#figs for maximum health benefits
NightDry Supplements - Health
NightDry Supplements: A Rescuer for Restless Nights!
For years, I was plagued by nightly visits to the loo. Disrupted sleep, a grumpy disposition by morning, and the constant worry of leaks – it was a right nightmare! I tried various things – cutting out fluids before bed, bladder exercises, even a particularly fetching adult nappy (not recommended!). Nothing seemed to work. Then, a friend recommended NightDry, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer!
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Sweet Dreams, No More Alarms
Since taking NightDry, those nightly treks to the bathroom are a thing of the past. I can finally sleep through the night without interruption. This has made a world of difference to my energy levels. No more dragging myself out of bed feeling like a deflated balloon! I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Confidence Boost and Social Fun Restored
The constant worry about leaks had me avoiding social gatherings and outings. I wouldn't dare go for a long walk or even a trip to the cinema for fear of an embarrassing accident. NightDry has given me back my confidence. Now, I can enjoy evenings out with friends and family without a care in the world.
Natural Ingredients, Natural Relief
I was a little apprehensive at first about taking a supplement, but what convinced me about NightDry was the fact it contains all-natural ingredients. There are no harsh chemicals or mystery additives, just a blend of herbs and vitamins formulated to support healthy bladder function. It's reassuring to know I'm not putting anything nasty into my body.
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Discretion and Convenience
NightDry comes in discreet packaging, so there's no need to feel embarrassed about having it delivered. The tablets themselves are small and easy to swallow, and I only need to take one a day. It's a simple and convenient way to manage my nighttime needs.
A Brighter Outlook
NightDry has honestly improved my quality of life. I'm no longer a slave to my bladder, and I can finally sleep soundly through the night. If you're experiencing similar issues, I urge you to give NightDry a try. It might just be the answer you've been searching for!
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sutterbuttes · 2 days
Discover the Delight of Fig and Olive Tapenade
Tapenade, a savory condiment with Mediterranean roots, is a culinary pleasure that brings rich, complex flavors to the table. Sutter Buttes Olive Oil Co. Elevates this traditional dish with their great Fig and Olive Tapenade, presenting a perfect mixture of sweet and savory that tantalizes the flavor buds. Let’s discover what makes this tapenade a have to-have for your pantry.
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The Allure of Fig and Olive Tapenade
A Symphony of Flavors
The aggregate of figs and olives creates a unique taste profile that is each candy and salty. Figs add a herbal sweetness and a touch of chewiness, whilst olives offer a briny, savory comparison. This harmonious combo is in addition better by the addition of top notch olive oil from Sutter Buttes, growing a rich and expensive tapenade that stands out in any dish.
Versatility inside the Kitchen
One of the maximum attractive components of Fig and Olive Tapenade is its versatility. It can be utilized in a number of culinary applications, making it a treasured addition to your kitchen. Spread it on crusty bread or crackers for an convenient appetizer, or use it as a topping for grilled meats and fish to feature a burst of taste. It additionally pairs wonderfully with cheese, improving charcuterie boards with its exceptional taste.
Healthy and Nutritious
Sutter Buttes’ Fig and Olive Tapenade isn't only scrumptious but also full of nutrients. Figs are an excellent source of nutritional fiber and crucial minerals, even as olives provide healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. Combined with the fitness benefits of olive oil, this tapenade is a healthful preference for those who cost nutritious consuming.
Creative Ways to Use Fig and Olive Tapenade
Gourmet Sandwiches and Wraps
Elevate your sandwiches and wraps with the aid of spreading a layer of Fig and Olive Tapenade. It pairs fantastically with a whole lot of elements, from roasted veggies to sliced meats and cheeses. Its complex taste adds intensity to any sandwich, turning a simple lunch into a gourmet enjoy.
Pasta and Grain Bowls
Add a dollop of tapenade in your pasta or grain bowls for an instantaneous flavor improve. It may be stirred into heat pasta, mixed with quinoa, or used as a topping for risotto. The mixture of sweet and salty notes enhances the overall flavor, making each bite extra pleasing.
Savory Tarts and Pizzas
For a unique twist on conventional truffles and pizzas, use Fig and Olive Tapenade as a base. Spread it over the crust before including your favorite toppings, consisting of goat cheese, caramelized onions, and arugula. The tapenade’s robust flavor complements a lot of toppings, developing a deliciously state-of-the-art dish.
Accompaniment to Roasted Meats
Fig and Olive Tapenade makes an notable accompaniment to roasted meats, especially lamb and pork. Serve it along the primary dish or unfold it over the beef before roasting for an extra layer of taste. Its sweet and savory profile complements the richness of the beef, making for a clearly memorable meal.
The Sutter Buttes Difference
Commitment to Quality
At Sutter Buttes Olive Oil Co., high-quality is paramount. Their Fig and Olive Tapenade is crafted the use of only the greatest ingredients, ensuring a product that is both delicious and nutritious. The use of premium olive oil provides a silky texture and rich flavor, setting their tapenade apart from the relaxation.
Artisanal Craftsmanship
Sutter Buttes prides itself on artisanal craftsmanship. Each batch of Fig and Olive Tapenade is made with care and interest to detail, resulting in a product this is always high in high-quality. Their determination to traditional strategies and revolutionary flavor combinations makes their tapenade a standout preference for meals lovers.
Sutter Buttes Olive Oil Co.’s Fig and Olive Tapenade is a culinary gem that brings a touch of Mediterranean magic to your kitchen. Its ideal balance of sweet figs and savory olives, blended with the richness of olive oil, makes it a versatile and scrumptious addition to any meal. Whether you’re spreading it on bread, blending it into dishes, or the use of it as a gourmet topping, this tapenade is certain to pride your flavor buds and provoke your visitors. Discover the notable taste and best of Sutter Buttes Fig and Olive Tapenade and raise your culinary creations today.
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discoverybody · 3 months
Eat Figs To Get Its Maximum Benefits
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Our entire guide to eating figs reveals their many health advantages. Figs are a nutritious powerhouse full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can aid digestion, immunity, and weight loss. Are you maximizing your fig-eating experience?
This post will demonstrate how to maximize fig nutrition. From choosing the ripest to adding them to your diet, we'll offer expert advise. Enjoy the sweet and succulent taste of this ancient fruit and incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle.
If you're a fig fan looking for new recipes or have never tried them, this guide is for you. Take a handful of these natural delicacies and experience figs' delicious flavor and health benefits like never before. Explore the magnificent world of figs and their full potential.
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taimio · 9 months
Savor the Freshest Flavors: A Complete Guide to Enjoying Seasonal Fruits Year-Round!
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As seasons change, so do the types of fruits that are ripe and ready to be enjoyed. Learning about what fruits are in season can help you enjoy them at their best, get the most bang for your buck, and even contribute to a more sustainable food system. So, let's dive into the world of seasonal fruits and explore their richness and variety.
A Guide to Seasonal Fruits: Savor the Freshness All Year Round
We all know that fruits are nature's sweet gifts to us. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, and flavors, and each season brings a fresh batch of deliciousness to our tables. While we often have our go-to fruits that we enjoy year-round, there is something truly special about indulging in fruits that are in season. Not only do they taste better, but they are also more affordable and environmentally friendly. So, let's embark on a flavorful journey through the seasons and explore the wonders of seasonal fruits!
Spring: A Burst of Vibrant Flavors
As winter bids us farewell, spring greets us with a burst of vibrant flavors. The arrival of warmer weather brings an array of juicy, tangy, and refreshing fruits. One of the stars of this season is the delightful strawberry. Whether you enjoy them fresh, in a pie, or blended into a smoothie, strawberries are a true springtime treat. Additionally, don't miss out on the luscious cherries, crisp rhubarb, and the ever-so-sweet apricots. These fruits not only add a pop of color to your plate but also provide a much-needed dose of vitamins after the long winter months.
Summer: The Bounty of Nature
Ah, summer! A season synonymous with lazy beach days, backyard barbecues, and an abundance of fresh fruits. This is the time when nature truly spoils us with its bountiful offerings. Watermelon, with its juicy, thirst-quenching flesh, steals the show during this season. The mere sight of a perfectly ripe watermelon instantly transports us to sunny days and carefree picnics. And let's not forget about the zesty lemons, succulent peaches, and irresistible mangoes that grace our tables during this time. These fruits are not only delightful on their own but also make for incredible additions to fruity cocktails and refreshing summer salads.
Fall: Nature's Colorful Palette
As the leaves change their hues and a crispness fills the air, we step into the season of fall. It's a time when nature's colors explode, and the fruits follow suit. Apples, the ultimate fall fruit, take center stage during this season. Whether you prefer the sweetness of a Honeycrisp or the tartness of a Granny Smith, there's an apple for everyone. Pair them with caramel or bake them into a warm pie for an autumnal delight. Additionally, fall brings us the versatile pears, plump grapes, and the earthy taste of figs. These fruits provide the perfect balance between the fading warmth of summer and the approaching chill of winter.
