sophiasmithg · 5 days
Where can I Hire Flutter Developers for Mobile App Development?
Find the top Flutter developers for seamless and cost-efficient development services.
Today, people want services and apps on the go. Thus, businesses seek solutions that can help them expand their reach across devices for better engagement. To ensure cross-platform development, one of the top frameworks is Flutter, developing solutions at an affordable rate and in less time.
Being a relatively new technology, Flutter has captured the market in less time due to its simplicity and cross-platform capabilities. However, businesses find it challenging for Flutter developers to hire. 
This blog highlights the reasons to Hire Flutter Developers, and where to hire them. 
What is Flutter?
Flutter is a framework designed for developing cross-platform apps compatible with platforms, Android and iOS. It saves development time and cost as you do not have to write separate code for each operating system. Its layered architecture improves rendering and development efficiency.
It is popular due to its efficiency in saving developers time and effort. 
Why is Flutter app development so popular?
As per the StackOverflow survey, Flutter is a commonly used framework and around 10% of developers use it. 
There are more than 7,00,000 Flutter apps on the Play Store which is more than all other cross-platform frameworks put together.
With the release of Flutter 3.22 this year, Flutter set a milestone. It offers a comprehensive SDK for true cross-platform UI development. Using the powerful Dart language, Flutter 3.19 can create beautiful, natively compiled apps for multiple platforms from a single codebase.
Core benefits-
Single Codebase for All Platforms- You can develop apps for various platforms including- iOS, Android, web, and desktop using one codebase, significantly reducing development time and costs.
Fast Development with Hot Reload- Instantly see changes in the app without restarting it, enhancing productivity and speeding up the development process.
High Performance- Uses the Skia rendering engine, providing smooth and fast performance across all platforms.
Customizable and Flexible UI- Create highly customizable and complex UIs with a flexible layout system using widgets like rows, columns, stacks, and centers.
Wide Compatibility- You can develop apps adaptable to different screen sizes and aspect ratios, improving the app’s compatibility across devices- desktops, smartphones, tablets, and wearables.
Faster time-to-market- Flutter allows you to develop iOS and Android apps with one codebase faster than native methods. Its flexible UI creation makes it a high-performance, cost-effective platform, speeding up product release and reducing time to market.
Access to source code- Flutter allows extensive customization, allowing you to view and edit the original code to understand how widgets work. Unlike proprietary iOS code, Flutter lets you change designs or entire templates. 
Flutter gives you the freedom to customize apps and make them flexible for different screens and devices. 
How Flutter Helped Top Brands?
Using Flutter in your tech stack speeds up development and keeps teams organized. Here are successful Flutter app examples from enterprises and small companies.
Xianyu By Alibaba
Alibaba, a Chinese Ecommerce platform, wanted to improve Xianyu's interface. Xianyu is an Alibaba platform for selling used goods.
They used Flutter to scale the app to support more than 50 million users globally. The app is still scaling with more users added yearly. To expand its business globally and make it more accessible, Alibaba wanted easy navigation, the best graphics, and quick-loading apps. They turned to Flutter. 
Achieve high FPS rates
Spend less time on UI development
Manage iOS and Android simultaneously with one codebase
Maintain apps more effectively
Run key pages on iOS and Android using a single codebase
Decrease workload
Enhance team productivity
eBay Motors
eBay Motors, a popular automobile portal by eBay, is built with Flutter. This app helps users buy and sell vehicles and accessories, discover new listings, and connect with car buyers and sellers.
Quickly test functional prototypes
Quick and seamless development experience 
Consistent user interface.
Speed up the integration process for different platforms
Integrate device APIs efficiently via plugin support
Deliver new features rapidly.
What do Flutter developers do?
Here are the roles and duties of a Flutter developer.
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Engage in app development, management, and upkeep.
Review and write clean code.
Participate in the development life cycle
Debugging and resolving bugs.
Discover new Flutter technologies and libraries.
Stay ahead of trends
What skills do Flutter developers need?
Hard skills for hiring Flutter developers.
Experience with Flutter and version control tools like Git.
