#first the tarot card border and design is the symbol of the traveler
imorphemi · 4 months
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Dear fellow traveler, underneath the moon
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liberalcom-blog · 5 years
Night Sun Tarot
https://liber-al.com/?p=43606 Enter into artist Fabio Listrani’s rendering of the dance between the dark and the light, and begin a compelling journey into the realm of esoteric wisdom. Regardless of your level of occult knowledge, this deck will touch your soul and provide enlightening perspectives on the restless waters of the inner self. Filled with bold energy, rich art, and the passion of history’s spiritual seekers, The Night Sun Tarot reflects the teachings of Aleister Crowley and the great occult masters. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Editorial Reviews Summary: The Night Sun Tarot rises to the challenge of facilitating our understanding of our Shadow. Through intriguing symbols, astrology, and numerology, this deck creates a rich reading experience for those who wish to go just a little deeper. Full Review: Listrani says that if our Shadow, in Jungian terms, is dark, then we require a transversal light that travels along a different spectrum to make it possible to access the Shadow. He says this anomalous sun, nocturnal and dark, allows us to find balance and wholeness. The language of this “non-light,” he continues, is expressed through tarot images, symbols, and analogies, which are capable of reflecting the world submerged in our subconscious. Listrani asks a lot of tarot. But then, he puts a lot into his deck, drawing from two streams. First, he has researched many systems of wisdom, both Eastern and Western. Although, he erroneously says this is why his deck is the first to show Death as pregnant; this is not true. At least one deck that I know of has done this: The Tarot of the Dead by Monica Knighton. However, that mistake does not lessen the impact of the image of a pregnant Death card. Second, he created a deck that is holistic and organic…that is, the cards are linked to each other. For example, the image of an egg repeats through the cards. In the High Priestess, it is gestating. In the Empress, it is cracked open. In the Emperor, there is an eagle, the result of the egg. The Hierophant is very interesting to me, showing one of the Hierophant’s students hiding a dagger behind his back. Proctection? Fanaticism? Very fascinating. The pips are a blend of Marseilles style and Rider Waite Smith images, which sometimes work very and sometimes fall flat. Astrology plays a big role in these cards and is incorporated into each card in the border (and follow the Golden Dawn associations). The court cards, though, are only given their elemental designator, although it would be hard to indicate the decans associated with the courts in a clear and easy manner. There is a lot of information on each card, along with the astrology. Numerology is important in this deck and the booklet includes numerological associations. Those who are looking for a deck rich in symbolism (and with less focus on evocative images), this intriguing deck, with cards designed to fit together like symbolic puzzle pieces, will be a juicy deck to sink your teeth into. For those who worry about such things, you should know that Justice is VIII and Strength is XI in this deck. The booklet includes one spread. Deck Attributes Name of deck: Night Sun Tarot Reviewer’s Byline: Barbara Moore Publisher: Lo Scarabeo ISBN: 9780738745329 Creator name: Fabio Listrani Artist name: Fabio Listrani Name of accompanying book/booklet: Night Sun Tarot Number of pages of book/booklet: 63; 15 in English Does it follow Rider-Waite-Smith Standard?: Yes Does it have extra cards? No – From the Publisher
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fatecaster · 7 years
The Best Angel Decks You Will Love Using - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2yNnzWz
The Best Angel Decks You Will Love Using
The art of reading fortunes, predicting chances and altering fate takes many forms. Tarot cards combine artistic visions of mystic forces with spiritual messages for guidance. Angel Tarot decks bring new focus elements into readings and are as popular for their beauty as they are for being effective spiritual tools.
So here are the best angel decks you'll love using.
Angels And Tarot - Their Mystery And History
Since the 18th century, what is now known as the tarot major or minor arcana were used as playing cards as well as spiritual tools to manifest the future. Throughout history, their interpretations have evolved to provide a wide range of personal reflection. While many styles of oracle decks simply rework traditional tarot imagery through a new artist’s vision, Angel decks focus more on epic figures from biblical, historical, and mythical legends. The inspiration for these decks can come from many different spiritual traditions as there are angelic stories represented in many faiths. As messengers for God, angels are believed to impart wisdom, comfort, hope and healing from the heavenly realm. Even if you’re using the cards for mindfulness practices instead of spiritual connection, these concepts help you guide your intentions towards the same positive outcomes.
Most decks that follow traditional tarot spreads will have a total of 78 cards. This combined number includes 56 suit cards and 22 cards often referred to as the major arcana. An Angel deck uses for different divination purposes might have a different number of cards. All decks included in this review have a guidebook that explains the purpose and meaning behind each card. As with the art and message of oracle decks, the spreads used to read the cards take on many traditional or new arrangements.