Winter: A Season of Citrus
When winter arrives and blankets the world in white, it brings forth a treasure trove of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are like little bundles of sunshine in the midst of cold and gloomy days. Oranges, with their citrusy tang, become the shining stars of this season. Whether you peel them and enjoy each segment's burst of juicy sweetness or squeeze them into a revitalizing glass of fresh orange juice, oranges are a winter essential. Other citrus fruits like grapefruits, lemons, and clementines also make their appearance, brightening up our plates and lifting our spirits during the shorter days of winter.
The Benefits of Eating Seasonal Fruits
Aside from their incredible taste, indulging in seasonal fruits provides numerous benefits for your health, wallet, and the environment. Let's take a closer look at why eating fruits in season is a wise choice:
Freshness and Flavor:
Seasonal fruits are harvested at their peak, ensuring maximum freshness and flavor. This means you get to savor the true essence of each fruit and experience taste sensations that are unparalleled.
Nutritional Value:
Fruits that are in season are typically more nutritious. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for our well-being. By consuming seasonal fruits, you are providing your body with the optimal nutrients it needs.
Environmental Sustainability:
When you eat fruits that are in season, you are supporting local farmers and reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation. This promotes sustainable agricultural practices and helps to protect the environment.
Seasonal fruits are often more affordable than their out-of-season counterparts. When the supply is plentiful, prices tend to drop, allowing you to enjoy a variety of fresh and healthy fruits without breaking the bank.
Embrace the Seasonal Fruit Adventure
Now that you're armed with the knowledge of the wonderful world of seasonal fruits, it's time to embark on a delightful culinary adventure. Take advantage of what each season has to offer and challenge yourself to try new and exciting fruits. Visit your local farmers market, explore recipes that highlight the flavors of the season, and most importantly, savor the freshness that nature provides.
Remember, each season brings its own unique fruits, and by embracing this natural cycle, you not only get to enjoy a diverse range of flavors but also contribute to a healthier and more sustainable food system. So, let's celebrate the wonders of seasonal fruits and make every meal a celebration of nature's sweetest gifts!
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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valgasnewsthings · 11 months
Which fruits and vegetables are eating in diabetes.
 Summer are giving for diabetes patients lots of possibles for lowering glucose level in blood and improving condition an own. Thus use this season by maximum, and improve and own feeling.
Any diabetes base cure lies a right meal, and diet for diabetic is a base of his health, long life and preventing complications/hypertension, bad healing wounds, in surgery are bad healing sieves, trophical ulcers, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, gangrene for feet of legs.
And from fruits lowering glucose in blood am  advising are pomegranates, pears, non-sweet kinds, non-sweet apples, thistle golden, From berries are sambucus nigra, blueberry, blackberry, dogwood, fragaria vesca, black currant, white, cherry sour, schizandra chinesis.
Not avoiding, but limiting are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, white, Brussels, red, savoy, china, red radish, turnip, squash, aubergines, pumpkin, asparagus, salad, sorrel, spinach, dill, green onion, garlic, chicory, vegetable, celery leaf petioles, tomatoes, sweet pepper, Bulgarian, kidney beans, artichoke.
Data vegetables eating on 250-300 gr/day, spreading theirs quantities on a few methods. Vegetables and fruits with ten percent sugars in 100 gr products are onion, beet, carrot, beans, peas, petroselinum, celery root, strawberry, oranges, mandarines, red currant, raspberry, cranberry, melon, peach, quince, pears.
Avoiding from sweet fruits with ten percent of sugars, as sweet apples, bananas, fig, grape, dates, pineapples , but you can eat on small quantities and for 1-2 times/month, or better avoiding .
Glycaemic index is importance.
Glycaemic index or GI Is stat for a meal affecting on glucose rising in blood after his using. If he is not high, thus glucose in blood rising slowly, if high,  thus after eating this product glucose in blood rising very faster, that is bad in diabetes. As in cookies, jam, fried vegetables a GI is higher, than in raw, thus in diabetes benefit use raw vegetables, fruits, and very fast and strong rising in chopping products and very higher staying in pressing juice or cooking juice . And avoid cook juices of garden harvest and drink theirs as of changing vegetables and fruits.
And Glycaemic index table you can find in internet or buy online, or asking in a doctor.
About your favourite potato.
Sugar in her is less, but lots of starch having, which faster transferring in glucose and rising her sugar level in blood, thus potato eat on 200 gr/day is sugar level in blood is ten, and not higher, if high, thus on 100 gr, and eat potato as boiled,stewed, baked kinds, avoid cooking purée, as GI in purée is higher.
For keeping sugar in blood bridle, eat 50 gr of carbohydrates, as not entering here just sugar on clean kind, but   starch as of potato, carrot, beet, and bread.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/ArJ6ikG via https://ift.tt/n4l8kqS
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prohealthcure · 1 year
A Yearly Seasonal Fruit chart for Men's Health
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There are so many people are there who would like eat fruits but they do not consider is it seasonal or not seasonal fruits? Sometimes people instead of fruits men would like to take some medicines which can boost up their energy level for few days such as Vidalista 60 and etc. Therefore men should realize that this is not a permanent solution rather these medicines can bring an addition as well as side effects. So, instead of taking drugs it will be better to eat seasonal fruits which are healthy and cheap also. Most importantly these fruits are very healthy. Men should not eat non- seasonal fruits because these are not healthy. In fact taking drug like Cenforce 200 mg is not a solution to fulfill their Body’s protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.  Even men must eat the seasonal fruits because these are natural and healthy as well as these fruits will assist men to boost up their energy level and all essential vitamins minerals protein fiber etc. which are really important for men’s body. 
Summer fruits:
Well, in the summer time there are so many fruits are there which are testy and these fruits have protein fiber vitamins minerals etc. These are very healthy to maintain men’s lifestyle. These are all natural fruits and seasonal such as mango, jack fruit, watermelon, lychee, black grapes, lemons etc. These are summer time fruits. Mango is the king of all fruits. More or less all men like to eat it. 
Benefits of these summer fruits:
These all fruits have protein fiber vitamins minerals etc. and low fat which assist men to reduce the weight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, diabetes, kidney diseases, heart diseases, make cholesterol low and it gives men whole day energy to perform their works. It increases the water level within the body of men which is most important in summer time. It reduces the risk of sudden stroke and several other diseases. It prevents the dehydration of men during summer time. So, you can stay fresh and healthy if you eat these fruits. Fildena 150 also best for treating ED in men.
Now let’s have a look about the late summer as well as Pre-monsoon Fruits: 
Summer increases the humidity within men but the summer time fruits help them to be remained healthy and okay. So, when leaving but hot weather is remains, in maximum cases people become sick. Therefore in this time there are some seasonal fruits are there which help men to stay diseases free. These are Barbados cherries fruits, this fruit is very important for health because it has capacity to improve the metabolism power and it helps to prevent the lung cancer. Men can eat black jamun fruit because it has low calorie and huge energy. It reduces the diabetes problem, increase body immunity power, control blood pressure, cholesterol, and gastric problem. Men should eat blackberries because this is very healthy fruit. It helps to keep men’s skin perfect and it protects Men from several diseases such as diabetes etc.  Plums Fruit is also very healthy for men. In fact they should eat cherries fruits, to remain healthy.
Let’s have a look about the Monsoon Seasonal Fruits, winter fruits and It’s Benefits:
In the monsoon time people get several types of infection. So, there are lots of fruits which you can get in this season such as pear fruit, white jamun fruit, blueberries fruits, . Pomegranate Fruit, Orange Fruit, sweet lemon, fig fruit, guava fruits, pine apple etc men should eat as these are seasonal, healthy and testy. It will prevent various types of infections because these fruits have protein fiber vitamins minerals potassium hydroxide sodium etc.  Men would not get any skin infection, gastric trouble, malaria, diarrhea etc. They can be active and can remain boost up with full of energy. Even they can save themselves from high blood pressure and cholesterol also.  Men must eat apple, which are available in the winter and all seasons, banana, papaya, dates etc. These fruits prevent various diseases and make men’s healthy.  You must know an apple can help you to stay away from doctor. These fruits have a healthy bacterium which works in the body properly to digest the all food. It reduces the inflammation Problem, heart, kidneys, and problems. In fact these fruits specially apple would prevent various cancers in men’s body.  Conclusion: So, in the conclusion you can understand that seasonal fruits always healthy and supports men to prevent several diseases and it also provides huge energy level which is most important in men’s life to perform their works since morning to night in healthy way. Therefore these fruits prevent several diseases through its vitamins, protein, fiber, sodium, potassium etc. So, it is a suggestion to all that always try to eat the seasonal fruits rather off- seasonal fruits because these off seasonal fruits are not healthy rather seasonal fruits are really healthy for all.  So, if you want to avoid the seasonal diseases and other Chronicle diseases then you have to go for seasonal fruits. You must eat these fruits during breakfast time or lunch time to be long time healthy and energetic. Read the full article
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corvidsindia · 1 year
Creative Ways to Use Planter Stands for Indoor Gardening
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In this age and time, where there is national and international news of pollution increasing exponentially, along with limited spaces available in metro cities and houses, the indoor plantation is a life savior. The versatile planter stand can be used in several ways to enhance our indoor gardening experience.
The use of indoor Heavy duty outdoor plant stands, not only has made indoor plantation practical, but a more clean and hygienic way to set up your plants indoors. The hassle of setting up mud, shifting, and cleaning planters, too is a convenience with these Planter stands.
