#for now she’s just baralling ahead
dr-monroe · 2 years
Closed starter for @izaakwalker
Location: New York Prison
Monroe settled onto the cafeteria table to wait, watching as other visitors did the same. It was always a curious thing, watching how other people handled the discomfort of trying to support a loved one, and continue to live their lives while some else spent their days locked away. She wouldn’t say she had visitation down to a science, but she did have a routine. When Izaak was finally lead into the room she offered him a wide smile and a quick hug as greeting, the limited allowed physical contact, before sitting back down. “I have 20$ in coins for the vending machine so just let me know what you want.” The coins were already on the table in a clear bag, beside a few folded papers with printed lists on them.
Monroe hadn’t spent extensive time with Izaak, in fact she probably spent more time at protests and community events with him then she did in her limited connection to The Brotherhood since she was only technically an associate. And as such she didn’t really know how to go about talking to him as the incarcerated leader of what one of New York’s most notorious gangs. So instead she decided to focus on him simply as another activist for a minute, as the person locked away and charged brashly into conversation.
“I have a list of the approved magazines to get you set up with subscriptions, as well as a reading list I thought you might enjoy of books organized by genre. I made sure money was deposited in your commissary fund last night, so it should be available today and… oh I included some pictures in the letter I sent this morning before I got here. Mostly shots of the community garden and park, but a few of friends as well.” She cut herself off as she realized she wasn’t giving Izaak any opportunity to speak and grimaced apologetically. “Sorry, I overcompensate and I’m used to visiting other low level activists not… community leaders.” She finished lamely, hating the inability to speak plainly.
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cutepresea · 4 years
2-14 One Winged Wielders: Backlit Resolve
Again, sorry for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #one winged wielders for just this event, or #xdu event scripts for all these posts in general.
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm not done... I want to keep on singing! Tomorrow, and the day after that... My song will never die!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Not now! --Huh?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ngh! I can't dodge this attack!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I knew I couldn't fly all on my own--"
Kanade Amo: "What's with the defeatist attitude?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade!"
Kanade Amo: "Hmph! Haah... Haah... Don't say depressing stuff like how you have to fly all alone."
Kanade Amo: "I'm with you, Tsubasa! Maybe I'm not quite the second wing you once knew, but I'll have to do."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (My god! I'd forgotten what this felt like. She really is...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (She really is Kanade!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No, Kanade. You're the best partner I could ask for."
Kanade Amo: "Hahahah!"
Kanade Amo: "C'mon, everyone! Is that all you've got? That's the best you off-world wielders can do?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san..."
Chris Yukine: "Hey... don't say that."
Maria: "Well then go ahead and show me. Show me what you can do!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "We have to give our power to Kanade-san..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "And make sure she gets all of it!"
Everyone: "Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal Emustolronzen fine el baral zizzl--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Set! Harmonics! Give Kanade you poweeerrr!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade..."
Kanade Amo: (This whole time, I'd betrayed Tsubasa's memory after she gave her life singing in order to protect me...)
Kanade Amo: (I'm sorry, Tsubasa. But I'm all right now! It's been too long, but at long last, I can sing again!)
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa, let's go!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah! I'm with you, Kanade!"
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Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa, everyone, hear me. Hear me sing for something other than battle!"
Kanade Amo: "With this song, I'll fly once more! No one can match my heights now that I have my lost wing back!"
Kanade Amo: (Watch me, Tsubasa...)
Kanade Amo: "......"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Your song was phenomenal, Kanade."
Kanade Amo: "Thanks. You know, Tsubasa? I'd forgotten how fun singing is, how good it feels."
Kanade Amo: "I swear to you, I'll never give up on singing again. I'll keep on singing songs until my voice gives out."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah... Yeah! I love your singing, Kanade, so I want to hear you let it out!"
Kanade Amo: "I want to sing for you. I want to fill this world with my voice, which you love so much."
Kanade Amo: "Even if we're worlds apart, I'll always be your other wing, Tsubasa."
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{RP Event Script}
{Since the RP Event didn’t end up happening, I thought I would post what material I had prepared ahead of time.  I didn’t want to write too much ahead of time in case people got off track, but I’d hate for people to never see it.  Minis used with the kind permission of @pepperapb.  Note: as the event did not happen, none of this is canon to the timeline of the blog}.