If You’re New To Reading Tarot Cards
If your interest in reading tarot cards is new, it can be hard to understand all the different paths to interpreting their uses. ( This video could be a good guide, though). Ultimately, what matters most is what you feel and what you think when you’re focusing on the vision of each card and discerning the meaning behind the messages they represent. Tarot cards are tools for introspection in order to read into future effects, so their meaning will be subtly different for every reader and every situation.
Angel tarots appeal to so many newcomers to reading tarot cards because the figures are familiar, which brings comfort to the visions of beauty and hope that they manifest. In order for us to feel inspired and gain insight, we have to trust the tools we’re using and the guidance we’re given. Identifying your preferences is the first step in learning how to read tarot cards. Intuition means listening to your own thoughts and learning from your own experiences first and using that to help influence your future opportunities. It can be daunting to face a deck of oracle cards and expect yourself to know the meaning of each one or the impact of how you lay them out each session. This is why almost every pack will include a guidebook written specifically for that deck, especially if the arrangement of oracle cards differ from traditional uses. If you’re only reading tarot cards for personal use, it’s even more important to pick a deck that speaks to your tastes.
Knowing Which Deck Works Best For You
As a divination tool, tarot readings work best when the reader feels a deep and personal connection with their cards. This is why I chose to look for angelic, historical themes for my newest deck. I can create a better vision of the future when I’m using artwork and messages that fit my preferences best, which increases my interest and mindfulness during the reading. When you’re drawn to ​study divination cards and appreciate each kind individually, your understanding of their purpose deepens.
When I first began my journey with tarot, I didn’t expect to sense immediate results from focusing on a new technique for spiritual expression. Even though I thought of myself as a spiritually-minded person, I had a hard time connecting with the concepts related to the cards. The importance of being able to meditate on my concerns and find my way to the right answers with tarot’s guidance meant I had to find a tarot deck that suited my tastes and personal spiritual path.
Even though your priorities and purposes for using Angel tarot might be different from mine, I have picked five decks that I think are the best options to explore when you’re thinking of purchasing a new deck. I have my favorites after taking my time to consider the benefits and differences of each one, but you’ll see the unique details of each deck in the guideline below.
#1 - Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue
This is one of the most well-known decks of Angel cards in the tarot realm, and many readers are drawn to it for the ethereal beauty of the richly detailed artwork as they are for the positive messages of blessings for each card. This deck remakes the tarot’s traditional arcana as archangels. The deck also renames the suits by the elements associated with each one.
The elegant artwork includes many mystical or mythical creatures, such as angels and fairies and unicorns.
Color-coded borders for each section of the deck make learning the card meanings easier.
Simplified versions of traditional meanings focus on uplifting and encouraging the reader.
Supplemental books are available to purchase separately to enhance readings.
This deck might not satisfy those interested in learning very traditional tarot techniques.
The shorter and wider rectangular shape of the cards can be difficult for some people to get used to shuffling.
Only the major arcana use angels; the rest of the suits use other mythical elements for representation.
There are no explanations for meanings if cards are dealt inverted during a spread for reading.
#2 - Angelarium: Oracle of Emanations
 Representing the Kabbalistic manifestation of angelic creatures , this tarot card delves into a history of heavenly elements long held as mysterious. As more people become aware of the complex lore of angelic presence in this ancient Hebraic faith, more work revealing their visions comes to light. With 33 oracle cards and a small book explaining what each card represents, the Angel deck offers an uncommon experience for any readers of tarot cards.
The artwork has a dark and otherworldly quality, which makes each piece look like an oil painting.
With a history based on Kabbalah texts, the cards offer a unique elements for focus work and historical reference.
Sturdy cardstock makes shuffling easier and surviving travel and storage better.
The card booklet is in five languages: English, French, Spanish, German and Italian.
Readers should be aware of or interested in learning about Kabbalah to understand card meanings beyond what the booklet provides.
The booklet has only brief suggestions for interpreting the card, something new tarot learners may find frustrating.
These cards may not be suitable to use for some traditional tarot spreads.
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards
Source: http://ift.tt/1sBMkb6
Praised as a powerful tool for spiritualists who want to use angelic principles as their main focal points, this deck combines modern art with ancient symbols of faith. Prayers on each card encourage readers with affirmations and points of wisdom or grace. This tarot collection uses imagery of angels, archangels, and also the Divine Father and Mother presence in its 44-card deck.
The modern design has a refreshing take on the purpose of oracle cards, which is to give readers visual focal points that interest them.
There is a smartphone app available for use alongside the deck.
The book included with the cards describes how to use them as well as what each card means specifically.
Each card’s message reinforces loving, positive perspectives.
Both in number of cards and the style of divination used, traditional tarot readers would need to spend time learning a new technique and card spreads.
Some card enthusiasts may not prefer modern art as tarot’s historical roots are often depicted with more authentic imagery.
Certain decks have had issues with the painted border or cardstock quality.