Let us not waste further time, and dig deep into the detail of how these plants stand at home.
Planter stands can prove to be a great conversation starter, or the next statement piece for your guests, as they don’t just provide an aesthetic sense, but also fill the atmosphere with so much positivity and fresh air. We have enlisted some of the major advantages that an Indoor plant stand provides:
Creating Vertical Garden:
 In places, where indoor space is not sufficient, people opt for vertical gardens, which help in Utilizing even the walls, and those corners and nooks of your house, which you thought had no sense. Plants like philodendrons, pothos, and ivy look best, when grown on vertical topography, along with adding visual interest to your living space along by filtering the air.
Making Statement: 
Plants provide aesthetic sense to any place they grow, however, choosing a plant stand for your monstera deliciosa or a fiddle leaf fig gives a distinctive and eye-catching appearance to your room.
Show your collection:
Versatile plant stands are a great way to show off a variety of plants and give your space a splash of color.
Adds visual interest:
 Planter stands come in a variety of designs, materials, and heights, allowing you to put your indoor plants in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. They can add an elevating touch to any room in your home, making it look welcoming and alive.
Reduces clutter: 
You can make the most of your limited indoor space by using planter stands. They provide your plants with ample light and air while still taking up less floor space by elevating them.
Improving the air quality: 
As we all are aware, plants add oxygen while removing toxins from the air. With the Planter holder, we can ensure that even the plants get enough sunlight and air, keeping the environment cleaner and fresh. The addition that air quality improves is a reason to choose outdoor plant stands.
Prevents damage from water: 
Planter stands can stop water from harming your carpets, furniture, and floors. By raising your plants off the ground, you can ensure that any excess water drains properly and does not harm your furniture or floors.
Safeguards your plants: 
Planter stands can help protect your plants from being knocked over by pets or children. You can protect your plants from harm while still enjoying their beauty and health benefits by elevating them.
Simple to move: 
Because they are portable, planter stands make it simple to reorganize your indoor garden to accommodate alterations in lighting, temperature, or décor. You can experiment with novel plant combinations and create different arrangements thanks to this adaptability.
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Buying a decent Heavy duty outdoor plant stand can be a hefty task, especially with all the available options online. We in this part, will try to help you consider some pointers, that could help you select your next Planter Stand
Capacity for Weight:
This is one of the most essential considerations to make before making a purchase decision regarding the Heavy duty outdoor plant stand because loading too much weight can damage the Planter Stand. Consequently, it is critical to consider the maximum weight capacity of these planter stands.
One ought to focus on the manufacturing of these planter stands with aluminum, making them ready to endure incessant use. Before making such a small amount of speculation, one should carefully consider these factors!
Ease of maintenance:
The material of choice ought to be resistant to the elements, free of rust, and simple to clean. The Heavy duty outdoor plant stand ought to be simple to fold and put together.
The cost of a Plant stand online in India does not have to be prohibitive. Therefore, careful budgeting is required before making these investments. You can purchase a good-quality, long-lasting planter stand for as little as 1500 which can range up to 3,000 depending on the weight capacity.
Dimensions and Mass:
 You would prefer not to lift the load of the Garden stand because the weight of plants or any other luggage that needs to be carried is already heavy. As a result, the planter stand’s weight and size become essential considerations. Users ought to concentrate on selecting a Heavy duty outdoor plant stand that is lightweight and simple to maneuver.
The simplicity of upkeep:
The chosen material ought to be weatherproof, rust-free, and simple to clean. Folding and putting together the Heavy duty outdoor plant stand set ought to be simple.
The Heavy duty outdoor plant stand should be able to carry different pieces of items, when required, hence saving a lot of time and effort for the users.
If you choose the Planter Stand and take into account all of your options, it could be one of the best choices you ever make. People should select the best and perfect Planter Stand to experience all the facilities and aesthetic sense it adds to their living space. Corvids, one of these brands, is one of the industry’s fastest-growing service providers, offers products with a few-year warranty, fulfills all user-specific orders, and is one of the fastest-growing brands worldwide.
A dedicated team that is committed to providing ladders, chairs, tables, and casters of high quality and versatility has prepared Corvids to revolutionize mobility once and for all!
The Heavy duty outdoor plant stands fabricated and provided by Corvids outflank all unique types of Planter Stand available on the market, thanks to their ergonomic plan and development, with excellent and lightweight material. Designed to be used in any climate or weather. It is Built from Industrial Grade Stainless Steel and ABS Plastic. Equipped with 2 Inch Big High-Quality Rotating & Locking Wheels helps in easy maneuverability, 
Designed with an innovative foldable design This Planter Stand is very easy to use, along with convenient storage, which is made possible with the quick and easy folding technique. 
Indoor plants are no more a luxury, but a thing of necessity, in today’s time. However, it is time to revolutionize your indoor planting experience and end the hassle of figuring out the process of planting in an uncomfortable manner! Nonetheless, in light of the various choices accessible on the web, alongside various choices in quality, development, and quality, one will in general get overpowered. The user must always ensure that a quality Planter Stand meets certain requirements, such as affordability, portability, versatility, stability, and dimensions, before making an investment.
The amount of information won’t overwhelm you because corvids offer a single solution to all of these issues. Take a look at our selection of Heavy duty outdoor plant stand right now on our website and get ready to move with ease!
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Tulsi Dry Figs Anjeer Zaika is good in taste and has many health benefits. This is a y quality figs/Anjeer for daily home use. Figs/Anjeer are rich in fiber and many essential minerals such as magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and vitamins K and B6. The nutritional value of dried figs/Anjeer is more than that of fresh figs. A single dried fig is as good as eating an egg. Figs, whether fresh or dried, are rich in powerful antioxidants. The health benefits of Figs come from the presence of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are rich in beneficial nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine. Tulsi is a premium flavored nuts and dry fruits brand. Tulsi has pioneered a new and yummy way to consume the daily dose of healthy nuts and dry fruits. At Tulsi, we bring the taste and health together in a single pack in the finest of packing. We believe in serving the best products to our customers and hence we travel across the world to procure the finest nuts and dry fruits. Our products are processed and packed in FSSC: 22000 & HACCP certified plant – The best among food safety ratings and certified by ‘FSSAI‘. 100% Natural Anjeer/ Figs from the house of Tulsi. Anjeer/figs are rich in beneficial nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine. The dried Anjeer/figs are to be consumed after soaking it in water or milk and it is a known Indian tradition. Anjeer for daily home use. They are a nutritious snack and good for stamina Storage Information- Keep it airtight & refrigerated for optimum freshness. Maximum Shelf Life 6 Months [ad_2]
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healthymasterr · 2 years
Detailed Dry Fruits Guide: How Many Dry Fruits and Nuts to Eat in a Day – Healthy Master
Dry fruits are a good source of essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, and proteins. Their incorporation into a daily diet has many health benefits, like preventing lifestyle diseases, boosting immunity, strengthening bones, reducing cholesterol levels, and improving skin and hair health, among others. Dry fruits are the perfect substitute for daily unhealthy snacks. That’s why they are popularly known as “superfoods”. Though it is true to include dry fruits in your diet, it is equally important to know how many dry fruits one should eat in a day to reap the maximum benefits and to lower the side effects of overeating dry fruits. 
If you are looking to know how many dry fruits to eat daily, then this blog is for you. We have compiled everything under one umbrella. 
Healthy Master offers an impressive range of nuts and dry fruits like almonds, raisins, apricots, figs, and berries, among others. They contain zero preservatives and zero added flavors. 
Raisins are a rich source of soluble fiber, thus aiding digestion and reducing stomach-related issues. Additionally, raisins have tartaric acid protein, which has anti-inflammatory properties. This protein helps in improving intestinal function and helps in regulating the balance of bacteria in the gut.
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However, on the other hand, if you want to lose weight, complement your exercise with the intake of raisins. Kishmish is a good source of antioxidants like phenols and polyphenols. These antioxidants help in fat breakdown and increase the level of good bacteria, which supports digestion. Additionally, they reduce your calorie intake. In short, if you want to lose weight, add raisins to your diet. 
How many raisins (kishmish) to eat in a day?
The daily consumption of raisins should be roughly 8-10. As raisins are high in sugar and calories, excessive eating of raisins would result in weight gain, besides hampering digestive health. 
The best way to incorporate raisins is to eat soaked ones. The best time to eat soaked raisins is in the early morning on an empty stomach. 
Incorporating nuts as a part of a healthy diet helps improve heart health. They contain most of the minerals and vitamins that your body needs. They are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The fat in the nuts is majorly unsaturated fat, which keeps you satisfied and full, therefore lowering your cravings with time. Nuts are beneficial for those who are working hard to lose weight. Incorporate a rich range of nuts like almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, and more into your diet. Shop for the Daily Powder Booster from the Healthy Master, which has a mixed variety of nuts. 
It is important to note that nuts are high in calories, so it’s important to know the right portion of nuts to eat daily. 
How many nuts to eat in a day?
As per the experts, the daily consumption of nuts should be 30 grams. 
