fatecaster · 6 years
It’s possible! – Learn how to find time for everything you want! - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: https://ift.tt/2Jx3OoD
It's possible! - Learn how to find time for everything you want!
If you, like me, often complain about not having enough time for the things that really matter, this video could be a lifesaver. 
I've seen it last month and, though I had doubts, I decided to give this method a try. 
And it worked.
I'm not saying it's always easy because it's not. It takes some effort to manage my life but it totally does worth it.
So, without further ado, here's this great TED presentation. I truly hope you'll find as useful as I did. 
It's less then 12 minutes long. Find the time to watch it!
Tumblr media
Let us know what you think in the comments and share this article with your loved ones!
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fatecaster · 6 years
Say goodbye to anxiety, fear and worries with this amazing guided meditation - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: https://ift.tt/2GjaeWc
Say goodbye to anxiety, fear and worries with this amazing guided meditation
Spring is finally here which means it's time to do some mental, physical and spiritual refreshing. 
Unfortunately we can't magically clean your home, though it would be more than great, but we can give you some help to invigorate your mindset. 
Many people tend to accept that fear and anxiety are part of their lives, however, this shouldn't be like this. Check out this amazing guided mediation and start to practice today to improve your life.
You have nothing to lose but a lot to win!
We truly hope that doing this meditation on a regular basis will drive away the clouds from your life and let you welcome sunshine at its fullest glory.
Let us know in the comments if you liked the meditation.
The post Say goodbye to anxiety, fear and worries with this amazing guided meditation appeared first on Free Online Predictions.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Watch this video and you’ll never be afraid of death again - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2FFYJvQ
Watch this video and you'll never be afraid of death again
Your biggest fear? It's probably death.
Death is something we all know we can't avoid. And even though that's the scariest thing in life we somehow struggle to learn how to LIVE. With capital letters.
Would it be different if we knew that death is actually not the end of the world? Would it be easier to live to the fullest in the present moment if we the fear constantly whispering in our mind could be beaten? 
We're not saying that watching this amazing Ted presentation will change your mindset instantly. But if you welcome these thoughts and let them into your life they can slowley but surely lead you to a much happier and balanced life. 
Let us know what you think about it in the comments!
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fatecaster · 6 years
Struggling to sleep? – This guided meditation always helps me! - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2F8KNWJ
Struggling to sleep? – This guided meditation always helps me!
I guess, everyone knows the formula: too much work, bad eating habits, zero or almost zero sports = stress.
Well, that's what exactly happened to me. I worked 10-12 hours and I felt I just didn't have any time for myself. I knew I had to find a solution or my health would deteriorate faster than a Tesla. Well, maybe that's a bit of exaggeration but you see the point.
I turned to Google for help and I found an article about guided meditations. I knew it was impossible for me to attend any group where I could meditate but I thought why shouldn't I try to do it with the magic of the Internet.
I checked out many Youtube videos, and tried many of them, but the result I was craving for, simply didn't come.
Until I found this meditation. I truly recommend to give it a go. It would be a lie to say that it fully transformed my life, but the fact that I can have good night sleeps is amazing on it's own.
And one thing I soon realized that if I can have a proper sleep, my days become more productive!
Good luck for you too, it would be lovely to read your experience in the comments!
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fatecaster · 6 years
Science and spirituality – all you need to become more conscious right now - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2EYKWix
Science and spirituality – all you need to become more conscious right now
Science and spirituality together? - You may wonder.
Well, don't judge the concept until you've seen this video.
Could it be true that our mind is really just a thought-generating machine? 
What do you think about it?
Oh, and one more thing!
I've just finished Dan Brown's new bestseller, the Origin. (You can buy it here)
I think it's one of the best books I've read recently and I highly recommend it to everyone who is interested in finding an answer for these following questions.
Where do we come from? Where are we going to?
Dan Brown really does answer these questions, though I'm sure the theory will create a debate between religious and scientific thinkers.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Strength – Revealing The Secrets You Always Wanted To Know - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2EJ1A5D
Strength - Revealing The Secrets You Always Wanted To Know
Have you ever wondered what the Strength card has to say about your future? As a card from tarot's Major Arcana, the powerful symbolic meanings offer special guidance for your life. While I reveal this card's historical roots and deeper interpretations, think about the answers you're looking for. You may see how this tarot card can show inner truths to you.
Source: www.buildingbeautifulsouls.com
Story And Evolution Of This Card
In the broadest of terms, this card has always represented internal fortitude and certainty more than physical power or beauty. Its core symbolic nature represents our personal strengths in triumph over carnal choices or challenges. Throughout history, many different styles of decks for tarot cards have been made. The earliest decks sometimes referred to this card as Fortitude and assigned its numerical place in the deck as XI or VIII. As with many oracle cards in various traditions, the exact symbols used in its artwork changes by designer and trends of their time. Many decks will feature a male or female figure performing a feat, like a lady who subdues or controls a lion. Fire and infinity symbols are also common associations, as well as flowers such as roses or precious stones and metals like gold and ruby.
Interesting Decks Where It Plays A Special Role
Though its place in every deck has significant value and power, certain decks have used its distinct meaning and cast it in a new light. This doesn't necessarily change the essential nature of the card's representation, but it can influence how you read it in a spread. For the Wild Unknown deck, its meaning focuses on the gentleness of power used to overcome challenges or intensity. In the imagery chosen, a powerful lion holds a rose in full bloom in its mouth. The lion's expression has no anger and the flower, often used as a symbol for emotions, is held with delicate care.
Source: www.unearthedcrystals.com.au
This same gentle message shows up in the Rabbit Tarot cards, where the symbolic images switch to a rabbit and a fox. The rabbit holds the calm-looking fox with an expression of seriousness and determination in its face and posture.
Meaning Of This Card - Standing
The most commonly understood meaning for any card is considered its upright, or standing, position. This is the fundamental function of the card. However, there are several different conditions that impact the truths that can be revealed through its upright reading. When this card shows up in traditional spreads, you can consider it a message of affirmation. In positions that offer caution or distress, it could encourage the reader to rely on their core values for guidance. If it is drawn when asking to take action, it may suggest staying steadfast or being straightforward. Used upright as a meditative or ritual focal point, the symbolic nature of this tarot card can guide your thoughts towards building the kind of inner peace that lasts through a hard day. It can also serve as a focus for developing the level of self-esteem you need to stand up for your values.
Meaning Of This Card - Reversed
When tarot cards are reversed, this does not always indicate they mean the opposite of their upright definition. What this usually means is that whatever traits were associated with the card in its default position might now work against your goals or intentions. In this card, that can mean acting in ways that may be seen as arrogant or selfish instead of empowered. This can caution against using a strong voice if it can drown out others. Instead, it suggests you should listen close enough to those who lack the assertive power you may possess. In the reverse, this card can also link to problems with confidence and convictions. If there are areas in your life where you have allowed your values to be compromised, a reverse position can draw your attention to what you can do to reclaim your principles.
Iconography Of This Card
The meaning of this Major Arcana card borrows from themes first drafted in classical antiquity by ancient philosophers who first wrote about the figures now known as cardinal virtues. Temperance, Fortitude, Justice and Prudence are most closely associated with historical Christian imagery through their adoption into historical Catholic doctrine. With its beginning as Fortitude, this card continues to share iconic details with that ancient history. Associations with lions and fire and bold, powerful colors mean it shows up in a multitude of spiritual symbolism and art throughout the centuries.
Special Meanings Your Life
Through numerological and astrological calculations, you may find that the Strength card is your birth card. In these readings, it pairs with The Star, another member of the Major Arcana, as a symbol of hope that leads to courage. Willpower and determination are both featured characteristics of this reading.
Other interpretations of this card focus on the primal instincts related to its message of self-control. In the Thoth deck, this card is called Lust and speaks to a person's natural vitality and virility. While it doesn't necessarily relate to physical intimacy, a card reader may find caution or encouragement if they are focused on those as concerns. The House of Leo holds a connection with this card, where it can show an increased influence in perceptions of confidence and a lively spirit of leadership. Many read this card's symbol of a subdued lion as a lesson in self-control meant specifically for those born under the Leo sign. Of all the decks, one of my favorites is the Wild Unknown depiction of this powerful and important card. That detail of a lion's mouth carefully clutching a rose is such a perfect representation of the balance of power and patience this card promotes. Do you have a favorite? Let us know in a comment if this card has revealed special truths to you!
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fatecaster · 6 years
How To Create A Wiccan Altar – 6 Simple Tips You Can Do Easily - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2EoAz8n
How To Create A Wiccan Altar - 6 Simple Tips You Can Do Easily
Getting started with your Wiccan altar doesn’t have to be difficult or daunting. The essential defining trait of any altar is simply a special space that we choose to make sacred in order to work on our intentions. We’re ready to help you identify what speaks to you the most from Wiccan traditions so you design an altar you can imbue with all the energy it inspires.
#1 Finding Supplies At Home
The traditional altar for practitioners of Wicca includes a candle and icon for each aspect of the divine, masculine and feminine. Representations for the natural elements and a space for spell-casting tools or offerings are also commonly found features. The exact place each item belongs on an altar spread depends upon which tradition you follow or your own personal preferences. Because the power at the heart of Wicca’s creed lies in the practitioner’s intention, the material details of how you can create your own Wiccan altar provides flexible opportunities to make setup easy and quick. Everyday objects like cereal bowls or coffee mugs can be used to hold your tools and offerings like sand, soil or salt and the water or ale common in many rituals. Wicca’s love and respect for divine manifestation through the world around us borrow from the natural elements with wide interpretation, so anything in your home that speaks to you as an elemental representative can build your intention at the altar. Ritual wands and knives are often kept separate from other everyday items since they serve as major focal points for energy work. That doesn’t mean you have to have a specialty or custom-made tool for them to be an effective part in your setup, but including a step that cleanses them or clears them will get them ready for a new purpose.
#2 Choosing Favorites For Idols
Symbols using the moon are typically considered part of the feminine aspect while symbols relating to the sun are part of the masculine. Other visuals can be used, like ancient runes or animistic figures from several different nature-based practices. If you’re interested in drafting an altar setup or working with limited supplies, symbols like the triple moon or a sun with rays can be drawn by hand for you to focus on.
Channeling energy through symbols related to the divine nature is often thought of as central to the ritual practices of Wicca. In many Wiccan altar designs, the idols for each divine aspect will be placed in equal positions or at the same height in order to show balanced energy. In some meditations or other altar-related work, you may find elevating or signifying one aspect over the other helps focus your intention better. Handmade symbols present a unique opportunity before any altar work to channel your energy into each aspect’s material presence separately. These aren’t necessary steps for using idols to draw down the divine, but they can add an extra power of attraction when you’ve chosen in line with your personal preferences.
#3 Specializing Your Altars
The need for an altar can change for different times of the year or serve as fixtures for specific purposes instead of general ritual use. The Wiccan calendar, also called The Wheel Of The Year, highlights different seasonal celebrations that are important and usually signified by special altar setups for rituals on those dates. This can be especially helpful for beginners with Wicca and its nature-based principles who might need to see the practice in action in order to better understand its traditional roots. Gathering natural offerings during peak seasonal celebrations is a great way to customize an altar layout and set an appropriate mood for focusing your energy during that time of year. If these objects have certain sensory qualities like being soft to the touch or having a pungent smell, they can add to the power of your own experience throughout the altar ritual.
Likewise, bringing in pictures of your plans or relevant objects with color significance that might inspire what you envision while at the altar increase the specific intentions you’re developing while you perform your ritual.
#4 Thinking Outside The Traditions
​Many people find they’re drawn to Wicca because of the freedom practitioners are encouraged to have when envisioning divine energy and its power or influence in the natural world. This is why a Wiccan altar can take so many different shapes and forms from one individual to the next. The freedom this gives you to define your altar according to what energizes you the most means it’s okay to tweak the details or update the interpretation of ritual concepts for the modern day. Different communities of Wiccans may take on a second descriptive name in order to identify their primary purposes that may be beyond the original scope of what most consider traditional Wicca, which itself is often called Gardnerian Wicca. While many other traditions exist for Wicca, like Alexandrian or Dianic communities, most Wiccans might still consider themselves sole practitioners first and foremost. You’re free to explore your own ideas about how to connect and cooperate with the natural flow of the world around you, which is how you learn to understand the patterns of energy you control that impact your life the most. This is the core work done at any altar, even if we’re not always casting a formal circle and calling the corners with exact incantations.
​​​​​#5 Simplifying Your Spellwork
​When we have unpredictable schedules or our living spaces can’t accommodate room for a permanent altar area, it may be difficult to practice in a way that feels fulfilling and satisfies our desire to channel our energy with rituals based on formal practices. Where possible, use visual reminders of your spiritual journey in everyday places like the bathroom, the kitchen or an altar small enough to fit at your bedside. Discreet totems, engraved jars, enigmatic figurines, gems, crystals, and decorative pieces of precious or powerfully symbolic metals add meaningful touches of your own magical style to your home and also turn it into one big altar. Aligning your purpose with the objects throughout your home and spending time working energy into their care and placement infuses your living area with a uniquely personal spirit.
Chants and mantras can also be simplified and quiet ways to conduct rituals with small or temporary altars where it may not be easy to perform different tasks or recite complex quotations. These can be repeated throughout the day to as focal milestones that inform the next altar ritual.
