#frerard is funny BUT NOT FUCKING REAL
kermit-the-hag · 1 year
like i know that the majority of the mcr fandom is queer, but jesus christ the amount of weird hatred regarding Gerard being married to a woman is fucking bizarre. None of the band has explicitly come out but considering Gerard seems to be happily married, y’all need to fucking chill with the whole “frank and gerard are destined to be together and are both gay” it’s giving off MAJOR biphobic vibes. How can the fans claim that mcr made them feel accepted and like they could be themselves and yet they can’t accept the lives of the people who helped them feel that? y’all need to touch grass.
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frerard is so fucking funny as a concept. you're gonna tell me one of them topped. you're gonna tell me those bottoms fucked nasty. be fucking for real
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girlgerard · 2 years
I find it very funny that people on twitter try to “cancel” you because of your analysis of gerards relation to gender and try to call it transphobic and obsessiv when they spend their free time analysing every interaction g and frank have in an acrually creepy way and unironically ship frerard. Like it’s hell over there and honestly them insulting u was my last straw leaving mcr twt because omg how brain dead can ppl be
i mean the reality is that whenever something big happens and there’s this massive communal feeling of excitement and shock, there’s going to be a kind of rubber band backlash? and honestly a lot of it is justified i think! i wasn’t online much yesterday, just let my queue run and would post during the show, and i didn’t see the general tone of where the tide had turned on talking about nashville. now that i have, the way people are treating it actually makes me extremely uncomfortable. i use this blog as an emotional vent sort of, like a fun little journal to yell all of my thoughts into without much actual tether to reality. i’m not constructing a literal thesis on my blog. my worst nightmare is any of this actually affecting people in real life. so i actually agree with a lot of the discomfort people feel over how some are reacting to nashville. now that my head’s a bit clearer it also makes me feel a bit gross, because it’s bridging over into shit from 2011 and we can’t go back to that
i do think that a tumblr blog getting ragged on by twitter is very ironic lol but like. if people want to unfollow that’s totally okay! you never have to explain yourself or try and rally a crowd, like it’s literally fine. and in many ways i understand. i’m actually cringing really hard right now at how some people are taking some of my posts from the past week because they’re taking them as if i’m genuinely posing like. a bedrock theory. which is fucked. so i’m kind of slowing down on posting just because i’d feel sick if this ever got out of control.
overall the whole situation will blow over thank god, it kind of already has a bit, and i’m just going to draw back for the time being. i’d never want to dampen the complete joy and fun and silliness that was nashville. my feelings about that show have not changed; my reaction to how people are taking it has.
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Frerard was definitely not real but talking about it and making conspiracies about it is funny as hell ESPECIALLY calling it Triple R or Fr and Erard that shit is golden. Saying they found Frank crying in the corner at Gerard's wedding? Comedy gold. After MCR broke up they both went and wrote entire albums about eachother? hilarious
frerard jokes are the fucking bread and butter of this fandom let’s be real. fr and erard kissy kissy lol
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mychemicalraymance · 2 years
My mcr hot take is that sometimes people are a little bit too insane about frerard. I say this as someone who is fairly neutral on shipping, but it just seems unnecessary when people take a video/picture of gerard and frank just. Making eye contact or standing next to eachother and go 'OH MY GOD. FRERARD'. Glad their having fun though
lol. yes anon people are insane about frerard. i'm not neutral on shipping and rpf i think it kind of sucks unless it's for the sake of homosexual humor. i used to be a big bitch about it on this blog and complain about it all the time. i still dont like it but ive calmed down. i was so outspoken because my experience as a young fan was sort of warped by the rpf culture in mcr. i just had a lot of mental anguish over guilt and how the fanfiction sort of made me feel in general. so i'm a bit bitter. but otherwise it's funny. also i have one mcr fanfic i read during fall a lot bc it reminds me of being a teen haha
anyway shipping them is fucking crazy to me 1. because it's a little creepy (but not the end of the world) 2. gerard is obviously not straight but frank is so painfully a straight weed dad that it makes me feel like i'm insane when people think he's an lgbt icon 3. after seeing them live ray and gerard had by far some of the most palpable sexual chemistry i've ever witnessed in real life
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awsugar · 2 years
I don’t understand why some big mcr blogs slate anyone who believes gerard and frank had a thing, like our view didn’t arise from nowhere there’s clearly evidence that has led us to think this. I get disliking those who push frerard in frank and Gerard’s faces (barely anyone does this nowadays) but slating people for believing they had something in the past is kinda ridiculous imo. Franks solo music speaks volumes but if you read into it you’re demonised as a frerardie
mmmmm am i down to clown today... ok i will speak.
actually im going to put this under a cut bc my last ask was a long one and i feel like i am going to talk about this for way too long bc its 1am and im honestly a little tipsy.
note: i just finished answering this it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time and i dont think the person who asked this is even going to read it but i apparently have a lot of thoughts and no one ever wants to listen to me lol 
firstable yea actually unfortunately anytime they do a livestream, or anytime anyone SOMEHOW RELATED to them does a livestream. there are ppl in the chat talking about frerard. they both have comments off on insta now, i didnt actually read the comments that much and franks have been off for ages but im positive there were people in the comments talking about frerard. i mean fuck, franks LAST tweet he qrted someone who tagged him in the replies of a pic of The Kiss. so i mean yea its definitely not a majority but it still happens extremely frequently.