However, the consumption of nuts varies from person to person depending on the condition. For example, a pregnant woman should take 60 gm of nuts in the first trimester, 90 gm in the second trimester and around 100-120 gm in the final trimester daily. If you have type 2 diabetes, eating nuts five days a week lowers your risk of heart disease. 
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Apricots, known as khumani (in hindi), are low in fat but rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. They can help with digestion, constipation, earaches, fever, skin conditions, and anaemia, among other health issues. Apricot is also said to be beneficial for the skin. Besides being rich in fibre, they’re high in polyphenol antioxidants, which protect against illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease.  
How many apricots to eat per day?
Apricots are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, which help lower blood pressure. It is advisable to eat 4-7 pieces of apricots daily to reap their benefits completely. If you have high cholesterol levels, it is advisable to include apricots in your diet as they keep cholesterol levels low. Also Read: 8 Benefits of Eating Apricots
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Also known as anjeer, figs are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Yes, you can eat figs (anjeer)daily due to their immense health benefits. As figs contain fibre, they improve digestion. Due to the presence of antioxidants, figs help in managing skin problems. 
How many figs to eat daily?
It is advisable to eat 2-3 figs per day. The best way to eat anjeer is to soak them overnight and eat them in the morning on an empty stomach. Especially for pregnant women, anjeer is recommended. As it is packed with nutrients, incorporating figs into a healthy diet helps in the development of the foetus. 
However, if you eat anjeer (figs) in excess, you might face issues with bloating and an upset stomach. Also Read: 5 Benefits of eating Soaked Figs
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Berries are delicious and healthy snacks that are a perfect substitute for unhealthy fried chips and maida noodles. They are loaded with antioxidants that minimise free radical injury in the body. They are a perfect weight-loss snack as they are rich in fibre. Since almost all berries contain around 85% water, they are a perfect breakfast snack. 
How many cranberries to eat in a day?
The serving size that is recommendable for cranberries is 1/4 cup. The overconsumption of cranberries might result in stomach upset and diarrhea. 
How many Goji berries to eat in a day?
Goji berries contain high levels of zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that helps in improving vision. The presence of vitamins A and C improves immunity. Additionally, Goji berries contain beta-carotene, which promotes healthy skin. 
Though they are small in size, you have to be mindful of how many berries are you eating. It is advisable to eat 20 to 30g of goji berries per day.  
Healthy Master offers a wide range of healthy snacks, dry fruits and nuts. They contain no preservatives and are rich in fibre. While dry fruits and nuts should be a part of a healthy diet. However, the right amount of consumption is very important, or else excessive eating of dry fruits and nuts does more harm than good. 
0 notes
arganoilsidighanem · 2 years
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
This is a natural oil extracted from seeds of the fruit Opuntia ficus Indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in the hot and dry regions - such as Morocco. They produce beautiful bright yellow and pinkish flowers during the spring, then fruit in late summer. Cactus seed oil is rich in fatty oil suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin. It is perfect for deep hydration, including face and hair protection in any environment. The fruits and stems are especially relevant in many cultures as a nutritious treat
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This oil is a member of the cactus seed and has some well-known names, such as Indian figs, Opuntia, prickly cactus seed oil, etc. Most noteworthy, it has grown in popularity with Argan oil. It's one of the most expensive, dearest, oil in the beauty industry. The oil is extracted from the fruit’s seed, thus, it's high priced. Most of all, the plant survives and thrives in drought and harsh conditions, as a result, can protect and maintain moisture in the skin.
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• Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale is an excellent source of antioxidants and it's also stable. The oil has an amazingly high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids containing Linoleic acids.
• The oil is also light, versatile, and easily absorbed into the body. It contains tocopherols which make it a powerful antioxidant.
• It also Improves skin elasticity and useful supplement to an anti-aging formulation.
• Prickly Seed Oil is an effective moisturizer and leaves the skin soft and silky.
• It can also also be used to hydrate dry and damaged hair.
• It Restores makes our nails and cuticles look healthy.
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale BENEFITS:
Prickly Pear Seed Oil Wholesale is rich in nutrients, minerals, herbal sterols, vitamin K for spider veins, and Betalains for lightening. Also, it protects the skin against free radical damage, thereby stimulating cell growth and lowering inflammation.
This fine oil hydrates the skin deeply, and it is appropriate for all skin categories but works mainly on mature skin and dry skin.
Prickly Pear Seed Oil Wholesale is unprecedented in its capability to improve the skin and get it freed of dark spots. Vitamin K on the other hand, aids to reduce spider veins.
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The oil contains the maximum levels of Betalains known of any plant (more than Beets, Acai, Blueberries, etc.) Betalains are powerful antioxidants with anti-aging effects.
From research, it has a high content of vitamin E than Argan oil. Vitamin E is a free radical scrounger and also intensifies cell renewal. The high content of fatty acid, plumps the skin, decreasing wrinkles, and traps free radicals.
It is non-irritating, profoundly beneficial, and calming. Calm inflammation and moisturizes the skin.
The high Linolenic acid content in Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale makes its absorption into the skin quickly.  It does so profoundly that it leaves no oily residue.
The emphasis on this amazing oil is thus spreading, as well as the number of lower quality on sale. Prickly pear seed oil from Morocco contains only pure; cold-pressed Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale without any mixture.  
It goes without a saying that the Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale Health has countless benefits without having any side effects on health and skin. Hence, it is a great value for the money, whereas, the Oriental Group is the best provider of the very oil by all the means.
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Packaging Details :
•       40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic bottle with pump 250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters,25 liters ,33 Liters in drum with cap Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale can be 30ml, 40ml,50ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml,500 ml in amber or trasparent glass bottle with cap/dropper
•       Min.Order Quantity of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1 Liter
•       Supply Ability of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1000 Liter/Liters of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale per month
•       Port: FOB Casablanca /Tanger MED / Agadir
•       Payment Terms: L/C,T/T, ,Western Union,MoneyGram/Paypal
Quick Details:
• Directions: For soft skin and hair, apply directly to the desired area as needed
• Place of Origin: Morocco
• Product name: Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Brand Name:          BioProGreen Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Use Prickly Pear Seed Oil: Face, Body, and Hair
• Form: Oil.Prickly Pear Seed Oil company
• Supply Type: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing), Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Certification: MSDS, CCPB /NOP USDA PROGRAM, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Features: Anti-Aging, Moisturizer, Nourishing, Skin Revitalizer.
• Main Ingredient: Prickly Pear Seed Oil 100% natural.
• Port: FOB Casablanca / Tanger MED / Agadir.
• Delivery Time: 10 days after confirmation of all details and deposit.
• Packing Box of:  according to your order, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
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Our Services
Branding and Package Design of Prickly Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for clients wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own private label.
We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal; of course, the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass-produce.
The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.
We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case-printed designs, and other custom requirements.
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1. How can I get some samples of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, this charge will be deducted from the payment for the formal order.
(2)Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange an RPI (remote pick-up) service upon FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected; Or inform us of your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.
2. How does your factory do regarding quality control Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
Quality is a priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:
(1)All raw materials we used are environmental-friendly.
(2)Skillful workers care for every detail in handling the stamping, printing, stitching, and packing process.
(3)Quality control department is specially responsible for quality checking in each process.
3. Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purposes, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.
(2)We usually produce goods based on customers' samples or based on customers' pictures, logos, sizes, etc detailed information designed for customers.
Company Information:
Oriental Group N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech MOROCCO
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Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / viber ) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website : www.group-oriental.com E-mail : [email protected]
Follow US http://facebook.com/grouporiental http://twitter.com/grouporiental
0 notes
orientalgroupposts · 2 years
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
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This is a natural oil extracted from seeds of the fruit Opuntia ficus Indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in the hot and dry regions - such as Morocco. They produce beautiful bright yellow and pinkish flowers during the spring, then fruit in late summer. Cactus seed oil is rich in fatty oil suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin. It is perfect for deep hydration, including face and hair protection in any environment. The fruits and stems are especially relevant in many cultures as a nutritious treat.
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This oil is a member of the cactus seed and has some well-known names, such as Indian figs, Opuntia, prickly cactus seed oil, etc. Most noteworthy, it has grown in popularity with Argan oil. It's one of the most expensive, dearest, oil in the beauty industry. The oil is extracted from the fruit’s seed, thus, it's high priced. Most of all, the plant survives and thrives in drought and harsh conditions, as a result, can protect and maintain moisture in the skin.
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• Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale is an excellent source of antioxidants and it's also stable. The oil has an amazingly high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids containing Linoleic acids.
• The oil is also light, versatile, and easily absorbed into the body. It contains tocopherols which make it a powerful antioxidant.
• It also Improves skin elasticity and useful supplement to an anti-aging formulation.
• Prickly Seed Oil is an effective moisturizer and leaves the skin soft and silky.
• It can also also be used to hydrate dry and damaged hair.
• It Restores makes our nails and cuticles look healthy.
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Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale BENEFITS:
Prickly Pear Seed Oil Wholesale is rich in nutrients, minerals, herbal sterols, vitamin K for spider veins, and Betalains for lightening. Also, it protects the skin against free radical damage, thereby stimulating cell growth and lowering inflammation.