#6 Listening To Your Inner Guide
While the underlying purpose you have to create your own Wiccan altar rituals might rely on guidance from popular works, the common images, idols, tools and offerings can all be changed to suit your nature or what will best sharpen your spiritual focus. Borrow from your own heritage and symbols of importance to create the kind of sacred space that transports your inner vision to divine heights. Don’t be afraid to indulge your humor if that’s what gets your magic mojo rising. Part of the Wiccan concept of freedom for interpreting our own vision of the divine means even an action figure could be a reasonable idol for the God or Goddess aspect if that’s what helps you form your best intentions. Follow only the words of Wicca’s historic directive: if it harms none, do as you will. I hope these tips inspire you to spend time crafting your own special sacred space — we know it can be such a key factor in sustaining our sense of empowerment and capability. Tell us what works for you and what you like best on your altar in the comments!
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fatecaster · 6 years
Így növeld az organikus elérésed 4 könnyen tanulható lépésben - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2H04MbJ
​Növelnéd oldalad vagy videód látogatóinak számát? Több vásárlót vonzanál be? Az alábbi 4 könnyen tanulható lépéssel szinte ingyen elérheted, hogy szép lassan az egekbe szökjenek blogod, csatornád mutatói!
Kezdjük valahol itt: az organikus elérés azt az oldalforgalmat jelenti, amelyet nem fizetett terjesztés útján érhetsz el. De mit is jelentsen ez?
Azt, hogy úgy is számottevő követőbázisra és előkelő helyre tehetsz szert a Google keresési listáján, ha semmit, vagy épp minimális összeget áldozol tartalmad népszerűsítésére.
Most megmutatjuk azt a 4 könnyen eltanulható praktikát, amelyek segítségével te lehetsz a SEO császára!
a. Kulcsszó, kulcsszó – de milyen?
Kulcsszavak nélkül nincs SEO. Mielőtt kulcsszókutatásba kezdesz, azonosítsd, milyen niche-t (kis piaci szegmenst) szeretnél betömni szolgáltatásoddal, és milyen ezzel kapcsolatos szavak után kutatnak potenciális vásárlóid.
A niche kulcsszavak, mivel kevesebben keresnek rá, mint az egyszavas vagy mainstream szavakra, szókapcsolatokra, könnyebben a honlapodra irányítják a figyelmet. Az egyszerűbb beazonosításhoz érdemes vásárlóperszónákat (buyer persona) alkotnod, hogy könnyebben eldönthesd brandkommunikációd hangvételét. (A vásárlóperszóna tartalmazza a célközönség életkorát, nemét, ízlését stb.)
A kulcsszókeresésben a Google Keyword Planner mellett a fórumok is hasznosak lehetnek. Így például, ha különleges fagylaltokat árulsz, a fórumtémák valódi ötletrengeteggel áraszthatnak el, de a Redditen és a Wikipédián is érdemes inspiráció után nézni.
Bónusz tipp!
Akkor is hasznos a magyar mellett angol kulcsszavakat kikutatnod, ha kizárólag magyar piacon szeretnél terjeszkedni, hiszen angol nyelven klasszisokkal szélesebb merítésből válogathatsz.
b. Long tail kulcsszavak
A számodra ideális kulcsszavak kialakításánál vedd figyelembe a “long-tail” kifejezéseket, melyek jóval kevésbé kompetitívek, mint az átfogóbb, rövidebb “head” szavak, illetve ezek balanszát is tartsd szem előtt a megszülető blogposztodban.
Az alábbi képen például a head szavakra kerestünk rá a gyakorikerdesek.hu-n. A találatok között az erre passzoló fórumtémákat találtuk meg, melyek címei hasznos long-tail alapanyagként szolgálhatnak.
c. Kulcsszó keresés – eszközt adunk a kezedbe!
Természetesen nemcsak a GKP létezik az alapos kulcsszókeresések lebonyolításához, ami nagy szerencse, hiszen nem féltétlenül ez a legjobb eszköz a piacon.
A legjobb SEO-szakemberek többek között a SEMrush, az Ahrefs és a Moz felületeire esküsznek. Ugyanakkor a Seed Keywords is hasznodra válhat, amelyben kisebb felmérések elvégzésére is lehetőséget ad. Valamint a Longtailpro, amely kiszámolja, mennyire erősek azok a kulcsszavak, amelyekre felépíteni tervezed a SEO-kampányod.
d. A cél a Youtube?
Inkább YouTube-csatorna kialakításán töröd a fejed?
Első lépésként üsd be a YouTube keresőjébe azt a kulcsszót, amellyel csatornád SEO-ját javítanád.
Emellett ugyanakkor a Google-ben is tanácsos a top kifejezéseket felmérned, és ún. “videó kulcsszavakra” rákeresned. Ezekre úgy találhatsz rá, hogy a beírt kulcsszavaidra kidobott videótalálatok címét is feljegyzed.
Adunk egy szuper tanácsot: a legkönnyebben olyan kulcsszavakra építheted fel videóid címét, mint:
Hogyan… (How to…)
Kritikák (Review)
Oktatóvideók (Tutorial)
Bármi, ami sporttal kapcsolatos (“cardio workout”)
Vicces videók (Funny moments of…)
Ezek után az általad ideálisnak vélt kifejezéseket (pl. Hogyan készíts rántottát) futtasd le ebben (vagy ebben) az ingyenes kulcsszókeresőben. Így aztán könnyedén felmérheted, milyen magas az adott kulcsszó volumene, tehát havonta átlagosan mennyien keresnek rá. Ha 300-nál többen (de pár ezernél kevesebben), akkor niche-ről beszélhetünk, tehát győzelem! Meg is találtad a számodra létfontosságú kulcsszavakat!
Fontos viszont észben tartani, hogy a magyar piac töredéke a nemzetközinek. Itthon tehát jóval kisebb számokra tudsz támaszkodni.
A fenti képen az Ahrefs segítségével végeztünk kulcsszókutatást. A “jóga gyakorlatok” kulcsszó volumene 1900. Ez a szám kifejezetten magas, így nehéz vele felvenni a versenyt egy ugyanerre a szópárra épülő tartalommal.
A rendszer azonban kidob egyéb, kisebb volumenű kulcsszavakat is, ugyanennek a szópárosnak a felhasználásával. Magyar piacon a 100-300 közötti volumenű szavakat érdemes megcélozni a tartalomfejlesztésnél.
Még valami: tudtad, hogy a hosszabb videók jobb eséllyel kerülnek előrébb a keresési találatok között? Ne add alább 10 percnél!
További hasznos linkek:
a. Vendégblog – hogy mi?!
Kezdjük a legelején: mit is a jelent ez a kifejezés? A vendégblogolással hozzájárulsz egy cikkeddel egy másik bloghoz. Ennek célja nemcsak a kapcsolat-, de a linképítés is, melynek segítségével a te oldaladra terelődhet a forgalom az adott site-ról. Ráadásul a keresőoptimalizálást is segítheted ezáltal: javulhatnak az esélyeid arra, hogy előrébb kerüljön oldalad a Google keresési rangsorában. 
Néhány éve olyan vélemények terjedtek el, amelyek szerint a vendégblogolás halott. Nos, mindezt Matt Cutts és csapata igyekezett megállítani, mégpedig úgy, hogy azóta szigorúan büntetik a nem minőségi, kizárólag SEO-t figyelembe vevő posztokat, így ismét népszerűbbé válhattak a minőségi vendégblogposztok.
b. Hogyan kezdj neki a vendégblogolásnak? 
Futtass egy backlink-kutatást (például itt) versenytársaid blogposztjaira. Ezzel felmérheted, honnan származnak azok a linkek, amelyek az adott URL-re mutatnak. A lista a posztjaidra potenciálisan nyitott oldalakat fogja feltárni előtted.
Érdemes azt is felmérned, mely cikkek teljesítettek kiugróan a hasonló tematikájú blogokban. Ebben többek között az Ahrefs állhat rendelkezésedre. (Az “organic traffic” azt mutatja meg, mekkora volt a cikk organikus elérése, míg a “referring domains” azt, hogy hány oldal linkelt az adott tartalomra.)
A blogposzt megírásában két dolgot mindenképpen tanácsos figyelembe venned: hogy ne rólad vagy a brandedről szóljon. A cél az, hogy az olvasóidnak hasznos tudást adj át; valamint, hogy minőségi tartalmat gyárts.
Ám mielőtt még útjára eresztenéd a blogposztod, fontos, hogy jól ismerd meg a kiszemelt versenyplatformokat, és te is aktívan szerepelj az életükben. Szánj 1-2 hetet arra, hogy aktívan kommentelj és jelen légy a kiválasztott felületek mindennapjaiban! Érdemes segítő, hozzáértő hozzászólásokat elszórni, hogy idővel tárt karokkal fogadják a vendégposztod!
Ha útjára eresztetted a blogposztod, nem is marad más hátra, mint folyamatosan figyelni az érkező kommenteket és válaszolni rájuk.
Mindemellett ellenőrizd a forgalmat, hogy mely posztok teljesítenek jobban a blogodon és természetesen engedj te is vendégblogolókat az oldaladra!
c. Van más út is!
Brian Dean SEO-szakember máshonnan közelíti meg a vendégblogolás első lépéseit. Ő is a kulcsszókeresésekből indul ki, véleménye alapján például érdemes hasonló kifejezésekkel kezdeni a Google-keresőben:
Kulcsszavad “vendégblogolási lehetőség”
Kulcsszavad “vendégposzt”
Kulcsszavad “együttműködő szerző:...”
Kulcsszavad “vegyél részt oldalunkon” stb.
Habár ezek a lehetőségek angol nyelven valóban bevethetők, itthon leginkább a “kulcsszavad + vendégposzt” párossal találhatsz rá a versenytársaidra.
További praktika lehet, hogy miután rátalálsz egy kompetitor szerzőre, lefuttatod a profilképét vagy nevét a Google keresőjében. A találatok között nagy eséllyel azok a blogok is meg fognak jelenni, melyek tárt karokkal várják az azonos témában jártas bloggerek posztjait.
Ha angol nyelvterületen terjeszkednél, vesd be az AllTopot! Ez a netes alkalmazás niche területek szerint osztja fel a blogposztokat, segítségével jóval gyorsabban találhatsz rá versenytársaidra, mint egyébként.
Ami az utánkövetésnél fontos még: küldj egy köszönőlevelet azoknak, akik engedték, hogy linket kapj a blogjukon! Ápold a kapcsolataidat, ki tudja, mikor lesz még szükséged rájuk!
d. Blogolni – de miért?
Ám nem esett szó eddig arról, miért is fontos a blogolás a honlapodon? Mégis, mi a túróért ölnél rengeteg energiát egy egyszerű blogba, ugye?
Egyrészt azért, mert a személyesebb hangvétellel nemcsak közelebb kerülhetnek hozzád olvasóid, hanem a szaktudásodról is könnyebben meggyőzheted őket. Másrészt mert, persze, emögött financiálisabb megfontolások is húzódnak: több organikus elérést szerezhetsz általa.
De milyen hangvételű cikkeket írj, ha a brandépítés elején állsz?
Miután kitűzöd a piaci szegmensed, találd ki, milyen hangon fogod megszólítani a közönséged. Az író-vállalkozó Tim Ferris például kifejezetten személyes hangvételű blogcikkeket ír, amelyek igen nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek.
Továbbá mire figyelj még oda? Az oldalad dizájnjára! Nemcsak a niche-edhez kell illeszkednie, hanem érdemes trendinek is lennie. Mit sem ér a minőségi kontent, ha a honlapod nem azt a naprakészséget sugározza, amit a blogod!
e. Mit kerülj el?
Eddig arról beszéltünk, hogyan alakíts ki egy blogposztot és hogyan növeld organikus módon a forgalmad. Azt is érdemes viszont tudni, mik akadályozhatnak meg a várva várt előretörésben.
A címadás például kritikus pontja egy-egy blogposztnak, cikknek. A “hűvös”, személytelen címek (pl. Egy hirdető útmutatója a Pinteresthez) elidegenítően hathatnak az olvasóra, aki ezért nagy eséllyel még a kattintásra sem veszi a fáradságot. Használj minél több érzelmekre ható kifejezést!
Pro tipp!
A CoSchedule-lel felmérheted, mennyire erős az általad kitalált blogcím! Habár szintén angol nyelvű eszköz, egy jó szövegíró segítségével magyarra is kiválóan átültethetők a rendszer javaslatai.
További hasznos linkek:
a. Backlink és ami mögötte van
A bejövő hivatkozás (backlink) egy olyan, adott oldalon szereplő link, amely egy másik site-ra vezet. Minél több backlinkkel rendelkezik például egy adott blogposzt, annál inkább szippanthatja be a forgalmat és annál jobban nőhet arra az esélye, hogy a keresési találatok között előrébb kerül. Utóbbi úgy lehetséges, hogy a rangsorolásnál a Google azt is figyelembe veszi, hány oldal mutat az adott honlapra. (Lásd: fentebb, “referring domains”).
Hogyan építs ki megbízható baclink bázist?
Készíts például szakmai anyagokat és küldd el a szintén témában mozgó site-ok számára. Külön hasznos lehet, ha minél nagyobb forgalmú oldalakat sikerül megcéloznod. Vagy nézz el ide, ahol felmérheted versenytársaid linkbázisát, hogy aztán könnyebben eligazodj a blogok és oldalak sűrűjében.
