#fibre buddha
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The material used in it is Fiber and can be customized in Black stone. Our best artisans wonderfully craft this sculpture. 
To know more about the product: https://www.thestonestudio.in/product/elephant-statue-for-home/ To check our website: www.thestonestudio.in Phone No: +91-7008222943 Email Id: [email protected]
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aryanliu93 · 4 months
Discovering Tranquility with 2 Feet
Buddha Statue and Fiber Buddha Statue.
Transform your space with the serene presence of our exquisite 2 Feet Buddha Statue, Crafted with meticulous detail, this masterpiece radiates tranquility and peace. The Fiber Buddha Statue, a symbol of enlightenment, adds a touch of spiritual elegance to any environment.Its intricate design and spiritual aura bring a sense of calm to my home. Also, the Fiber Buddha Statue is a brilliant choice for those seeking a unique blend of artistry and mindfulness. These statues truly transcend decor, becoming a source of daily inspiration.
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tommooy94 · 4 months
Find Serenity with Our 2 Feet Fibre Buddha Statue.
Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of a Fibre Buddha Statue and the soothing influence of 2 Feet Buddha Statue. The Stone Studio offers a splendid selection that elevates your environment with enduring beauty. Visit our online store, The Stone Studio, to discover the ideal additions for your indoor or outdoor sanctuary. Enhance your environment with our exquisite stone art work.
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ryanmabil95 · 5 months
Explore Tranquility with Our 2 Feet Buddha Statue at The Stone Studio.
Embrace Serenity with our Exquisite 2 Feet Fibre Buddha Statue at Buy Buddha Statues, God, & Garden Statues - The Stone Studio. Elevate your space with tranquility and beauty as we unveil our stunning 2 Feet Buddha Statue collection. Crafted with precision and care, each statue embodies the essence of peace and enlightenment. Our Fibre Buddha Statues
are not just art, they are a reflection of serenity in your sacred space.
At The Stone Studio, we take pride in curating unique pieces that add a touch of spirituality to your surroundings. Explore our exclusive collection of Fibre Buddha Statues, where craftsmanship meets mindfulness. Welcome the divine into your home and create a haven of peace.
Visit www.thestonestudio.in to discover the art of serenity with our Fibre Buddha Statue collection. Elevate your space, elevate your soul. #FibreBuddhaStatue #BuddhaArt #SpiritualLiving #HomeDecorInspiration"
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kayuandco · 4 months
Add Style to Your Kitchen with the Perfect Wholesale Large Wooden Salad Bowl
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You need to step up your culinary game with our large wooden salad bowl from Kayu&Co. Crafted from high-quality Balinese wood and coconut fibre waste, this gorgeous salad bowl is not just a pretty face but 100% compostable too. 
Our handmade bowl has a smooth matte finish and unique markings and colouration that make every piece unique. It's a stylish and sustainable addition to any kitchen, perfect for salads or as a fruit bowl. 
Made from solid Suar Wood and sealed with natural, food-safe oil and wax, this limited-edition bowl is a work of art. Only a limited number is crafted due to the availability of the waste material. The set comes with a Buddha Bowl and Salad Server. 
Taking care of your bowl is easy: wash it with mild dish soap, dry it immediately, and apply beeswax or food-grade oil every three months. 
At Kayu&Co., we are committed to responsible and sustainable production, using circularity, recycling and upcycling methods. Our wooden products are hand-carved by an artisan workshop in Lodtunduh Village, Indonesia, and designed in Australia. 
As a wholesale supplier of wooden salad bowls, we offer our beautiful products at competitive prices. By choosing us, you can trust you are making an eco-friendly choice that supports small-scale artisans and a more sustainable future.
Make a lasting impression with Kayu&Co.'s Large Wooden Salad Bowl, a lovingly crafted piece that combines beauty, sustainability, and functionality. Order yours today at Kayu&Co and take a step toward a greener future!
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ad15124 · 2 years
buddha and marie kondo would both cry looking at my incredible attachment to random pieces of plastic that do not actually spark joy, but that somehow are a part of the fibre of my soul
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desiturka · 4 months
Refreshing Buddha Salad: A Crisp Romaine Lettuce Medley with Paneer or Chickpeas
A Crisp Romaine Lettuce Medley with Paneer or Chickpeas
In the culinary world, the Buddha Salad stands as a testament to the harmonious fusion of flavours, textures, and nutritional goodness. As we embark on a journey to create the ultimate Refreshing Buddha Salad, we’ll delve into the art of combining the crisp freshness of Romaine lettuce with the wholesome protein punch of paneer or chickpeas.