Understanding of concepts like Scoped Model or Business Logic Components, Dart (Flutter's programming language), and back-end web services such as Node.js or Firebase.
Proficiency in mobile app development for Android or iOS.
Experience with Kotlin or Swift.
Soft skills for hiring Flutter developers 
Communication and collaboration abilities.
Proficiency in English.
Different Engagement Models to Hire Flutter Developers
Below are the different engagement models for hiring Flutter developers. 
In-house Teams
Consider developing your in-house development team if you wish to start your software development company or are preparing to launch a large project that requires frequent upgrades and full-time post-development maintenance.
Devoted focus on the project
Complete control over development
Shared culture and communication
Higher costs than freelancing or outsourcing
Administrative burdens
Employee retention concerns
Employer responsible for hiring and office equipment
No guarantee of long-term employee retention
If a project is relatively small and you expect to complete it within a short time, hire freelance Flutter developers.
Cost-effective solution
Access to the global talent pool
No human resource management cost
Possible language and cultural barriers
Time zone differences may delay work
 Lack of commitment
Technical problems may cause delays 
Response time may vary due to workload and schedules<
Technical issues may delay projects
Outsource remote teams
Outsourcing a dedicated remote team has become a global trend after the pandemic and will continue to grow in the future. The remote team concept works well for companies of all sizes and directions.
Lower cost than in-house teams
Outsourcing vendors manage recruitment and HR
Focus on primary business goals
Cultural and time-zone differences may create misunderstandings
Outsource Flutter developers from a leading Flutter app development company.
Where can you hire Flutter developers?
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Now that we understand the roles and responsibilities of Flutter developers, let's explore how to hire them. At this stage, demographics play a crucial role. Location is a key factor in hiring software development services, especially in today's globalized world where companies have various options.
Hire Flutter Developers from OnGraph
Flutter app development framework is one of the most popular frameworks for developing cross-platform apps, helping business expand their business reach. 
To hire a skilled Flutter app developer, businesses must conduct a thorough process that checks their skills and expertise. Having a clear mind will help you to get cost-effective developers.
Connect with OnGraph, a leading flutter app development company offering next-level and advanced flutter app development services at affordable prices. 
Content Source URL: https://bit.ly/3XfeuAa
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solguruz-llp · 1 year
Flutter For Hybrid Apps: Why Flutter is The Best Platform To Make Hybrid Apps?
Most people are unaware of what hybrid apps are, how they perform, etc. They also don’t know its advantages over other types of software products. As a result, they stick to native or traditional applications and limit their growth. This is why we are here, with a brief introduction to using flutter for hybrid apps.
With the increasing demand for state-of-the-art applications, it has become imminent for every business to hire Flutter developers. It must suffice most needs and ensure to deliver consistent performance throughout. There are several types of applications have emerged in recent years. However, the introduction of the hybrid concept changed the world completely.
While still in the nascent stage, Flutter has proven to be one of the best platforms for developing hybrid applications. It packs a wide range of features you won’t find anywhere else. Apart from this, the learning curve of Flutter is somewhat flat, ensuring a quick grasp of its concepts. Owing to its rising demand and popularity, we have connected the dots to explain Flutter for hybrid apps.
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Read more in details: Flutter For Hybrid Apps: Why Flutter is The Best Platform To Make Hybrid Apps?
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kairaverma · 3 years
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Why Startups Should Consider Flutter for Mobile Application Development?
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ariabarnes · 3 years
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Flutter App Development Company in India - PixelCrayons
Looking for flutter app development? Choose Pixelcrayons is one of the leading flutter app development company based in India that offers flutter development services across the globe. We have the best professional flutter developers that can help you with all aspects of your flutter application development needs. Also, you can save up to 60% on your flutter app development cost with pixelcrayons.
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manektechworld · 4 years
Is Flutter the future of Cross Platform App Development?
For the last couple of years, cross-platform app development is dominating the Mobile Application development industry rather than Native Development. Business needs are changing from day to day because of an increase in growth and demand. There are a lot of cross-platform technologies like: React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, PhoneGap, Sencha, Cordova and many more. Some of them are already dead or it is their endgame now. The main reason is either they were limited and needed knowledge from many areas including framework itself and native platforms of iOS and Android.