A türelem rózsát terem, ez pedig különösen igaz a bejövő linkek kiépítésére. Néhány SEO-cég a közelmúltban úgy igyekezett minél feljebb tornázni a site-ját a keresési találatok között, hogy több száz mikrooldalt hozott létre, amelyek mindegyike az adott honlapra mutatott.
Habár ügyes megoldás, ne törd ilyeneken (hivatalosan a private blog network-ön) a fejed, ugyanis a Google algoritmusa mára különösen érzékenyen reagál az efféle trükközésekre, és komoly büntetésekkel sújtja az oldalad. Így például “do follow” helyett “no follow”-ra állítja a HTML attribútumát, amely annyit tesz, hogy a link elveszíti értékét és nem játszik közre a SEO-eredmények javításában.
b. Kerüld el a rossz link bakit
Azt tudtuk, hogy nem könnyű bejövő linket szerezni, de gondoltad volna, hogy rossz linket már annál inkább?
Néhány amatőr húzással márpedig elég gyorsan rossz (link)lóra tehetsz szert. Így például, ha nem figyelsz oda a relevanciára, tehát például egy barkácsszaküzlet oldalára kérsz linket a jógagyakorlatokat taglaló cikkeddel.
Ellenőrizd, hogy az oldal, ahol linket kérsz, hogyan szerepel a Google-találok között! Ha például az oldal nevét nem elsőként dobja fel a rendszer, hanem másokat is rangsorol előtte, akkor vélhetően közel sem erős autoritású oldalról van szó, így nincs szükséged rá.
Érdemes azt is figyelembe venned, hogy az oldal milyen gyakran frissül. Egy kevésbé aktív site szintén nem turbózza fel az oldalad SEO-ját.
c. Mi a legjobb tartalom?
Átvettük, hogy mikre figyelj oda, ha backlink bázist építenél ki, most viszont lássuk, milyen tartalommal érheted el, hogy nagyobb arányban ajándékozzanak meg egy linkkel!
Az egyik legütősebb kártya, ha infografikát készítesz, hiszen könnyen megosztható tartalom.
Egyes cégek továbbá különösen igyekeznek vásárlóik kedvében járni, ezért sokszor közlik a termékeikkel kapcsolatban véleményeiket. Így például, ha írsz egy könyvkritikát, a könyvkiadó vélhetően előszeretettel fogja linkelni azt az oldalán a könyvhöz kapcsolódó referenciák között.
Ugyanakkor ne csak a kifelé, de a befelé mutató linkekről se feledkezz meg. Habár nem akkora az értékük, mint az előbbieknek, de kontroláltabban irányíthatod a forgalmat az előző cikkeidre.
Ajánljuk még, hogy kövesd a trendeket és rukkolj elő naprakész posztokkal. ráadásul Még jobb lehet egy minőségi videócsatorna is, amely a honlapodra irányíthatja a figyelmet.
De bővebben erről a 4. pontban...
d. Javítsd meg, ami „eltört!”
Egészen különleges linképítési stratégia lehet, ha a “broken linkek” újraépítése mellett döntesz. Ez a teljesen legális módszer azt használja ki, hogy a bizonyos oldalakon szereplő linkek időről időre elavulhatnak. A hivatkozásra kattintó egy üres oldalt talál, aminek helyét te veheted át egy releváns tartalommal.
Hogyan találj ilyen linkeket?
Első lépésben azonosítsd azt az oldalt, ahonnan backlinket szeretnél kapni. Ezt követően vizsgáld meg, mely oldalakra mutat, például a Moz Broken funkciójával vagy az Ahrefs segítségével. Már meg is találtad, amit kerestél!
Keress rá az eltűnt oldal tárolt verziójára és hozz létre egy jóval profibb és átfogóbb darabot, mint amilyen az előző volt. Most már csak kopogtatni kell a site ajtaján vele…
e. Eszköztár
És milyen eszközök segítségével fedezheted fel egy oldal bejövő linkjeit?
A Backlink Watch például az egyik legegyszerűbb, ráadásul ingyenes felület is. Ugyanígy a MoonSearch, mely az indexelt oldalak felkutatásában is segítségedre lehet.
Természetesen a már említett Ahrefs sem maradhat ki a felsorolásból, amely az egyik legmegbízhatóbb oldal, és nem mellesleg a kulcsszókutatásban is remekel. De vess még egy pillantást az OpenLinkProfilerre, a RankSignalsre és a Link Diagnosisra is.
Továbbá a Monitor Backlinks is kifejezetten haszos oldal, ahol SEO statisztikákat is kinyerhetsz.
További hasznos linkek:
Ha épphogy csak ismerkedsz a SEO-val, vélhetően már így is több helyen belefutottál abba a tanácsba, hogy “gyárts minőségi tartalmat”. Van, ahol azt írják, hogy a karakterek megfelelő számán múlik a jó tartalom, van, ahol azt, hogy igyekezz teletömni kulcsszavakkal.
Mi az igazság?
Természetesen fontos a releváns tartalom, de emellett számos más tényező is közrejátszhat a jó tartalom felépítésében. Ami viszont még fontosabb, hogy ne a SEO, hanem a felhasználó köré alakítsd a tartalmad. Ha a tartalom nem élvezhető a számos kulcsszó és a rideg hangnem miatt, hamar falakba ütközhetsz.
A Google olyannyira a barátod, hogy még a Webmester Akadémiáján ingyenes gyorstalpalót is nyújt a minőségi kontentgyártással kapcsolatban.
Egyetlen probléma van csak vele: kizárólag arra koncentrál, mit NE TEGYÉL.
Mi viszont most arra koncentrálunk, mit tegyél:
Készíts informatív tartalmat, melyből az olvasó hasznos tudás birtokába kerülhet és szimpátiát válthatsz ki belőle
Légy hihető! Tartalmad megbízhatóságát támaszd alá idézetekkel, forrásokkal, látogatóidtól származó ajánlásokkal
Kösd le az olvasót! Az értékes tartalom nem a jól működő mondatoknál ér véget. Használj vizuális anyagot, amely fenntartja az érdeklődést!
A nap minden nap felkel. Ha felkel, elmúlik az éjszaka. - Kerüld a bagatell mondatokat! A kattintók elismerésére, nem elborzasztására hajazol.
A linkelésnél mindig figyelj arra, hogy megbízható, szavahihető oldalakra hivatkozz. Az igénytelen oldalak téged sem tüntetnek fel jó színben.
Továbbá törekedj arra, hogy az alábbi kérdésekre igennel tudj válaszolni:
“El tudnád képzelni a cikkeket nyomtatott szakmai magazinban?”
“Komoly, megalapozott témákat taglalsz, melyek a triviális dolgokon túlmutatnak?”
“Precízen megszerkeszted a cikkeidet?” “Bizalommal fordulnának mások is a posztban megjelent adatok és annak írója felé?”
b. Még egy kis tartalom ötlet
Most pedig vegyünk át néhány tartalmat, melyek nagyobb eséllyel vonzhatják be a kattintókat és tartják is ott az oldaladon!
(a már fentebb említett) infografika
mém: az egyik legerősebb tulajdonságuk épp a humoruk, melyekkel megnevettetheted olvasóid és növeled a cikked megosztási potenciálját
videó: a jól megszerkesztett és tartalmas videó nagy lökést jelenthet az organikus elérések növelésében. “Magyarázó videót” azonban nem is olyan könnyű készíteni: dolgozd ki a forgatókönyvet, ragadd meg közönséged igényeit és mindig emlékeztesd őket arra, hogy iratkozzanak fel.
útmutató: Az útmutatóknak magas minőséget kell képviselniük és átláthatónak lenniük. Különösen hasznos lehet ez az e-mail címek begyűjtésében (“ha feliratkozol hírlevelünkre, további hasznos információkról értesülhetsz”).
lista: gyorsan fogyasztható cikk, amelyet még a legnagyobb nyomtatott magazinok is előszeretettel használnak
véleményposzt: történt valami újdonság a szakmádban? Írj róla egy véleménycikket arról, mit látsz benne jónak és milyen haszna/hátránya lehet ebből a szcénának
c. Felhőkarcoló – avagy határ a csillagos ég
A skyscraper technika az egyik legnépszerűbb tartalomgyártási metódus jelenleg, hiszen hasznos információkat olvaszthatsz bele és ha minőségi formában alakítod ki, nehéz megverni. Segít a bejövőlink-szerzésben, lefoglalja olvasóid és lenyűgözheti az influencereket.
A skyscraper technika egyik alapvető tulajdonsága a hosszúsága. Keress a cikkötletedhez passzoló, népszerű tartalmakat a neten és verd meg őket egy hosszabb cikkel!
A skyscraper hasznosságát ugyanakkor felmérések is bizonyítják. A ConvertKit 2017-es felmérése alapján például azok a bloggerek, akik 2000 szó feletti cikkeket terjesztettek, több mint 40 százalékban jó elérési adatokról számoltak be, míg az 500 szó alattiak mindössze 13 százaléka volt elégedett a cikkük teljesítményével.
Ha pedig megvagy ezzel, nem marad más hátra, mint elérni a megfelelő fogyasztókat. Gyűjtsd ki a domain linkhez tartozó bejövő hivatkozásokat (a fentebbi példák segítségével), majd a Hunter vagy a BuzzStream segítségével nyerd ki a hozzájuk tartozó e-mail címeket!
Minden készen áll ahhoz, hogy belecsapj az e-mailek megírásába, melyekben a saját posztodat ajánlod egy site figyelmébe!
d. Még néhány tipp!
És végezetül: milyen egyéb kritériumai vannak a blogolásnak?
A minőség, nem a gyorsaság számít! Éppen ezért az igazán profi bloggerek a cikkeik megalapozottságát veszik inkább figyelembe, nem pedig azt, hogy milyen sűrűn rakják ki azokat.
Manapság nagyobb hangsúlyt kap a hosszabb promóciós folyamat, mint a naponta frissülő tartalom. A szakértők szerint mindenesetre legalább hetente érdemes posztolni.
További hasznos linkek:
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The post Így növeld az organikus elérésed 4 könnyen tanulható lépésben appeared first on Marketing Astro.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Mi micsoda a Facebook hirdetések és a Google AdWords világában – 2. rész - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2FZKMEJ
Előző cikkünkben bemutattuk, mit kell tudni a Facebook hirdetésekről alapszinten. Most pedig jöhet a Google AdWords boncolgatása.
Mi fán terem?
A Google AdWords a Google online hirdetési rendszere, ami PPC alapon működik. A PPC a pay per click szavakból született, fordítsuk úgy: kattintás alapú rendszer. Hogy miért? Mert a Google hirdetéseiért a hirdetőnek azért kell fizetni, ha valaki rákattint a hirdetésre. Ha nem kattintják, nem kell fizetni. Olyan ez, mintha elmennél a piacra. Ha csak megszaglászod azt a hamvas barackot, nem kell fizetned. De ha szeretnéd megvenni és megenni, annak ára van.
Akárcsak a Facebook hirdetések esetében, AdWordsnél is érdemes a kampány(ok) elindítását és menedzselését szakemberre bízni. Ő ugyanis mindig naprakész az újdonságokkal kapcsolatban és tudja, milyen fifikás módosításokkal tudja a lehető legtöbbet kihozni a hirdetéseidből.
Most pedig lássuk, hogyan készül egy kampány és mit kell tudnod róla.
Az első lépés a célok meghatározása. Tudnod kell megfogalmazni, hogy kikből áll össze a célközönséged és, hogy milyen cselekvésre szeretnéd őket rábírni. (pl. vásárlás, szolgáltatás igénybevétele, esemény hirdetése stb.) Ennek függvényében online marketingeseddel közösen átbeszélitek a részleteket. Ennél a pontnál nagyon fontos, hogy legyél vele őszinte és merj kérdezni. Hidd el, segíteni fog! Arról nem beszélve, hogy minél többet tud a vállalkozásodról és a céljaidról, annál könnyebb dolga lesz a kampánystruktúra kialakításában.
A második feladat - és nyugi, ez már nem a te dolgod, hanem a szakemberé – a kampányok megépítése. A céljaidtól függően ezek szólhatnak hosszú távra, de lehetnek rövidtávúak, szezonálisak is. Egy biztosítótársaság télen nyilván extra figyelmet szentel a síbiztosításoknak, nyáron viszont nem sok értelme van erre költeni. Vagy, ha te mondjuk egy nagyszabású eseményt szeretnél népszerűsíteni, akkor a kampányodat érdemes az esemény előtti időszakra (1-2-3 hónap) időzíteni.
És jöhet az utolsó lépcsőfok….
…. a kampányfelügyelet. Ez is az ügynökséged feladata. Ők folyamatosan monitorozzák a kampányaidat, sőt, még optimalizálják is azt. Hogy ez mit jelent?
