#fixing the world with oyur rage
bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
im still thinking about healer tam, so im just gonna....put all that here...if you dont mind...
specifically ive been really obsessed with the idea of him being like. the elvin equivalent of a pediatrician (or just. have him be a new elwin except their personalities are totally different) bc i feel like hed channel his anger at his own terrible childhood into making sure the lives of children in the present are better than his, if that makes sense? and i feel like he'd sympathize a lot with the angry ones specifically (obviously) and that hed be able to help them put a name to what theyre feeling, etc? it just...tam has always felt like a very sincere and genuine person and i feel like he would absolutely go and try to make peoples childhoods not as terrible as his own. i just. i love him. and i bet hed be like elwin- he cant help but adopt whatever kid he comes across and is in need of a parent figure. thats just his nature.
and this isnt related but is set in the same au- for some reason i really like the idea of him no longer having silver hair? NOT as a "oh hes mellowed out now" way but more in a "the problems people face today are not the same ones as the problems faced before, and clinging on to the past (that is no longer fully relevant) will stop me from doing good in the future" way- he still always wears silver on him as a reminder of what he's been fighting for this entire time, but its not the central part of him anymore, he is still fighting, yes, but its a different fight, and he wants to reflect that. (however, i still think linh would have her dyed hair since she dyed it to remind herself to keep control, and i dont think shed necessarily want to get rid of that message?) tell me if im not making sense here but. yeah.
- pyro
oo i love healer tam!! this was almost exactly the kind of vibe i got from him when you brought him up the first time--you nailed it right on the head. like he has all this anger and lingering resentment and doesn't know where to direct it so he channels it into making the world a better place so no kids end up like him
i'm fascinated by this concept. like. think about it. kids are some of if not the most vulnerable people in a society--they're young and their parents have legal power over them, they haven't learned the full concept of right and wrong, they're small and can't advocate for themselves the same way an adult can. they don't have authority. so tam, this healer who looks intimidating, stepping into that role and saying it's going to be okay and speaking for them and helping them way more than just patching their wounds. it's so good i love it so much. i have a soft spot for characters who are fiercely protective of children because they didn't have the childhood they deserved either
tam just seems like such a kind person, just not in the way you'd think a kind person would be. he hates the way things work right now, so why wouldn't he try and comfort the people experiencing it? if there's kids out there who are furious and hate the world and want to shun their elvin ways--well he was that kid. this kid comes into his office/healing center place just stubborn and expecting Tam to try and get them to calm down and take another chance with the system and say it's not as bad as you think it is and then. tam just agrees with them. and it's like oh you understand. this is a safe space. you're just like me.
also you're idea of him getting rid of the hair is so cool--i love the meaning behind it! his silver bangs have so much pain and anger mixed in with them, i can't even imagine how freeing it would be to cut them off. that message that he's not holding on to that past in the same way, that while he's been affected by his parents and societies actions for life, he's not going to hold that as a part of himself--sure, it'll motive him at times, that lingering pain--and he's going to learn from it and be better. I've seen headcanons that tam cuts his silver hair off and Linh dyes her whole head, which kinda reminds me of that you're saying. I agree that Linh would keep hers, because it wasn't a message to anyone but herself and her own mistakes.
i wonder--do you think Tam would have one specific piece of silver that he'd wear, like a necklace or bracelet he never takes off, or would he swap it out from time to time?
i don't know if i said everything I wanted to but healer tam is so special to me an holds a place in my heart permanently. just the whole idea of taking your anger and refusing to let it overcome you and give up on the world, this firm determination to keep going because there are people, children, who are going to need you there to fight for them
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