#flavia control ur husband
hiddentrails7 · 3 years
Chrom: Alright, we’re done decorating the Christmas tree. Stahl, would you mind putting the angel on top?
Stahl: Oh, sure *Throws Donnel on top of the tree*
Henry: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Robin: Henry, no.
Lon'qu: Mistle-FOE.
Robin: Please don’t encourage him.
Chrom: You know what they say, you have to kiss under the mistletoe.
Robin: Chrom, that's a lettuce leaf.
Basilio, dressed as santa claus: Alright children, time for a vibe check!
Basilio: Your vibes are absolutely DISGUSTING kid. *Goes to yeet the child, Flavia and Olivia running to stop him*
Robin: Chrom, can you hang the lights?
Chrom: Why?
Robin: You know why!
Chrom: Yes, but I want to hear you say it.
Robin, glaring: I’m too short.
Ricken: I hate you with every inch of my body.
Gangrel: Well, that's not a lot of inches.
Stahl: You believe me?
Lon'qu: Stahl, you're one of the few good people on this planet. I'd believe cartoon birds helped you get ready this morning.
Frederick: Quick, Robin ’s coming, everyone pretend that you’re gardening. Chrom, grab that little hoe
Chrom: *Picks up Tharja*
Gaius: So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.
Frederick: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Gaius: Breakfast burrito, but yeah.
Frederick: I pity your dentist.
Gaius: Joke's on you, I don't have a dentist.
Robin: I panic when people compliment me.
Robin: I never know what to say.
Frederick: Great job at practice today Robin!
Robin, panicking: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Inigo: What’s that story where they bring the monster to life and then have to destroy it?
Brady: Frankenstein?
Owain: Frosty the Snowman.
Owain: Now it’s time for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Brady: *Enraged screaming*
Owain: Okay, look, I’m not sure where to go with that.
Gaius: *Walks in the living room* hey guys, watcha watching?
Libra: Cake boss
Gaius: THERE’S A BOSS OF CAKE!?!? *Grabs a Brave sword and starts to leave*
Libra: Where you going?
Gaius: Gotta de-throne a motherfucker.
Robin: What are you, 5?!
Vaike: Yeah, 5 heads taller then you.
Vaike: Please don't kill me.
Henry: *Covers Ricken's eyes from behind*
Henry: Guess who!
Henry: He’s sweet, adorable, and he’s gonna get really mad if you get it wrong.
Chrom: *Carries all of the groceries in his arms*
Robin: *Reaches out to grab a couple of groceries*
Chrom: *Switches all of the groceries to one arm to hold Robin's hand*
Robin: That’s not what I...okay.
Henry: Buuuttt I don't wanna walk 4 floors down.
Henry: I'm gonna jump lmao
Henry: P A R K O U R
Ricken: NO WTF-
Cherche: I don't know where everyone ended up last night, but is everyone alive and not in jail?
Gerome: Alive.
Cherche: And not in jail?
Gerome: *Read 7:21am*
Cherche: GEROME-
Inigo: He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice!
Henry: He’s gonna find out who’s on thin fucking ice!
Both, in unison: 🎶Santa Claus is calling you outtt!🎶
Owain: Who decided to call it 'emotional baggage' and not 'griefcase'?
Morgan: He's onto something.
Brady: *Deep sigh*
Laurent: My body is betraying me.
Gerome: No, you're exhausted.
Gerome: That happens to people when they keep throwing themselves into danger and refuse to sleep.
Laurent: Well, I highly dislike it.
Gerome: You just need to rest. Close your eyes and--
*Laurent closes his eyes*
Lucina, who just came in: Oh my god. Is he dead?
Frederick: Can I see you? Now.
Gaius, slipping on a camo jacket: You can try.
Gaius: Welcome to the Shepards! Please leave your sanity and common sense at the door.
Laurent: Won’t I need those?
Gaius: Not anymore.
Stahl, skipping stones with Lon'qu: Wow, it's such a beautiful evening.
Lon'qu, under his breath: Take that you fucking lake.
Flavia, answering her phone: Lon'qu? I’m on my way back-
Lon'qu: Aliens are attacking the house.
Flavia: What-
Lon'qu: Oh good, Basilio found the chainsaw, nevermind.
Chrom: This time, we fight Grima using our superpowers.
Chrom: Our two brain cells.
Chrom: Robin. Frederick. It's your time to shine.
Donnel: Be careful marchin' today. It's ass-eating season
Stahl: Donny, do you know what "ass-eating season" means?
Donnel: Yeah, there's ice and snow, so it's all slippery out there. You could fall and eat ass.
Stahl: Who taught you that?
Donnel: Henry..?
Gaius, calling Miriel:
Miriel: Hello?
Gaius: I love you.
Miriel: What did you do.
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