At the present time, Facebook’s cross-platform framework React Native and Google’s recently launched cross-platform tool Flutter, are in the game for most of the new hybrid projects. This game of throne for the hybrid app development leader is very even at the present time, but here we are comparing newbie (Flutter) with almost 5 years old technology (React Native).
What is Flutter?
Flutter is an open source SDK platform developed and managed by Google. It was first released on Github in August 2016. It enables the developers to create modern feature-rich Android and iOS apps. Flutter is a red hot tool in the market, but it has excited the mobile app developers since the beginning. At the present, it is considered one of the best cross-platform app development tools. Flutter is considered to be a strong competitor to the already well-accepted React Native. Given the popularity it has amassed over this short span of time, many consider Flutter is the future of cross-platform app development.
Please check Google Trends comparison chart for Flutter vs React Native below:
So, let’s compare these two major cross-platform app development tools and find if Flutter is really going to be the future of the cross-platform app development.
Learning Curve: Flutter uses Google’s own programming language, Dart. Dart is rather not popular, but it is the same family as C/C++, Java, Swift. Dart language does not require any expertise as a prerequisite and is very easy to quickly adapt, so around a week or two is needed to kick in. So, it will not be unfair to call Flutter easy to learn and master. It is one of the main reasons for the app developers being drawn to its simplicity and efficiency. Flutter documentation is very neat and clear-cut, that’s why it has managed to inspire the developers to adapt and use Dart swiftly.
Performance: Flutter has great performance which makes it very popular among the developers. Performance has always been the point of concern for the hybrid frameworks. Mobile apps that are developed using the Flutter framework have immense speed over React Native. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS or Android apps and the JS runs in a separate thread and communicates with native modules through a bridge. Flutter is ahead of time compiled to machine code and gives better performance. In Flutter apps, UI components as well as whole logic is compiled, that’s why every so often Flutter apps are as fast or even faster than the native Android apps. We can improve the speed of a React Native application with the use of third-party libraries. Nonetheless, in the cutthroat competition, React Native cannot outplay Flutter in terms of app performance.
Community & Support: React Native has a massive developer community. There are lots of tutorials, libraries, plugins and UI frameworks that make it easy to learn the technology and start the development. Flutter has a lot of catching up to do if it’s to match React native, which is typical for any new, young tool. It’s worth noting that the Flutter community is growing exponentially. Stack overflow tag trends show an intense increase in developer interest in Flutter. Flutter has 82.5k stars and 10.7k forks on Github, while React Native has 83.5k stars and 18.7k forks. Flutter has a smaller, less experienced community at present, but current trends indicate that Flutter will draw level with React Native in this respect. Flutter developers at Google are really good and Flutter documentation is really fantastic and easy to follow for the beginners as well. Plus, Flutter has tons of plugins which makes development easier. One can simply add the features without having the code written from scratch. This saves a lot of time and resources making the app development faster and fun.
One code for 2 platforms and many more to come! Writing various codes for various different platforms can be extremely time consuming and difficult, not to forget the importance of maintaining consistency. With Flutterm developers write just one codebase for your 2 apps, covering both Android and iOS platforms. This spares a great deal of time and assets that go into the development and testing.
Plugins & Libraries Google’s support for Flutter is impressive and it has tons of plugins which makes the development easier. Flutter is designed to support Material Design out of box, so the framework supports much more widgets. A developer using Flutter can create most of the views with pre-made widgets which are easily customizable and cross-platform consistent. This saves a lot of time and resources making the app development faster and fun. Flutter has recently announced plugins for various tools such as Supernova, Rive, Adobe XD, etc. which are helpful to convert Adobe XD file to Flutter widgets code and develop animation for Flutter. With all the widgets, tools, plugins and packages that the Flutter offers, you can customize them as per the requirements. React Native supports only basic components out of box, but there are outside repos with many additional components for React Native. A developer can use them in a project but that requires additional effort and time.