This salad not only tantalises the taste buds but also nourishes the body and soul, embodying the essence of mindful eating.
The Art of Crafting a Refreshing Buddha Salad:
Selecting the Freshest Romaine Lettuce: The foundation of any great salad is the quality of its greens. Begin by carefully choosing vibrant, crisp Romaine lettuce leaves. Their refreshing and slightly bitter flavour profile sets the stage for the medley of ingredients to come.
Paneer or Chickpeas: The protein component of the Buddha Salad is crucial for sustaining energy levels and promoting a feeling of fullness. Here, you face a delightful dilemma: which is the rich and creamy paneer or the hearty and fibre-packed chickpeas? Each option brings its unique texture and flavor, allowing you to tailor the salad to your preferences.
Paneer Paradise:
Paneer: A Burst of Flavor: To intensify the flavour profile, consider sautéing the paneer cubes with a blend of aromatic spices. Cumin, coriander, and a pinch of turmeric create a tantalising aroma, infusing the paneer with a burst of flavour that compliments the freshness of the Romaine lettuce. Elevate the paneer experience by marinating it in a zesty concoction. A blend of yoghurt, minced garlic, ginger, and a dash of chilli powder adds depth and complexity to the protein component. Allow the paneer to absorb the flavours into your Buddha Salad.
Chickpea Sensation: A Hearty Alternative for the Health-Conscious:
A Nutritional Powerhouse: Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, present a stellar alternative for those seeking a plant-based protein source. Packed with fibre, protein, and essential nutrients, chickpeas contribute to a heart-healthy and satisfying Buddha Salad. A Fragrant Twist Infuses the chickpeas with aromatic herbs during the roasting process. This not only imparts a fragrant twist to the salad but also enhances the overall sensory experience. Herb-infused chickpeas bring a garden-fresh quality that complements the earthy tones of the Buddha Salad.
Symphony of Flavors: Bringing it All Together:
The Crucial Crunch: Beyond the protein element, a Buddha Salad thrives on texture. Introduce additional layers of crunch by incorporating colourful bell, cucumber, and cabbage. Their vibrant hues not only contribute to the visual appeal but also offer a refreshing crispness that elevates the overall experience.
The Citrus Kiss: A Zesty Dressing: No Buddha Salad is complete without a citrus-infused dressing. Whisk together fresh lemon or lime juice, extra virgin olive oil, honey, and a pinch of salt to create a zesty elixir that ties all the components together. The citrus notes add brightness, cutting through the richness of paneer or the earthiness of chickpeas.
Mindful Eating: Savouring the Refreshing Buddha Salad Experience:
The Ritual of Plating: Assemble your Buddha Salad with mindfulness, paying attention to the arrangement of colours and textures. The act of plating becomes a meditative exercise, setting the stage for a mindful and enjoyable dining experience.
Engaging the Senses: Engage all your senses as you take the first bite – feel the crispness of the Romaine lettuce, savour the creamy paneer or hearty chickpeas, and relish the crunch of vegetables. The symphony of flavours and textures creates a harmonious dance on your palate.
Sip, Savor, and Reflect: Pair your Refreshing Buddha Salad with a soothing green tea or a glass of citrus-infused water. Take the time to savour each bite, appreciating the nourishment it provides to your body and the sense of tranquillity it imparts to your soul.
In these culinary delights, the Refreshing Buddha Salad stands as a testament to the art of mindful eating. Whether you opt for the creamy luxury of paneer or the hearty goodness of chickpeas, the careful selection and combination of ingredients create a symphony of flavours and textures that delight the senses. Embrace the Zen fusion in a bowl, and let the Refreshing Buddha Salad become a culinary journey that nourishes both body and soul.
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thestonestudios · 10 months
Elevate Your Spiritual Intentions with the Grace of the Buddha Statue
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Fibre Buddha statues are capturing hearts as a dominating trend in both interior and outdoor decorating. These sculptures have been handcrafted by contemporary craftspeople using innovative techniques. The mix of lightness and durability is an intriguing element of this material. Extensive testing ensures not just authenticity but also long-term durability. Inviting these celestial forms into your surroundings brings mental peace and power over the realm of the mind.
Dissolve the Chains of Inner Attachments
Resilient against the harshest elements of the environment, the Fiber Buddha statue thrives outdoors with a splendid grace. It stands as a precious and distinct gift, a gesture of profound affection and blessings for those held dear. The gift's recipients will embrace this exceptional token with joy, cherishing it throughout their lives. Meanwhile, the sculptures themselves are a symphony of intricate details, enchanting the gaze of all who come into their presence.