Our story opens with all of you scattered across the multiverse, going about your normal business.  At the exact same moment, a Mini pops out of a pocket or coffee mug in front of each of you.  While Minis always bring comfort wherever they go, today they also exude an unmistakeable sense of urgency.  They begin pulling on you clothes and it become obvious they want you to follow them.  Surprisingly, as you do, you discover that you have started traveling in that extra direction that only planeswalkers can go.  The Minis lead you through the Blind Eternities to a plane many of you are familiar with; Kaladesh.  By allowing your Mini to pull you along, you find you are able to materialize precisely where she wants you to.  You appear in a dark corridor, the only light coming from a large room some twenty yards away.  As you arrive, you see the others also appear, each also lead by a Mini.
It is a strange sight to behold; your new companions consist of many different species from many different planes and some of them are frankly bizarre in appearance.  You cannot imagine why the minis would bring together such a mismatched group.  Those of you who know each other note each other’s presence, but before any real greetings can be exchanged (or fighting break out) the sense of urgency from the Minis redoubles and they continue to pull at your clothing, urging each of you to follow her.  Confused, you follow towards the lighted room.  
As you are able to see better, you note that the signs seem to indicate this is some kind of prison, though most areas you can see look like they have been abandoned.  Up ahead, you see what was obviously some kind of special solitary confinement cell.  This one won’t be holding anyone now though, as a large hole has been blasted into the side of it.
Through the hole, you see a strange scene.  A Mini sized set of explosives and what can only be the detonator button are on the ground.  Debris is scattered on the floor of the cell.  In the corner of the ceiling, a bee hive buzzes with activity.  An automatic food dispenser continues dropping an unidentifiable meat substance on the ground.  On the wall, the words “My work begins again” are written in what could charitably be called meat sauce.  Those of you who have visited the prisons of Kaladesh before (or followed the interplanar net) immediately recognize exactly where you are: Baral’s cell.  Of Baral himself, there is no sign.
Mini grabs you attention again and you are suddenly certain that these were their explosives, but Baral was gone when they got here.  You hear two sets of armored footsteps coming down the corridor and turn to look.  Two guards come in, panting as though they had been sprinting in their heavy armor.  When you look back, all traces of the Minis have vanished, including the explosives.
The first guard looks at your group in surprise, though for the moment not hostility.  She steps forward and asks “How did you get here so quickly, we’ve only just reported the breakout to the captain?”
The guards look at you in exasperation.  It’s clear that they don’t really know who you are or why you’re here, they just want you gone.
The second guard gives his partner a shrug and tell you “If you really want to help find Baral, why don’t you go talk to the chief?  I’m sure he can find some way to use you.”
You follow the guards’ directions to the guardhouse.  As you walk inside, you are bombarded by the flurry of activity that seems barely contained by the stone walls.  As you proceed inside, the hurried guards giving you a wide berth and not-so-subtle looks to your more unusual companions.  As you get to the reception desk the clerk, to her credit, recovers quickly from her surprise and asks in her most polite (but clearly confused) voice “Can I help you?”.
The receptionist is clearly both weary and wary, but eventually she shows you to the captain’s office.  Inside is the captain himself.  You can tell from his fancier armor and giant office.  It’s a good thing his office is so large, since all of you wouldn’t fit inside otherwise.  He gives the receptionist a confused glance, and your party several more.
“Visitors to see you, captain.” the receptionist tells him in the most professional voice she can muster.  “I think they’re here about the escape.”
“Yes yes, very good.  Please return to your desk.  I’ll… take care of our… guests.”
The receptionist leaves while the captain give your group another long look.  He takes a bottle of something that smells suspiciously like alcohol out of the bottom drawer of his desk and pours himself a small glass of the amber liquid.  He drains the glass, then looks to you and says “What can I help you with?  Make it quick, this is a very busy time for us.”
The captain looks at you, exasperated.  He was clearly unprepared for any of the answers you gave and frankly isn’t sure if he believes half of what you said.  But, after a moment he seems to come to a decision.
“Well, I don’t know about all that, but if you really do want to help catch that monster Baral, I’m not exactly in a position to turn down extra help right now.”
He pours himself another glass, stands up to pace around, and continues.
