#for real it's like ppl use the label of “politics” to justify not caring about it
matcha-goblin · 11 months
People when a human rights issue doesn't affect them: Oh, I'm not really involved in politics haha
People when a human rights issue does affect them: This isn't about politics! It's about people's lives!!
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vampirepunks · 1 year
if pro-ship means anti harassment then why do i get harassed from my post just stated that i want ppl to block me if they ship incest cause it makes me uncomfortable... I'm not saying every single proship person would harass someone but if proship does mean anti harassment you'd think they wouldnt harass people?
First off, I'm so sorry to hear you've experienced harassment over the subject. Hate mail is never fun and can be very damaging to one's mental health. People who participate in that sort of behavior ought to be ashamed of themselves. I've yet to see a single situation in which that approach is justified.
You absolutely deserve the right to curate your online experience to your comfort and preferences. It's not unreasonable to ask that people respect your DNIs, as it's your blog and your space here on the web. Such requests are based on expectations of basic courtesy.
Unfortunately, when discussing just about any ideology, there's a frequent issue of "practice what you preach." Pro-ship is no different in this regard, sadly. Someone can say they're pro-ship, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. Just as someone can say they're antifascist and still knowingly or unknowingly promote authoritarian ideas. Some people advocate for one thing and behave contrary to it, a la "do as I say, not as I do." This leaves those of us who do mean it to pick up the messes such folks create.
Of course, it's worth acknowledging that pro-shipping is a nuanced issue--not everyone agrees on the exact definition or has had the opportunity to learn the core set of values. It's an easy term to run across, say, "I agree with this small handful of posts, so I guess I'm pro-ship," and slap it in the ol' blog description without a second thought. Often it's ignorance, sometimes it's malice, but both can be harmful. No community is a monolith, but I believe it's important that we agree on the foundational ideas, because when we don't... well, people like you get harassed and that's incredibly unfair. Pro-shipping is, in fact, supposed to be anti-harassment. Ship and let ship, block and move on when something rubs you the wrong way, stand up against cyberbullying, and so forth. Therefore, someone who bullies/harasses other users is not truly pro-ship, regardless of whether or not they use the label. Defending people's right to enjoy fiction as they please lends itself to equally upholding someone's right to respectfully say, "no thanks." Hell, I block Wincest shippers because I'm personally uncomfortable with it. My being pro-ship means I believe it's my responsibility to avoid it. It'd be unreasonable to demand that other users make sure I never see it when I'm surfing through open spaces of community, and if someone else enjoys it, that's their business. I curate my spaces as I please and that's that. I haven't needed to post a DNI specific to fandom but there's nothing wrong with doing so in a polite way.
I don't believe it's ever moral to go after someone over a subjective disagreement. Words can cause real harm, so we ought to wield them with care and critical thought. I'm sure you're upset (I've experienced my fair share of anon hate, so I know I would be) but I appreciate you taking the time to ask this question and I hope I've given a satisfying answer. You deserve good things, dear anon.