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this is like. genuinely really funny to me bc im sure frank didnt see it, i think he knows enough not to look at the chat for the most part. but the moral is that its 2021 and people STILL dont know how to act. i wont go on about it but it actively enrages me anytime i watch a stream. rule one of real person fandoms is keep all that shit in your fan spaces. which is actually why i prefer tumblr. none of them are on here. actively engaging in mcr fandom on twitter is too close for comfort, especially since frank follows a handful of my friends and also like. knows me.
so like moral of my most times unavoidable wall of text is that ppl are right to be frustrated with the fans who act this way. i am extremely frustrated with them. and i think for the people who have never like tinhatted or anything, this type of behavior stands out and makes an impression and becomes the like. poster child for ppl who are like 'hmmmmm but what if.' about the frank and gerard stuff.
anyway, moving on, i think a lot of peoples hang up is that they view it as rpf. which i have a couple things to say about actually. its no secret that i have read a lot of rpf. i had never heard of fanfiction until i started getting into mcr in 2008. that was my introduction. and at the time, in that community, it was completely normal. and it was for a loooooooooong time. i knew of people who didnt read fic or felt weird about it but the majority of people i interacted with DID read fic. and on top of that, the people who didn;t were nothing like they are today. we all got along. no one was like demonizing people who did read fic. in 2012 when i think mcr tumblr was at its peak, ALL of the most popular blogs were "frerardies" (hate that term). they all talked about and recced fic and a lot of them wrote it too. everyone had a boyfriends tag. anyway when i came BACK to the mcr fandom in 2016 after a couple years away post-breakup it was still like that. people talked about fic all the time and you didnt have to like, hide it in fear of being labeled as a terrible person.
i always discussed this stuff, fic and theories, openly on this blog. for YEARS. the first time i noticed the rpf shift was 2019 tbh, when my blog was suspended and i (not related) had a mental health crisis and i spent a handful of months off tumblr, when i remade on a different blog suddenly it seemed like people were like noooo you cant talk about that. ppl who read fic are disgusting. if you think something happened between them you're homophobic. i was like honestly baffled bc i didnt know how it had seemingly changed so much in a matter of like 4 months or so. but thats the society we live in now lmao.
anyway the other thing about rpf is that i think most of these people are hypocrites. bc almost everyone makes an exception for unholyverse. theyre like ok i will dabble in the most popular fic and see what its about while still demonizing the people who read OTHER fics. like ugh.
also i have noticed its an age thing. a lot of the time. almost every mcr fan i personally interact with or know, which is a lot of people, read fic, used to read fic and just sort of grew out of it, and/or (usually and) believe something happened between them. but everyone i interact with is an adult and all of my closer friends are long time mcr fans like me. i feel like the percentage of fans who are minors who are extremely anti-rpf is way higher than the percentage of adults. and i think thats just due to the fan culture we grew up with and the fact that young people a lot of times are like..it seems very performative in an attempt to be the least problematic person that ever lived.
also random side note its really funny to keep updated with this debate on twitter. they literally yoyo there. frerard is ok on a bi-weekly basis.
anyway back to what i was originally saying which was that people view tinhatting as rpf and therefor not okay. which like idk maybe i sound crazy but i also always said this when i was in the phandom and discussing like dan and phil and whether or not they were soulmates before they came out, i don't think tinhatting is rpf. or like. idk theres a part of me that can see why people think rpf is a bad thing even though if i was famous i wouldnt care if people wrote fics about me. but like. analyzying the real life things that people have done and said in public (important). in order to try to contextualize their relationship or understand that dynamic better. well i mean first of all its not fiction. but like i do think its a lot different than writing explicit bdsm fic about them.
and i know a lot of the people on here who dont like actively participate in these conversations do like. see where we're coming from. with the frank lyrics and millions and like all of that stuff. they just dont talk about it. i mean *I* have stopped mostly talking about it at all unless its vague, due to the current climate and opinion. and sometimes we'll all have a moment of hysteria where we've all decided its ok to speak about. me right now apparently.
anyway im positive no one read all of this. i need to learn how to be brief but ive been saying that my whole life. but you're right. to me its clear that there's a bigger story behind it than frank and gerard just being buddies who were in a band together. a logical conclusion. and i wish we could just all get along again instead of people being sooooo mad about it.
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bo0zey · 4 years
Pick your favorite questions from the list.
i will do them all for u 0.o
1. Name cianna [see-ah-nah]
2. Nationality mexican irish german romanian hungarian french
3. Age 20
4. Birthday december 17, 1999
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) sun: sagittarius; ascendant: leo; moon: aries
6. Gender female
7. Sexuality uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i will willingly kiss either gender
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) /tagged/my-face or u could just google pictures of fat rats
9. What do you/did you study? I’m currently a sophomore nursing major!
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I’m currently a microbiology TA and I love it :) My dream job would be something with animals, like a vet tech or veterinarian
11. Your birth order i’m the oldest!
12. How many siblings do you have? 2 younger brothers
13. Do you have good relations with your family? my mom was my best friend, my dad and i get along better now that i’m in college, my brothers and i get along pretty well & we’re staring to get closer now that they’re getting older n growing up n developing their own personalities lol
14. How many friends do you have? errrr idk this is a hard question. i have a lot of acquaintances but i’d say i have maybe like less than 10 real friends??
15. Your relationship status single :D
16. What do you look for in a SO? funny!!!!!!!!!must be humorous!!!!and sarcastic and a little weird w darker sense of humor so we can laugh n be dumb together!!!!!!! also i would like them to be kind to me and those around them bc mean ppl suck. also they have to like animals. also i would like them to be loyal and trustworthy and 110% in love w me. and for physical stuff idk kinda attractive but NOT CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE like i personally don't really like the typically ‘attractive’ person??? 
17. Do you have a crush? currently in love w the cute chinese boy who lives across from my dorm room even tho i have never even spoken to him n he is totally unaware of my existence!!!!!!!! hahah oops :D
18. When did you have your first kiss? i mean technically 3rd grade i think but that doesn't really count so like maybe 16????