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Which Buddha statue invites home luck?
The happy Buddha and the respected Shakyamuni Buddha summarize the essence of prosperity.
Where does the Buddha statue find its home within a house?
Buddha's dynamic poses embody diverse meanings and intentions. The orientation shifts in harmony with the posture and gestures.
Which material befits the Buddha statue with utmost authenticity?
Stone Buddha statues hold the mantle of tradition and authenticity with grace.
       4. How many manifestations of Buddha's essence are there?
Over a hundred poses depict each stage of Buddha's path, from beginning to end.
Infuse Your Landscape with a Remarkable Serenity
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A Buddha statue shows that you are looking for a personification that arises elegance while matching your spiritual dedication. It repels negative energy and acts as a remedy for both inner and exterior ailments. Each piece is intricate, as if the creativity is breathing life into it. Furthermore, guests are driven to pause, their eyes drawn to the gorgeous appearance.
Aiding in the Creation of Sacred Space
If you want to improve your strength and raise your moral interests, a 3ft Buddha statue online is an excellent way to start. The stone studio is a haven of workmanship, with each piece filled with care and tenderness found nowhere else. These high-end products can be customised to fit your needs. What better way to change your home than with an exceptional statement of style?
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Des bols gourmands pour une alimentation saine : découvrez les secrets du Poké Bowl et du Buddha Bowl
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Dans le monde culinaire en constante évolution, de nouveaux plats font leur apparition et se frayent un chemin jusqu'à nos assiettes. Parmi ceux-ci, le Poké Bowl et le Buddha Bowl ont gagné en popularité grâce à leur combinaison de saveurs, leur aspect esthétique et leurs bienfaits pour la santé. Mais qu'est-ce que ces bols colorés ont de si spécial ? Le Poké Bowl Originaire d'Hawaï, c'est un mélange équilibré d'aliments frais et savoureux. Traditionnellement, il se compose de poisson cru mariné, de légumes croquants, de fruits, de riz et de sauces aromatiques. Cette explosion de couleurs et de textures en fait un véritable plaisir pour les yeux et les papilles. À lire aussi : Les aliments surgelés : des partenaires pour la santé ou une menace dissimulée ? Le Buddha Bowl Il tire son inspiration des principes de l'alimentation équilibrée et saine. Composé de légumes, de céréales, de protéines végétales et de sauces nutritives, ce bol offre une combinaison harmonieuse de nutriments essentiels. Il doit son nom à la ressemblance de sa présentation avec le ventre rond d'un bouddha. Quelle est la différence entre le Poké Bowl et le Buddha Bowl ? La principale distinction réside dans les ingrédients utilisés. Alors que le Poké Bowl met l'accent sur les saveurs marines et l'utilisation de poisson cru, le Buddha Bowl se concentre davantage sur les légumes, les légumineuses et les protéines végétales. Cependant, les deux bols partagent la même philosophie d'une alimentation équilibrée et saine. Regardez l'avis d'un spécialiste sur le poké bowl dans cette vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e34hAVp-6Zs&ab_channel=David-lOrmeVert Comment réussir son Poké Bowl ? Vous voulez faire un excellent Poké Bowl pour le repas de midi ? Voici la recette : - Choisissez un poisson frais de qualité et marinez-le dans une sauce savoureuse à base de soja, de gingembre et de citron. - Ensuite, préparez une base de riz ou de quinoa et ajoutez-y une variété de légumes croquants, tels que les concombres, les avocats, les carottes et les radis. - Enfin, garnissez votre bol de fruits frais, de graines de sésame et d'une sauce équilibrée pour rehausser les saveurs. Laissez libre cours à votre créativité et personnalisez votre Poké Bowl selon vos préférences. Ne manquez pas : Découvrez ces 5 idées de recettes végétaliennes simples et rapides pour un plat délicieux ! Voici une recette simple pour préparer un délicieux Buddha Bowl Vous voulez faire un excellent Buddha Bowl pour le repas ? Voici la recette : - Commencez par une base de quinoa cuit. - Ajoutez-y une généreuse portion de légumes cuits à la vapeur ou rôtis, comme les brocolis, les patates douces et les champignons. - Intégrez également des protéines végétales telles que des pois chiches, des lentilles ou du tofu grillé. - Enfin, complétez votre bol avec une sauce crémeuse à base d'avocat, de citron et d'herbes fraîches. Ce bol nutritif et coloré est prêt à être dégusté ! Ces deux plats sont-ils bons pour la santé ? La réponse est un grand oui ! Les Poké Bowls et les Buddha Bowls sont une excellente façon d'apporter une variété de nutriments essentiels à votre alimentation. Ils sont riches en légumes, en protéines, en fibres et en antioxydants, tout en étant faibles en calories. Par contre, il faut veiller à l'équilibre des portions et à la qualité des ingrédients utilisés pour maximiser les bienfaits pour votre santé. ________ Important : Nous conseillons à tous les visiteurs de notre site web de consulter un médecin en cas de problème de santé. Retrouvez toutes les infos santé et bien-être sur notre page Google Actualités ou sur notre page Pinterest. Read the full article