UI/UX that your users will love! Flutter doesn’t rely on native system components, but it has custom widgets which are rendered and managed by the framework’s own graphics engine, Skia. Even new apps look the same on older iOS or Android systems, so you never have to worry about supporting older devices. Flutter apps have a very user-friendly UI with pretty easy to create animations, a crucial advantage for Flutter over React Native. Moreover, Flutter developers can theme an app in by using ThemeData, with which can set all values for fonts, colors, and aesthetics once and for all instead of manually changing them everywhere. Flutter was created in such a way that you could easily create your own widgets, or simply customize an existing widget for better UI/UX experience.
Hot Reload Flutter offers a very useful feature for app developers, Hot Reload. It saves a lot of development time. Developers can make changes in the code and see them straight away in the app. Hot Reload usually only takes milliseconds and helps dev teams add features, fix bugs and experiment faster. Hot Reload enables better collaboration between developers and designers when they want to improve how the app looks and check effects immediately. With native app development, you need to wait up to several minutes to see every change you make.
Perfect for MVP! Flutter is really a good choice for small and medium size applications or when content and basic features require constant iteration. If you want to show your product to investors as soon as possible, you can build a Flutter mobile application that looks pure native on both Android and iOS. Developing two separate native apps would take much more time and money.
The future ahead! Apart from cross-platform app development for iOS and Android platforms, Flutter has also recently announced “Flutter for Web” and “Flutter for Desktop”. Although, both of these features are still in Beta and Alpha stage respectively, it seems Google is pretty serious in making Flutter truly a cross-platform development framework for all the platform, including Mobile, Desktop and Web.
Flutter as a framework is looking very promising and right now has a big developer community. Even at present time, we can find complex apps in the market which are based on Flutter, like Reflectly, Alibaba, Google Ads, Hamilton Musical, Birch Finance, Dream11, Hookle. Please check Flutter Showcase on more apps built with Flutter . Along with cross-platform development, Flutter can pave the way for developers to develop for the Fuchsia OS platform. Fuchsia is an experimental operating system, which is in development at Google and many think that Fuchsia will replace Android in near future.
Conclusion Flutter offers the high-end features for developing a cross-platform application for your business. Choosing the developers with expertise in Flutter and experience in various industries results in a great app for your business. If you are looking to develop a highly-functional cross-platform application, with beautiful UI/UX for your business, then ManekTech, a flutter app development company, is the right place to head.
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appnovelty · 4 years
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Being a trusted #FlutterAppDevelopmentCompany, Appnovelty offers to help enterprises across different industry verticals to gain #business agility with an expedited #AppDevelopment process. Have a look at our wide array of flutter app development services:
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solguruz-llp · 1 year
Top Flutter App Development Trends 2023
Flutter, a new Android and iOS mobile app development framework, is gaining popularity for its cross-platform capabilities, a vibrant community, and a plethora of community-driven plugins, widgets, and libraries. 
If you look at the mobile app development trends, there is no doubt that Flutter is one of the most in-demand platforms for app development.  But the developers are preferring Flutter over any other frameworks. It is new but as of now, it has taken over the market. It is becoming increasingly popular as more and more businesses are starting to use it.
If you are thinking of creating your app with Flutter, you will want to check out this blog to learn more about it. In this blog you will understand why Flutter has become a trending tool for developing applications. What is so unique about Flutter and which popular apps were built with flutter?
What is Flutter?
Flutter is a relatively new mobile development SDK that allows developers to create both Android and iOS apps. Google created the open source Flutter framework and portable UI toolkit to make it easier to create stunning, natively built, cross-platform applications for desktop, mobile, and the web from a single codebase.
Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK for building high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. It comes with its own IDE, debugging tools and much more.
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Read here in details: Top Flutter App Development Trends For 2023
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kairaverma · 3 years
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Best Flutter App Development Tools To Use in 2021
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kairaverma · 3 years
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Hire Top Flutter App Developers in India from India App Developer
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kairaverma · 3 years
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Hire Flutter App Developers in India
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