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? i mean in the long term i would definitely like to have a serious relationship but at the moment i’m only into casual stuff bc my heart isn't ready to be broken again sknfkjdbnkjd
20. What are your deal breakers? errrr i’m not sure....cheating is a no no, ppl that are interested in fucking every single person they see is a turn off, DUMB PEOPLE like ppl you can't even have a proper conversation with bc they're so DUMB, and ppl who r mean/judgmental/arrogant
21. How was your day? ok! accidentally slept thru my math class but caught a glimpse of my crush across campus when he was abt to smoke a cig and i got chipotle n i online shopped a ton from shein
22. Favourite food & drink deep dish spinach pizza from giordano’s & orange vitamin water
23. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my left side hugging a body pillow
24. What was your last dream about? ate a braid of hair and inside the braid was bacon
25. Your fears not going to make it thru nursing school, not being financially stable as an adult, not having a family of my own, probably more but those r currently top 3
26. Your dreams i don't have any idk....maybe having like a house of my own and having as many animals as i want?? and i would like a loving partner with a daughter of our own
27. Your goals survive nursing school and lose 40 pounds and don't die before my cat
28. Any pets? i have a dog named cherry Cola, a cat named Leto, and a betta fish named Perc
29. What are your hobbies? writing stories about people in love, listening to music
30. Any cool places in your area? in my college town??? NO it sucks. in my hometown??? Not really it’s a small lil village with only restaurants and parks. but at home i’m near downtown chicago so that’s cool i guess
31. What was your last awkward situation? the first thing that comes to mind is my FIRST and so far ONLY encounter with my crush. we live in the same dorm building and i was wearing my nursing scrubs and had no make up on and about to go upstairs to my dorm, and then i heard footsteps and i was like ‘hahaha what if its my crush’ AND THEN HE FUCKIGJNG appeared from down the hallway to go back to HIS DORM [which is RIGHT ACROSS FROM MINE] and i literally STARED at him, then threw open the door and RAN UP THE STAIRS LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME AND HE WAS LIKE SO CLOSE BEHIND ME I WAS JUST SO NERVOUS MY FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE TOOK OVER AND I FUCKING FLED I LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM I AHTE MYSELF SO MUCH IM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
32. What is your last regret? errrrr idk i regret a lot of dumb things.......
33. Language/s you can speak English n a LITTLE bit of Spanish
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) i’m really into zodiac stuff and i have got to say they are pretty spot on in accuracy idk
35. Have any quirks? ummmm ofc!!i am the quirkiest person i know hajnjfxbkjx like if u asked my roommates/friends they’d probably be better at answering this than me bc i don't see anything abt me as quirky but they always tell me i am quirky and do weird things but idk man I'm just existing 
36. Your pet peeves err idk currently its ppl that constantly brag about dumb shit
37. Ideal vacation somewhere warm with me + the ocean + the loml + unlimited alcohol
38. Any scars? yeah :D both emotional AND physical!!!!
39. What does your last text message say? ‘ok thats a more than fair statement’
40. Last 5 things from your search history how many carbs should i eat, chipotle bowl calories, is the grim reaper the angel of death, ceftriaxone adverse effects, red man syndrome
41. What's your [device] background? lockscreen is a peach-theme background i made and home screen is my weight loss goals
42. What do you daydream about? the characters in my stories.................and being skinny 
43. Describe your dream home pretty brick house??? flowers outside??? 3 floors--main floor, basement and upstairs??? 3 bedrooms n 3 bathrooms maybe??? master bedroom has its own bathroom!!! and open concept main floor. big kitchen and very homey n warm all around. as for like an apartment i want something cozy and aesthetically pleasing and warm 
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion i don't have a religion but if ppl do have a religion then thats not my business
45. Your personality type entj but only bc i got 3% extraverted; i am very closely related to intj tho n i think i fit that one better
46. The most dangerous thing you've done uhhhhhh probably operating a vehicle while high out of my mind. definitely the dumbest thing i ever did 0/10 would recommend anyone ever doing that
47. Are you happy with your current life? its ok but it could probably be better. i want to be done w college and skip to the part where i have a successful career and my own home and i can lay up w the loml every night
48. Some things you've tried in your life alcohol???weed??gummy edibles....
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? sweaters/sweatshirts/leggings
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, maroon, peach, purple, gray, idk
51. How would you describe your style? oh jeez idk i wear whatever i want so like e-girl when i really try and basic white girl when i don't care
52. Are you happy with your current looks? no i hate everything about myself lol
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? more freckles on my face....also be thinner n have longer hair
54. Any tattoos or piercings? my nose and septum are pierced!
55. Do you get complimented often? kinda by my friends but i always yell at them to stop so they don't compliment like as much bc they know i hate it but they still do it sometimes idk
56. Favourite aesthetic? i wanna be an e-girl yo!!!!!!!!! 
57. A popular trend that you dislike nobody has a crush on me and i hate it
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? pied piper by BTS
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. anything by BTS lol i used to like be embarrassed for how much i like k pop but now i don't really care lol #stanBTS2020
60. Favourite genre? rap/r n b/alternative
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? i listen to every genre except country sooooooo yeah i really like billie eilish, BTS, the weeknd, juicewrld, lil nas x, trippie red, post malone,
62. Hated popular songs/artists? i don't rlly like selena gomez or justin bieber or taylor swift
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 only - RY X i.f.l.y. - Bazzi novacane - frank ocean jungle - drake bang! - trippie redd
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? no and no
65. Do you like karaoke? no but i like to sing along to songs when I'm alone
66. Own any albums? haha noooo i got apple music son
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? errr RARELY i used to listen to r n b stations tho
68. Favourite movie/series? idk donnie darko?? i also just finished tharntype n that was really good. also i liked tokyo ghoul. AND GIVEN IS REALLY GOOD
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc i like horror/scary/paranormal/funny movies and i like love stories in books
