#for the record Burbie is actually quite sweet and endearing despite looking Like That
pennamesmith · 2 months
Double Edged Sword
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While everyone hunts for the super-powered metal Eternium, a boy named Chad learns some tough lessons about the difference between pretend fighting and real life. I was impressed by how this episode handled its themes of contradiction — He-Man respects the trauma suffered by an old veteran who refuses to fight anymore but also acknowledges the need for self-defense, and warns kids about the dangers of fighting while admitting that his own show makes fighting look pretty fun. It’s also got a helicopter-bee-elephant monstrosity named Burbie the Fuzz Bee. Fun for the whole family!
Episode Highlights:
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Mer-Man and Trap Jaw watch TV the kinky way.
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The monster’s wounds will heal, but the scars of He-Man’s dad jokes will last forever. (“Hey Teela, can you put your finger here for a second?”)
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Orko and his many Hat Tricks
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This is my hole.
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“Sorry He-Man, it’s way too late for that disgusting thing.”
Moral: Guns and fighting are a lot more dangerous and serious in real life than they are on TV.
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