Az AdWordsben van egy csomó olyan lehetőség, amelyekkel javíthatod a már elindított kampányok teljesítményét. Nem megyünk bele a részletekbe, mert ahhoz olyan varázsszavakat kellene ismerned, mint például az AB tesztelés, a SKAG vagy a ROI pozitív. (Azért nem árt, ha idővel te is megbarátkozol ezekkel a kifejezésekkel, úgyhogy hamarosan írunk neked egy fogalomtárat.) A lényeg, hogy az online marketingesed figyelemmel kíséri a hirdetéseid alakulását, szükség esetén konzultál veled az aktuális állapotról, tájékoztat az eredményekről és javaslatokat tesz arra vonatkozólag, hogy még jobban fussanak a kampányaid. (igen, futnak: már a kampányok is roppant egészségtudatosak)
Honnan tudod, hogy megtaláltad az „igazit” – már ami a marketing ügynökséget illeti? Onnan, hogy a közös megbeszélések mindig jó hangulatúak és eredményesek.
Ahány vállalkozás, annyiféle cél. Ezt a Google is tudja, épp ezért több hirdetési lehetőség közül választhatod ki azt (vagy azokat), ami a leghatékonyabb eredménnyel kecsegtet. Itt persze ismét színre lépnek a piszkos anyagiak, hiszen a hirdetési forma kiválasztásakor az is fontos szempont, hogy mennyi pénzt szánsz online marketingre. Bizonyos esetekben egészen kis összeggel is lehet jó eredményt elérni, de általánosságban AdWordsben is érvényes a szabály, miszerint kis pénz, kis eredmény. (Szó szerint zárójelben tesszük hozzá, hogy ettől még a nagy pénz nem biztos, hogy nagy eredményt hoz).
a.) Search kampány
Search=keresés, vagyis a search kampány nem más, mint a normál keresési hálózati kampány. Mondjuk érthetőbben: ez az a hirdetés, ami megjelenik a Google keresőjében adott kulcsszóra. (kulcsszavakra).
Mielőtt folytatnánk, muszáj közbeszúrni egy extra részt. Ha beütsz a Google-be egy kulcsszót – tehát, ha keresel valamit – a találatok két kategóriára oszthatók. 
Vannak a fizetett hirdetések (ott virít fölöttük a zöld „hirdetés” felirat) és az úgy nevezett organikus találatok. Organikus találatnak nevezünk minden olyan találatot, ami a Google értékelésének alapján kilistáz nekünk a böngésző. Joggal merülhet fel benned a kérdés, hogy vajon mi a alapján ítél a Google bizonyos oldalakat elég jónak ahhoz, hogy előkelő helyre sorolja őket a találati listában? Nos, a gugli keresőmotorjai folyamatosan pásztázzák az oldalakat, és megnézik, hogy melyiknek milyen a SEO-ja (Search Engine Optimalization vagyis Keresőoptimalizálás). Később egész biztosan írunk majd bővebben a SEO-ról is, de lényegében arról van szó, hogy vannak bizonyos feltételek, amiket be kell tartani ahhoz, hogy egy oldal kiváló minősítést kapjon. De most vissza a search kampányokhoz.
Amikor search kampányt építünk, a sikeresség egyik legsarkalatosabb pontja a megfelelő kulcsszavak beállítása. (és a nem relevánsak kizárása). A kulcsszókutatás világában most nem merülünk el, de ha érdekel, írtunk róla itt.
Ahogy azt már a Facebook esetében is láthattuk, a célzás itt is nagyon fontos. Egy-egy search kampány esetében beállíthatod azt, hogy pontosan kiknek jelenjen meg a hirdetésed. Miért jó ez? Mert ha például kismamáknak gyártasz spéci nadrágot, akkor nincs túl sok értelme annak, hogy a hirdetésed megjelenjen egy 40-es éveiben járó férfinak. Vagy, ha mondjuk soproni masszázsszalonod van, akkor fölösleges, hogy a hirdetésed fölbukkanjon valakinek, aki Hejőpapin éli mindennapjait. (igen, van ilyen város)
b.) Hívást kezdeményező hirdetés
Ácsi, de hát a Search hirdetésnél sem emlegettünk képeket. Nem. És most sem fogunk. Ám van itt egy kis extra. A „hívást kezdeményező hirdetések” kizárólag hívásképes készülékeken jelennek meg, tehát mobiltelefonon, tableten vagy ipaden. Ráadásul – most figyelj, ez a legjobb rész – a hirdetésben benne van egy kis telefon ikon, amire kattintva a masina rögtön tárcsázza a telefonszámot. Mikor jó ez? Amikor például elönti a lakásodat a mosógép. Mert miközben ott állsz térdig szmötyiben és bepötyögöd a telefonodon, hogy „mosógépszerelő”, valószínűleg nem sok kedved van cetlire kimásolni a megtalált telefonszámot. Csak rákattintasz a telefonszámra és már jön is a felmentősereg.
c.) Google AdWords mobilalkalmazás telepítését célzó kampány
Csak az elnevezés ilyen hosszú, amúgy gyerekjáték ez is. Ez az a hirdetés, ami arra ösztönöz, hogy a felhasználó letöltsön egy applikációt. Logikusan kikövetkeztethető, hogy ez a fajta hirdetés is csak mobilon és táblagépen működik. És ha már applikációt hirdet, vagy rögtön benne is van a „letöltés” gomb, vagy egyszerűen átirányít az operációs rendszerhez passzoló áruházba.
d.) AdWords dinamikus hirdetés
Na, nem azért, mert 0-24-ben a konditeremben edz. A dinamikus szó a hirdetés felbukkanásának helyére utal. A felbukkanás helye pedig a célközönség alapján kiválasztott felhasználótól függ. A dinamikus hirdetések olyan webhelyeken jelennek meg, amit a felhasználók látogatnak. De ez azért nem ennyire egyszerű: a kampány felépítésénél ugyanis sok mindent be lehet még állítani pluszba. Például azt, hogy a dinamikus hirdetés a hirdetés tárgyával hasonló tartalmú weboldalakon jelenjen meg. Vagy csak néhány konkrét oldalon. esetleg olyan oldalakon, amiket a célzott felhasználók gyakran, rendszeresen látogatnak.
Ha most felmerült benned a kérdés, hogy vajon honnan tudja a Google, hogy te milyen oldalakat szoktál látogatni, szomorú hírem van: a Google mindent tud. Sőt, többet is. Figyeli és megjegyzi, hol szoktál böngészni. Ezért fordulhat elő – ha eddig nem vetted észre, ezek után biztosan feltűnik majd – hogy mondjuk egy booking.com-os szálláskeresés után a képes hirdetések között „véletlenül” pont olyan szállásajánlatokat találsz majd, amilyeneket korábban kerestél. És bár ez még csak a jéghegy csúcsa, most nem térünk ki a részletekre. Várnak az AdWords hirdetési fajták.
e.) Display kampány
Jártál már úgy, hogy miközben egy oldalt böngészel, két bekezdés között ott figyel egy képes hirdetés? Na, ez a Display hirdetés. Bővebben megfogalmazva a Display hirdetés nem más, mint egy hirdetésszöveggel kiegészített kép vagy videó. De persze van azért itt még egy Google-turpisság. A megjelenés (online marketinges szempontból: elhelyezés) helye.
Már említettük, hogy a Google árgus keresőmotorokkal figyeli, hogy a felhasználói merre barangolnak az online térben.  Tudja, milyen érdeklődési köreid vannak. És ez az, amit kihasznál az online marketing. A célközönség beállítása után két lehetőség van. Az egyik, hogy a Display kampányok azokon a weboldalakon és mobilalkalmazásokban jelennek meg, amelyet a felhasználó rendszeresen látogat. A másik opció pedig az, hogy olyan felületeken bukkannak fel, amelyeknek témája egyezik a célközönségbe tartozó felhasználók érdeklődési körével.
Ez így lehet, hogy kicsit bonyolult. De ha mondunk egy példát, biztosan kitisztul a kép.
Tegyük fel, hogy egy parfüm webáruházad van, és ezt szeretnéd Display kampánnyal hirdetni. Ki a célközönséged? Nagyjából olyan 18-55 éves nők és férfiak, akik valószínűleg nagyobb városban élnek, eleget keresnek ahhoz, hogy időnként online vásároljanak, és az érdeklődési köreik között jó eséllyel ott van például a divat, a szépségápolás, a kultúra és a szórakozás valamilyen formája. Ez azt jelenti, hogy ha csak úgy szörfölnek a neten, akkor ilyen típusú oldalakat keresnek fel. Naná, hogy a display hirdetésnek pontosan ezeken a felületeken kell megjelenniük. A másik beállítási lehetőség értelmében ugyanez a hirdetés fog megjelenni azokon – az érdeklődést nem feltétlenül érintő - oldalakon, ahol az említett célközönség a Google statisztikája alapján rendszeresen megfordul. (pl. híroldal, online szótár, moziműsor stb.)
Így már érthető, igaz? Ha tehát azt kérdezzük, hogy miért jó a Display hirdetés, a válasz egyszerű: azért, mert böngészés közben érheted el a potenciális ügyfeleidet, anélkül, hogy ők konkrétan rákerestek volna a termékedre vagy szolgáltatásodra.
f.) Remarketing kampány
A Facebookos remarketing kampányhoz hasonlóan itt is arról van szó, hogy azokat próbálod elérni, akik már jártak a weboldaladon. Az mindegy, hogy vásároltak-e tőled, a lényeg, hogy már legalább egyszer böngészték a weblapodon. Ez a hirdetésforma hasonlít a Search hirdetéshez, de mivel nem pusztán kulcsszó alapon – úgymond a „semmiből” – kell belasszóznod az embereket, az ilyen hirdetéseknek két előnye is van: egyrészt általában olcsóbb a kattintásuk, másrészt jobb pozícióban jelennek meg a keresőben.
g.) Videokampány
Ahogy a neve is mutatja, videomegosztó oldalakon megjelenő hirdetésről van szó. (Pl. YouTube)
Két fő fajtája van, és biztos, hogy mindkettőbe belefutottál már.
Tegyük fel, hogy a lasagne készítés rejtelmeiről szeretnél többet megtudni, ám amikor ráklikkelsz Jamie Oliver tapasztalt fejére, nem ő jelenik meg a képen, hanem elindul egy kávéreklám. És itt jön a két opció. Az egyik, hogy néhány másodperc aroma-monológ után jobb oldalt alul megjelenik egy „hirdetés átugrása” gomb, amire rányomva máris Jamie konyhájában találod magad. A másik viszont az, hogy a jobb alsó sarokban tájékoztató jelleggel felbukkan a „videó 30 másodperc múlva véget ér” felirat. Ebben az esetben kénytelen vagy megvárni, hogy véget érjen a reklám és csak utána indulhat a főzőcske.
És bár előfordulhat, hogy felhasználóként bosszantónak találod az ilyen hirdetéseket, a statisztikák azt mutatják, hogy a videokampányok igenis eredményesek lehetnek. A sikerhez persze bölcsen megtervezett kampányokra van szükség, de szerencsére ehhez már nem neked kell érteni, hanem az online marketingesednek.
Onnantól, hogy egy-egy kampány elindult, az online marketingesen a világ szeme. Ő az, aki rendszeresen, néhány naponta ellenőrzi a hirdetéseidet. Bizony, néhány naponta, hiszen a kampányoknak szüksége van a törődésre, ami esetükben a folyamatos optimalizálást jelenti. A hónap végén (vagy az általatok megbeszélt időközönként) a marketingesed küld neked egy riportot, amiben összefoglalja az eredményeket.
Végezetül álljon itt egy fontos információ. Azt tapasztaltuk, hogy az ügyfelek sokszor azonnali csodát várnak. De sajnos csodák az online marketing világában sem léteznek. (legfeljebb olyan sok pénzért, amit a többség nem akar vagy nem tud kifizetni.) Kell egy kis idő, nagyjából három hónap, mire a kampányoknak eredménye lesz. Az idevágó kulcsszó tehát a türelem.
Ha hasznosnak találtad a cikkünket, ezúttal is köszönjük, ha megosztod másokkal!
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fatecaster · 6 years
7 thrilling examples when science met spirituality - Reblog
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7 thrilling examples when science met spirituality
Many people think that there are two circles that don't overlap: science and spirituality. In this way of seeing the world, one thinks that either the metaphysical realm is "reality" or that only the world as described in scientific terms counts as real. No one can deny that science works amazingly well at producing technology and making strides in understanding the physical world, and very few people would say that there is no supernatural (or at least paranormal) element at work in the cosmos. However, seeing them as totally separate remains the norm in the scientific and psychic communities. Thus, it may come as some surprise that science and spirituality intersect all the time. From experimenters finding an exact weight of the human soul to no less than the U.S. Army conducting field work on ESP and remote reviewing, time and time again scientists have found hard-to-deny evidence, if not actual proof, that the paranormal world is at least as real as the "spooky" (Einstein's word) world of quantum physics. Below are nine jaw-dropping times the veil between these ideas was thin, indeed.
1. Abraham Lincoln sees the future
In a Time magazine interview, the author of The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena told the documented story of Abraham Lincoln seeing his dark future just 10 days before his assassination. This precognition occurred during a dream in which he walked the halls of the White House, which was full of mourners clad in black. Not realizing he was dreaming, Lincoln asked one of the distraught guests what had happened. Imagine his surprise at the crying person's answer: "The president is dead." Not only did he understand that the mourner was talking about him, but he also saw his own dead body lying in state at the White House, as is the custom when a president dies. Upon waking, Lincoln told no one about this vivid premonition, but after a week or so, he could no longer keep it to himself, telling his wife and a few close confidants just a few days before being killed by Robert Wilkes Booth's bullet. What's more, Lincoln told some members of his cabinet on the morning of his assassination that the night before he had an unsettling dream of heading out on a sailboat, heading for a distant shore.