70. Your fictional crush/es danny phantom, ken kaneki
71. Which fictional character is you? uhhhh idk...
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so frerard, ryden, taekook, mewgulf
73. Favourite greek god? idk they all kinda suck but maybe hades
74. A legend from where you live that you like i don't really know any:(
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? i like to look at art! i think van gogh is cool
76. Can you share your other social media? ig: ciannnna venmo: ciannnna
77. Favourite youtubers? i don't really watch youtubers but maybe shane dawson and emma chamberlain
78. Favourite platform? twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much time
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? i once played GTA5 that was fun!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) idk i don't really read anymore:/ i was into the hunger games and the twilight series when i was young. now i kinda read online manga and i really liked BJ Alex and killing stalking. and like for online books the unholyverse series, a splitting of the mind, the anatomy of a fall
82. Do you play board/card games? no but i like to play checkers and uno and cards against humanity
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? nopee
84. Favourite holiday halloween is cool also christmas is alright bc gifts
85. Are you into dramas? i’ve been getting into thai boys love dramas lol sue me
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? um YES.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? everyone needs to be a little kinder and have a crush on me
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? absolutely not I'm not physically fit and don't have useful skills
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? vampire duh [or maybe ghost]
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? i want to see my mom
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? idk something cool ... i love the name Daisy
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? idk probably kylie jenner
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo idk the alien? 94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true -im very productive with my time management skills -my favorite color is purple -i don't get nervous when I'm alone in public
95. Cold or hot? cold
96. Be a hero or be a villain? anti-hero
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? sing if i’m good at it but if I'm not good then rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?immortal
100. ..... or .....? ......?
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it was so funny when the death spells album dropped and frerards were claiming all the songs that referenced having relationship problems were about gerard and couldnt possibly be about you know, his wife, because all he does in interviews is talk about how much he adores her. like yeah he’s gonna tell an interviewer “yeah the wife and i have been fighting lately. sometimes she acts like a real b*tch” like How honest do you think celebrities are about every aspect of their personal life. do you think they share the uglier details of their relationships with the entire fucking world
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unholyverse · 7 years
hey anyone wanna criticize my shitty prologue for a robot!frerard under the cut
Sweat trickled down Linda Iero’s face, the heat of the welding power supply still excruciating even behind a welding helmet. It wouldn’t be too long before she was finished at least, the arm being the last part she had to weld. She could feel the heavy tufts of smoke drift past her face, even if she couldn’t see it herself. The arm was almost completely weld now, all she had to do was make one more turn and, voilà, her first (hopefully) successful version of FK-31.
The engineering process was brutal, long, and repetitive as she had learned in her classes and internships. She didn’t actually think it was that hard though. But she was young and foolish then, and if she knew her concept of a robot designed to soothe those who’ve lost a loved one shortly after her own father’s death took more than a decade, she might’ve not started engineering in the first place. It was all over now though, at least she hoped it was.
Linda turned off the power supply, lifted her helmet, and put her tools aside. Not too bad, she thought, the synthetic hair looked like some greasy teen’s, but the structure and human-like appearance of FK-31 was stellar. He was dressed in an old t-shirt and jeans that were part a pile she gave to Goodwill and made him look more approachable. Much better than her prototype, she noted, it doesn’t look as “freaky fucking Terminator”-like as her assistant/husband had said. Now it was just the mechanics that would truly judge the excellence of her creation.
“FK-31, I am in need of your assistance,” she said, testing its understandability of a human voice.
FK-31 opened its eyes, which were actually wide range cameras, and scanned the area it was in. Good, it understands one of the ways used as an ask for help.
“You’ve asked for my help?” FK-31 looks genuinely concerned in the facial expression and voice. Excellent. Even better that proper, yet modern English is being used and not Shakespearean English like the fourth prototype.
“Yes, I have,” Linda says, overjoyed at the functioning interaction between them, “My father has been deceased recently and I am in need of comfort.”
FK-31 looks skeptical of her claim. “I believe you’re lying, MOTHER, your information states that your father had died in the summer of your transition to freshman year. You should’ve had recovered from that loss a long time ago.”
Her information is encoded into his system and he recognizes her as MOTHER (Maker of the Humanoid Electronic Robotics), she should test its artificial sympathy and comfort methods.
“Yes, but it still hurts that he’s not here at times. I mean, I wish he could see you, my greatest achievement.” She vents a little more than intended, but that’s exactly what FK-31 is for, comfort.
“It’s okay, MOTHER, without his passing, I wouldn’t have been created for the benefit of many others.” The smile FK-31 almost looked like her father’s very own, like she subconsciously made him in his image.
Linda smiles softly. “Thank you, FK-31, now can you go through some system tests?”
“And that is the mechanics of FK-31.”
Testing FK-31 for Mr. Bryar, president of MechTech, almost gave Linda a heart attack, no matter how much Frank assured her. It was FK-31 itself that helped calm her into the testing. It truly is going to do great things as soon as it’s properly mass produced, she thinks.
“I think it’s wonderful, Linda, very nice,” Mr. Bryar grinned, but it faltered. “Nice isn’t good enough.”
That was not good.
“Sir, FK-31 could potentially soothe patients of severe mental illnesses without any useless placebos, it could-“
“Don’t plead, Linda, it’s pathetic. Didn't you ever view the files sent a month ago about the new government policy on robotic machinery?”
“I-“ She didn’t. She was busy building FK-31. “No.”
He looks unsurprised and shoves a paper in her face. “Here’s a hard copy, read it thoroughly.” Bryar walks away cold and uncaring, heavy footsteps echoing.
She looks at the paper and skims it out of spite. Shit.
She scurries to find Frank, somewhere in the lab.
“The government is cutting us off.”
He raises an eyebrow at that. “Kinda surprised they didn’t cut us off in the first place honestly.”
Linda rolls her eyes. “No time for sarcasm, Frank, this paper says they either destroy or turn FK-31 into a weapon.”
“Well, what do want to do with it?”
“I want it to help people, but that’s obviously a war crime so-“
“It has some form of artificial emotion, right?”
She looks at him in the eye before saying yes.