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todaynewsguru · 1 year
Puppies found dead in Greater Noida: Police book owner
Days after three puppies were found dead after they allegedly fell from a 10th floor apartment in a group housing society in Greater Noida (West), Gautam Buddha Nagar Police registered an FIR against the dogs’ owner. A photo also went viral on social media, where the puppies can be seen lying on the red fibre cover of the balcony on the ground floor. An animal rights activist, Kaveri Rana, had…
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1.5 Feet Buddha Statue
To know more about the product: https://www.thestonestudio.in/product/1-5-feet-buddha-statue/
STATUE DETAILS Materials: Hand-crafted in fibre Total Height Including Base: 1.5ft or 18 inches Width: 13 inches approx Depth: 5 inches approx Weight: 2 kgs approx
To check our Gallery: www.thestonestudio.in Contact us: +91-7008222943
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timelessamritsar · 1 year
Pearl Bhachu's art catalogue for Art Expo-Amritsar (Spring 2023):
by timeless amritsar & Vulcun Art Gallery (Feb 15 to April 30,2023)
The art works listed in the catalogue belong to Ar Pearl Bhachu,Amritsar. These are exhibited for sales at Art Expo- Amritsar at timeless amritsar, 8, Queens Road adjoining Popular Bakery, Amritsar till April 30,2023. For enquiries, you may reach us at [email protected]
1. The Lord Buddha
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The scattering peace of meditation from within to beyond horizon.
Price : On request, Size : 24 x 24 inches, Medium: Handcarved wood fibre Board, Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
2. The mountains sunrise
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Sunrise glow on layers of Mountains.
Price : On request, : Size : 22 x 30 in, Medium: Acrylic & oil paints on canvas , Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
3. Ocean
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The fury of Ocean yet sea animals live happily coz they are part of it. As thus humans need to live like.
Price : On request, Size : 42 x 24.5 , Medium: Mix media (reused & recycled ) , Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
4. Flow of Life:
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An abstract description of the life of a person who refuses to live with an urban mindset flows like rivers and leads him to flowers.
Price : on request, Size : 32 x 25 inch, Medium: Watercolors over handmade paper , Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
5. Blooms in yellow soil
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The glowing yellow soil covering vast parts of India blooms with red flowers and wild climbers.
Price : on request, Size : 39 x 20 in, Medium: Mix Media (unused waste wood pieces) , Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
6. Cherry Blossoms
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An abstract desciption of flowering trees, branches filled with flowers, a burst of color and fragrances riping fruits.
Price : on request, Size : 26 x 17 inch, Medium: Recycled wood, wood veneers, painted with enamel paints , Art works: Ar Pearl Bhachu
7. The Guilded Garden
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An abstract description of a man-made environment made by valuable humans that merge with the natural environment rather than competing in it. Coexisting with mother nature.
Size : 25 x 17 inch Recycled wood, gold foil, mosaic tiles, with glass paints, acrylic & paint pens. Price : on request
8. Flower Garden Night
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Royal gardens with selected plans and flowers, that grow wild in forests and spread mystery at night, creating an endless series of small shining stars of red & gold.
Price : on request, Size ; 25 x 17 in, Medium: Enamel paints, acrylic 3d liners on mdf board, Art work: Ar Pearl Bhachu
Artist Statement
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Artist Statement: Sitting under a huge tree fascinates the nature lover in me, may be the rivers & the sea know that too. I just got high in creating a flowing intricacy not to match or compete but to celebrate the colours & inter-woven essence of Mother Nature. She blessed me to be free from human made boundation & never choose a single colour or pattern or media My creations help me to live a life independently & into the nature.
