#fmab homunculus
ninjadeathblade · 1 year
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This is all I've been thinking about today (btw I don't remember where I found this. If this is an edit and you know who edited it, let me know so I can tag them because they're amazing)
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leahdrawsstuff · 8 months
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throwback post to celebrate October 3rd
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whos the sultry lil binch in the flask
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chrycorner · 1 year
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My two faves ;_; <3
This started as a Pokémon redraw to begin with after I had an absolute Panic over Greed and Envy looking like Guzma and Plumeria from Pokémon Sun/Moon (they even gave Guzma a literal shield Pokémon and Plumeria has Salazzle….. it’s Lust and Envy!! No one can convince me otherwise!!)
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killjo-q · 11 months
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dokirosi · 1 year
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Good job, you beat me!  Goodbye, Edward Elric!
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hyolks · 1 year
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references!! subject to change bc character design is my death sentence. also some sillies bc is it really fma if ed doesnt get called short/kid at least once
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serafimkrex · 1 year
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capripian · 7 months
god ling accepting greed is really fucking funny actually. literally everybody else in the scene is like "what the fuck" and "why aren't you fighting it" and "it'll kill you" but ling is a particular kind of freak and he's just like ">:) everything is going according to plan"
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halloweencatsart · 9 months
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one-eyed dudes who are completely trustworthy i promise
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conwise · 3 months
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They are done! Did kinda like a cartoon reference sheet lineup
I'm not super keen on the colours but I feel like that's because I struggled with screenshots of the show being so desaturated
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ninjadeathblade · 1 year
Me: *listens to a song about partying and just generally having a fun time*
Also me: Is this Greed coded?
(all of the Devil's Nest crew tag along by default)
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leahdrawsstuff · 8 months
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I’m the bad guy
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polypolyanna · 2 months
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What if Trisha was Xerxian and she and Hohenheim got married and had Ed and Al? And of course Homunculus is there. A nice happy little family.
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metamatronic · 1 year
God I wonder how the Elric's are gonna feel about Hughes being back and. Shit. Who's gonna tell his wife!? It's been two years! He has so many photos to catch up on...
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roy “hughes retired to his farm up north” mustang did not, in fact, alert the elrics before the fake news story went public.
bonus doodles below:
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also i’m trying not to get emotional over the fact that while missing 2-3 years of most relationships is negligible in the grand scheme of things, 2-3 years away from raising a toddler is huge. Fortunately (?) for Maes, he got back before Elicia could really understand the concept of death, but he still probably missed a lot of milestones. :,(
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You ever think about how tragically flawed all the homonculus from fmab are? They all have their special abilities but when it came right down to it their abilities failed them.
Like specifically Greed. He had his ultimate shield and for 99% of the show it did exactly what it was supposed to. Or at least it looked like it did. But then in his final moments this bastard gives his life to protect Ling and by extension literally everything and everyone else. Something very telling about this is that he's finally satisfied. That single act reframes everything.
At Greed's introduction we're given the impression that Greed is selfish, that his shield is there to protect himself. But when you reframe this with his reaction to Wrath killing the chimeras and his final act, you get a very different picture. Greed valued his possessions above anything else. He wanted to protect them at any cost, including himself.
So with that knowledge, his ultimate shield becomes a goddamn tragedy. This man just wanted to protect those he cared for but was given a shield that could only protect himself.
By extension this also reframes his line to Ed about being the type to brush off a threat until the threat was to a loved one. In this context it suddenly seems a whole hell of a lot more likely that he was speaking from personal experience.
Why else would he leave his body exposed for his first fight with Wrath? It seems to me that he didn’t want Wrath going anywhere near the chimeras and so he made himself a target. He could have just thrown up his ultimate shield (up to his neck, wouldn't want to cover up that face) and fought Wrath a way more effectively. Instead this self sacrificing piece of shit keeps the attention on himself until he physically can't anymore. This guy couldn't bear the idea of losing his loved ones possessions so badly that he was willing to die for them. He literally would prefer death to watching his friends die.
And then the cherry on top is that despite trying to fight to the death with Wrath, Wrath intentionally leaves him alive.
The curse of Greed's ultimate shield is that he is forced to survive when others do not. He can only truly protect himself, the last possession he would consider protecting.
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