“You talked about wiring its intelligence and emotions every time this bot came up.”
“The government can’t do shit if the bot’s actually a person.”
“What? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Think of it, the government only thinks of it as artificial and weapon material, right?” Linda nods.
“So if we insert a human intelligence into the bot, and let it live like a human, the government can’t take it away.”
“That’s ridiculous, it’s never going to work.”
“You made FK out of hyper realistic skin fibers, same with its hair. It’s not like the government can jump him and try to see what’s in its pants, it can probably pass as a minor.”
“Yes, but the human-“
“You just need a brain. FK has a few emotions, but not the ugly ones. I’ll be your donor.”
“Frank, no.” She tears up a little.
“Listen, Linda when we met, we promised that we’d do anything for FK and stuff. I’ll do it for you, for the world.”
She looks down sadly. “Okay, for the world and for us.”
Linda performed the transfer of Frank’s brain, reluctantly, but did it well, making sure to wire each part to each part. It was hard to let FK-31 go, especially in a new condition, but did so with specific instructions. It escaped on its own, managing to camouflage from scientists and run off.
“Alright Iero, where’s FK?” Bryar came to collect it two days following the testing.
“I destroyed it already. It seemed you didn’t need it anyways.”
“Yeah, real funny, where is it?”
“Just in the ashtray.”
Bryar chuckles darkly. “Y’know Linda, you’re a great employee, really one of the best, but y'know what?” He leans close to her face. “You’re a shitty liar.”
Bullets crown her head and Linda dies on impact. Her body is burnt as the search for FK-31 begins. At least she died knowing FK-31 would help some hopeless person out there.
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thewinterstardust · 7 years
Ten song shuffle+explanation tag thing !!
I was tagged by the ever snazzy @itsabeautifulmidnight thank you for thinking of me !!
‘The rules are to shuffle w/e music thing you use and list the first ten songs that come up with explanations about why you like it and your fave lyrics and so on. then you have to tag ten people :) ‘
I tag @owls-on-pointe @cosmicbattalion @lewisxharold @qiaocake1 @sachlockk @zaida-stardust @ngannn @the-real-conoman @sarahtlou @uhmfox its like,,, effort so don’t feel obliged to do anything tho
Lee did a read more thing which is probably a good idea I’m gonna do that too because I’ve basically written a novel for song 9 tbh 
So I’m shuffling my playlist of practically everything I like, which I title ‘The Master Playlist’ (if you wanna find it on spotify my username is spiritojaz !!)
Song 1- Got My Mind Set On You- George Harrison
How I first heard it: I think I heard it without realising at some point but I only actually listened and gave it some thought a few months ago when the music video popped up on my twitter feed as part of someone’s thread of favourite songs
Favourite lyrics: how about ‘I got my mind set on you’ seeing as it does make up about 60% of the lyrical substance to the song... I guess it gets the message of the track across,,,
Why I like it: nothin beats spicy syncopation !! its just really pleasant and cute
Song 2- Look Back in Anger- David Bowie
How I first heard it: I think it came up in the youtube suggestions and because we were studying Look Back in Anger in english at school at the time I was like omg I must listen to this
Favourite lyrics: ‘no one seemed to hear him so he leafed through a magazine, and yawning, rubbed the sleep away’ because damn relatable and it sounds really funny when david sings it with such boredom and hatred
Why I like it: okay LISTEN UP BABES if you’re gonna take one thing from reading all this its that you should listen to this song because personally I believe its one of the best if not the best bowie track... the sounds are just amazing alright 
Song 3- Heaven Help Us- My Chemical Romance 
How I first heard it: you can’t be complete mcr trash for a prolonged period of time without listening to the b sides okay
Favourite lyrics: ‘I’ve been sprawled on these cathedral steps while spitting out the blood and screaming someone save us’, the words fill your mouth with bitterness and desperation and there is such strong imagery I adore it all 
Why I like it: the harmonies in the choruses are really nice and its such a passionate reach of despair I just really appreciate the song 
Song 4- Killer Queen- Queen 
How  first heard it: I’m not sure? I think it might have been when I discovered my(former) singing teacher was in We Will Rock You in London and I decided to up my queen game? it might have been before then? who knows?
Favourite lyrics: ‘perfume came naturally from paris’ just because that’s so extra and I’d be lying if I didn’t want to give off that vibe, you know how someone would assume the perfume came naturally from paris because I’m jazmin
Why I like it: its just so evocative and suggestive? the singing of ‘queen’ in the chorus is so snazzy and it just might be my favourite song by queen??
Song 5- Feelgood By Numbers- The Go! Team 
How I first heard it: probably in the car with my dad, he used to play the CD of the album (thunder, lightning, strike)to my brother and I when we were very young(but I have mentally reclaimed the album from him because I don’t like associating things with him t b h)
Favourite lyrics: its instrumental bar the ‘one two three four’ at the start...
Why I like it: its so bittersweet and so lovely like the harmonica’s odd notes are just so beautiful and melancholic and the rolling happy drums and piano are brilliantly characterful like something out of charlie brown or something 
Song 6- Virgin- Manchester Orchestra 
How  first heard it: oh god okay so two years ago I read this frerard fanfic(k i l l m e) that was like, critically acclaimed within the mcr fandom with the abbreviated title asotm(if you know, you know), and someone made this awesome video edit based on the fic with this song in the background and posted it to instagram and I was like damn this is edgy I love it 
Favourite lyrics: ‘kiss him on top his lips and crucify the fire’ because the singer spits out that spicy religious imagery 
Why I like it: the way the song builds up slowly and menacingly whispers then shouts with the guitars is v v effective yes I love 
Song 8- Misty Mountain Hop- Led Zeppelin 
How I first heard it: I don’t know? I’ve always been familiar with it? I think I acknowledged it having a title when I watched Almost Famous for the first time maybe?