#3 - Guardian Angel Tarot Cards
Made as a deck for beginners interested in tarot but wary of the sometimes troublesome concepts found in historical decks, this Angel Tarot deck uses iconic and elegant imagery to ease card readers of all experience levels through their visionary sessions. Prayerful comments and quotes complete the deck’s purpose, which is to focus readers on positive outcomes and points of view.
Even though the deck uses different symbolism, it keeps to the traditional number of 78 cards for a tarot deck.
Thorough guidebook that includes full interpretations and ideas for card spreads and uses.
A classical style in the artwork evokes a Victorian and cherubic era of paintings and images.
Some images or messages can seem repetitive in their uses for readings.
The cards are half image and half text, which is something card readers may not prefer if they want to read with free-form interpretation.
No smartphone app or digital version of the guidebook is available with purchase.
#3 - Angels Of Atlantis Oracle
Based on the popular legends and stories of the ancient Atlantis realm, this Angel deck crafts guidance through images and words of blessing, healing, and virtue. Each card has only one word for its message, allowing free-form intuition to guide readers through their focusing sessions. Modern and simple images are made effective through quality work and printing meant to draw the eye’s attention.
A glossy and thick cardstock means the deck is strong enough for storage and travel, and the images will retain their quality longer.
The esoteric imagery used in this deck is a unique depiction of angels and their divination principles.
The supplemental booklet educates the reader thoroughly on how their intuition might interpret each card.
The setup is very different from many other oracle cards, which can daunt beginners to reading tarot spreads.
The deck has a smaller number of cards than most and many readers prefer a large number of cards to increase random selection.
With such a specific focus on the legends of Atlantis, some readers may not be familiar with the history the cards are based on.
Out of all five, I found the Angelarium: Oracle of Emanation to be the Angel Tarot deck that resonates most with me. The history of Hebraic mysticism and the rich detail in each card’s artwork draws my attention, again and again, to focus on the future and what I can divine will happen through my choices. If you’re searching for an Angel card deck that stimulates your curiosity and reinvents ancient concepts, then this is the deck that satisfies both needs. Though it does depart from traditional tarot setups and concepts, I think it’s a powerful deck to have in your collection.
No matter what your path to divination and spiritual enlightenment may be, tarot decks are tools meant for focusing on introspection and what the future holds for you that you want to make real. People who come from many different faith-based backgrounds look to Angel oracles and tarot readings for guidance and empowerment. Choosing a deck that inspires your insight the most will always be the deck that works best for your personal or professional readings.
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magdalenatarot · 7 years
As you know, on occasion, I get personal with my readers when I feel there’s a broader metaphysical lesson to teach from a mystical experience that I have.
Things began to shift Friday night. I was sitting in the park with my friend, mentor and graphic designer, Christopher Gueluff. We were reading cards and suddenly I look up and I realize I’m staring straight at the scene from the 10 of Pentacles from the Goddess Tarot Deck.
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I showed Chris and he thought it did look a lot like the card. I wondered what could be coming …
I joined the Rosicrucians in November but due to constant disruptions, I’ve never been able to make it to the temple. That changed on Sunday when I went to the Temple for the first time. I felt the shift again as I was standing at the bus stop and a man with a dozen red roses came and stood behind me in line. We passed a mural of sunflowers (a power symbol for me since I identify with the Queen of Wands) and I knew that I’d fallen into flow with the way things should be. When I got to the office park where the temple is, I was confused trying to find the temple. I looked all over the vast rows of buildings and could not find the right unit. Then I saw what looked like a white dove fly overhead. I looked down and saw a young man and an old man going behind a corner. I decided to follow them and I ended up right where I needed to be.
I was greeted with hugs like an old friend and I knew I was in the right place.
Without giving too many details because the Rosicrucians are a Mystical Order, I had a powerful experience during the ritual’s mediation.  We had just talked about energy healing which I am a big skeptic of but I listened with an open mind.
I had been fighting going into a trance during the entire ritual. It was the kind of trance that was so heavy that I felt like it would put me straight to sleep. But finally, I couldn’t fight it any more and gave in.
Suddenly, I was on a bus. A woman that was so agelessly beautiful with such a pretty copper skin tone and such beautiful, greenish, yellow eyes got on the bus behind me. She was short and kind of lanky.  She had some clunky boots on and some kind of light blue lace dress with bell sleeves and all kinds of silver, jangling jewelry and trinkets hanging off her. She also had a silver nose ring with a chain that connected to her earring. Her chest length hair was very straight, shiny and dip dyed aqua.
The vision was so vivid I could smell the fumes of the bus, feel the wind from the open window and feel the plush cushions of the seat. I sat down and the woman sat down next to me. She looked at me and said, “We can’t help you unless you trust us.”  I started to cry and she held my hand. I knew she was an angel and I asked her what her name is. She told me, “Georgia.”