“Early this morning, we got word that Baral had escaped his cell some time during the night.  At first we thought he had managed to break out, but our investigators quickly discovered that someone on the outside had helped him.  It seems the guard that night, Ripu, was part of a secret group who are still loyal to Tezzeret’s regime called Tezzeret’s Claw.  They broke Baral out, presumably so that he can join them.  We still don’t know why they put a beehive in his cell before they went though.  Since then, we’ve had multiple reports of former Renegades going missing.  We tried to keep it quiet but word’s gotten out pretty fast.”
The captain drains the rest of his glass and looks at you with a surprisingly sharp eye.
“If you want to help, well we aren’t exactly in a position to turn you away.  If you find anything out about Tezzeret’s Claw, report back immediately and come directly to me.  We’re still not sure how many more guards are part of the Claw.”
He opens a drawer on his desk and pulls out a box full of small, metal badges.  He hands each of you a badge, then puts the rest back in his desk.
“Take these.  It’s an official deputy badge.  It’ll let other guards know you’re ok, and gives you the limited access to some of our equipment for the duration of the crisis.  Just don’t go getting any funny ideas.  When this is over you’ll have to return everything, including the badges.  Now, if you don’t mind, I’m pretty busy.”
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
COVID-19 Lockdown: Laid off and stranded without help, Indians living in Malaysia fear worse days ahead, plead New Delhi to take them back
"Every day I am getting calls from my children, saying their mom is crying at night. She pretends to be happy in front of me, for my sake. What do I do?” says Shaik Chand Basha, a terminated employee now stuck in Malaysia.
As part of efforts to flatten the rapidly rising COVID-19 curve, many countries have sealed their borders and ordered lockdowns for a seemingly indefinite period of time. This has left people stranded across the globe with no means to get back home, including scores of Indians.
Basha, a resident of Karlol district in Hyderabad, arrived at Kuala Lumpur in November last year to work as a geospatial developer Working on an employment visa valid for two years, he was abruptly terminated within four months of joining in March, on account of the company’s financial troubles.
With no compensation and job prospects in sight, and all flights to India suspended temporarily, he soon realised that going back home wasn’t going to be an option either.
According to an advisory posted by the High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur, the flights to India would continue to remain suspended. The HCI-KL has directed Indians stuck there to abide by the government’s Movement Control Order and to register themselves.
“Some 3,000 people have registered on that website. The helpline number and e-mail ID aren’t of much use, and we get just generic automated responses,” says Basha.
Indians form the third-highest ethnic group in Malaysia accounting for up to 6.4 percent its total population, according to the Malay government portal. In 2017, there were as many as 1,14,455 immigrant workers employed across a myriad of fields.
Basha is not the only one to have been snubbed by his company in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Several other salaried workers across sectors, from event management to project development have been laid off as corporates scramble to cut costs and avoid losses.
Alqama Arif, a sales executive at Management Events (Asia Group), had barely begun his work before the lockdown was initiated. Asked to work from home within days of joining, a termination letter came his way just as suddenly.
“They gave me two options, one offer letter with half my salary for an indefinite period — or accepting the termination. It’s not possible to bear this cost of living on half my salary. So, despite a one year contract, I was forced to resign,” says Arif of the unexpected situation.
Alongside him, several other Indian colleagues were forced to resign from their jobs too. Now they struggle to make ends meet, wondering how long they can manage to do so before help arrives.
The experience continues to be far from pleasant for those stranded in Malaysia, with no word from the Indian Embassy or the Government of India on plans to evacuate them.
While the Government of India is running Lifeline Udan’s transporting essentials to different regions, there’s no word on bringing back Indians stranded abroad. As of 21 April, the Ministry of Civil Aviation is still "considering the decision to restart flights".
Click here for Coronavirus Outbreak LIVE Updates
In a series of tweets on 20 April, Union Civil Minister Hardeep Singh Puri tweeted that "flight restrictions that are in place... will be lifted once we are confident that spread of the virus has been controlled and it poses no danger to our country and people".
"Since some airlines did not heed our advisory and opened bookings and started collecting money from flyers, a directive was issued to them on 19 April restraining them from doing so," he added in another tweet.
For those attempting to leave Malaysia, checking flight availabilities has become synonymous with breathing. And for some others, the process has been infuriatingly inefficient, to say the least.