Favourite lyrics:  ‘crowds of people sittin' on the grass with flowers in their hair’ gives such snazzy chill rock n roll vibes that I love 
Why I like it: the keyboard is so jazzy and the singing is so sassy 
Song 9- Can’t Seem To Make You Mine- Sky Saxon & The Seeds 
How I first heard it: okay so when I was like seven, it was in an advert for some kind of male fragrance like lynx and I remembered hearing the instrumental whilst the guy in the advert walked through some convenience store in his pants or whatever and thinking this is the best thing I’ve ever heard but then I never heard it again yet I got the snippet from the advert stuck in my head a few times a year until last year(eight years later) I was listening to the stranger things soundtrack whilst drawing and it came on and I shit you not my brain fucking exploded right there and then like all over my drawing tablet and the keyboard 
oh my god I found the advert omG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSModGhmjnw (tf was that advert though oh my god)
Favourite lyrics: ‘with every breath and step I take I’m more in love with you’ are lyrics you’d expect to be sung with joy and perk but they’re actually sung with such a depressing and dragging drawl its almost laughable 
Why I like it: that harp/paino(?) instrumental break is beautiful and that guitar twang is great 
Song 10- Run to the Hills- Iron Maiden 
How I first heard it: I’m not sure, it was probably on the radio seeing as Planet Rock is the default sound of my kitchen 
Favourite lyrics: ‘white man came across the sea, he brought us pain and misery’ tell that story aye go
Why I like it: its just damn spunky and intimidating enough for me to listen to on full volume at school during registration so I get to leave the classroom for period 1/5 not wanting to cry as much oops(that got deep)
woah you read all of that ?? I’m proud of you but also worried 
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cvmisado · 7 years
ryden fic rec list
ahh so over the years i have read some AMAZING ryden fics…and some not so amazing ones. here, my dear friends, is a masterpost of some ryden fics that are definitely worth reading. make sure to read the warnings that the links give before reading please!! (there are 41 as of now, i update it like once a month)
 ♡ = favorite
one shots:
1. Falling is Like This: So, Brendon is madly in love with a boy from the candy shop. The boy from the candy shop. There’s only one. 
“I bet he’s sweet,” Pete cracks, and Brendon rolls his eyes and groans.
ryan is so cute in this. and the story line is so fluffy and adorable i mean,, c’mon. 4,571 words.
2. let the good times roll: A college/barista AU. 
ryan’s kinda obsessed with fall out boy. i love how this ends. also slight joncer. 3,650 words. 
♡ 3. Love, Sex, and Parachutes: Spencer owns Decaydance Skydiving and employs many of the bandom boys. 
this fic is kinda like the office and it’s so funny and i love it okay just read it. lots of ships. 3,847 words.
4. Purple Is Not A Christmas Color: KID!FIC Brendon has a problem with the fact that Santa put Ryan on the Naughty List.
i live for kid fics and this one is no exception. so fluffy. 5,657 words.
♡ 5. If I were stalking you then I’d know your favourite cookie flavour (Oatmeal Raisin, by the way): Spencer’s a video game addict, Jon’s kind of an ass, Brendon’s in Fall Out Boy and Ryan, uh, well he has a stalker.
ryan and jon work in a coffee shop. brendon’s kinda creepy but he has good intentions. trust me, it’s good. 6,011 words.
6. Sleepover Princes vs. Goodnight Girls: Ryan totally has a thing for Pete Wentz. Brendon should be happy for him, right? 
ryan’s a slick motherfucker and brendon’s a jealous one. 5,487 words.
♡ 7. Love In A Letterbox: AU. He’s always found a sanctuary in books, a protection almost. A world of your own where no one else can change things you don’t want to be changed.
so deep and well written. really cute library au. 6,007 words.
8. From A Pretty Mouth: “Are you wearing lip gloss?” Spencer asked as he passed by the two boys right when Brendon pursed his lips in the mirror. “Damn right I am!” Brendon exclaimed, and grinned at the drummer.  “It tastes like strawberries.”
ryan has a brendon’s lips kink. hot make outs. really short though, 2,000 words.
♡ 9. This Is Halloween: Brendon turns into a four-year-old just before Halloween.
the CUTEST. baby bren is so so great and has a lisp when saying spencer’s name. 2,981 words.
10. Candyboy: There is an urban legend about how a boy can get the most spectacular and orgasmic kiss of his life, if he dares to try it. 
this fic is pretty hot with an interesting story line. i’m pretty sure it’s a crack fic. 1,700 words.
11. Like A Magic 8 Ball, But You Can Only Ask One Question: Jon has the power to know whether someone’s gay or straight or somewhere in between.
jon saved everyone’s lives. just like irl. 3,689 words
♡ 12. Every Night You Stay: It wasn’t Ryan’s fault that Brendon had, apparently, taken everything he said to heart and decided to make Jon his new best friend and secret boyfriend. 
ryan is so weird, jealous, and hilarious in this. i felt so bad for jon hfshjfsdj. it’s by one of my fav authors. 5,342 words.
♡ 13. Best Laid Plans: Brendon had a three-step plan to make Ryan Ross fall in love with him. He didn’t write it down or anything (and if he did, the tiny, shredded pieces of paper were scattered across some highway between Wisconsin and Indiana, so no one could prove it), but it was a very specific plan. 
THIS IS HILARIOUS. i love this fic sossoso much cause brendon tries so damn hard to get ryan. featuring octopuses playing pianos (it’s not crack i promise) 4,600 words.
♡ 14. The Theory of Infatuation: Brendon’s the drama geek with the voice of an angel, and Ryan’s the socially crippled boy on the newspaper staff who loves him.
o!!!!m!!g!!!!!!!! the perfect high school au, ryan is too cute for his own good.  5,896 words. 
long fics:
♡ 1. Eccentric Times At Barrington High: The Office/High School AU: For some odd reason, a documentary company decides to document the daily lives and struggles of the teachers and students of Barrington High.