2. The mathematics of tarot cards
There are few feelings as pleasantly mystical as having one's future divined—and, often, one's present explained—through a skillful medium's use of tarot cards. The art on the myriad versions of the famous Rider deck is enchanting in itself, but the order that cards comes out of fully shuffled deck, combined with the story that the psychic weaves around them, seems astoundingly unlikely to come randomly. And yet, that's how they seem. Mathematicians have done a study of the probability of getting any one particular card layout: there are more than 450 thousand possible combinations ... but only one works for the subject's exact situation.
3. Electronic voice phenomena (EVP)
Even skeptics have a hard time denying the uncanny nature of EVPs, the ghostly traces of voices and other sounds within apparently random electronic static. This is an area of paranormal study much younger than fields like dream work and tarot reading, since the electronic substrate is not much more than 100 years old. Add the reported results to the easy task of recording EVPs, and it's obvious the mechanical world and the paranormal are intersecting here.
4. Weighing the soul
The title of the Naomi Watts film 21 Grams refers to a 1907 experiment in which a scientist made careful measurements of the human body just before and just after death. Doing so, his results showed, allowed him to calculate how much a human soul—the same experiment on a dog came up with a null result—weighs. You guessed it: 21 grams. 
5. Reincarnation by the numbers
Most evidence for reincarnation comes from individual accounts of a person with an uncanny knowledge of what seems to be a previous existence. But the author of "How to Use the Statistical Experiment to Test the Reincarnation Hypothesis of the Soul" notes that these unconnected accounts make for bad science as well as bad spirituality because they "are always accidental, not repeatable, and therefore unconvincing." However, he introduces a method impossible before computers and utterly convincing, even inarguable: statistical analysis. Through following his prescribed experiments, scientists will be able to test mathematically whether or not there is evidence for a life on Earth after the present one.
6. The Scole Experiment
Built on a much shakier foundation but still fascinating, "The Scole Experiment" was conducted over five years to find evidence of the other kind of life after death: that of a spiritual realm where souls go after inhabiting the body. The very small sample size (one married couple) was compensated for by an open invitation for more mainstream scientists to evaluate the study's findings, which indicated—spoiler alert—that such a realm does, in fact, exist.
7. Project Stargate
Remote viewing would have obvious benefits for intelligence-collected government agencies like the CIA and the FBI. After learning of Russian advances in paranormal spying during the Cold War, the U.S. Army created Project Stargate. This top secret operation (which has nothing to do with the movie and TV franchise) would provide benefits for the military for very little money and, attractively during the itchy-trigger-finger years of high U.S.-USSR tensions, involved no active engagement with the entities being spied on. Also noted in the Army's funding proposal was that there was no known defense against mediums peeking into other minds existing behind the Iron Curtain.
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This list is only a sample of the many intersects between the scientific method and reports of the paranormal. Personal accounts as well as other peer-reviewed studies are to be found wherever pure skepticism can be put aside and scientific evidence be accepted no matter where it points. I'm a university-trained philosopher and dabbler in cognition, and some of these reports gave me a verifiablyspooky thrill. Did you get a chill reading this list? Did some items convince, while others missed the mark? Science and study of the supernatural benefit when interested people let their opinions be known. Please add to the conversation in the comment section below!
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fatecaster · 6 years
The Hermit – Revealing the secrets you always wanted to know - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2FcJ96b
One of the more esoteric cards of the tarot deck is the Hermit. He is one of the cards that illuminates the inner world of the Querent.
He has ascended the heights of spiritual knowledge and fulfillment, and he stands ready to impart this knowledge if you’re willing to listen. While the high priestess represents the raw power of intuition, he is a beacon of this knowledge. You attain his strengths through careful inner work and introspection. You achieve the spirit of this card through diligent study, and by making a point to turn within to find deeper answers to universal questions. He is not your gut. He is your mind clear and transparent to you.
Source: maartend.tumblr.com
Story and evolution of the card
The Hermit is part of the major arcana of tarot cards and is associated with the zodiac sign of Virgo. It's the ninth card of the deck but is associated with the number ten because the Fool is assigned the number zero. The card is often represented by a single man facing away. He holds a lamp that stands for the light of inner truth. He is alone, but content. Though he seeks his truth within he doesn’t shy away from others. In the earliest tarot decks, the card was not a hermit, but a beggar, and then a beggar with angelic wings. Over the centuries his image has evolved from this into what we recognize today.
Interesting decks in which The Hermit plays a special role
The image most recognize is from Rider-Waite deck. This deck rejects any early kabbalistic or Egyptian influences of the imagery, choosing instead to focus on early Christian mysticism and gnostic symbols.
Meaning of the card (standing)
Seeing the Hermit in a spread suggests that the Querent is in a phase of soul searching or introspection about a question or situation. It’s time to look for answers within because the truth is already there. Maybe the Querent is seeking a new direction in life but is unsure of his or her ability to proceed. The Querent knows the answer somewhere in the subconscious and must draw on hidden truths. This need for a change has something to do with the deeper meaning of life and what we are here to learn. This is not a time to seek the status quo or to continue doing what’s already been done. This card signifies a connection to the deeper truths of the universe and our relationship to the source. He is also above base judgments and can love but with detachment. He doesn’t need to change others or feel whipped about by what others do and say. Instead, he can love in a clear-headed way, and understand how different factors and influences might cause suffering and pain in others even when they don’t see it.
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Reversed meaning of the card
The reversed meaning of the Hermit can mean one of two things. If you’ve spent too much time seeking outward recognition and looking to others for your source of truth, it’s time for you to spend some time in reflection to find your inner truth again. It’s also possible that you’ve spent too much time in introspection. It’s easy to stay inward as this is a place of safety, but it’s time for you to take what you’ve learned and connect with others again. Also, it’s important to be alone for the sake of self-healing and coming to an understanding of ourselves, but spending too much time alone causes us to feel isolated and disconnected from the strength of our community. It asks you to balance these two concepts for personal development and mental and spiritual health. We shouldn’t be a slave to the opinions of others, but neither should we shut out their wisdom.
Surprising facts about the card
One its most famous depictions isn’t in a set of tarot cards. There’s a stylized version of the card illustration on the inner sleeve of Led Zeppelin’s 1971 untitled album. Fans commonly refer to this album as Led Zeppelin IV, and the artist credited with the illustration is Barrington Colby. Because little is known about this artist, many have speculated that it was Jimmy Page, the guitar player and suspected occult devotee. The card also appears as a character in several video games, including “House of the Dead” and “The Binding of Isaac.” In the movie “Now You See Me,” the card is given to one of the recruits.
What the card could mean
In a question about love, if you’re single, the card can indicate that you are tired of the single life and are looking for someone who fulfills your desire for partnership. People in relationships may find that this card indicates discord in how close the two partners are. Usually, one partner is pulling away or needing space while the other desires to draw closer.
As far as health is concerned, the Hermit can indicate that it’s time to start enjoying simple things in life. Maybe life is too busy with all the tasks that have to be done, but now is the time to reflect on areas in which self-care is lacking. There is a need to find balance and relieve stress and pressure of trying to do too many things. In career meanings, the querent is often looking for deeper meaning in wealth and career issues. Maybe the focus has been on financial wealth and outward accomplishment without regard to how the querent feels fulfilled by these things. The card suggests that it’s time to look deeper into the meaning of the querent’s life and what purpose they see themselves fulfilling.
My favorite depiction of the Hermit is in the Herbal Tarot. Here, we follow behind the hermit along the path to our inner enlightenment as he leads the way. The road to the mountains is a long one, but he holds the light ahead of us to make our journey easier. This card is a reminder to all to look within for strength and truth and to make that practice a divine part of every day. It is one of my favorites. How do you work with the Hermit? Let us know in the comments.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Draw True Love into Your Life: The Best Wiccan Rituals You Can Use Today - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2mPcrAV
Draw True Love into Your Life: The Best Wiccan Rituals You Can Use Today
This is the year that you’ve accepted yourself. You’ve learned valuable lessons in the previous years with some of the biggest celestial events in some time, and you’ve come to a better understanding of your inner truth.
But now you’d like to invite your soulmate into your life, and you aren’t sure how. You know your old bar haunts aren’t going to bring you the depth you’re looking for, but where do you turn?
I’ve been there. Wicca, turns out, has a lot to say about our heart's desire, both for ourselves and others. Although it’s unethical to perform a spell intended to influence a single person’s free will, there are some things you can do to invite your heart's desire into your life.
Let’s take a look at some Wiccan rituals you can cast to bring to invite a person into your life that is meant for your highest good. Be sure you have a clear picture of how you want to feel in your relationships before you start so that the universe knows what kind of love to bring you.
#1 - Honey Jar
Honey jars are part of the hoodoo tradition, but Wicca honors all magickal expressions. This is a simple sweetening spell using household ingredients.
What you’ll need
-a small jar -enough honey to fill the jar -red paint or pen -petition paper (any paper will do if you don’t have this) -botanicals: some options are cardamom, rose, basil, lavender, jasmine, or red pepper -a pink candle Begin by cleansing the jar. You can wash it with salt water if you don’t have a cleansing ritual that you prefer. Next, decorate it with symbols like hearts or other sigils. Then, take the petition paper and write down what you desire. Here’s an example if you aren’t sure what to say: “Divine source, I ask that you bring the soulmate I need into my life. I ask for the person who is right for me to find me. Thank you for honoring my request.” Place the paper and your chosen botanicals in the jar and fill with honey. Close the jar. Put the pink candle on the top and light it. Place in a private location such as your altar. Recharge it if you need by lighting another pink candle on top.
#2 - The Path of Your Soulmate
​This is a Wiccan foundational spell to cast a net for your soulmate. The farther you travel, the wider your net.
What you’ll need:
-five red roses -transportation (your own feet if this is all you can manage.) Travel some distance from your home. Drop the first red rose on the ground and say “This is my soulmate’s path. My soulmate will find me.” Travel back to your own home dropping the roses along the way with the final rose dropped on your doorstep.
#3 - Soulmate Tea Spell
​This is a simple spell to help you visualize the universe granting your request for partnership. The herb Mint is used to find happiness and contentment.
What you’ll need:
-Red rose petals -three yellow candles -one white candle -a glass of freshly brewed mint tea Cast your circle. Place the three yellow lights in a triangle in front of you with the white candle in the middle. Sprinkle rose petals all around you inside the circle. Light each candle and invoke the energy of the source or god(dess) you work with. A good one to use is Aphrodite. As you light each yellow candle say “I invoke you, (source, god, goddess) I invoke you, (source, god, goddess) so that I can find my partner. I invoke you, (source, god, goddess) so that can overcome my loneliness. Such is my request.” Drink the tea slowly and with intention. Imagine the energy filling your heart and entire body. Put out the candles one by one starting with the white candle. Close your circle. Collect the rose petals in foil and let them dry for a week before scattering them in a river or stream.
#4 - Full Moon Spell
This Wiccan spell creates a charm bag that you wear on your person to attract your true love.
What you’ll need
-red and pink candle -dried basil -ground cinnamon -two apple seeds -rose quartz crystal -moonstone crystal -red cloth or bag -pink string Begin by clarifying what you want in a relationship a few days before the spell. It helps to focus on feelings rather than a laundry list of attributes, but feel free to make the list any way you like. On the night of the full moon, gather your materials and cast your circle for protection and to petition the divine source or god(dess) you work with. Light the candles and lay the cloth or bag in front of you. Make sure the light of the moon is visible on all the materials. Pass first the rose quartz and then the moonstone over the flames of both candles and lay them inside the cloth. Take the apple seeds in your hands and say, “In the light of our blessed moon, I plant the seeds of love.” Place the seeds in the bag while envisioning the soft pink energy of the crystals. Place the basil and cinnamon inside the bag and tie it up with the string. Make sure the string wraps around three times and that you use three knots to seal it. "So mote it be." Close your circle. Wear the bag on your person or keep it close so it can attract your soulmate.
​​​​​#5 - Herbal Tincture
​This tincture isn’t meant to be consumed but worn as a perfume and kept close to you to attract your partner.
What you’ll need:
-a glass bottle with dropper -a glass jar -cheesecloth or another type of straining cloth -brandy or vodka -red rose petals -basil -cardamom seeds -cinnamon sticks -red cloth The amount of herbs you’ll use depends on the size of your glass jar. Fresh herbs should fill the jar three-fourths of the way full and dried should fill the jar by half. Try to use equal amounts of each. On the first day of the waxing moon, cast your circle. Take your herbs and place them in the red cloth. Picture a soft pink light as energy emanating from your heart to the contents of the bag. This is heart energy. Do this for a few minutes and say “I draw my soulmate into my life.” Place the herbs into your glass jar. Pour the alcohol over the herbs and seal it. Hold the jar in your hands and repeat the above visualization. Say “This potion grows strong with the light of the moon.” Place the jar in a cool, dark place for about a week. On the day of the full moon, strain the mixture and place in your glass bottle with dropper. Continue to store the bottle in a cool, dark place. Whenever you want to begin attracting your person, place two drops on your wrists just like perfume, so he or she will find you.
