#from Olrox’s perspective I’m sure that killing Julia was very similar to Annette killing the slavemaster vampire
prans-micellar-water · 8 months
The way that Olrox’s heritage and romance completely recontextualized his character. We first meet him when he kills Julia, and that’s bad no matter how you look at it, right? Wrong. Julia is a white European who came to the Americas and killed Olrox’s Mohican lover. Olrox retaliated, which is bad, yes, but how else was he going to get justice? No government would ever try a vampire hunter for the murder of a vampire, and no government would prosecute a white woman for harming a Native American. People like her were committing a state-sanctioned genocide. Even the suggestion of legal justice is ridiculous on its face. Julia’s death was wrong in the sense that violence doesn’t solve violence, in the sense that revenge begets revenge, but that’s it IMO. Olrox didn’t go any further—he didn’t torture her, he didn’t kill her son, AFAIK he didn’t kill anyone else that day. The only time we see him kill another human is in France when he kills a European noblewoman, the exact kind of person who profited most from the violence inflicted on him and his people. What I’m saying is that I’m dead serious when I say Olrox did nothing wrong
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