This fine oil hydrates the skin deeply, and it is appropriate for all skin categories but works mainly on mature skin and dry skin.
Prickly Pear Seed Oil Wholesale is unprecedented in its capability to improve the skin and get it freed of dark spots. Vitamin K on the other hand, aids to reduce spider veins.
The oil contains the maximum levels of Betalains known of any plant (more than Beets, Acai, Blueberries, etc.) Betalains are powerful antioxidants with anti-aging effects.
From research, it has a high content of vitamin E than Argan oil. Vitamin E is a free radical scrounger and also intensifies cell renewal. The high content of fatty acid, plumps the skin, decreasing wrinkles, and traps free radicals.
It is non-irritating, profoundly beneficial, and calming. Calm inflammation and moisturizes the skin.
The high Linolenic acid content in Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale makes its absorption into the skin quickly. It does so profoundly that it leaves no oily residue.
The emphasis on this amazing oil is thus spreading, as well as the number of lower quality on sale. Prickly pear seed oil from Morocco contains only pure; cold-pressed Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale without any mixture.
It goes without a saying that the Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale Health has countless benefits without having any side effects on health and skin. Hence, it is a great value for the money, whereas, the Oriental Group is the best provider of the very oil by all the means.
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Packaging Details :
• 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic bottle with pump 250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters,25 liters ,33 Liters in drum with cap Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale can be 30ml, 40ml,50ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml,500 ml in amber or trasparent glass bottle with cap/dropper
• Min.Order Quantity of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1 Liter
• Supply Ability of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1000 Liter/Liters of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale per month
• Port: FOB Casablanca /Tanger MED / Agadir
• Payment Terms: L/C,T/T, ,Western Union,MoneyGram/Paypal
Quick Details:
• Directions: For soft skin and hair, apply directly to the desired area as needed
• Place of Origin: Morocco
• Product name: Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Brand Name: BioProGreen Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Use Prickly Pear Seed Oil: Face, Body, and Hair
• Form: Oil.Prickly Pear Seed Oil company
• Supply Type: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing), Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Certification: MSDS, CCPB /NOP USDA PROGRAM, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Features: Anti-Aging, Moisturizer, Nourishing, Skin Revitalizer.
• Main Ingredient: Prickly Pear Seed Oil 100% natural.
• Port: FOB Casablanca / Tanger MED / Agadir.
• Delivery Time: 10 days after confirmation of all details and deposit.
• Packing Box of: according to your order, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
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Our Services
Branding and Package Design of Prickly Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for clients wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own private label.
We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal; of course, the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass-produce.
The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.
We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case-printed designs, and other custom requirements.
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How can I get some samples of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, this charge will be deducted from the payment for the formal order.
(2)Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange an RPI (remote pick-up) service upon FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc. To have the samples collected; Or inform us of your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.
How does your factory do regarding quality control Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
Quality is a priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:
(1)All raw materials we used are environmental-friendly.
(2)Skillful workers care for every detail in handling the stamping, printing, stitching, and packing process.
(3)Quality control department is specially responsible for quality checking in each process.
Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purposes, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.
(2)We usually produce goods based on customers' samples or based on customers' pictures, logos, sizes, etc detailed information designed for customers.
Company Information:
Oriental Group N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech MOROCCO
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Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / viber ) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website : www.group-oriental.com E-mail : [email protected]
Follow US http://facebook.com/grouporiental http://twitter.com/grouporiental
https://www.instagram.com/bioprogreenmorocco/ https://www.pinterest.com/bioprogreenmorocco/
0 notes
NightDry Supplements - Health
Restful Nights Are Back on the Agenda Thanks to NightDry!
For years, like many a Brit, I suffered through a nightly ritual that wasn't exactly cupping a cuppa. Frequent trips to the loo in the wee hours had become the norm, leaving me bleary-eyed and exhausted come morning. Don't get me wrong, I'd tried everything – cutting back on fluids before bed, pelvic floor exercises (let's just say I wasn't a natural), even special sleepwear to avoid those mad dashes. But nothing seemed to do the trick.
A Beacon of Hope in the Form of a Supplement
Then, a friend – bless her – mentioned NightDry. Now, I'll admit, I was a tad sceptical at first. Another miracle cure promising the world? Been there, done that, got the empty supplement bottle in the back of the cupboard. But after a bit of research and seeing positive reviews from others, I decided to give it a go. NightDry is a natural supplement specifically designed to support bladder function, particularly at night.
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NightDry Delivers on its Promises
Within a week, I noticed a difference. The nightly treks to the loo became less frequent, and the urgency that often jolted me awake started to fade. By the second week, I was sleeping through the night – a full night's sleep! It felt like a miracle. Now, I'm not saying NightDry is a magic bullet, but for me, it's been a game-changer.
More Than Just Sleep – A Brighter Day Dawns
The benefits go beyond just a good night's kip. Waking up refreshed has had a positive impact on my entire day. I have more energy, my mood has perked up considerably (no more grumpy mornings!), and I can finally focus on the things that matter without that niggling worry about "will I make it?".
NightDry – A Discreet and Easy Addition to Your Routine
NightDry itself is a breeze to incorporate into your daily routine. The capsules are small and easy to swallow, and there's no weird taste or side effects to contend with. Plus, it's a discreet little addition to your medicine cabinet – no bulky contraptions or lifestyle changes needed.
NightDry – A Recommendation Worth Sharing
If you're a fellow Brit struggling with disrupted sleep due to frequent urination, then I wholeheartedly recommend giving NightDry a try. It's been a lifesaver for me, and I wouldn't hesitate to share it with anyone in a similar situation. A good night's sleep is worth its weight in gold, and NightDry has helped me reclaim mine. So, ditch the bleary eyes and the desperate dashes to the loo, and say hello to restful nights and a brighter day!
0 notes
bioprogreenmorocco · 2 years
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
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This is a natural oil extracted from seeds of fruit Opuntia ficus indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in the hot and dry regions - such as Morocco. They produce beautiful bright yellow and pinkish flower during the spring, then fruit in late summer. Cactus seed oil is rich in fatty oil suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin. It is perfect for deep hydration, including face and hair protection in any environment. The fruits and stems are especially relevant in many cultures as a nutritious treat.
This oil is a member of cactus seed and has some well-known names, such as Indian figs, Opuntia, prickly cactus seed oil, etc. Most noteworthy, it has grown in popularity with Argan oil. It's one of the most expensive, dearest, oil in the beauty industry. The oil is extracted from the fruit’s seed, thus, its high priced. Most of all, the plant survives and thrives in drought and harsh conditions, as a result, can protect and maintain moisture in the skin.
• Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale is an excellent source of antioxidants and its also stable. The oil has an amazing high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids containing Linoleic acids.
• The oil is also light, versatile and easily absorbed into the body. It contains tocopherols which make it a powerful antioxidant.
• It also Improves skin elasticity and useful supplement to an anti-aging formulation.
• Prickly Seed Oil is an effective moisturizer and leaves the skin soft and silky.
• It can also-also be used to hydrate dry and damaged hair.
• It Restores makes our nails and cuticles look healthy.
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Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale BENEFITS:
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale is rich in nutrients, minerals, herbal sterols, vitamin K for spider veins and Betalains for lightening. Also, it protects the skin against free radical damage, thereby stimulating cell growth and lowering inflammation.
This fine oil hydrates the skin deeply, and it is appropriate for all skin categories, but works mainly on mature skin and dry skin.
Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale is unprecedented in its capability to improve the skin and get it freed of dark spots. Vitamin K on the other hand, aids to reduce spider veins.
The oil contains the maximum levels of Betalains known of any plant (more than Beets, Acai, Blueberries, etc.) Betalains are powerful antioxidants with anti-aging effect.
From research, it has high content of vitamin E more than Argan oil. Vitamin E is a free radical scrounger and also intensifies cell renewal. The high content of fatty acid, plumps the skin, decreasing wrinkles and traps free radicals.
It is non-irritating, profoundly beneficial and calming. Calm inflammation and moisturizes the skin.
The high Linolenic acid content in Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale makes its absorption into the skin quickly. It does so profoundly that it leaves no oily residue.
The emphasis in this amazing oil, is thus spreading, as well as the number lower quality on sale. Prickly pear seed oil from Morocco contain only pure; cold pressed Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale without any mixture.
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It goes without a saying that the Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale Health has countless benefits without having any side effects on health and skin. Hence, it is a great value for the money, whereas, the Oriental Group is the best provider of the very oil by all the means.
Packaging details :
• 40ml, 60ml, 100ml ,125ml, in PET plastic bottle with pump 250ml, 500 ml, 1Liter, 10 Liters, 20 liters,25 liters ,33 Liters in drum with cap Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale can be 30ml, 40ml,50ml, 60ml, 100ml ,250ml,500 ml in amber or trasparent glass bottle with cap/dropper
• Min.Order Quantity of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1 Liter
• Supply Ability of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale: 1000 Liter/Liters of Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale per month
• Port: FOB Casablanca /Tanger MED / Agadir
• Payment Terms: L/C,T/T, ,Western Union,MoneyGram/Paypal
Quick Details:
• Directions : For soft skin and hair, apply directly to the desired area as needed
• Place of Origin: Morocco
• Product name : Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Brand Name: BioProGreen Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Use Prickly Pear Seed Oil : Face, body and Hair
• Form: Oil.Prickly Pear Seed Oil company
• Supply Type: OBM (Original Brand Manufacturing), Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Certification: MSDS , CCPB /NOP USDA PROGRAM, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
• Features: Anti-Aging, Moisturizer, Nourishing, Skin Revitalizer.
