#frontierspace gallery
christacarleton · 6 years
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There will be an exhibition of my work in Missoula on Friday, September 7th during the Missoula Art Walk. Happening at FrontierSpace Gallery 5-9pm for one night only.
if i repeat it enough times, will it go away?
My work is shaped by an unshakeable urge to be vulnerable with my viewer. The majority of my artwork focuses thematically on the agency of women. My private memories, experiences, mantras, unspoken thoughts, weak moments, etc., bring fellowship and rapport. I don’t think it is wrong to admit that making my work is comforting to the parts of me that are tangled up in discontentment. I’ve been querying for years what it is about my disposition that pulled me to create through the Printmaking process. Printmaking is so synonymous with the multiple. Why do I need dozens or hundreds of prints that all look and do the same thing? One part of the answer holds another question: if I repeat it enough times, will it go away?
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