(OR: Music teacher Patrick Stump is hopelessly in love with his best friend trademark emo English teacher Pete Wentz, valedictorian William Beckett may or may not have had sex with the new Spanish teacher Gabe Saporta over his summer break in Jersey, pretentious and Coldplay-addicted Ryan Ross hates the lively and optimistic music teacher Brendon Urie, and more scandalous and weird things happen)
oh. my. god. this fic made me laugh so hard. mikey way is kind of an asshole and the description isn’t exaggerating when stating “Coldplay addicted Ryan Ross” because he honestly is. I’m pretty sure he fantasizes about Chris Martin on a daily basis. tyler and josh are the camera men. oh yeah, and halsey is in it. they are teachers except the tai guys and halsey. 75,032 words. 
2. Two Weeks In Hawaii: After being left at the alter the night before his wedding to Pete-fucking-Wentz, Ryan cashes in his honeymoon tickets to Hawaii where he finds that maybe not all men are complete assholes. – features pretty much every relationship ever, tons of characters, a bunch of relationships, and more butthurt and angst than any one story should. 
william is so great in this story. brendon’s such a sweetheart too. the beginning is so sad. i may have hated pete wentz for three days after reading this fic. lots of drama and angst. 112,075 words.
♡ 3. Two Vatos Locos Full of Carnalismo and Inamoratos: You dream with your soulmate. That’s how you learn who you’re meant to spend the rest of forever with. It’s simple, really, almost too easy. There’s no struggle unless your soulmate lives miles upon miles away. At least, that’s what usually happens. At first, Ryan thinks he’s sick. That he’s messed up or broken– maybe that’s why he didn’t dream with his soulmate for so long. But then he does, and fuck. Of course his soulmate is a fucking trauma case.
WARNING: WILL FUCK YOU UP. i’m not even exaggerating. it’s so angsty and sad and perfect and i love it so much. also, please read the tags before deciding to read this fic. some include: abuse, alcohol, suicide attempt(s). this isn’t the full thing so please take care and read the tags. 207,878 words.
♡ 4. Our Eyes Shine the Brightest When Our Faces Are Covered in Dirt (sequel to Two Vatos…): “Life isn’t a Disney Movie, and the world isn’t that generous. Sometimes, a story ends with an unsatisfying fade to black, and that’s all you have.”
Ryan struggles to teach his students this after taking a university teaching job to distract himself from his absent soulmate and his dying friend at home. He begins wonders if the ring on his finger means anything at all to Brendon.
read Two Vatos before reading this one. this may be even more sad and angsty, if that’s even possible. i cried a lot while reading this & the prequel. keep tissues handy. 104,062 words.
5. The One Thing I Never Expected: Ryan is Brendon’s best friend, they grew up together. But Ryan is different. An accident when he was a child left him deaf. Brendon has always taken care of Ryan, but now he’s starting to care for Ryan in a different way.
this is one of my all time favs. there’s a rape, suicide, and alcohol mentions. this is so cute and yes, they do have sex eventually. high school au. 91,000 words.
6. Star Shaped: Brendon’s not having the best holidays season ever.
you may want to read Forever, Now before reading this fic for it to make more sense. it isn’t ryden, but the story will make more sense if you do. 54,593 words.
7. Brilliant Smiles and Barely Scraping By: Brendon’s holding something inside of himself. It’s far from his heart; that’s where his favorite songs are kept. What he keeps secret is held in a place that Brendon himself doesn’t even want to try to find.
If Brendon couldn’t fight battles, Ryan was more than ready to fight for him
so so sad and worth reading. highschool au. there’s mentions of abuse and is quite angsty. this fic made me really angry. 73,600 words.
♡ 8. Rock Band Is (Not) A Synonym For Love: A mall AU. Pete’s head over heels for an oblivious Patrick, Gerard’s running out of ways to tell Frank he won’t date him, Ryan’s successfully trying to ignore his feelings for Brendon, and Spencer’s trying to make ends meet even as he slowly falls for Jon. On top of all that the big mall celebration is coming up and there’s all kinds of trouble keeping everyone on their toes.
so so cute. all your fav ships in one: peterick, frerard, joncer, and ofc ryden. pretty funny as well. 45,000 words.
9. Freaks: An accident lands Ryan in the hospital, and he meets Jon, who tells him of a mysterious patient on their floor.  There’s something not quite right about him, but then again, there’s something not quite right about Ryan as well.
ryan is so self concious and kinda an ass. jon & spencer are the best. 46,000 words.
10.  I Don’t Have a Library Card… But I’d Love to Check You Out: AU college. Brendon is close to flunking out of college, and his roommate and partner in crime, Jon, is not helping. He seeks refuge in the school’s library and finds a little more than a place to study. This is a story about finding love, taking chances, and being true to one’s self. 
ryan is adorable and sarah may seem like an ass at first, but she’s not. oh, spencer and sarah are siblings. 46,500 words.
♡ 11. How To Kill A Straight Guy: “Have fun eating your once-living flesh! I’ll be in here masturbating to girl magazines I got from my pot-smoking friends!”
the summary above is just for the first chapter. this fic is AMAZING and soooo much angst. it’s unbelievable. you will probably end up crying. it has a kind of sad ending, just warning you. 75,766 words. 
fics that are too long to be one shots, but too short for the long fics:
♡ 1. Just A Dash Of Fairy-maldehyde:  Brendon had never expected to even meet a real nymph, let alone fall for one.
so so so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! the story line sounds weird, but honestly it’s not at all?? the author totally works it. ryan is flustered so easily and it’s adorable. it’s written by the lovely @buttercupross give her a follow and check out her writing! it’s amazing, and so is she. 14,914 words. 