She held my hand and I felt tears slip down my face in this world while I was in the world of the vision at the same time.
After the ritual we had a meal together and some of the fraters and sorors were talking about traveling. One of them lives the dream, traveling all over the world. I said I used to be able to travel but something happened and I can’t manifest it anymore.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked.
“I don’t know … there’s so many places to go, I can’t pick one.”
“Pick one and visualize it.”
After the meeting I spoke with another member about how terribly behind I am on my studies. Since my finace left me, I’ve been too depressed to do anything. Keeping Magdalena Tarot going has been a big struggle but at the same time, it helps me find meaning in life.
The frater I spoke with told me that I need to get back to my studies and told me just to keep it up and don’t worry about how far behind I am. Just keep studying.
I went home with every intention to print my materials (I learn best from printed resources) but I was out of paper. But when I went to the store to buy some more on Tuesday night, the register was down so I got a whole box of paper for free. It’s usually $24. The manager said to  look at it like a present.
It certainly was. I printed my monographs, made a binder and put them in my bag to study at work since it’s been super slow.
I was reading about visualization in my mystical studies. My text recommended the reader visualize all the colors of the rainbow. It went on to describe the vibrations of light and how rain splinters light and creates rainbows. It talked about the color black and how it absorbs light and how white reflects it.
I thought of this beautiful, extremely dark skinned, African model and I wondered what her experience must be like absorbing so much light. She looks like how I envision the goddess, full of night.
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Photos or 24-year-old Nyakim Gatwech are not mine. Original photographer unknown
On the contrary, I’m really fair skinned. Sometimes I glow in the sun I’m so white. Even though my skin is pink, it’s such a light pink that it reflects light. I’m so sensitive to light that I have to hide under big hats and parasols and behind sunglasses or the sun burns my skin and eyes. I visualized myself full of light and refracting colors.
Shortly after this, I had an unpleasant exchange with my ex. We’re wrapping up the last week and a half at the apartment and we’re getting rid of furniture. I had a mental breakdown because Adam (my ex) managed to get rid of all our furniture today which is good, but the futon I sleep on is going tomorrow which is bad because I have nothing to sleep on for the last week and a half at the old place. We had a terrible fight about furniture logistics, which lead to a huge fight. I tried to cry secretly at my desk but it hurt so much I started to whimper. I noticed a rainbow in my tears splashed on my shirt. My boss caught me crying and told me to take a walk. It was the end of the day and I got to go home soon. I composed myself the best I could and came back.
A light rain pelted me ad I walked to the bus stop. I turned around and a huge rainbow arched over the street. I remembered what I read and how I visualized a rainbow at my desk. And behold, one appeared over my work.
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The bus driver asked me how I was doing. I told him I had a bad day. Then I pointed to the rainbow and said, “There’s a rainbow over there though! It’s a good way to end the day.” The bus driver replied he’d had one of his worst days in a long time and thanked me for pointing it out. I pointed it out to another passenger who thanked me as well. On my way off the bus, the driver says, “Thank you for the rainbow, it made my day.” And I wondered if my visualization acted as a vehical to bring it the rainbow into existence. I watched the rainbow through the grimy bus and train windows during my commute home, in awe at how it appeared just as my text said it could if my concentration was strong enough.
I got off at the bus at the station. Almost a year ago today I was heartbroken over a man I shouldn’t have loved. Today I am heart broken over the man I should have given that love to. And sure enough, the rainbow appeared right in almost the exact same place it was in a year ago. Almost 7 years ago to the date I was broken hearted and a rainbow appeared over Tokyo, where I was living at the time.
I guess my tears refract light. And Every time I blink my eyes now, I see that rainbow burnt into my eyelids like metaphysical reading said would happen. It said that if you stare at a color, the complementary color will appear when you close your eyes. I also realized that the forecast lined up with today as well.
Wednesday 7/19/17 # Soul Essence Numerology: 9 Moon Enters Gemini 12:31 AM PST
The Soul Essence card is a card that was added to the Tarot by the creator of this deck, Richard Hartnett. This is a card that brings events that help you connect with the deepest parts of your soul and answer questions like, “What’s my life purpose?” If you feel less than harmonious, ask yourself why. Mercury Trine Saturn at 12:16 PM PST is a transit that brings serious thoughts and feelings to the surface. It’s time to get organized. Moon square Neptune at 11:19 PM PST is a transit of fantasies and illusions. If you are seeking answers you may find them in the mystical. The Moon is in the dual sign of #Gemini today asking you to unite both your dark and light sides to find balance. The number of the day is 9, a number of near completion.
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” Sculpture and picture by unknown
There is a Crack in Everything, that’s How the Light Gets In As you know, on occasion, I get personal with my readers when I feel there's a broader metaphysical lesson to teach from a mystical experience that I have.
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