Perfecting your spell
​Remember that spells should never manipulate someone’s free will. This can have dangerous consequences for you. Instead, the purpose of these spells is to attract devotion that is in your highest good. If your spell doesn’t work right away, be patient. Sometimes the universe has perfect timing. Give each spell time to work before panicking and beginning another. Your path to your soulmate shouldn’t be anxious or alarming. Have you tried any of the Wiccan rituals mentioned above? Let us know your experiences in the comments and if you were able to attract the person of your dreams.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Wheel of the year – 2018 according to Wiccans - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2AqKUtE
Wiccans, the new year is nearly upon us, which means it’s time to start planning our festivities for the Wheel of the Year! But as every Wiccan worth their salt knows, it can be hard to figure out what events matter during the year. Even more confusing is figuring out how to properly celebrate them! So many traditions have their own rituals, and with eight Sabbats to keep track of, it can be difficult to know what works. I follow the Wheel too, but I’m not here to scold you about tradition. Instead, I’m going to walk you through each Sabbat and its significance. We’ll chat about some common traditions and maybe even show you what solitary Wiccans like myself do during these events.
A Note About Sabbats
Before we begin, I want to explain the Wheel of the Year. A lot of confusion begins just by looking at the Wheel, which you can see below in these two example:
Source: http://ift.tt/2CHTURj
It’s a little daunting, isn’t it? Well, it doesn’t have to be, so let’s break it down very quickly.
The Wheel
The wheel shows the events on the outer rim; you can tell because the Sabbats are listed below. They start in the winter, moving through the seasons as the Gregorian Calendar does. The inner rim indicates the astrological signs, or months, that are present before, during, and after the sabbat. Not all wheels will showcase the year like this, but it’s probably the one you’re most used to. The only thing that truly matters is the sabbats, so let’s take a look at them.
Greater and Lesser Sabbats
You may have come across this article on Witchipedia that discusses greater and lesser sabbats, but it doesn’t tell you the true difference. It just tells you that greater sabbats are holidays and lesser sabbats occur during the equinoxes and solstices. The true difference is that greater sabbats are the events that Wiccans never miss during the year. These are the powerful days during the calendar year, which BodyMindSpiritOnline shows to be days of high energy. That means it’s perfect for doing ritual magic. The lesser sabbats usher in the seasons. You’ll find that the actual sabbat may vary depending on where you’re located in the world, and we’ll get to that in a second. Just know that these sabbats are special, but don’t necessarily need a lot of pomp and circumstance.
1. Yule
Source: http://ift.tt/2ArA4U8
SpiritOfOld tells us that Yule lands on the Winter Solstice. It is generally celebrated between the 20th to the 23rd in December, but most people celebrate it on December 21st. It is the shortest day of the year and is celebrated as a lesser sabbat. The White Goddess has a great article going in-depth about Yule. She speaks mostly about Anglo-Saxon and Norse magick, however, so if this isn’t your tradition, just stick the aspects of her words that matter to you.
 After all, not all of us want to honor Thor and Odin during Yule!
Fire festivals are a common way to honor this sabbat. From raging bonfires to Circle Sanctuary’s suggestion of lighting candles on your altar, this is a time to honor both the night and be grateful for the sun.
ThoughtCo also reminds us that Yule is a time to focus on rebirth and renewal. This comes from having done shadow work throughout the autumn and fall, and we are now ready to step into the new year. Focus your magick on new beginnings and transformation!
2. Imbolc
Source: http://ift.tt/2CF17Bs
Imbolc, also known as Candlemas or St. Brigid’s Day, depending on your tradition, takes place on either February 1st or 2nd. It is a greater sabbat that Wicca.com tells us indicates the beginning of spring. It is considered one of the high holidays for all Wiccans. As Witchology puts it, Imbolc represents the shedding of the Crone aspect of the goddess and transforms her into a maiden yet again. It is during this time that predictions are made for the year based on the Wheel as well. 2018 predictions will show up around this time to coincide with the festival. There are a great many rituals that you can do during Imbolc; ThoughtCo has a pretty extensive list. You’ll find that most of these rituals focus on either fostering long-term spells, giving thanks for the turn in the season, and honoring St. Brigid, a goddess revered by those in the Celtic tradition.
3. Ostara
Source: http://ift.tt/2CGffKR
Ostara, known as the Spring Equinox, is a lesser sabbat that is celebrated on March 21st. Named after the Germanic Goddess of Spring and Dawn, as Northern Paganism writes, this Sabbat celebrates the height of the season with an eye towards summer. Patheos notes that Ostara is an often misunderstood and overlooked holiday in the Wheel. This might have to do with the fact that its namesake has just one mention in ancient historical records and seems to be a 19th-century addition to the Sabbats. However, Ostara is still an important holiday, especially for Druidic Wiccans. It is a day when both night and day are equally long; in some traditions, it also celebrates the conception of the maiden goddess and a time for fertility. In that vein, Witchvox suggests that Wiccans celebrate Ostara by partaking in the earth. This can mean everything from creating a sacred offering filled with wild-harvested plants to planting a new garden. Some people also choose to do a fast during this time, breaking for food after the equinox to stimulate their health.
​​​​​4. Beltane
Beltane, known as May Eve and Valpurgis, is a greater sabbat that takes place on May 1st. The White Goddess tells us that the sabbat celebrates the union of the God and Goddess; it is a very popular time for Handfastings, as you can imagine! Just like Ostara, Beltane is based on fertility and maternity. It is a time to foster love between couples, both new and maturing. ThoughtCo has a brilliant article outlining this very subject. It’s also important to remember fertility also includes the land; many festivals and rituals are performed outdoors, after moonrise on the eve of the sabbat. CircleSanctuary goes to great lengths about events you can do on your own or with your coven.
5. Litha
Source: http://ift.tt/2ApslGp
Litha is a lesser sabbat that takes place on the Summer Solstice, or on June 21st. It is one of the largest celebrations of the Wheel, especially in the United Kingdom and Ireland; this is the sabbat where droves of people go to Stonehenge for the annual festival. One look at this Huffington Post article can show you that! Litha is known to begin the season of summer, of expansion. With Litha comes long, languid days and the promise of agricultural wealth. Whispering Words tells us as well that this is the height of the union between the God and Goddess, indicating a maturing of life, both in Wiccans and in the earth. Inter indicates that Litha was the time that farmers would ask their deities to bless their crops and farm animals. It’s traditional, then, to light large bonfires, cook sacred meals, and invoke your patron and matron deities to come forward and continue to bless you as you move through the year. ​​​​​
​6. Lammas
Source: http://ift.tt/2AryAJr
Lammas is also known Lughnasadh and is a greater sabbat that takes place on or around July 31st every year. Most Wiccans know this sabbat as the “harvest sabbat,” because ThoughtCo reminds us that the event falls during the harvest in ancient times. To be more specific, Goddess and Green Man remind Wiccans that Lammas is the first harvest, also known as the Grain Harvest. The next two sabbats are also harvests, but this marks the beginning of reaping the rewards of hard work throughout the end of summer and into autumn. So how do we celebrate Lammas? You could do something simple like bake bread, as School of The Seasons suggests, always remembering to honor the grain from which the bread is born. You could also create a corn dolly, bake a feast, or honor your deities for the rewards they have blessed you with.
7. Mabon
Source: http://ift.tt/2CGFH79
Mabon, which is most often just known as the Autumnal Equinox, is a lesser sabbat that Patheos reports didn’t exist until the 1970s. The word itself doesn’t seem to have any meaning and in fact, ancient Wiccans didn’t celebrate Autumnal Equinox, so this is one of the newest sabbats to the Wheel. This sabbat takes place on or around September 21st and, like Ostara, indicates the only other day in the year when day and night are the same length. Wicca.com also says that this is known as the Second Harvest of the year and focuses on fruits and wine. ThoughtCo states that this mid-harvest festival is a time to make crafts, wine, and begin cleansing yourself and your home. This is a good time for reflection upon the year and getting ready to honor your ancestors; shadow work also begins around Mabon, if not before, and continues through until Yule.
8. Samhain
Samhain, which is known as Halloween by non-Wiccans, was first celebrated as the festival that ushered in autumn and fall. New Grange explains this perfectly and also makes note that this greater sabbat, which is the most celebrated event of the Wheel, is the time where Wiccans honor their ancestors. Articles on this subject, such as this one from Druidry, also mentions what the sabbat is best known for: the time where the veil is thinnest between this world and the next. In ancient times, the winter season was thought to be the time of ghosts, and Samhain acted as the gateway for the spirits to pass through. While dressing up is part of the ritual for some Wiccans, especially on Samhain, you needn’t go that far. ThoughtCo has prepared a list of rituals and celebrations for you to partake in. It is a time during the year that spirit communication tends to be the strongest, so you might want to give that a try next year! I love celebrating the Wheel of the Year. As a Wiccan, each Sabbat is the highlight of my year. And while 2017 was a year governed by the Wheel, 2018 predictions have yet to be made. I just can’t wait for the new year to see what my favorite Wiccans have to say about the Wheel and the year! I hope you found this article helpful, but as always, I have to ask: did I miss something? Was there something you wanted to read about that I didn’t cover? Whatever your comments are, leave them down below and I’ll get back to you. If you liked the article, please, share it with your friends so you can all be ready when the Wheel turns again.
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fatecaster · 6 years
Tarot spread for 2018 – what do the cards reveal about the upcoming year? - Reblog
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Tarot spread for 2018 - what do the cards reveal about the upcoming year?
Since beginning of time, famous occult people have attempted to break the code of time by predicting what the future may bring. Tarot gives us an opportunity to analyze possibilities, and take new courses of action. We can get the best benefits from a 2018 prediction spread by accepting the prospects that it puts in front of us; making choices that will lead us to such chances, or altogether move us away from them. The key to the tarot is the understanding that we are ultimately in charge of our destinies. Here is a Tarot spread for 2018. The reading is from the Classic 1910 Ryder Waite deck. Remember, the cards do not predict; they list possibilities.
Card: The Tower (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) change, b) enlightenment, c) failure, d) conflict
Ryder Waite analysis: As with all beginnings, society (as a whole) often tends to make January their month to set up goals, and make wishes for the rest of the year. Sadly, people set too much stock into these goals, not realizing that a “new year” can begin at any time.
What it invites us to do: This card invites us to free ourselves from lists and self-imposed resolutions. Half of them will happen and the other half with not, like with every year.
What the card warns: The result of this card essentially warns us not to set our yearly standards with shallow resolutions. We are the resolution; they cannot occur on their own. Hence free yourself from checklists and plans that may or may not flourish. Instead set your own pace of action, rather than a “to-do” list. Life is lived by moments, not by checklists.
Conclusion: This card warns against unrealistic New Year’s resolutions that set ourselves for failure. Free yourself from planning and live every moment of life.
Card: The Knight of Swords (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) courage, b) integrity, c) passing of misfortune, d) need for transparency
Ryder Waite analysis: Karmic events that will test society’s patience and sensitivities will start to take place as early as the new year settles and February begins. For instance, even though the 2018 political midterm elections will occur in November, social sensitivities will already be inflamed as early as this time. As such, false heroes will surface, dishonestly portraying themselves as society’s solution to every problem. They will pretend to be the knight that the card shows. Many will fall for the uproar and a lot of unneeded stress will surface.
What it invites us to do: This is a time to muster courage, keep your integrity, and wait for the insanity to be over. You must start really early, before things get worst.
What the card warns: The card warns against believing in false heroes that will pop out of nowhere during a heavily political year. It also warns you against falling for the social unrest that follows these events. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Your integrity is all you will need.
Conclusion: The month will start showing the signs of social unrest and roughness. People will be testy. Do not take anything personal, especially political issues. Keep to yourself. Muster your integrity, and find your inner peace. Nobody is a hero. We are all humans.
Card: Nine of Wands (reversed)
Divinatory meaning: a) adversity, b) delay, c) weakness
Ryder Waite analysis: The card itself shows a young-looking man standing ready to face opponents with a wand in his hand. When reversed, it means that there will be trying times when your strength of character and wit will be all you need to defend yourself from the malice and ill will of others. There is no better card to warn you to keep your circle of friends under watch and not to trust anyone. The best way society will be able to prevail this year will be by each individual’s capacity to take care of his or her own mental well-being.
What it invites us to do: This card invites you to invest on you. Take time to analyze your views of things. Take “alone” time to work on your behavior towards others, and on how you will allow others to treat you. This will be a trying year for sensitivities. You can only take care of your own.
What the card warns: Stay off meaningless discussion. Move away from petty arguments. Do not allow others to dictate your thoughts or how to behave. You are your best coach. Learn to stop others from infiltrating your mind, nerves, time, or money.
Conclusion: Still a sensitive month, March will prove to be a time for people to become introspective in order to protect their emotions from people who have forgotten how to live their lives. Our time is limited in this planet. Do not waste it on petty things.
Card: King of Pentacles (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) proliferation, b) power, c) abundance
Ryder Waite analysis: The King of Pentacles is defined by Ryder Waite as “The Lord of Nature.” As such, we may want to keep an eye on the economy this month. It looks like April will bring with it positive changes in our economy. Granted, this is also the deadline month for taxes, but an upright King of Pentacles foresees abundance, money-wise. It also symbolizes additions such as marriages, parenthood, and other ways of proliferation.