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
Hey hawk, did you observe a pattern among people who participate in Woke-ism culture, they seem to have similar "traits" and "personality"? Dislike the "straight" orientation (usually identify themselves as gay/lesbian/bi and brags they are LGBT every second), they seem to think gender identity is a personality trait etc therefore "I'm holier than thou because I list myself as she/he/they/it". I bet they are gonna scream at me for being whatever "phobic" just because of this post lol
*clears throat* yeah they gonna scream at you but they can’t scream at me because it’s been a year that I am in an lgbt relationship soooo xD
Ofc I noticed this kind of behavior, these woke ppl really like be ‘different’ and tbh the thing I find more irritating is when they define themselves ‘autistic’ or ‘asperger’ or ‘adhd’ whathever other mental illness/condition, because these are serious things that should be diagnosed by a specialist and not an online tests, and usually ppl who have a real problem are not so incredibly vocal about it. Sure they don’t brag with it....”but I don’t have money to take a test and my parents don’t let me!” they say? yeah. could be. but it also could be that you just wanna look special and since you’re socially anxious or shy or just a b*tch, you like to play rude and then justify yourself with those labels, and if someone dares tell you you’re a piece of shit you can call them ableist lol
Same for race or country. Not taking anything away from populations/countries/cultures/religions that have been oppressed, but sometimes I cringe cause some ppl try so hard to fit in this. Like, at some point 99% of populations were invaded by others and oppressed, and I’m sorry for welsh ppl, to just name one (no offense it’s the first that came to my mind cause I read a post recently lol) but if this continues we’re gonna have to seek justice for the victims of the vikings’ raids lolol
Anyway, back to what you were saying. I partly get that lgbt ppl are vocal about what they are bc maybe they can’t tell their families or friends, and they use social media as outlets. but like you said, your personality is not defined by who you f*ck and/or love (It’s not even defined by the fiction you like, actually, but they think so). So while I understand ppl describe themselves in their profile and specify their gender identity and sexuality, for me it’s cringey when they take it too far. Like when they start with all the labels ever, or they make combinations...demisexual panromantic/asexual demiromantic/trans nonbinary aroace spectrum...sounds like a competition of who’s less ordinary. Bonus points if they also add race and illness. Bonus points if they pretend they’re experts and activist and they shit on ppl who ship something or speak of top/bottom bc they’re fetishizing gay mlm/wlw and how dare they, dirty cishets (cause Anon, straight is a too banal word lol).
(also...not to offend ‘aroace’ ppl out there but...when someone is like 12...couldn’t it be that they’re just...too young for caring about sex/love? asking for a friend lolol)
I mean, tumblr has a lot of lgbt ppl and it’s cool, and I know it’s hard to live as an lgbt person cause you can’t do what het ppl do normally, like kissing in public or holding hands or writing cute posts on fb bc someone might bitch or be even worse, so this creates a bitterness and aggressiveness on social media I guess, especially here where minorities are the majority lol. And I too, on my personal blog, occasionally ranted about things like internalized homophobia and queerbaiting, but only very rarely lol and no one paid attention to me, guess I am not lgbt enough hahahah
But, it’s stupid to use sexuality labels as a shield to shit on ppl and then call them --phobic when they react. It actually happened to me a couple of years ago, I wrote something about bottom Sasuke and this self defined aromantic+asexual+autistic+gay american dude attacked me for fetishizing gays. Back then I was in a relationship with a guy so for him I was only a boring straight person I guess, a gross fujoshi who dared like mlm haha. fuck him. If I were the same type of person as him I would have pulled the oppressed card, I could have attacked him reminding him that his country treated italian immigrants like animals, and that they had this veeeery big problem of being unsure about our ‘race’ so in their papers they often wrote ? cause they couldn’t understand if we were poc or not...but it would have been kinda off topic and I cartainly don’t waste time talking about me to ppl I don’t even trust to be what they say.
Also because I was raised by parents who were very politically involved, so I remember them doing activism, like, getting out of the house, going to protests, doing volunteering, even taking me along when I was little. So even tho now everything happens online first, and even tho posts can spread awareness and change ppl’s minds, I still don’t trust when I see those blogs full of angry woke activism, because they seem fake and even those ppl seem fake. It’s easy to scream for justice from a keyboard, in a comfortable house. It’s less easy to protest in the cold, risking to have problems with the police, the government, the pandemic, whatever else.
It’s irritating that wokies want to take the right to like smth in the right way or whatever, telling everyone else who don’t fit in the minority group that they can’t like the thing. Idk, I just wish ppl were like in Eastern Asian fandoms, not making everything about themselves, being open minded enough for whatever ‘different’ thing whether they are into it or not, and if they’re not ignoring it only.
And I do get wanting to fit the minority, as a teenager I was veery punk/gothic, depending on the moment, and I never fit in the majority opinions or habits anyway. And I was kind of fluid with my identity and sexuality, but silly me, I kept it for myself, even tho I discussed with those who insulted lgbt ppl and I wrote stuff where everyone is bisexual by default, thinking that it was how people were born before society conditioned them...I could have bragged but I had no idea about ‘fluid’ or ‘pan’, silly me.
I am so irritated at everything, like the words they use, even the english language that is not mine, is getting on my nerves because it’s the vehicle for their crap, but these periodically trending words are disgusting like these ppl to me.
I migth have gone out of topic again lol.
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