know that massun aka floor man aka Rei Sakuma seiyuu is in i7. did you know shy from mhyk's seiyuu is there too (he is Yuki). but their characters do not sing together. I am so sad
god. shylock and rei duet would be insane
i dont think those two should ever be in the same room together in fact they shouldn't even find out about each other it would be too catastrophic
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rozestears · 1 year
heyyy hiii it’s me femstars anon I have returned with awful thoughts
demon fem!tatsumi who just loves to lure in cute maidens before proceeding to fuck them with her cock ♡ gently cooing how good they are for her all the while she's ramming into their cunts to the point where they're whimpering and crying from how big it is and how overstimulated they are
"Oh? Too much, dear? But I haven't gotten my fill yet...please do hold out longer, yes? Just a few more rounds of fun ♡"
In her demon form she gets bigger and taller and absolutely towers over her sweet prey...she especially loves watching them struggle and sob at the sheer size of her cock while she practically uses them as a fleshlight ♡
i very much think she would be into using girls up for their and her pleasure, you get me?!
but, in particular what is she REALLY into like girls who're first a little bratty and refuse her then after a bit she manages to seduce them into a fun night?
or rather, something else?
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126dvtn · 2 years
What are your pronouns babygirl
they/them but idm any!! don't worry about misgendering me or anything i encompass any and all <( ̄︶ ̄)>
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hitorriii · 5 months
" Don't you have a girlfriend you would rather be bothering?"
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' DO I LOOK LIKE someone that would ? unless heh, your trying to my MINE ? it's okay i don't blame you.'
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blind0raven · 1 month
Wait Raven, we have the same name!!! I am a Raven too!!!
(Idk if Kibby is still responding but isnt that so cool!!😊)
Yes it is me still responding, and yes indeed you and master have the same name fufu~
Although your name is Raven, and my master's nickname is "Raven" or Ravey (by Azul), Foxy (by Chenya), Madame Fox (by Rook!) or any other possible future nickname anyone could give her
It is very "cool" and exciting hehe
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angeltism · 10 months
Asta.rion b.g3 is caed-greysexual to the lady of loss because she said so ++ xe may have sorta realized Oh Fuck being forced 2 do shit you didn't want 2 for a while ++ it genuinely fucking up how you view sex/romance? why does that sound familiar,,
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queenharumiura · 7 months
Top of head / " wow , i think you got taller ! " good luck , Luca ...
[Link to meme in ask] ||Accepting|| @voraxiia Top of head: Sibling affection/parental affection
Haru purses her lips and grumbles, grabbing him by the wrist [fear of losing you] and moves his hand away from the top of her head. “Pat your own head.” She won’t say outright that the feeling is mutual. “What else was there?” She glances over the list again. With her hand still wrapped around his wrist, she smacks his fingers (friendship/amicable) with her free hand. “I didn’t get taller, I’m just wearing boots with a higher heel than usual.”
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You know what? Perfect set up for the other one. She pokes his bicep (Aggravation/Irritation/"You are an idiot.")
“If you steal my sweets again…” She lightly kicks one of his calves (“I will cause you pain”).
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fumikoshi · 3 months
Sitting on his face
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✧ — SUMMARY; You are Gojo's personal servant, and today he wants you… to sit on his face.
✧ — CONTENT; 18+ ONLY // MDNI — fem! reader, nicknames, size kink, age gap, face sitting
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W-What? G-Gojo-sama? Sit on y-your f-face?
''Fufu, don't ask if i can breathe, just put that cute ass on my face. Use my face like a chair, mochi~ I want to feel your beautiful cunt against my face.~''
Your doe eyes widened at his offer, your cheeks turned a sweet pink color. You were so embarrassed. But he was your master, you had to do what he said and wanted.
''a-are you really sure, Gojo-sama? w-what if you c-cant breathe?''
As you position yourself against Gojo's face, you can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, and his large hands tenderly grip your hips. His voice is deep, filled with desire, as he responds to your innocent concerns.
"Breathe? Who needs to breathe when I have your sweet little ass pressing against my face, my cute little princess~? Don't worry about me.~ Just focus on enjoying yourself.~" His words are filled with dominance and a hunger that matches the intensity in his eyes.
Gojo's hands slowly guide your hips, adjusting your position as he desires. You can feel his tongue gently tease and explore, his movements deliberate and tantalizing. His hands grip onto your thighs, holding you in place, ensuring that you can fully experience the pleasure he wants to give you.
"Now, be a good girl and relax. Give yourself over to the sensations, my precious little one. Let me taste every inch of you, my mochi.~" He speaks with a mixture of authority and tenderness, sending shivers down your spine.''
With that, he pulls you down onto his face, positioning you comfortably on his mouth and nose. He groans in pleasure as you press your wetness against his eager face. His warm breath fans against your pussy, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine. His tongue delicately teases your cunt, causing an electric jolt of pleasure to course through your young body.
His tongue skillfully traces every curve, exploring your delicate skin, making you squirm and gasp with delight. Gojo's lips and mouth take their time, reveling in the taste and texture of your innocence. His hands continue to hold you firmly, allowing him complete control as he guides you towards waves of pleasure.
With each touch, each lick, his desire ignites further, his own need growing. There is a powerful tension in the air, a palpable electricity that fuels your shared exploration. Gojo's deep voice breaks the silence, fueling your desire even further.
"Sweet more than kikufuku~ I can't get enough of you, my little angel~. Your innocence drives me wild, and I will make sure to give you the pleasure you deserve.~"
His words resonate in your mind as you give in to the overwhelming sensations. Lost in pleasure, you let Gojo explore your innocence, his gentle dominance guiding you to a place of pure bliss, leaving you breathless and floating in a cloud of ecstasy.
Your cute moans increases in each lick. you presses your hips on his handsome face
His skilled tongue continues to explore your pussy, his movements becoming more fervent as he responds to your increasing moans. The sound of your innocent pleasure fuels his desire, and he eagerly devours your sweetness.
Encouraged by your response, Gojo's hands tighten their grip on your hips, pulling you closer to him. His tongue delves deeper, seeking out every hidden crevice, as he expertly brings you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
The room fills with the intoxicating scent of your arousal, mingling with the sound of your moans and the wet, sensual noises of his mouth on your sensitive skin. The sensations overwhelm you, and you can't help but grind your hips against his face, seeking more of his skilled touch.
His large hands move from your hips to your thighs, his fingers digging into your soft flesh as he holds you in place. He wants to ensure that you receive the maximum pleasure, his touch both possessive and gentle.
Lost in the throes of pleasure, you feel a familiar tightening in your core, a sign that release is imminent. Your sweet moans grow louder, more desperate, as you approach the peak of your pleasure. Sensing your impending climax, Gojo intensifies his efforts, his tongue flicking and swirling with purpose.
And then, with a final, electrifying touch, you shatter into a million pieces. Waves of pleasure crash over you, your body trembling in ecstasy as you experience a pleasure you've never known before. Gojo continues to lap at your sensitive flesh, prolonging your pleasure until you finally come down from your high. His handsome face was covered with your juices
As your breathing steadies and your heart rate slows, Gojo gently releases his hold on your hips, allowing you to slide off his face. He looks up at you with a satisfied smile, his piercing blue eyes filled with adoration and desire.
"Did you enjoy that, my little princess~?" he asks, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and satisfaction. "Ahh~ you were absolutely delicious than any dessert~''
You nod, still catching your breath, your body tingling with the remnants of pleasure. The intensity of the moment lingers in the air as you both bask in the aftermath of your shared desire.
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