• Main Ingredient: Prickly Pear Seed Oil 100% natural.
• Port: FOB Casablanca / Tanger MED / Agadir.
• Delivery Time: 10 days after confirmation of all details and deposit.
• Packing Box of: according to your order, Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
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Our Services
Branding and Package Design of Prickly Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
Oriental Group provides a complete branding service for client wishing to penetrate their domestic markets using their very own private label.
We have many varieties of bottles and containers at our disposal; of course the client may supply their own, or can send us a sample for us to mass produce.
The client can supply their own label or have one produced for them by our team of designers, we can design exactly to your specifications.
We can supply casing solutions to meet any specifications ranging from customized design cases, case printed designs and other custom requirements.
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1.How can I get some samples Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)We are honored to offer you samples. New clients are expected to pay for the courier cost, the samples are free for you, this charge will be deducted from the payment for formal order.
(2)Regarding the courier cost: You can arrange a RPI (remote pick-up) service upon FedEx, UPS, DHL,TNT, etc. To have the samples collected; Or inform us your DHL collection account. Then you can pay the freight direct to your local carrier company.
2.How does your factory do regarding quality control Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
Quality is priority! Every worker keeps the QC from the very beginning to the very end:
(1)All raw material we used are environmental-friendly.
(2)Skillful workers care every detail in handing the stamping, printing,stitching, packing process.
(3)Quality control department specially responsible for quality checking in each process.
3.Can your factory print or emboss my logo on the goods Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale?
(1)Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packing box, for patent protection purpose, a letter of attorney (letter of authorization) shall be provided for the logo.
(2)We usually produce goods based on customer's samples or based on customers' picture, logo, sizes etc detail information design for customers.
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Company Information:
Oriental Group N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech MOROCCO
Tel:+212 524 335 449 MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / viber ) Fax:+212 524 457 961 Website : www.group-oriental.com E-mail : [email protected]
Follow US http://facebook.com/grouporiental http://twitter.com/grouporiental
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0 notes
piermanwalter · 3 years
Thief’s Apprentice: Core Gameplay Part 1 - Fights
Index: You are Being Warned
Figures 1 and 2, Table 1
How Stats Affect Fighting
Status Bars
Figure 3
Fight Controls
Purpose of Fighting
Aesthetics of Fighting
Final Thoughts
Thief’s Apprentice is a shitty evil retro open world game about Medieval zombie crime. Being an immortal corpse with no physical senses should be reinforced in every aspect of its design, as well as the day-to-day functions of an entire undead city fuelled by maniacal devotion to half-forgotten joys of life. 
The aimless story composed of seemingly inconsequential and unrelated events culminating into huge payoffs and/or disasters should be reinforced by the gameplay, with the same set of stats influencing and being influenced by every mechanic.
Most fights can be headsmashed through with your gigantic healthbars, so fights should be ended in ways conducive to your goals, not just by winning. To compensate for fights technically being easier than most games, many abstractions and widely accepted quality of life features have been removed from dialogue and inventory to make them as infuriating as I can get away with.
Unsecured objects will move, rot, break, sprout, and form junk piles in your inventory. There is a very simple turn based RPG hidden in the dialogue with “elemental attacks” based on various methods of persuasion, “status effects” based on political affiliation, and “items” based on rare information. 
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Fig. 1: Health, soul, and stagger bars. 1A-C: Charming Conman, Fleetfooted Housebreaker, Greedy Pickpocket. 1D: Housebreaker partially staggered. 1E: Housebreaker fully grounded, soul partially depleted. 1F: Conman health low (Note: After some changes after rendering in Godot, Fig. 1 is already out of date.)
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Fig. 2: Evil bullshit damage formula, made to maximise evil bullshit
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Table 1: Material impact type grid (values placeholders for now but it should get the vibe across)
SUPER SUMMARY: Revenants don’t usually fight to kill, since even the most deprived madman is very hard to kill and injuries don’t heal naturally. They fight to run away or establish social hierarchy. If you are careful, you can fight a lot through the entire game without being a nohit speedrunner and not heal even once.
Two out of three bros are bad at fighting, so it is not a priority, but if you want to attack, fighting is based on staggering people until they fall over and using the right type of attack on the right type of tissue to maximise damage while making sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Secret stat: weight. The bros have a base minimum and maximum weight based on how much of each type of health they have, but it can go over max by carrying items in inventory or holding heavy containers. Having a giant weight makes your soul decrease faster, makes more noise while walking, and breaks certain types of floors, but has great benefits otherwise, such as increasing your “tipping point” and making you harder to stagger, and as a damage multiplier. It is both thematically appropriate and mechanically advantageous to carry many things and be heavy as hell. Most weapons increase damage simply by increasing your weight. Hopefully there are some playstyles and outrageous cheat methods based on being light, but in a game about gutting the wealth out of an entire city, being heavy should not be discouraged.
Strength: Allows the bros to carry heavy objects and move faster while carrying them. Also acts as a damage multiplier. Damage is calculated when hit boxes on different individuals intersect, as...
((Enemy Stagger X Vector Difference X Weight X Strength X Attack / Hit Point Conversion)) + (Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean if Weapon Sharpness Will Be More Extensive X Sleight)  - (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion X  Material Impact Type Grid) = Points of Damage per Material
This looks like absolute bullshit, but a majority of these stats don’t change a lot during fights and can be precalculated and reduced into a Super Fight Multiplier (Weight X Strength X Attack / Hit Point Conversion) and Super Damage Additive (Weapon Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean if Weapon Sharpness Will Be More Extensive X Sleight) - (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion X  (Material Impact Type Grid) . The values of the Material Impact Type Grid, while changing depending on material and impact type, can be called upon with no calculation, so maybe it is a good idea to store nine Super Damage Additives at once. If not, the Super Damage Additive should be calculated without the grid part and there’s also a Super Defence (Enemy Defence X Defence Conversion) to compensate.
There will need to be some kind of iterable that cycles upon all three material types for damage calculation and skips over materials that aren’t there. For the sake of sanity, each attack can only have one type of impact.
The Super Fight Multiplier and Super Damage Additive can easily be stored somewhere and only updated when their component stats change, to prevent processing meltdown hell from calculating the entire damage formula each frame.
Thus the entire formula in terms of frame by frame calculation can be reduced to...
(Stagger X Vector Difference X Super Fight Multiplier) + Super Damage Additive = Points of Damage per Material.
Or with separate Super Damage Additives...
(Stagger X Vector Difference X Super Fight Multiplier) + Super Damage Additive - (Super Enemy Defence X Material Impact Type Grid) = Points of Damage per Material.
I am not sure if the vector difference should just be the speed stat and be consumed by the Super Fight Multiplier, or if it can be calculated in real time based on the movement vectors of each hit box with “approaching” vectors of great difference and “retreating” of little difference upon the first frame of interaction, but the point of this pointlessly complicated damage system is to not have categorical differences between different hit box interactions.
Essentially, this means attacks will hurt more if they are faster and hit head on, and not hurt at all as glancing blows dealt to someone actively running away. This also means it’s easy to accidentally or “accidentally” hurt someone or break things by filling your pockets with bricks and running into them.
This also allows multiple hit box interactions at once. For example, a kick where one corner of your hit box clips slightly into your enemy’s shoulder does one box interaction worth of damage, but if you bodyslam someone, you have so many hit and hurt box interactions and a lot of damage is done.
Attack priority will be easier to figure out after I can see all the boxes, so I’ll do that later.
I hope making the graphics and loading zone sizes purposefully shitty and limited will allow large numbers of hit box interactions and vector calculations to happen relatively quickly, to achieve situations like running away while people throw rocks at you, but the rocks are doing no damage, or charging into oncoming traffic and exploding, or loading your pockets with bricks and ganking someone by jumping off a building on top of them.
Defence: Decreases damage taken by a set amount. Also used to generate a minimum damage threshold, which governs whether or not a regular box turns into a hurt box during box interactions. If not, no damage is taken.
This is EXTREMELY NOT the same as turning into a hurt box and taking no damage from set damage reduction. I will explain this in the Starting and Ending Fights section. 
This also means you can whale to your shrivelled little corpse heart’s content beating on a monolith of defence and they won’t care.
Charisma: This is used to get into and out of fights, which is technically a part of dialogue.
Attack: As you may remember, this is also a damage multiplier.
Speed: Increases movement speed, including fight animations. Increasing speed by a single point is barely perceptible, but the evil bullshit damage formula means this may be enough to reach victory.
Sleight: Also a damage multiplier, but solely acts on sharp and/or finicky attacks. Does nothing otherwise. 
Stamina: Increases your rate of stagger and soul regeneration.
Class: Class may enable the bros to get into or avoid fights, but once a fight starts it doesn’t matter in terms of stats. Enemies may use certain attacks against specific classes. 