Support Partners of Art Expo-Amritsar (Spring 2023) :
Bakes & Beans cafe | Curves & Contours | Doubleshot coffee roasters | Hopping Bunnies | Kocharsons Diamonds
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onyxdragongb · 1 year
Hop Hare Bamboo Socks M/L - Blue Buddha & Lotus 
Hop Hare Bamboo Socks M/L – Blue Buddha & Lotus 
Hop Hare socks are available in two sizes: 3.5-6.5 UK (36-40 EU) and 7.5-11.5 UK (41-46 EU).  Made in Turkey. Composition: 70% Bamboo, 28.5% Polyamide, 1.5% Elastane. Why bamboo socks? breathable antibacterial thermoregulating moisture wicking smooth toe seam environmentally friendly bamboo fibres
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Importance of life style on long-term health
There is a popular quote by Buddha: “Every human being is the author of his own health. To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.
Research strongly suggests that our long-term health is linked to a large extent by our lifestyle i.e. the way we look after our mind and body. Certain conditions such as diabetes, obesity and heart diseases occur as a result of several factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, environment and behaviour. As a specialist in women’s health I have noticed that the effects of some conditions affecting women’s health, such PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), can be modified by diet and exercise.
Lifestyle medicine is an emerging concept in medicine, which focuses on prevention of non-communicable diseases by introducing changes in our lifestyle. These include modifying our diet, physical activity, avoiding harmful substances such as smoking/alcohol, having healthy relationships and reducing stress.
Let’s take the example of diet and nutrition. There is emerging evidence to suggest that a healthy plant based diet is associated with an improvement of Health-related quality of life (HRQoL index)3 . This could be related to certain anti-inflammatory properties and increased nutritional value in the plant based diet due to the presence of vitamins, fibres and micronutrients such as iron.
Initiatives such as ‘Plant Me’ are a great way forward to promote a healthy lifestyle in the society. It not only allows customers to be in control of their nutrition by being able to ensure the quality of the vegetables in their diet but also provides an opportunity for all age groups in the family to be in involved in physical activity, thereby promoting a sense of togetherness and well being. Children can be taught the value of nutrition at an early stage, while elderly members can keep themselves busy or active in the comfort of their homes, which is even more relevant in the current global pandemic.
By making small but consistent changes in our lifestyle we can start to improve our health and wellbeing. However, determination and consistency is the key!
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Fig Tree
By Mike Shanahan
17 January 2017 BBC Earth
Over 2,000 years ago, an important tree had one of its branches removed on the order of Indian emperor Ashoka the Great. It was under this very tree that the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. Ashoka bestowed kingship on the branch, and planted it in a thick-rimmed solid gold vase.
He then took the branch over mountains and down the Ganges River to the Bay of Bengal. There, his daughter carried it aboard a ship and sailed for Sri Lanka to present it to the king. Ashoka loved the plant so much that he shed tears as he watched it leave.
This story, from the epic poem The Mahavamsa, is about a kind of fig tree scientists call Ficus Religiosa. True to its name, an unbroken line of devotion towards it stretches back to thousands of years before Ashoka's time.
But F. Religiosa is not alone. It is just one of more than 750 fig species. No other plants have held such sway over human imagination. They feature in every major religion and have influenced kings and queens, scientists and soldiers. They played roles in human evolution and the dawn of civilization. These trees have not only witnessed history; they have shaped it. If we play it right, they could even enrich our future.
Most flowering plants display their blooms for all to see, but the Ficus species hide them away inside their hollow figs. And while most plants bury their roots underground, the strangler figs and their kin show them off.
They can even smother and kill giant trees, growing into colossal forms.
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Take Ashoka the Great's F. religiosa. Buddhists, Hindus and Jains have revered this species for more than two millennia. The same tree featured in battle hymns sung by the Vedic people 3,500 years ago. And, 1,500 years earlier, it appeared in the myths and art of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Elsewhere in Asia — indeed across the tropics and subtropics — cultures have adopted fig trees as symbols of power and places of prayer. These figs feature in creation stories, folklore and fertility rites. The champion is the Indian banyan (Ficus benghalensis), a tree so big it can resemble a small forest from afar.
Banyans grow so large because the roots they drop from their branches can merge into stout pillars as thick as English oak trees. These false trunks support the banyan's huge branches, enabling them to grow longer and send down even more roots.
One banyan in Uttar Pradesh is said to be immortal. Another in Gujarat is said to have grown from a twig used as a toothbrush. A third is believed to have sprung up where a woman threw herself onto her husband's burning funeral pyre and died. That tree, in Andhra Pradesh, can shelter 20,000 people.