What it invites us to do: This card invites you invest money! The economy will be looking good during this time. Invest some extra cash, open a savings account, or even play the lotto. Hey, luck may smile at you this time. Just do not go overboard.
What the card warns: The card really warns us from entrapping ourselves by our own weaknesses, particularly our penchants for spending. In a month that looks promising in economics, take advantage of the situation, invest, and get some revenue in your pocket. It will change by September, so keep your money growing. Do not over-spend.
Conclusion: April breaks away completely from the original line of the reading and shows us a good state in the economy that invites you to partake from it. Invest, save some extra cash, and see it flourish!
Card: Eight of Wands (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) movement, b) change, c) swiftness
Ryder Waite analysis: May will bring vibrant, new things with it. Likely, we will receive news of an event that will bring everyone together in communal expectation. Society will find itself saying “things are happening quickly,” in a variety of aspects. You may feel it, individually, as well. It will be a fast-moving month.
What it invites us to do: Put on your seatbelts! May will flash us by. It will bring with it exciting and vibrant events that be possible thanks to the solid economic opportunities that will surface in the month of April. So, basically, April will set up the stage and May will put on the show. Seems like it will be an interesting time.
What the card warns: As with all active, vibrant times, enjoy the hype without moving in it rent-free. Always enjoy the action from a safe perspective. Don’t let the avalanche get you!
Conclusion: The month of May appears to be the dazzler of the year. It will potentially harbor a number of exciting events that will be big enough for all of us to witness. It seems that these events will be harmless and light, rather than heavy and tragic. Regardless, May will pass us by like a comet!
Card: The Fool (reversed)
Divinatory meaning: a) unrealistic goals, b) missed opportunities, c) unexpected problems
Ryder Waite analysis: Uh-oh! Did we get too carried away with the razzle dazzle of May? It seems that if we don’t wash it, June will be a pretty disappointing month to a lot of folks who got too much into the swiftness of the last month. It may be that the events of May will make some people make foolish plans based on shallow events. It may be that the solid economy in April will make some turn too overconfident in their investments. Do not forget the key word for February: integrity. Be moderate. The cards have warned you.
What it invites us to do: Be wise. Be alert. Watch the movements around you, Be smart.
What the card warns: Avoid pitfalls. This is a month for foolish decisions and bad consequences for not thinking ahead. Keep a good head on your shoulders all year round to avoid the possibilities that this month brings.
Conclusion: Not a good month for rash decisions or plans based on things that are not solid. If you allowed the confidence of April and the dazzle of May get to your head, you sure will be paying for it this month. Stay alert!
Card: Six of Swords (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) resolution of anxiety, b) inner journey, c) a crossing
Ryder Waite analysis: There is hope for the foolishness of July, that is, if you analyze your actions as you go along. If you live life obliviously, you will miss tons of prospects to atone for any past mistake caused halfway into a very busy 2018. It is easy to get lost in the process. This card tells you to watch out for prospects and chances to move away from stagnant ruts. Society will see those opportunities flourish, as a whole. Individually, we can cause big changes to take place if we start within.
What it invites us to do: Like June, July advises us to stay alert at opportunities that will arise and will help us move away from the mistakes of the past.
What the card warns: Do not live obliviously. Opportunities will be all around you. Move forward with your actions at all times. Go across. Move on. Carry on.
Conclusion: If you want to fix the mistakes of the past months, July will be the moment to do it freely. However, it will all depend on your individual ability to see opportunities as they occur. Live in oblivion? You may likely stay there.
Card: Four of Swords (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) retreat, b) recuperation, c) isolation
Ryder Waite analysis: Continuing with the flow of the month of July, this card represents self-analysis, retreat, and a need to recuperate. It looks like August will be the calm before the storm. Oh, yes, there will be activity again. Still, this card shows that August will be that one time to recuperate and take deep breaths. August may seem like a slow-moving month, but there is a reason for everything.
What it invites us to do: Go with the flow. Relax. Take the time to meditate for what is coming ahead. This is month number 8 out of 12. Fall will be approaching. Things are bound to change. Enjoy the calm.
What the card warns: Do not hasten things to happen if they haven’t yet. Things will fall into place. As a society, we will see a similar pattern. If we start to taper our anxieties as individuals, we will learn to create a calmer world.
Conclusion: August looks like a month of calm. It is a calm before the storm. This card invites you to look within and see what is going on around us. We should not tempt fate this month. Soon, we will see more activity.
Card: Ace of Pentacles (reversed)
Divinatory meaning: a) financial loss, b) instability, c) false start
Ryder Waite analysis: While we may see gains in April, September will be quite shaky when it comes to finances. We may see some dents in the economy, so do not invest or do anything. Remember April? That was a month of proliferation and growth. If we, as individuals, take good care of our money as it is, September will just pass by as any other month.
What it invites us to do: Be on the lookout for financial ups and downs. Watch for overspending.
What the card warns: Do not cave into material temptations. Do not invest anything. Do not waste your money.
Conclusion: As a society, we will experience some losses in September, all of financial nature. As individuals, taking care of our finances will outreach society, as a whole, causing less damage in the end.
Card: Eight of Wands (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) swiftness, b) hope, c) great haste
Ryder Waite analysis: We saw this card for the month of May, and concluded that the month would pass us by very quickly. It will be the same in October. The month will be swift, vibrant, and full of activity. Fall would be in full furor at this point. The excitement of the cooling weather will have a lot of people on edge.
What it invites us to do: Enjoy the swiftness of this month. Live every moment. Time will pass by swiftly.
What the card warns: Watch for your activity. Sometimes we get caught with the flashing time and forget to focus on what is truly important. Conclusion: As a society, we will witness a very fast month. Stop to smell the roses. Our year would be already ending. Focus on what matters most.
Card: Three of Pentacles (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) skill, b) commercial activity, c) team work
Ryder Waite analysis: This is a card of “groups.” Groups need to get together and conjure their goals for them to come through. It looks like there will be satisfaction from many factions, from popular to unpopular. In other words, groups will be pulling together to get what they want and most will achieve it. What it invites us to do: Pull together. Make plans. Create a vision. Come up with a mission. Establish realistic goals. It can be done.
What the card warns: This month will not be the time to isolate ourselves. Do not be rogue. Join in “the group.” Let yourself be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Conclusion: As a society, we will see ourselves pulling together for different things. This is not a month to be alone or in isolation. As individuals, we will see the need for community this month.
Card: Queen of Wands (upright)
Divinatory meaning: a) sound judgment, b) financial success, c) pride
Ryder Waite analysis: This is a card of success and leadership. We may see another financial spoke as a society that will benefit us all together. We will end the year right; there will be a sense of success within all of us. The events of November, if we pull together like the card told us to do, will set the stage for a successful December.
What it invites us to do: Look at your finances. Make decisions. It will be a good month. What the card warns: Do not allow the negative thoughts of others tamper with what could be a month of great opportunities.
Conclusion: Now that this is the last month of the year, clean house and get rid of “Negative Nancies.” They bring nothing to your life. Why keep them around? Enjoy a productive month.
Conclusion: What the 2018 prediction spread means
Did you enjoy this tarot spread for 2018? Take this as one of many windows of opportunities that comes your way every day to make better life choices. Remember that the Tarot does not predict. It is a tool of self-assessment where potential situations are discovered. Make the best out of understanding the prospects, and prepare yourself for what may come. Feel free to leave a comment and let us know how you feel! What do you think may be coming your way? Share this article if you enjoyed it!
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fatecaster · 6 years
12 Inspiring Quotes for 2018 – Monthly Motivation to Look Forward To - Reblog
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12 Inspiring Quotes for 2018 - Monthly Motivation to Look Forward To
I believe that we all have our own inner wisdom to guide us; that said, I also understand that we can use our shared wisdom to fine-tune our individual motivation. These quotes, one for each month, offer observations, wit, and encouragement to infuse the coming year with energy and perspective. I hope that you enjoy them and that help you in discovering your own sources of fulfillment.
#1 – “In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” ― Nikos Kazantzakis
Exterior validation is fine, applause if fantastic, but there is no greater motivator than the voice inside that says, this is what I want to go towards, this is what I want and need. Consider this.
It may be that no matter where you are in your life, and who you have in it, the one constant is your belief in yourself and your goal. Just when you are feeling that you are most vulnerable is when you need to, and can, find your own inner-validation. Consider conducting this thought exercise: Think of a time when you envisioned a goal and made it come true.
 You know from your own experience that this works.
#2 – “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”― Mark Twain
Writer, raconteur, philosopher. Mark Twain may be on to something. Perhaps if you examine your past successes, and the life stories of those whom you respect and those that you love, you see that it is getting started is the first step to carrying out that great project.
Whatever you desire to do, whether it's going back to school, opening a business, learning a language, working on your screenplay, or enacting a yoga practice, there is power in beginning the project. Suggestion: Pick your project. Then see what it is like to make your first move. Remember: this is why erasers were invented, so be fearless.
Starting compels you, it motives you in a way that has a power that mere plans and dreams, while they may serve as a blueprint, can never quite match. To find more inspiration here is that may present useful ideas.
#3 – “Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” ― Nido Qubein
At the beginning of a fresh year, you find that you may have perhaps have packed the baggage from the past. Perhaps you can use the wisdom that you have acquired through experience, the good and the interesting, the challenging and the beautiful, and discover among the memories, values, and ideas that you carry the materials to fashion the life that you desire. As has been said, start where you are. This is your life, so craft your blueprints, lay the scaffolding, and start building. For inspiration, check this out.
#4 – “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” ― Thomas A. Edison
Thomas Edison knew something about experiments. Things may not turn out as you planned. You may find your way beset by obstacles, issues that are circumstantial, other-induced, and of your own making. Try not to catastrophize unexpected consequences. This may not a sign of failure; this may be an opportunity to try another approach, another method, other means. For ideas on perseverance, consider reading this.
#5 – “There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ― Nelson Mandela
There is beauty in the small rituals and comforts of quotidian life. And then there are the things that excite your passion.
There is a good reason to stay with your strengths and build on past successes. Never let it be said otherwise. And yet small successes aren't the stuff that gets your pulse racing, your brain firing, and your heart thudding. Sometimes you want to get on that wild mare and have the ride of your life. For more inspiration view this video.
#6 – “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” ― Samuel Beckett
We all know of the people who seem to succeed at everything that they put their hand to. They seem so enviable. Often, we have been inculcated to avoid failure. We may date the safe person who won't reject us, take the class for the easy "A", stay in a town that is easy and known, and there is nothing wrong with that. But let that be from desire rather than fear. For more on the subject, view this video. Look around you and you'll find that the great successes are intertwined with the most spectacular failures. Want to research and learn about what we can learn from failure? If so, please go to this page.
#7 – “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ― George Bernard Shaw
If you have had the experience, like almost all of us have, of questing in search for ourselves, I believe that you'll agree that a common result of the chase "to find oneself" is that we were there all along. Past an initial period of experimentation, you now know yourself through meditation and experience. Now is the time to move forward with enacting the goals that exhibit the truth that you desire to live and the actions that you want to manifest. Want more ideas on the subject of self-invention? Here's a video to enjoy.
#8 – “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ― William James
In a world of 24 hours news stories, that can sometimes seem overwhelming with quotidian worries and cares and responsibilities, perhaps the question of What can I do to make a difference? may be answered by committing intimate acts of kindness and personal, philosophical, and political acts of engagement as you see fit. Consider the importance of actively listening and being respectful. Act within your moral boundaries. Speak truthfully. Do your best. Plant a tree, bring soup to the sick, babysit, vote, support your favorite charity. This video will give you more ideas.
#9 – “There’s no such thing as ruining your life. Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.” ― Sophie Kinsella
Picture Life as a glorious experiment: a conceptual art piece in the making, a poetry reading with the mic out so you have to shout, a very good dim sum restaurant, a music festival, and a half-baked pottery studio with a kiln. Perhaps we would get more quality work done and generate more joy if we weren't so concerned with ruining our lives, which truly are resilient. Life is a paradox, it is both fragile and ephemeral and pretty tough. For ideas on living your boldest life yet visit this page.
#10 - “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” ― May Sarton
Sometimes it seems like the most radical thing that you can be is a joyful, authentic human being who is having a blast while endeavoring to do one's best. Want to discover some more? Check out this article! You are a unique, wondrous, amazing entity who in all of history has never existed before. Celebrate! And those things that are labeled as "faults", the insecurities, worries, idiosyncrasies, those are what make an individual juicy and fun.
#11 – “All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
Perhaps there should be an eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not be boring. An injunction about excess worry and care. Have fun, it may help you to live longer, and if not, you'll probably amuse and delight the people in your life anyway. For more ideas try this.
For more on the art of being interesting view.
#12 – “If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” ― Charles Darwin
We equate Darwin with a hard-nosed realist and survivalist in the literal sense. The words of wisdom to read poetry and listen to music coming from Darwin seem like a way to ensure the survival of the most enjoyable and worthwhile life. Think of immersing yourself in culture as an experiment and then draw your own conclusions. For more ideas, check out this video.
Creating this list was a joy. It allowed me to immerse myself in the quotes of great individuals and to share with you my hopes of creating an exciting new year. Did you enjoy the list? If you find motivation and worthwhile ideas, please leave a word in the comments and consider sharing this with others. Thank you for visiting the site and for reading 12 Inspiring Quotes for 2018 - Monthly Motivation to Look Forward.
