#fuck zelbosa shippers
urbosasvai · 29 days
As someone who has also been dogpiled by rabid shippers and weirdos you have my greatest sympathies and condolences 😭 You're opinions on Zelb*sa are extremely correct and don't let weirdos try to flip it around that you're the insane one! Keep posting your stuff and don't let them get to you. It's insane to me that people will ship an adult and a minor even though Urbosa has an EXTREMELY IMPLIED close relationship with the late Queen of Hyrule. Like the healthy wlw is right there 😭 anyways I hope the rudeness directed towards you slows down
Thank you 😭 I’m glad someone else gets it like Urbosa would NEVER be in love with a minor let alone one she views as her own daughter. I don’t see the issue with them just changing it a bit and shipping her with the queen so that they have a not problematic wlw ship.
I especially hate the freaks who say she was “working down the family bloodline and wanted both the Queen and Zelda” like?? No she did not that’s disgusting. While the pedophilia and incest of the ship are definitely the most disturbing, because ?? wtf is attractive about that ship??? It’s ILLEGAL!!! I am also enraged by the absolute mischaracterization of urbosa. It’s appalling how they completely remove her entire character just to fetishize her mother daughter relationship with Zelda.
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Anyways, Urbosa is also done with their shit!
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urbosasvai · 2 months
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Having to reupload my posts bc mf zelbosa shippers had to go and get me BANNED. <<<<<<
Anyways, Urbosa at night in gerudo town :3
Gave her scars in one version bc that’s like, my favourite hc of her lol.
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urbosasvai · 1 month
For someone who claims to be so disgusted by Zelbosa, you sure do spend a lot of time searching for it, looking at it, and sharing it with your friends. Kind of suspicious if you ask me.
???? Buddy when tf did I “search for it and share it with my friends” why are you making stuff up.
The only reason I know about it is because you “fans” plague the Urbosa tag with ts.
Second, the reason I post against it so often is because I am tired of looking at the tag of something I love so much and seeing literal CP. I genuinely care about Urbosa and am disgusted about you freaks mischaracterization of her. She would NOT be in love with A. A minor, and B. Someone she views as her own daughter.
Also, literally what do you think you’re doing by sending me all these asks??? Clearly you’re not confident enough in what you’re saying to turn off anonymous. I feel like all you’re doing is trying to get me banned again which, okay buddy I’ll just make another account.
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