#flashbacks to sheep eye dissection in high school
Chapter 5
(part 1)
p. 41: Not a real note but R. K. Narayan is my friend’s name and I’m aware it’s not exactly uncommon but still very unsettling to run into when not expecting it
p. 41: “Tears her to pisces”, not “pieces”. I checked and it’s in the index, so on some level an intentional typo, but whose?
p. 42: I found 4-5 different translations of the Latin, all a little bit more literal than the one given in the text but overall not too different. Here’s an example:
Spurned, she hides in the woods and covers her shamed face with leaves. From that time on she lives alone in caves. But still love grips her and grows stronger with the pain of rejection. Sleepless cares waste away her poor body. Leanness attacks her skin and the lifeblood of her body evaporates into the air. Only her bones and her voice remain. Her voice stays with us; they say that her bones became transformed into the shape of a stone.
From then on she stays hidden in the woods and is no longer seen on any mountain. All hear her, though: the sound that lives in her.
(Translation from Rachel Carter via the Classics Library)
p. 42: The Spanish translation is correct I think. “émula” generally means emulate or follow, but the online translations consistently say “rival” so it’s probably just an additional definition I’m not aware of.
p. 43: Zonule of Zinn is the ring of fibers around the lens of the eye that hold it in place and flatten it when focusing on something far away.
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“Suspensory ligaments” is a much clearer name but does not have the benefit of sounding like a character in Wizard of Oz.
p. 44: talaria - winged sandals, like Hermes
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