“I called Malindo Airlines to book a flight to Chennai when I learnt that there were ‘special flights’ going there. They said I could book the ticket if I paid for it since these weren’t evacuation flights. However, two days later, Malindo cancelled the ticket,” says Mandeep Singh Mokha.
Formerly a project manager in Kuala Lumpur before the termination wave hit him, Mokha, a resident of Ghaziabad, had his flight tickets to Delhi rescheduled and cancelled by the airline several times. As for compensation following the cancellation, he is now in an endless toss between the booking agent (GoIbibo) and the airline authorities.
With no respite from either governments, Indians in Malaysia have formed two WhatsApp groups to create a network of informed kinship. Hunger is a rampant issue, and most are struggling to find a way to pay the next month’s rent.
“People haven’t had food for almost a week. I just sent four kilos of rice to some people who texted on our group today. If they gave us food on alternate days also we would manage. They’re asking us to stay safe and take care, but how?” asks Basha.
Currently living in the Brickfield area of Kuala Lumpur, Basha adds that there are 250 other Indians trapped in the area alone. He is also paying approximately Rs 10,000 as rent for his room, which he won’t be able to produce next month.
Some NGOs and gurdwaras in the locality are attempting to help without any resources being provided by the authorities.
With a 7 pm curfew in place and the possibility of hefty fines, people are hesitant to step out, even if to look for relief.
Days continue to pass with an increase in cases and a stoic silence from the Indian authorities while the situation is getting potentially dangerous for Indians who need medical attention.
“I am on medication, I have BP and diabetes. Who will take care of me if something happens? I don’t have medical insurance here,” asks Satyadeep Baral, a software engineer.
Like others, he had joined his company in December 2019, only to find himself eventually unemployed with barely enough money for food. At present, he’s staying with his friend, unwittingly made to feel like an illegal immigrant in the country.
The lockdown is set to end in Malaysia in another week. Indians stranded in Malaysia allege that the Indian embassy has shown no empathy towards them except offering ‘lip service’. The members of the WhatsApp group dedicatedly continue to tweet to Indian authorities every day. However, they might as well have not bothered.
It’s not just former employees who are stranded in the country though. For Some like Abhilash Parida, it's wanderlust gone horribly wrong.
Visiting the country with his sister and brother-in-law, the group arrived on 12 March for their vacation — only to have all flights back home suspended less than a week later.
The HCI-K website lists about eight hundred stranded tourists as of writing this article. The only shred of hope comes from a special pass issued to tourists by the Malay government. The pass entails that the tourist visas expired during the lockdown could still be used to leave the country, provided the person has a valid passport.
Life still isn’t easy for the group, who are currently put up in an Airbnb with dwindling rations. The high cost of living juxtaposed with the sheer difficulty to procure further supplies has led to a seemingly helpless situation.
“The supermarkets close to us don’t have any Indian groceries. There are Bangladeshi and Pakistani markets about three kilometres away, however, you can’t have more than one passenger in the cab. We also have to carry our passports every time we step out, just in case the cops catch us,” adds Abhilash.
For those stranded in Malaysia, it’s not just the logistics of daily survival that is an issue. Back home in India, elderly parents and family members continue to lie in wait of better news, some of them entirely reliant on these immigrants.
“My parents are 60+ and alone in Karlol. My wife and kids were supposed to go there, but with only a four hours notice they got stuck in Hyderabad. I don’t know who will take care of them if they get sick,” laments Basha, a single child.
Mandeep Singh, whose wife and child are stuck in Nagpur, calls this situation reminiscent of the demonetisation move. Then too, he was forced to spend long hours at a bank in an attempt to withdraw money for his then-pregnant wife’s hospital fees.
Now, he’s stuck in a foreign country with no way to get back home.
“My father is over 75 years old and alone in Delhi. If he doesn’t answer even one video call, I get scared. The Embassy continues to self-promote its caregiving to immigrants, but a large number of us remain ignored. I’d appreciate even if the politicians we’re reaching out to give us fake sympathy at this point. Why are they ignoring us?” asks Singh.
The community, however, has not given to despair despite the odds. In fact, most of them have attempted to reach out to the embassy, authorities in both the countries, media houses, and anyone who can offer any aid.
Indians stranded in Malaysia maintain that they are willing to pay for tickets if they are allowed back home, and are ready to comply with all safety protocol following their arrival. The desperation is such that it doesn’t matter which part of India they’re taken back to as long as they can escape their turmoil.
