#fucking d2 what the fuck
anachronisticbones · 1 year
kay so i stop playing d2 for a few months and all of a sudden Amanda's dead, we're underwater and Cayde's back
well okay then
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itsalwaysforyou · 2 days
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kenny ortgea, descendants 3 / katy prickett, medieval 'love motto' gold ring found near frinton / x / x / x / 墨香铜臭, heaven official's blessing / mitski, geyser / dove cameron and khalid, we go down together / mitski, i'm your man / anne sexton, 'a letter to w. d. snodgrass' / x / florence + the machine, heavy in your arms / x
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synnthamonsugar · 8 months
So like I'm not normal about Eris fucking stabbing Savathun with a sword but I'm also not normal about Savathun fucking ....... GIVING Eris her Ghost to do whatever she wants with .... her symbolic heart ... her connection to the Light, the thing she'd spend eons in pursuit of......... GOD!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
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hyunubear · 11 months
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funnywizard3000 · 1 month
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my iron banner pixmix for this week
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oakstar519 · 3 days
i just love :) dying repeatedly :) because the servers :) are garbage :) and don't let me kill things :)
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relentless-endurance · 10 months
aesthetically this season pops off however the cost was too high
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Why the fuck are there corpses that say ‘a million deaths are not enough for master rahool’ bro what???
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imma say it;
Ben really reached all the way into the picnic basket for napkins where they were literally on the fucking edge 
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man even put his fucking hand on it!
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tiredarts-sketchbook · 8 months
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Doodles of my Destiny 2 Minecraft (d2mc) Hunter/Warlock, Mazerunner-
Surrounded + Incandescent Elliptic Distaff, ATS-8 Arachnid helm, On Your Mark aspect…
overall an explosive Solar menace
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I know some people are staunch Osiris lovers and I keep seeing posts about how stupid ppl are for getting annoyed at Osiris and not seeing that his bad attitude are forms of grief and urgency.
Like yes I understood why Bungie wrote him the way they did- I get that it’s supposed to be a manifestation of his grief and feelings of losing his light.
I also feel like they also used his character to try and add urgency into the campaign which overall imo there was no sense of urgency. Despite what we saw in the opening cutscene the story felt like a meandering romp through a new and fun city. Not exactly the last ditch effort to stop the Witness in his tracks. Osiris definitely tried to make us feel that and it obviously didn’t click with a lot of people.
I also don’t think it’s Osiris yelling and being an ass that specifically annoyed a lot of people. I was legitimately getting angry at Osiris and his treatment of our Guardian. Frankly on a personal level idc what someone is going through I don’t want to be talked to that way - most people don’t. So when a rpg game has a character talking to the player like that is often feels personal because of the nature of rpgs. Hence why his behavior annoyed so many players. There’s also a major lack of resolution between Osiris and our Guardian. Osiris gets resolution with Nimbus where the two understand each other better by the end but our Guardian doesn’t get that. Often in Destiny when NPCs treat each other poorly there is some resolution to it or acknowledgement of it in the story - eg Crow and Saladin, Caitl and Zavala. When characters interact there is usually a resolution to conflicts between them.
As a player character we don’t get that. Which is why is feels extremely off putting to have Osiris kinda being a raging dick for most of the DLC to transitioning to our patient, wise mentor in our training montage. When he wasn’t acting like that just a few missions before. And then he gets some great scenes with Nimbus and him delving deeper into their grief. And of course that gives us as the player context to his behavior BUT it doesn’t resolve his treatment of our Guardian and his behavior towards them on a character to character based interaction. Part of this is of course Bungies dislike of assigning any emotion, consequence, character arc to our Guardian. So things don’t really happen to the Guardian, things more happen around the Guardian and the Guardian is simply there. But that’s an entire other issue that at least in this DLC Bungie put some work towards fleshing the Guardian out besides empty void that you run around killing things as and dress up. (at least we got voice lines)
So ya of course many players are annoyed at Osiris. People irl that act like that can be grating and frustrating to interact with esp in stressful high stake situations. Bringing a character like that into the realm of fiction doesn’t mean people will automatically be able to ignore his flaws and understand he’s just going through extreme grief. Coupled with any form of resolution between him and our guardian. I personally found Osiris annoying af in this DLC. I get why - and I think he did need to be written like that BUT I also would have a very different opinion if we even got a convo between Ghost and Osiris where he not necessarily apologizes but at least directly addresses his grief to the Guardian. (Which I’m sure there were some throw away voicelines where this does happen but nothing memorable). I also am still going to be annoyed at Osiris even though I understand why he was the way he was during this DLC. Like it’s okay to dislike a character.
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bungiesdestiny · 6 months
Hey guys! What console do yall play on?
Is this question like 7 years old? Yes.
Am I still going to answer because the only time I play destiny with another person is when I bring my Xbox to my guys house and make him play with me? Also yes. I’ll preface this by saying I don’t have a mic and I usually play weird late hours, like anywhere from 9-10 pm to 2-4 am PST.
Xbox: uncoolfruit 👉👈
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not like this. please god not like this
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slipperyskell · 2 years
So was no one gonna tell me Immaru calls himself daddy in game or was I supposed to find out for myself
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planet4546b · 2 years
every single day at work i spend 4-5 hours thinking the most coherent, well put together, intelligent thoughts about Destiny 2: the video game and every day as soon as i get home and can actually write them down i literally forget all of them. the only thing protecting you all from me being even more annoying about destiny is my horrid memory
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bluecookiesabi · 1 year
Ah, I was looking through the Diablo IV wiki and found the reason i will Never play it
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Give me a fucking offline mode or give me DEATH blizzard
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