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fatecaster · 6 years
27 Stunning Tarot Symbols in Everyday Life - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2isCE9F
27 Stunning Tarot Symbols in Everyday Life
Tarot, with its rich, deep history, is a wonderful tool, whether utilizing it for divination purposes or for delving deeper into the human psyche. Though some of the suits may vary from deck to deck, and time to time, what they represent does not. The symbols of the tarot, as they have evolved over the centuries, have come to encompass the whole of humanity in a picture, the aspects of our nature, both light and dark, our dreams, our ambitions, hopes and fears. Let's take a look at 27 stunning Tarot symbols in everyday life.
A Brief History
Some ascribe the Tarot, as a whole, to ancient Egypt, but the truth is a little closer to modern times. Cards have been a popular past time for centuries. Even the illustrious Queen Elizabeth loved a game of hearts. The first introduction that can be found for the Tarot is around the middle of the 15th century, as a card game referred to as Visconti Trumps. The game was aimed at nobles and gained in popularity, changing and evolving almost at its inception.
Originally, the Trumps featured only the 22 cards of the major arcana. The French made attributions later in the century, but it was still considered only a game for entertainment. The first recorded use for divination wasn’t until 1770, when Antoine Court de Gebelin proposed that the symbols had mystical symbolism and is also the first to suggest the cards ancient Egyptian ties. The deck we know today did not come into fruition until the 19th century. Though historically it cannot be proved that the cards had their base in the ancient and very mysterious land of Egypt, the most recognizable tarot symbols are.
Major Arcana
The oldest cards in the deck, the major arcana cards represent the fullest illustrations of human aspects and traditionally are viewed as “fate” cards. Each represents either a personality or a phase of human existence. They also represent situations or life events that either cannot or should not be avoided. It is said to reach full enlightenment, one must experience each of these phases.
#1 - The Sun
Looking up at the day time sky, finding the brilliance of a new day dawning and finding solace and comfort in the continuum is something humans have done since time immemorial. It is no surprise that this card represents vitality and enlightenment.
#2 - The Moon
The quiet companion of the sun, masked in the night and ever changing in its illumination, the moon has long been attributed to the feminine mystic and to the wild unknown. It can also represent cyclical changes, as recognized in the moon’s phases.
#3 - The Fool
We all know one, or think we do, which is why the fool remains such an indelible symbol in everyday life. No one wants to be the fool or to be considered played like one. But we all start as the fool, innocent in our ignorance, curious without a care for consequence, for we have not encountered them. The fool represents the beginning and we all must start somewhere.
#4 - The Lovers
Possibly the most coveted of all cards, the lovers represent, as they suggest, a beautiful and strong, loving relationship. Usually suggestive of the future, the lovers give us hope and remind us to be gracious and forgiving of our partners. Nothing is more thrilling than the idea of a love that spans eternity as this card suggests.
#5 - The Hermit
Now, this is an intriguing card because of the changes of perception in our modern times of a hermit lifestyle. For many, it conjures the image of the thirty-year old living in his mother’s basement, or the uni-bomber in his isolated cabin, but once this was a highly respected and appreciated aspect of humanity. It represents meditation and wisdom that comes from silence and introspection, things we hardly have the time for in the fast-paced world.
#6 - The Hanged Man
We’ve all played the old, missing-letter guessing game, so we know what the hanged man means when we see it, game over. But is that truly the case? This card actually represents letting go, which can be a good thing. Usually associated with a life trauma, this symbol reflects a need for stillness in battle, to remain calm when all seems to crumble.
#7 - The Devil
One of the most fear inducing cards in the deck, the devil invokes a vision of sin and corruption and evil deeds. It’s meaning in the tarot stays true to this reflection, usually referencing an addiction or negativity that is holding the querent in darkness. It means stop what you are doing and deal with the problem. Very controversial, this card has been banned from use by clergy periodically over the centuries and contributed to the church’s association with the Tarot and witchcraft.
#8 - The Tower In a post 9/11 world, it is hard to envision towers without calamity and this has been the meaning of the symbol of this card for centuries. Indicating great upheaval, it is largely considered one of the worst cards to draw. You may want to brace for great change.
#9 - The Magician
The symbol of the magician used to conjure awe and great power and still does, though the magician or wizard has become much more popularized today. This card represents self-empowerment. It can also indicate a time of great energy and action.
​​​​​#10 - Death
Another controversial symbol, usually depicted as the reaper, it tends to make you uncomfortable when this card shows up in a reading. But death does not necessarily need be interpreted literally, as it is generally associated with transition.
#11 - The World
Earth, third rock from the sun, very recognizably presented as the globe. This symbol represents wholeness, the journey complete, and is no surprise the last card featured in the deck.
#12 - Minor Arcana
Added later, these cards represent all aspects of life and can seem more ordinary or common place than the more ethereal major arcana. They are viewed as “choice” cards, ones that the individual query has an opportunity to change. They remind us that even when fate has dealt her hand, we are creatures of free will and act upon it accordingly.
#13 - Cups
Probably the most commonplace of tarot symbols in everyday life found in the tarot, the cups have always represented sufficiency of materialistic properties, or “plenty”. While pouring my morning coffee, I can’t help but be reminded of the biblical verse, “my cup runneth over”. Another modern adaptation is the old debate of “glass half full or half empty” and still illustrates our connection to this widely recognizable symbol. Whether a cup of tea or a cup of wine, the suggestion of comfort is undeniable and defines this suit.
#14 - Swords
As might be readily inferred, this suit represents battle. Though certainly not a modern weapon, the sword conjures everything from images of knights and their chivalry to respected samurai to fearsome Vikings raping and pillaging countrysides of old. This suit reminds us of our daily struggle, the fight to overcome obstacles and gives of the confidence of confrontation, something most of us avoid.
#15 - Wands
An old symbol of magic and the mysteries, wands are like the wind; their meaning shifts from positive to negative, representing both determination and direction and the loss thereof. The suit represents thoughts and are just as focused as they are fleeting. The wand reminds us that thought must be acted upon to be realized in the physical. Remember, nothing is invented that is not first dreamed.
#16 - Coins
Money, money, money. Also represented as pentacles or discs, this suit represents all aspects of money and its effect on our daily lives. This includes everything from work, business, property, trade, travel and the health of home life. Stability, security, this suit is guided by earth, as all the suit represent some form of elemental influence. They remind us of the practical and of responsibility.
#17 - In General
Because of the wide range of decks available today, these symbols may vary. Rider Waite is the most popular deck for beginners and these depictions from everyday life are commonly used. http://ift.tt/2ArFPFl is a wonderful database to search for individual symbols that you may be curious about that we did not explore.
​​​​​#18 - Dog 
What could be more recognizable than man’s best friend? The dog’s most conjurable feature is loyalty, but they can also remind us of honesty, fidelity and trust. 
#19 - Raven
The Raven is one of my favorite symbols, representing wisdom and the mystique, they have long been regarded as messengers from the gods. They represent secret knowledge and remind us to look for magic in our everyday world.    
#20 - Flag
The flag has been a controversial symbol in very recent times and often conjures patriotism and strong emotions. Traditionally, it is see as a harbinger of change, one that cannot be ignored.
#21 - Snake
Because it is a creature that sheds its skin, the snake is associated with renewal and rebirth. The Ouroboros, or ‘the snake that eats its tail’ is a symbol of the infinite cycle of life.
​#22 - Dove
The dove has forever been associated with peace. They are also tied to the goddess Aphrodite and represent purity and love, which is why they are often released at weddings.
#23 - Lion
​Often representing the strength card, lions are associated with courage. They represent fierce loyalty and are revered for their might.
#24 - Wolf
Like the dog and the lion, wolves represent loyalty, but they also stand apart, literally, as loners of the pack. They are assigned a keen intelligence, but in duality can represent primal urges as well. They remind you that fitting in is not necessarily the best way to be true to oneself.
​​​​​#25 - Fish
The fish has long been associated with Christianity and is the embodiment of Pisces. A water symbol, fish are tied to emotions. They are also reflective of intuition and creativity.
#26 - Key
One of my favorite quotes, “you can unlock any door if you only have the key.” This sums up the representation in the tarot fairly nicely. They indicate uncovering hidden knowledge.
#27 - Shield
The shield is another natural association with warriors and knights. They represent protection and defense. They can also indicate covering up, as in “shielding” someone from information, in order to protect them.
#28 - Triangle
Adapted from ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramids, the triangle indicates intelligence and love. A literal interpretation of the word pyramid is fire in the middle, which many associate with love or lust interchangeably.
#29 - The Sphinx
Another symbol garnered from ancient Egypt and one of the oldest tarot symbols, the Sphinx is the ward of knowledge. Often depicted as having a fondness for riddles, the great test of the Sphinx is to question and seek truth.
I hope you enjoyed this article about Tarot symbols. We are more than curious about your opinion feel free to share your comments.
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fatecaster · 6 years
The Chariot – Revealing the secrets you always wanted to know - Reblog
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The Chariot - Revealing the secrets you always wanted to know
Understanding the Chariot can bring a bout of confusion. The card in itself can have contradictory meanings; however its history and significance remain rooted in focus, goals, and power of will. Does this mean it will guide you to achieve your goals, or have you become too aggressive in pursuing the wrong areas of your life? It is important to look at the many symbols within this card and consider their spiritual connections to you before jumping to conclusions.
Story and evolution of the card
Some sources like learntarot.com describe the figure on the card to be Julius Caesar returning to Rome in triumph. However, many other sources describe him as being a "princely figure" which could be any prince or king. In the Viking Deck we see Thor, and in many we see Ares. The common theme is a strong and successful king, prince, god, or other warrior guided buy two animals of contrasting color.
We typically see a canopy of six pointed stars alluding to celestial happening at work. This is combated with alchemy symbols, usually on our princely figures clothing, which show man's hand in dealing with the supernatural and accepting spiritual transformation. The fine detail in most tarot decks will have no reigns anywhere to be seen, and all major characters face away from a city or town in the background. This is to show the act of putting aside worldly influence and purposefully focusing on spiritual guidance.
Interesting decks in which it play a special role
While we have already mentioned the Viking Deck in which we see Thor, the details of the card in this deck are very fascinating. Thor is standing tall and proud, the celestial hammer Mjölnir in hand and true to other traditional tarot decks: he holds no reigns. Being the God of Thunder, there is no doubt this card can mean a great triumph or life change in the near future.
Another deck in which this card is unique is the Druid Craft Tarot Deck because it is one of very few in which our hero is a woman. Also unlike many others, she does indeed hold the reigns of two horses: one black and one white. This could mean the choice to allow good and bad to achieve natural balance in your life as opposed to taking action into your own hands.
Meaning of the card (standing)
The meaning of the card can be interpreted as success or victory of a goal, self-motivation and willpower, or assertiveness and strength. This can often be confusing because of this question: how can my own will and strength be found in these tarot cards when so many spiritual symbols show a divine force is in charge?
While there are spiritual hands guiding the way, you may have come to an open door that has been placed before you. A Chariot card means that it is up to you to walk through that door; your spiritual guides are not going to do it for you. Simply put, this card means you now have all the will and strength you need to achieve your goals, now you must choose to use that power to succeed.
Self-discipline and encouragement can also be found in this card. It means you have the authority to control an important aspect of your life that has worried you in the past and now you must will yourself to take the next steps and let your spiritual reigns guide you. Another interpretation is a revelation of truth. An epiphany can be just around the corning brining clarity and focus towards your future goals and plans.
Reversed meaning of the card
Look to the light and dark, good and bad, or black and white. This card not only shows great strength as a positive thing, but it can also so how an excess of power or imbalance of emotion or discipline can cause things to become faulty. The black and white sphinxes represent opposing forces, but notice how one is not bigger than the other.
This card can be a reminder to regain control but it can also be a sign to loosen control in an area where too much attention and focus has been places. When seen with the Tower, a humbling experience is to come. Perhaps too much aggression or strife has caused arrogance or spitefulness?
Tarot in Pop Culture: "Christine"
This is my favorite example of tarot in pop culture. A horror-ridden example of our Chariot card is shown in Steven King's classic flick, "Christine". This in every way portrays power, strength, and aggression that the downtrodden and mistreated teen had hoped for.
Basic meaning of the card if the question refers to:
Whether your concern is love or friendship, a Chariot will point towards the confidence and ability to pursue your desire. However, with the Tower or Eight of Swords you may find discouragement as a sign to move forward and part ways.
Business Life and Career
Leadership and discernment can be found. If a major career move has been on your mind, this could be confirmation that the risk is well worth it. Now is the time to move.
When loved ones are concerned, strength and aggression can be taken many ways. Look at other pairings for confirmation. With the Hanged Man or Ten of Swords you may find that someone has been feeling neglected and you need to put them before yourself. Likewise, you may find that your assertion and power could be a beacon for your family to follow.
Overall the Chariot is one of the symbols in tarot that will bring enlightenment and encouragement to your life. It can mean will power, discipline, and victory to come. Even humility is a positive corner stone of life that many kings and gods of old have a tale for: do not be discouraged by your own shortcomings for failure often builds the greatest leaders. For an interesting experience don't forget Viking Deck and the Druid Craft Deck as the unique spiritual symbols in these tarot cards give a personal reading you may not get elsewhere. Please comment below with any questions or concerns.
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