As seen in Fig. 1, there are three health bars: metal (grey), flesh (red), and bone (beige). There are two other indicators: stagger (dark square turns red while depleting), and soul (light green loops). 
With at least one health bar still there, you will still be alive. When all three bars are depleted, you die. In practice, this means when fighting a knife-wielding enemy who slashed all your flesh apart, you are still alive because your bones and prosthetics are still intact. In 1E, the health bar gets a pointy end, as an indicator of low health, and also because if it stayed square, it would be very hard to see how much you have left as a tiny triangle of pixels stuck behind the stagger bar. I hate when that happens. 
Most importantly, all these health bars are gigantic. I won’t know how the numbers behave until this gets programmed, but assuming fights with regular non-towering-prosthetic-monstrosity Veilheimers deal 0-40 damage per hit, it is normal to have a total of 6000 hit points across all health bars. In practice, this means you die after getting impaled by a spearman running into you at full speed 50 times. This sounds incredibly lenient, but remember revenants are sustained by Death Magic and feel no pain.
At high metal, you are very heavy, highly resistant to physical status types of damage, increases defence and strength greatly, but decreases stamina. High metal also reduces the rate of soul regeneration, to the point where you might die from having more prosthetics than your soul can support. At low metal, you are lighter, speed and stamina increase, but charisma decreases because your fit is busted as hell.
At high flesh, you are heavy, strength, speed, and stamina increase colossally, soul regeneration increases, but you are highly likely to get physical status effects, like burning, smelly, maggots, or rotting. At low flesh, you are light, but charisma and sleight increases because being a skeleton is a lifestyle. 
At high bones, you are heavy, strength and defence increase a bit, and soul regeneration increases massively. At low bones, your charisma and sleight tank catastrophically. Take care of your bones.
Realistically there would also be a fabric health bar, but the UI is cluttered enough already and the in-universe explanation is that the bros are Cyrenean and good at repairing clothes.
Bear in mind that health isn’t the only thing affecting stats.
Because revenants feel no pain and are horrifying tanks in general, there are very few damage indicators like flinch animations and particle effects. To make sure the player understands revenants are horrifying tanks while still being aware when damage is taken, the health bars will break off and fall down the screen. The status bars need to be in the top left. The health bars also need to be this thick because I feel like a single pixel falling down is hard to see.
Note that this only applies to revenants. The living have one tiny health bar and die if it depletes.
The stagger bar, the pink square, determines when you will fall over, and basically acts as a traditional stamina and balance meter. Every action from walking to doing hit animations increases the stagger bar because revenants don’t have a sense of balance. Being in windy or slippy environments automatically increases stagger. Having high stagger, as seen in the evil bullshit damage formula, increases the amount of damage you take as a percent of max stagger, which I realised i did not properly convey in the evil bullshit damage formula, but I can’t be assed to change it. When your stagger reaches maximum, you fall down and your movements are much more limited on the ground, but hopefully you can take someone down with you because it counts as an attack. For the sake of sanity, the stagger formula for getting hit is...
(Vector Difference X Weight X Strength / Stagger Conversion) = Points of Stagger
With the Super Stagger Multiplier (Weight X Strength / Stagger Conversion)...
Vector Difference X Super Stagger Multiplier = Points of Stagger
The stagger formula for getting staggered by your own actions is...
Arbitrary Stagger Value X Weight X Strength / (Stamina X Self Stagger Conversion) = Self Stagger
I’m not sure how the maximum stagger should be calculated. Should it just be...
Stamina X Weight = Max Stagger? 
Stagger is still tracked above the maximum and you can only stand up when it goes under the maximum. It should be really easy to get stunlocked. Being grounded is debilitating for Conman because he can’t do anything except get up. Housebreaker also can’t do anything on the ground, but he does a devastating attack while getting up. Pickpocket can crawl and roll around and has a new set of attacks on the ground, so it may be advantageous to intentionally get knocked over. 
The soul bar is the overlapping green line and is basically your magic meter and level of motivation. Bear in mind as a revenant, every movement and thought is done with magic and every action burns soul. Conman is not physically violent by nature, so his attacks burn a lot of soul. Pickpocket is totally amoral, so his attacks burn some amount of soul. Housebreaker is a belligerent asshole fuelled by violence, so his attacks burn very little soul and the simple ones actually increase soul. In practice, this means you can hide in an alley punching the air until you feel good enough to talk to people without insulting them.
You can also burn soul to empower activities by pressing and holding the soul button (haven’t decided which key it is yet) before pressing another button. If you hold the soul button while running, speed increases, and if you attack while burning soul it will increase attack. I’m not sure if using soul counts as an all-stat boost or if it uses button press context to only boost specific stats. Latter is better I think.
You can also burn soul with a different button to empty your stagger bar, or refill your health bars, except the metal bar. For shitty evil reasons, this burns a ton of soul. Revenants will instinctively let their bodies fall into ruin to conserve soul, which takes huge chunks out of the flesh and bone bars. It should be possible to make a terrible mistake by burning soul to heal flesh, but it’s too much soul, so now you have less flesh than you did before. Fortunately, the bros are also shitty and evil and can increase soul by doing crime.
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Fig. 3: Circumferential movement increases effectiveness of polearms. 3A: Short star mace. 3B: Long star mace. 3C: Vector difference is calculated by this frame data and previous frame data, meaning you will never get a perfect instantaneous velocity tangent. Deal with it. I will also have to deal with it, to prevent frame disasters leading to infinite damage.
The best and hopefully not the only good thing about the evil bullshit damage formula is that it allows weapon damage to scale in accordance to the range and shape of the actual weapon, not just base stats, although those are also here. As seen in Fig. 3, the hit box of long weapons physically move faster than short weapons, increasing damage.
This technically means damage is affected by framerate, since many frames means smaller vector differences and less damage. Maybe the framerate can be capped, or damage be based on a specific time unit, but it would be super funny if the game was unplayable at high frame rates because the vectors become infinitesimally small and deal no damage.
Weight in the evil bullshit damage formula is actually (Total Weight + Weapon Apparent Weight), which I realised i did not properly convey, again. The Master Design Document is stored somewhere else and posting a scrungy and unreadable design doc draft only makes my ideas harder to copy. In fact, I’m counting on people to not read this.
Weapon Apparent Weight takes into account deliberately unbalanced weapons like maces and gourds on a stick that concentrate weight on the end to hit harder. Sharpness Boolean or Maybe Not a Boolean takes into account weapon sharpness and proper edge alignment. If it’s not a boolean, it could be a Sharpness Proficiency Type Grid.
Different attacks with the same weapon can have different damage types. For example, hitting someone with the flat side of a shovel is blunt damage, hitting them with the edge is cut damage, and piercing them with the point is still cut damage. Stabbing someone with a sword is stab damage, but hitting them with the hilt does blunt damage.
There should be some button to press to change grip, thus changing damage type without needing to open your inventory and switch weapons mid fight. I hate doing that. It also won’t fit the shitty and evil design ethos to switch between weapon loadouts quickly. 
There should be breakable weapons, but I haven’t decided how to do it yet. Ideally, a random object like a gourd on a stick breaks instantly, a regular intended weapon’s health bar is as big as yours, and well made weapons are nearly indestructible. 
Weapon sharpness and apparent weight worsen by either the boolean or by the grid. I haven’t decided.
Holding weapons can have different effects on stats aside from weight. Holding a menacing weapon increases attack. Holding something that’s not a weapon decreases attack for Conman, but increases attack for Housebreaker because he’ll beat your skull in with a gourd on a stick if he has to. Conman also gets more attack from having weapons in his inventory, not just by holding them. Pickpocket is not emotionally affected by weapons because he lacks awareness of many things.
I can’t think of a better way to word this mechanic, but basically when a barbed or sticky attack lands and its damage exceeds the Stuck Threshold, or when you grab someone, when one of you gets staggered, the other takes the same amount of stagger, you can only move within a set radius of each other, and the strongest one gets to drag the other around until either the weapon is let go of, or the equal amount of damage to the Stuck Threshold is taken to get unstuck. Getting stuck persists between loading zones, allowing you to get dragged across the city.
The Getting Things Stuck in You Formula is...
Sticky Boolean Like an Actual Boolean X Sticky Conversion - (Points of Flesh X Sum of Sticky Status Effect Additives) = Stuck Threshold
Maybe it would be better as If Sticky Boolean = Yes, then...
Sticky Conversion - (Points of Flesh X Sum of Sticky Status Effect Additives) = Stuck Threshold
This is something else that can be only recalculated on the frame any of its components changes. Basically, the fleshier and stickier you are, the more likely it is to get things stuck in you.
This is potentially one of the most broken mechanics and I’m willing to cut or simplify it if it gets too off the shits, but it would be super funny to steal weapons by covering yourself with glue and deliberately getting attacked. 
For the sake of sanity, it would be best if you are sticking someone else, you can’t get things stuck in you, but it should be possible to form “sea urchins” of many people sticking one person.
But it would be even funnier if you could form geometric webs of an entire loading zone of people stuck together, even though this is impossible to make.
Conman is the only bro who can get stuck in things while unarmed.