The first Europeans to enjoy a banyan's shade were Alexander the Great and his soldiers, who arrived in India in 326 BCE. Their tales of this tree soon reached the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, the founder of modern botany. He had been studying the edible fig, Ficus Carica.
Each Ficus species has its own wasp pollinator.
Theophrastus had noticed tiny insects entering or emerging from figs. Their story would turn out to be one of the most astounding in all of biology. More than 2,000 years would pass before scientists realized that each Ficus species has its own wasp pollinator, while some even have two. Likewise, each fig-wasp species can only lay its eggs in the flowers of its partner figs.
This relationship began more than 80 million years ago and has shaped the world ever since. Ficus species must produce figs year-round to ensure their pollinator wasps survive. This is great news for fruit-eating animals that would otherwise struggle to find food for much of the year. Indeed, figs sustain more species of wildlife than any other kinds of fruit.
More than 1,200 species eat figs, including one-tenth of all the world's birds, nearly all known fruit-bats and dozens of species of primates, dispersing their seeds as they do so. Ecologists therefore call figs "keystone resources". Like the keystone of a bridge, if figs disappeared everything else could come crashing down.
Figs do not only nourish animals. The year-round presence of ripe figs would have helped sustain our early human ancestors.
High-energy figs may have helped our ancestors to develop bigger brains. There is also a theory that suggests our hands evolved as tools for assessing which figs are soft, and therefore sweet and rich in energy. While the first humans benefitted from fig biology, their descendants mastered it. Ficus species are among the first plants people domesticated, several thousand years ago.
Farmers even trained monkeys to climb trees and harvest them
The ancient Egyptians seized upon a species called Ficus Sycomorus, whose pollinator wasp was either locally extinct or had never arrived. By rights, this species should not have yielded a single ripe fig. But through a stroke of luck or genius, farmers worked out that they could trick the tree into ripening its figs by gashing them with a blade. Before long, the figs were a mainstay of Egyptian agriculture. Farmers even trained monkeys to climb trees and harvest them.
Egypt's fig trees fed both bellies and beliefs. The Pharaohs took dried figs to their graves in order to sustain their souls on their journey into the afterlife. They believed the mother goddess Hathor would emerge from a mythic fig tree to welcome them into heaven. 
To the north and east, the Egyptian fig's sweeter cousin, F. Carica, became an important food to several other ancient civilizations. The Sumerian King Urukagina wrote about them nearly 5,000 years ago. King Nebuchadnezzar II had them planted in the hanging gardens of Babylon. King Solomon of Israel praised them in song. The ancient Greeks and Romans said figs were heaven-sent. Their allure can perhaps be explained by another crucial point. Aside from being sweet and tasty, they are also packed with fibre,vitamins and minerals. These nutritional benefits have long been known. "Figs are restorative," wrote 1st-century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder, "and the best food that can be taken by those who are brought low by long sickness."
A famous example of the healing power of figs appears in the Bible. Hezekiah, King of Judah, was "sick even to death" with a plague of boils but recovered after his servants applied a paste of crushed figs to his skin.
These chimps may have been self-medicating
The healing power of fig species is not limited to their fruit. Medicines developed over millennia by people throughout the tropics make use of their bark, leaves, roots and latex.
The use of fig trees as living medicine cabinets may even pre-date the origin of our species. Our closest living relatives, chimpanzees, also appear to turn to these trees for their curative powers, suggesting our common ancestor with them did too.
Researchers working in Uganda occasionally observed chimps eating unusual foods, such as the bark and leaves of wild fig trees. These chimps may have been self-medicating, the researchers concluded. And for good reason, tests show that compounds in the fig leaves and bark are effective against bacteria, parasites and tumours. 
Fig trees have not only helped civilizations and cultures rise. They have also watched them fall, and have even helped to hide their ruins. For instance, the great cities of the Indus Valley Civilization boomed between 3300 and 1500 BCE, but they were lost to history until 1827, when a deserter on the run from the East India Company called Charles Masson arrived there. The fig trees helped forests return and overwhelm the abandoned buildings Giant Strangler trees dominated the landscape. Ruins poked out of mysterious mounds. Local people told Masson they were relics of a society that collapsed after some divine intervention corrected the "lusts and crimes of the sovereign". In fact, it was a prolonged drought that brought down the Indus Valley Civilization Strangler figs also replaced drought-stricken people at the Mayan pyramids at Tikal in Guatemala, and the Khmer temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. In each case, the fig trees helped forests return and overwhelm the abandoned buildings.
