fragmentsofher · 2 years
The Mirror
She wakes up early in the morning. A huge sigh as she prepares for what the day has in store.     
The loud alarm ringing through her ears.              
She leaves her bed, finds her glasses and slips them on to her disheveled face. Slips on her sweater and finds her shoes. The dog waits in her kennel. Anxious, excited.
When released she jumps in excitement well knowing she will get the feel of cold air on her fur. Slamming her paws against the sliding door in her conquest to catch birds.
The deed is done. The woman stands Infront of the mirror almost brimming in confidence. There’s a feeling of sadness there as she realizes as soon as she leaves the confines of her fortress this confidence she feels will dissolve. The day will be like any other. She pulls down her hair runs a brush through it haphazardly wondering if anyone sees her in the way she sees herself in this very moment.
She paces.
She leaves the house. She drives to work. She laughs, she tells jokes. She drives home. She exists in the confines of her own reality. But in the end, there she stands again in front of that mirror washing the day off her skin in preparation for tomorrow. And the cycle repeats.
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bearlybasic-blog · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40x8rwWIPmA)
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