sactian · 8 months
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Después de la ruta genocida y que frisk no quisiera unirse a Chara, está la mata y Chara se queda sola por un tiempo, asta que Chara descubre que los archivos de los personaje no fueron eliminados y cuando los toca vuelven ala vida en criaturas que buscan matar a Chara por sus crimenes
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serfuzzypushover · 3 years
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frowey actually sounds worse...
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supercatk-blog · 3 years
Frowey de mi au ( todavia no tiene nombre el au)
Nombre de su tema=YOU BEST FRÍEND TO DEATH
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franstastic-ideas · 4 years
You LIED! I looked through sjui00's entire deviant art and I saw Frans, Frister, Papyrisk, Friskton, Frasriel, Frara, Frowey, possibly Friskby, one MKxFrisk, and maybe Chasriel but I didn't get to see the famed, the only, JerryxFrisk. Is Jerry not a male? Also I was kinda hoping for BurgerpantsxFrisk. Anyways, jokes aside, you both have quality work and one of my favorite ones from sjui00 is 738.5
I actually have seen Burgerpants x Frisk before! Just not by that artist. And it was actually super sweet, like the sort of relationship where he believed she made everything he has to go through in his everyday life worth it. Much less weird a ship than I first expected and very wholesome.
Now, I’ve never seen Jerry x Frisk, but I have seen Toriel x Jerry...
The person was also a Frans shipper... and somehow, she made it work!
(Still love Asgoriel more, though)
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xxsh4kyxx-blog · 7 years
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Today's work
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Frisk/Flowey fusion!
(Flosk? Frowey? Friwey? Frisey? Frisky? Oh goodness no. I like Frisey tho.)
Frisey: Pacifist| 32 EXP| LV 0| ARMOR- Vines/Heartlocket| 1 ATTACK| 67 DEFENSE| Likes: Nature, food, scaring and pranking people. Hates: Violence and fish. Frisey tries to act like Frisk, but the feeling of being half empty(thanks Flowey) often makes them lose their cool or cry and mope. They cover their face with hair because their eyes have been... Mangled. They are also sensitive to light and the subject of them fusing.
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bunnybosss · 7 years
Sooo I have this very thin silky kinda seethrough fabric I put into layers and I want to do some flowers on with a watercolour tecknique I just learned.. I then got the idea to make a kind of loose, Long frowey skirt and then burn the edges on the bottom of the skirt to make a life/death kind of vibe (I Hope it won't look horrible and end up interresting) But i'm scared to Play with fire like that plus the fabric was quite expensive /: I kinda wanted to pick two Elements like Earth and fire but the colours didn't add up with the White I got Then I thought to make something pheanix inspired with Gold, feathers, life like spring (descrete) flowers and then make the skirt of the Dress Long with a high v-cut with burnt edges that kindof opens up And reveals More white and little gold-ish fabric with burnt edges
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