#fire emblem heroes new banner teaser
nammyfanficsblog · 2 years
The newest banner of feh has been arrived and it’s....what? Sumo (Fire tribe) banner??? 
- Lyn got even more alts?!?! and new B skill? (I swear I’m so tired of her but...) looking great but could it be anyone like male units than just another lyn...please.
- Muspell, I don’t like his story/character but damn! the design of this alt and the dragon design always got me! (but I thought he will be in the winter banner this year cause Nifil got in summer banner lol)
- Rinkah...she got demote with poor skills even her design is kinda just upgrade from her previous one. 
- Tana & Peony I thought they were Lilina and Peony XD my bad. Tana got more alts! nice but it would be cooler if it’s Ephriam instead since you know, he used flame lance which is even more fit to this kind of banner.
- OMG!!! Mordercai as the T.T units???? so the leaked is about him! but to be honest, at the first seen...I thought he was wearing a wedding veil....and I was like awwww, you would look great as a bride, my mordecai! anyway, he look great! wonder if his skills are good too?
but seriously, I don’t feel any interested in this banner which is great! cause I’m gonna save orbs for the new poower (brave cyl 4) banner and also the new story banner too (if they have interesting units) anyway, I wish for the luck and get whom you want!  for me, of course, I’m going to skip this once again (the brave cyl 6 drained all of my orbs...; w ; )
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smiley-sushi · 6 years
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New banner teased. I think one is summer Linde....
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your-lady-star · 5 years
OK, I just got done watching the Book 3 feh channel and... WHAT?!?!?!
Guys, my brain is all sorts of f*cked up right now. I am so racked with confusion right now. I'm gonna try my best to sum up all the sh*t that happened before I lose my damn mind.
First, I can't be the only one who had a mini heart attack when that heavy metal theme started playing. The moment that beat dropped, I actually jumped back and yelled "Jesus F*cking Christ!" I didn't think I'd live to see the day that death metal music would be used by a Nintendo property, especially a game that primarily uses more traditional and medieval music like Fire Emblem, but I guess I was dead wrong about that. And the crazy thing is that once the full version gets released, I am going to download it and listen to it every single day. I don't know why!
Speaking of death, let's talk about Sharena and Alfonse.
Like I said a while ago, I honestly don't care at all what happens to Sharena. She's had no real development ever since the release of Heroes and was completely useless throughout the entirety of Book 2. The only way IS can get me to care about the possibility of her death is if they finally give her the growth she desperately needs. But even then, it's gonna feel like too little too late because it took this long and only happened because they were going to kill her off. I'd love to be wrong about this and they will get me to genuinely feel for her death, or even pull a fast one and show she's not actually going to die (which I believe is going to happen, I'll elaborate on that in a bit), but needless to say, I'll be observing her with mild expectations.
Now onto the character I actually care about! Ever since we got that teaser for Book 3, I have been terrified at the thought of something horrible happening to Alfonse. He's my favorite Heroes character and I love him to pieces. And with the way they're framing Sharena's (and possibly Kiran's) as the catalyst that might end up corrupting him, especially with that datamine from a while ago showing a seemingly possessed Alfonse, I hope to all that is holy that my baby boy will be able to make it through this. I couldn't care less about them killing off Sharena, but please don't hurt him!
Anyway, let's move away from that and onto something much more cheerful; the arrival of beast units.
I was one of the shockingly few FEH players who wasn't becoming desperate for beast units to come. I knew they were gonna show up eventually so I didn't see it as something worth going crazy over, especially when other characters have a higher priority for me (just waiting for the day Shura comes). But having the first introduced one be Tibarn is pretty smart, considering he's one of the most popular requests, and we also know we'll be getting Nailah. And since the theme of that banner is Radiant Dawn and we know that Tibarn is listed as red and Nailah is listed as blue, if they want to have a full-color banner, my best bet is that we can have Naesala as green and one of the Heron's as colorless, most likely Rafiel to fit the theme.
And last up we have the new batch of characters. Much like everyone else, I love the design on them. It manages to perfectly balance being both creepy and captivating to look at. I am totally on board with the idea that Lír and Thrasir are ancestors of Alfonse and Veronica, which makes sense since this will be taken place in the land of the dead. Eir looks like she'll be intriguing, especially since she's the first one we'll really get to know. But the one I got both eyes on is Hel.
Mother of God, she is so f*cking freaky! Her dress. Her scythe. The neutral art showing her sitting on a throne of bodies. The special trigger art that has multiple skeletons coming from her. Her dead emotionless permanent stare. The fact that her jaw and rib bones are visible through her f*cking skin! This is the absolute most terrifying villain I have ever seen. I am so hyped to see what she'll do. So long as she does it to Sharena and not Alfonse.
Oh, and the summon tickets are a nice little gift for the FTP players like myself. It'll definitely make getting my faves a lot easier.
Guys, I think I'm done. Like, I'm just... done for today. I need to go lie down and process all this sh*t in preparation for tomorrow.
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polsite · 7 years
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Hi Guys! Since the announcement of the Halloween Theme of Fire Emblem Heroes, coincidentally me and my friends are actually doing a fan-made UI Design for it! :D Here is my contribution artwork of a fan-made sprite art of Vampire Leo :) In total, our group created 4 new skins for the Halloween banner. (Witch Elise, Pirate Niles, Devil Nina) We designed a Halloween themed for the game and here are some teaser screen caps! :D I will try to post the whole screenshots next time, stay tuned :D
Follow and Check out more of my artworks in other social media! :D
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