“It’s not a matter of 15-20 days, it’s going to take anywhere between six months to a year to curb this. We can’t battle this virus from another country, our people need to take us back,” insists Baral.
The lack of communication on evacuation of Indians stranded in Malaysia by the Government of India has left Indians in a dire conundrum both at home and abroad. Given that most of these 3,000 odd people will be reduced to living on the streets if action isn’t taken, there needs to be a quick translation from vague narratives to thorough implementation.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Kto2AY
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cutepresea · 4 years
2-9 One Winged Wielders: Hatred and Regret
Again, sorry for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #one winged wielders for just this event, or #xdu event scripts for all these posts in general.
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Kanade Amo: "Ryoko-san! What's Tsubasa's condition?!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "It's still too soon to say. Injuries and extreme exertion have taken their toll. Her body's a mess."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Tsubasa-san..."
Maria: "Tsubasa..."
Kanade Amo: "Hey, you've gotta let me see Tsubasa!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "That's a no-go. This is work for a specialist. I promise I'll make sure she's okay, so please just wait."
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa... Dammit! This is all their fault--damned Noise! I'm--"
Maria: "Going to eradicate them, is that it?"
Kanade Amo: "...Yes."
Maria: "No can do. Solomon's Cane hasn't been found here yet. With the Treasury of Babylonia open, the Noise won't stop."
Maria: "Try thinking a little before spouting off such childish things."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Maria-san..."
Kanade Amo: "I know... The truth is, it's my fault. If only I'd been able to accept Tsubasa and work with her--"
Kanade Amo: "Her song reached me, and I know she's Tsubasa. So why couldn't I..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san..."
Maria: "It's them again."
Kanade Amo: "Damned Noise!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san! Maria-san, we need to go, too!"
Maria: "Right. I'll fight in Tsubasa's place."
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Maria: "Gah! They just keep coming!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san, Maria-san! We need to regroup and--!"
Kanade Amo: "Go on, come at me. I'm in a real bad mood right now..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Kanade, what do you think you're doing?!"
Kanade Amo: "I'm going to make sure these Noise get a real earful of the only thing I have left... my song of battle!"
Kanade Amo: "Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal Emustolronzen fine el baral zizzl--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Kanade-san?!"
Maria: "Ugh! She can't be this stupid!"
Kanade Amo: "Gatrandis babel ziggurat edenal Emustolronzen fine el zizzl..."
Kanade Amo: (I'm going to destroy them all!)
Hibiki Tachibana: "--Emustolronzen fine el zizzl..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Urrrghhh!"
Kanade Amo: "*gasp* Is that the power of my Superb Song?"
Maria: "Okay! Time to let that power loose on that Noise!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Take thiiiiiis!"
Kanade Amo: "Did my Superb Song take out the Noise like yours did?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Haah... Haah... Kanade-san! Don't you dare give up on life!"
Kanade Amo: "Huh?!"
Kanade Amo: (Was I trying to give up?)
Hibiki Tachibana: "Haah... Ngh..."
Maria: "Hey, are you okay?!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "I... I'm all right. Just... a little tired."
Kanade Amo: "Here, let me carry her..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Ka...Kanade-san?"
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Kanade Amo: "What is it now?"
Maria: "Look, I know that I'm a meddler by nature, but there's something I want to say to you."
Maria: "Pull it together and stop lying to yourself."
Kanade Amo: "......"
Maria: "Not only did you let Tsubasa get hurt, you used a hatred of the Noise to mask your desire to kill yourself."
Maria: "I'm not here to clean up after your messes. What the hell were you thinking, acting like that?"
Kanade Amo: "I just--"
Maria: "Earlier, you told me that you wanted to sing with Tsubasa. That's what you want, isn't it?"
Maria: "And yet you go right ahead and do the exact opposite of what you truly want."
Maria: "I know you want to be with Tsubasa. That you want to sing with her. So don't avert your eyes from her!"
Kanade Amo: "......"
Maria: "Maybe it's all because of your ego, but you know how she'd feel if she knew what your true intentions were."
Maria: "You're not the only one who's grieving over a lost wing."
Kanade Amo: "......"
Maria: "Before you give in to despair, you need to take a good look at yourself and reevaluate our feelings."
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