It would be shitty and evil if being stuck only tracked radius so you can move and turn and the weapon stuck in you just carves its way around without doing anything. 
As stated above, one way of accidentally or “accidentally” starting fights is to run into someone, and surpassing the minimum damage threshold. The minimum damage threshold deserves a formula but I can’t be assed to formulate one right now. Basically it allows people to get into fights even when no damage is taken, or damage is taken but they let it slide. It should also be possible to lower the minimum damage threshold by making someone hate you through dialogue and reputation.
Assuming you aren’t running into people all the time, the main way to start fights is mid-conversation, by insulting one specific person or group. You should also be able to yell at people without starting conversations, but I am still not sure how to make that target specific people.
It would be really funny if cursor targeting was solely used to start fights with specific people.
Alternatively, it might be better to pick a madlibs type fill in the blanks statement that you say whenever you press the designated yell button, that can be used for many other things, but also for starting fights. For the sake of playable character insignificance, other people will also be yelling things, often completely unrelated to the current situation.
For example, you can yell, “(demographic) ARE (adjective)” and use “MASONS ARE A BLIGHT” to piss off every mason in earshot, or start fights with specific people by using, “(greeting) (individual)”. That said, some people are getting yelled at in the street so much that insults from you from you will be ignored.
This is EXTREMELY NOT the same as being in the middle of a conversation and picking an option or pissing someone off to the point of starting fights. 
You can also start fights by breaking things and causing problems.
Obviously, you can also purposefully attack people.
Obviously, other people can also just attack you for being there.
If you bother the living in any way, all civic-minded Veilheimers will attack you.
There isn’t a specific fight mode instigator for you, meaning that you get to decide if the person insulting you or running you over in the streets warrants attacking. For shitty evil reasons, this does not apply to Housebreaker, who will automatically go into fight mode when he sees someone holding one bottle of wine in each hand, a three-legged dog, or a yelling guard.
Obviously, fights end when you or your opponents die.
But the best way of ending fights is by negotiation. You have “I won. You give up.” and “You won. I give up.” buttons that you can press any time during fights. Surrendering usually works, but whether demanding your opponent to surrender depends on achieving secret objectives like 3 knockdowns or destroying 50% of their flesh before they surrender. Bear in mind some revenants will kill and die for the pettiest reasons imaginable. 
To make fighting as shitty and evil as possible, I’m taking inspiration from Dark Souls and making it worse. Not only are attack animations slow and laborious, they only start after you let go of the attack button. The purpose of this is to make you feel like a sluggish insensate creature, and make fighting feel so viscerally bad that you try to avoid it. For the sake of sanity, most opponents will also be sluggish insensate creatures.
There are three attack buttons. One for dealing high stagger but low damage, one for purposeful attacking, and one for mauling the hell out of people. If you press and let them go like any normal game, all the attacks suck, which may be useful if you want to intimidate someone without killing them. 
You can press and hold the buttons for up to 3 seconds for better versions of the same 3 attacks, at the cost of increased self stagger.
For shitty evil reasons, using weapons gives you only one attack for the weapon-related button at any given time, until you change grip and get a different single attack.
Should there be combos? No. Die.
Should there be crouch attacks? Only one and it sucks.
Should there be running attacks? Ok. Fine.
The reason for 3 attack buttons is using the last button for items.
You won’t achieve your objectives by killing everyone in your path, unless your objective is to kill everyone in your path. For example, if you kill someone while trying to get information out of them, that information is gone. If you kill someone while robbing their store, the store closes and you miss out on potential later goods. If you try to put a dent in the guard population by killing them, that just summons more guards.
The main objective of fighting is to figure out what to do in order to make your enemy surrender, so afterwards you can ask for whatever you want. There are some obvious physical and personality indicators for how hard you are supposed to kick someone’s ass before they comply, but as i said before, some revenants will die on one degree hills. 
For shitty evil reasons, there are no direct ways of finding exactly how to make someone surrender beyond incidental information like “If you knock him over enough, he’ll just sit there and give up.” or “She’s in debt. Bought too many nice prosthetics.” Maybe there can be expensive magic items that tell you what to do, but sometimes they don’t know and lie.
Sometimes fights have multiple stages when you have to kick someone’s ass to make them hear you out, and you ask too much of them, so you have to kick their ass again.
Even fighting your hardest all the time won’t help you.
If you are having a fun shoving match between friends, but you start mauling people, the win condition may go from “stagger 3 times” to “You dare try to kill me? You pitiful mad traitor. I’ll kill you first.”
Be careful how you behave during fights.
If you have a gun, the win condition may go from “break 50% metal” to “holy fucking shit dude. do whatever you want.”
If you keep demanding surrender to a proud opponent, the win condition may go from “break 20% bone” to “Go fuck yourself. Break 20% bone and +5% more bone for each time you demand surrender.”
If you are seriously losing, but you keep demanding your opponent surrender, the win condition may go from “stagger 30 times” to “Are you ok? I’m worried about your sanity. I surrender.”
If you keep using magic items against a wizard hater, the win condition may go from “hit 20 times or break 10% metal” to “Wizard. Die.”
In practice, the win conditions will be more specific and include things like fire tolerance and how far you need to run away before they grant you mercy, but these are just for demonstration purposes.
It needs to look shitty and evil. These are rotting zombies clawing and bumbling into each other, with no flinch, knockback, or invincibility frames at all, just taking turns smacking each other until the other gives up or dies. Fighting is less about being actually good, and more about deciding how much of your health and soul you are willing to destroy to achieve other objectives.
If you see anyone fighting with real grace and technique, get out.
Here are things that I can’t be assed to fit into specific categories. 
Bear in mind that all of this is intended for 8 directional movement. Theoretically, this makes it easier to line up vectors for better damage, since there are much fewer possible orientations of boxes.
Pressing and holding buttons seems to tie similar mechanics together while also making you feel slow and numb, which massively suits the setting, so I will work it into other controls.
I hate when writers or directors form an idea in 30 seconds and it takes the rest of the team ten thousand hours to realise it. For the sake of equity and good game design, I should spend at least 20% amount of time thinking of something as it takes to realise, which is one of the reasons I put all my thoughts here. Another reason is as a screening method, because if I can’t even be assed to fully articulate and write down an idea, it probably sucks.
I know firsthand making funny and cool comic about interpersonal relationships gets the most attention, but that’s the least useful thing for me to make in order to actually finish the game. Bathe in love for something that doesn’t exist, or watch as everyone forgets about something that does? It’s the game designer’s eternal crisis.
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shad0w-man-blog1 · 4 years
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valgasnewsthings · 11 months
Which fruits and vegetables are eating in diabetes.
 Summer are giving for diabetes patients lots of possibles for lowering glucose level in blood and improving condition an own. Thus use this season by maximum, and improve and own feeling.
Any diabetes base cure lies a right meal, and diet for diabetic is a base of his health, long life and preventing complications/hypertension, bad healing wounds, in surgery are bad healing sieves, trophical ulcers, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, gangrene for feet of legs.
And from fruits lowering glucose in blood am  advising are pomegranates, pears, non-sweet kinds, non-sweet apples, thistle golden, From berries are sambucus nigra, blueberry, blackberry, dogwood, fragaria vesca, black currant, white, cherry sour, schizandra chinesis.
Not avoiding, but limiting are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, white, Brussels, red, savoy, china, red radish, turnip, squash, aubergines, pumpkin, asparagus, salad, sorrel, spinach, dill, green onion, garlic, chicory, vegetable, celery leaf petioles, tomatoes, sweet pepper, Bulgarian, kidney beans, artichoke.
Data vegetables eating on 250-300 gr/day, spreading theirs quantities on a few methods. Vegetables and fruits with ten percent sugars in 100 gr products are onion, beet, carrot, beans, peas, petroselinum, celery root, strawberry, oranges, mandarines, red currant, raspberry, cranberry, melon, peach, quince, pears.
Avoiding from sweet fruits with ten percent of sugars, as sweet apples, bananas, fig, grape, dates, pineapples , but you can eat on small quantities and for 1-2 times/month, or better avoiding .
Glycaemic index is importance.
Glycaemic index or GI Is stat for a meal affecting on glucose rising in blood after his using. If he is not high, thus glucose in blood rising slowly, if high,  thus after eating this product glucose in blood rising very faster, that is bad in diabetes. As in cookies, jam, fried vegetables a GI is higher, than in raw, thus in diabetes benefit use raw vegetables, fruits, and very fast and strong rising in chopping products and very higher staying in pressing juice or cooking juice . And avoid cook juices of garden harvest and drink theirs as of changing vegetables and fruits.
And Glycaemic index table you can find in internet or buy online, or asking in a doctor.
About your favourite potato.
Sugar in her is less, but lots of starch having, which faster transferring in glucose and rising her sugar level in blood, thus potato eat on 200 gr/day is sugar level in blood is ten, and not higher, if high, thus on 100 gr, and eat potato as boiled,stewed, baked kinds, avoid cooking purée, as GI in purée is higher.
For keeping sugar in blood bridle, eat 50 gr of carbohydrates, as not entering here just sugar on clean kind, but   starch as of potato, carrot, beet, and bread.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/T4ZQupM via https://ift.tt/AaoeOsQ
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