 Their seeds germinated in cracks in the stonework. Their roots ripped masonry apart and crushed walls with their weight. Their figs attracted animals that in turn dispersed seeds of dozens of other tree species. And so, the forest reclaimed these sites. This power has also been observed on volcanoes like Krakatoa, whose 1883 eruption purged the island of all life. Fig trees that recolonized the bare lava were instrumental in encouraging forest to form anew. Across the tropics scientists are now replicating this effect, planting fig trees to accelerate rainforest regeneration in areas where trees have been lost due to logging. All this means fig trees can provide hope for a future with a changing climate.
Fig trees could also help us adapt to extreme conditions.
In north-east India, people encourage fig roots to cross rivers, enlace and thicken to form robust bridges, saving lives in monsoon rains. In Ethiopia, fig trees are helping farmers adapt to drought by providing vital shade to crops and fodder to goats. These two approaches can also be applied elsewhere.
In all, fig trees can help us limit climate change, protect biodiversity and improve livelihoods, as long as we continue to plant and protect these trees, as humankind has done for millennia.
Many cultures around the world developed taboos against felling fig trees. Unfortunately today, these beliefs are fading from memory. We would do well to revive them.
Their long history serves as a reminder that we are the ones who are recent arrivals on an Earth in an 80-million-year-long Age of Ficus. Our future will be more secure if we put these trees in our plans.
Mike Shanahan is a freelance writer with a doctorate in rainforest ecology. His new book about fig trees is out now (published in the UK as Ladders to Heaven and in North America as Gods, Wasps and Stranglers).
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drnikolatesla · 4 years
Nikola Tesla’s Thoughts On the Soul and Life After Death
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Tesla’s reasoning are the thoughts of a practical man of science, who has not only conducted experiments, but deep mental consideration to the question of immortality. Tesla was destined by his parents at an early age to enter the clergy, but the inventive genius, inherited from his mother, took him into the realm of science. Most of his life was spent in deep meditation to the question of the soul and life after death. His conclusions on the subjects will most definitely not run parallel with most others, but are indeed food for thought.
Here are 6 quotes made by Nikola Tesla:
1. When a child is born, its sense organs are brought in contact with the outer world. The waves of sound, heat and light beat against its feeble body, its sensitive nerve fibres quiver, the muscles contract and relax in obedience—a gasp, a breath, and in this act a wonderful little engine, of structure, is hitched to the wheelwork or the universe. Left to itself the engine stops; it has no power to draw energy from Nature’s inexhaustible store.
“The little engine moves and works, changes size and shape, performs more and more varied operations, becomes sensitive to more and more different influences, and now there begins to manifest itself in it a mysterious force. It becomes capable of responding to stimuli of a more subtle nature and of drawing, for its own use, energy from the environment. Gradually the engine has been transformed into a being possessed of intelligence, which perceives, discerns, does like others of its kind.
“The experiences multiply, the knowledge increases, the discernment becomes keener, the human being responding to the faintest influences, is awakened to the consciousness of Nature and its grandeur, and in its breast there is kindled a desire to imitate Nature, to create, to work itself the wonders it perceives.
”But the exercise of this power does not satisfy the mind, which rises to still higher, undefinable perceptions, not of this world, and inspired by them the artist, the inventor and the man of science give expression to the longing of the soul.
(“Shows How Men Of The Future May Become As Gods.” NEW YORK HERALD . December 30, 1900.)
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2. “That an aggregation of impressions, thoughts and feelings having no materiality, and vaguely designated as mind, or soul, should be substance susceptible of quantitative determination is altogether too absurd for discussion.
“The change however, which takes place in the human body during its awful transition from life to death is a great subject for scientific investigation which may possibly lead to important results. If the experiments of Massachusetts physicians are to be at all seriously considered, it is only in this respect.
“I could not help being struck by the fact that men of a scientific caliber sufficiently large to undertake measurements requiring the greatest delicacy and skill, should not be correspondingly resourceful in devising the apparatus for the purpose. A scale responding to the weight of one tenth of an ounce is not a fit instrument for weighing the human soul.
“It is not less astonishing that such trained observer should have overlooked a trivial cause responsible for the seeming lightening of the body. I use this term designedly, for accepting the exudations which have been taken into consideration there was no loss of substance in death.