♡ 2. What We Invented: Now Brendon really doesn’t mind having boys in his bed, especially pretty ones and the one currently occupying his sheets seems quite pretty. It’s just…he likes to know who the boys in his bed are and he has absolutely no idea who this boy is.
ryan is so strange in this but it’s a good strange so it’s okay. the joncer is also so cute like? bill beckett is ryan’s roommate. 7,411 words. 
3. Let Me Down, Charlie Brown or How Jon Walker Saved Christmas:  Christmas time at the mall sucks, especially for those who work there. Brendon has given up on Christmas, Ryan is uptight, and Jon just wants to help. 
pete dresses up in a santa costume and patrick is in an elf one. brendon works in a pet shop and spencer always somehow always knows shit. 13,239 words.
4. Love in Bloom: Ryan Ross is a normal boy who struggles with his past. Can one rose seller at the side of the road help Ryan remember the past while still living in the present?
i’m pretty sure i had a revelation while reading this. i remember crying after reading this. a lot. 12,000 words. 
5. The Interpretation of Dreams: “I think something’s wrong with me,” Brendon tried to explain. “I basically have dreams so great that they kind of make real life pale in comparison. But not so great that I can tell the difference when I dream.” “And this… is a problem?” Spencer looked skeptical.
this fic was also really sad. very well written. so much pent up emotion. 20,000 words. 
6.  The Laundromat: Ryan doesn’t want to know the names of the people who come into the Laundromat. He doesn’t want to know what makes Tattoo Guy talk to Guy Who Never Showers. He doesn’t, but a new customer might just undermine all the work he’s done to distance himself from the world.
ryan’s names for people are pretty funny. features joncer, frerard, gabilliam, and peterick. 20,427 words. 
7. Silver Roses: Happiness doesn’t grow on trees - but maybe it grows on rosebushes. 
there’s slight william beckett/jon walker which was a first. spencer is evil. this is kinda a cinderella au. cute. 23,000 words. 
8. Brendon Urie: Pet Detective: Ryan Ross is the new kennel attendant at Thompson & Thompson Vet Clinic. When he meets his co-worker, Jon Walker, they begin to discover dogs disappearing from their kennels. When Ryan’s own dog, Hobo, goes missing, Jon Walker knows exactly who to call.
i almost gasped out loud when i found out who took hobo. pretty creative. 18,000 words.
♡ 9. Just One Of The Girls:  “Spence, I’m. Look, I’m going to prove this girl-thing to you, okay? I’m going to,” he held up his hands, “this is so brilliant, I’m going to become a girl.”
pretty hilarious. ryan turns into a girl. vicky t is amazing. 20,830 words. 
♡ 10. Every Speck of Dust Illuminated: “Z Berg.” Brendon pauses dramatically for effect. “Is a witch.”
Jon drags a spoon through the foam to draw a four leaf clover, complete with stem. Brendon admires it for a second.
“Brendon,” Jon sighs. “I know you don’t like that Ryan is spending so much time with her, but you don’t get to go around saying shit about people.”
Spine stiffening, Brendon responds as levelly as he can manage, “This has nothing to do with Ryan. Well, besides the fact that he’s hanging out with a witch.” 
Elizabeth Ann Berg is a witch. (and there is Charlotte the cat, Ryan the oblivious, and Brendon the hopelessly infatuated.)
you need an account for the link to work. it doesn’t take very long to make one and it’s free. but, this fic is pretty good and ryan is an old man. not literally, he just dresses like one. 15,931 words. 
♡ 11. For Whatever You Loose: You can’t always get what you want - unless you fish it out of the ocean.
mermaid au!! brendon and jon are mermaids and ryan and spencer are humans. brendon is so cute. 14,500 words. 
♡ 12. You’re Going to Recycle That, Right?: The one where Ryan is a hippie college environmentalist and Brendon just wants a better music auditorium. Featuring Ryan Ross chaining himself to a tree.
ryan is pretty hilarious and smokes a lot of pot with jon. the ending is really cute. 10,600 words.
13. Because You Looks Like A Jackass: Apartment AU! Basically: Brendon’s just moved into town. He courts Ryan Ross with flowery words and also a coat rack. He falls flat on his face. 
brendon is honestly so weird in this but it’s kind of endearing and cute. 7,600 words.
♡ 14. Serenade In Blue: Brendon makes Ryan stupid.
brendon likes ryan and ryan likes brendon but they both have no idea. ryan acts really weird when brendon is around and even more when he’s singing, it’s hilarious. z berg is the greatest. 8,013 words.   
♡ 15. This Happy Ending’s Just Beginning: The Disneyland parade has evolved into an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza and Brendon wants to be part of it. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of opportunities for the guy who sells knick-knacks by the park gates. Enter Ryan, the parade’s current star attraction, who might just have a plan to get Brendon everything he always wanted.
disney au!! my heart melted. spencer hates everyone, overall really amazing. 28,348 words.
  16. You Got A Crew? (I Got A Crew Too): AU. Every June, in the world of Las Vegas hair care, it’s all about one thing: the Annual Services Survey. Can struggling hairdresser Brendon Urie and his coworkers finally win over rival salon Cobra Starship? Shenanigans ensue as they battle it out, all while Brendon struggles to keep his eye on the prize—and away from that cute but prickly reporter.
i kept avoiding this fic for some reason? i wish i hadn’t though, it’s hilarious and the pranks are hysterical. one of my favorites. 24,000 words.
here, my friends are 41 of really good ryden fics totally worth your time. if you ever have any questions, don’t be afraid to hit up my ask box. oh, and i apologize for the sucky descriptions, i’m not good at summaries. i tried including fics that i haven’t seen everywhere, so that you can get some new fics. please let me know if the links aren’t working.
make sure to take care of yourselves and read the warnings that the links give before reading. happy reading!
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gayornogayvanna · 7 years
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i should shave my body so i can rly twink up (frerard isnt real and its cringy af this picture is just funny fuck off)
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