“When the rigor mortis sets in there is an increase of volume for various reasons. Just to give a rough idea I shall assume that the living body, weighing a hundred and sixty pounds, had filled a space of three cubic feet. The air in a sick room may weigh about fourteen ounces per cubic feet. Half an ounce of the air would consequently occupy a space of sixty-two cubic inches, and that would be only one percent of the original volume of three cubic feet. As will readily be seen, a very slight general deformation of the body, scarcely perceptible, is adequate to explain the puzzling observation. The sudden tipping of the scale demonstrates nothing except the coarseness of the instrument. Had the balance been very sensitive, owing to the resistance of the air, the platform would have ascended slowly.“
–Nikola Tesla
(“Scientists Doubt The Human Soul Was Weighed.” New York World, March 17, 1907.)
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3. “Since time immemorial the most profound thinkers have tried to lift the veil that hides the beyond. I have read thousands of volumes of literature and thought for years in the hope that I might get some kind of evidence to show that death is not the end. But all in vain. To me the universe is simply a marvelous mechanism, and the most complex forms of human life, as human beings, are nothing else but automatic engines, controlled by external influence. Through incessant observation I have so convinced myself of the truth of this that I cannot perform any act or even conceive a thought without locating at once the external stimulus that prompted it.
“A forceful argument in support of the existence of a creative agent is made of the law, order and harmony perceptible everywhere. But it must not be forgotten that Kant’s reasoning and conclusion in this respect are irrefutable. According to this philosopher, the conception of fitness has been created in the speculative mind of men, which thus admires a miracle wrought by itself.
“Granted a planetary system, it is absolutely inevitable that in the course of eons such organized beings as we are will evolve. The cooling of the hot masses results in a precipitation of water, and under the influence of the sun’s rays heliotropic action takes place and life is started. Through chemical and other agents and continuous adjustment complex mechanisms come into being, and these ultimately develop into structures of marvelous complexity with capacities of response to the faintest stimulae from the environment.
“When we realize this as a fact we begin to grasp the great idea of Buddha–that self is an illusion. Indeed, we are nothing but waves in space and time which when dissolved exist no more.
“There is this to be said, however, that science without hope is not satisfactory, and unless one has some ideals he cannot achieve happiness. The religious is the most lofty ideal, and it seems that the great reformers who, ages ago, laid down rules of conduct were right in their conclusions that a peaceful existence and a continued onward march of man on this globe is essentially dependent on the conception of a God.
“I have read Mr. Burbank’s statement in which he expresses an opinion shared by most natural philosophers, but one must not be too rash in contradicting the conclusions reached by countless men of genius who spent their lives in endeavors to ascertain the destiny of the human race. A single individual, however well informed and capable, may be partially unaware of if not utterly blind to evidences of a certain kind, which might be quite sufficient for others. This is the reason why I am distrustful of my own findings. Possibly Mr. Ford, who I understand is accepting old traditions, may be closer to the truth than such men as Burbank and myself.
“I have searched during many years for some process or means to test the possibility of future existence by scientific experiment, and I have devised one, which, to my great disappointment, has failed. But perhaps some more skillful experimenter might succeed if I suggest to him the course. To put it briefly, it is this:
“Our bodies are composed of molecules of various elements, harmoniously united. Do these molecules retain any after-effect when the body is dissolved? To ascertain this take, say, two molecules of hydrogen from the body of an individual and also one molecule of oxygen. Furthermore, provide another molecule of oxygen taken from some other body. Now place the two molecules of hydrogen so they can combine with the oxygen, and if they prefer that molecule of oxygen with which they were previously united, then reincarnation is proved. For, though it may take ages and ages, ultimately the molecules which constituted that body will get together again, just as in a vast city individuals from a distant land finally meet and establish close contact.”
(“After Death — WHAT?” Lima News, Lima, Ohio, March 14, 1926.)
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4. “We are all automatons obeying external influences. We are entirely under the control of agents that beat on our senses from all directions of the outside world. Being merely receivers from the outside, it is a very important question how good the receivers are—some are sensitive and receive accurately. Others are sluggish and their reception is blurred. The individual who is a better machine has so much greater chance of achieving success and happiness. An individual who is an offender of law is a machine in which one or another organ has been deranged, so that the responses are no longer accurate.
“There is no chance in nature, although the modern theory of indeterminacy attempts to show scientifically that events are governed by chance. I positively deny that. The causes and effects, however complex, are intimately linked, and the result of all inferences must be inevitably fixed as by a mathematical formula.
“I also absolutely deny the existence of individuality. It took me not less than twenty years to develop a faculty to trace every thought or act of mine to an external influence. We are just waves in time and space, changing continuously, and the illusion of individuality is produced through the concatenation of the rapidly succeeding phases of existence. What we define as likeness is merely the result of the symmetrical arrangement of molecules which compose our body.”
“How about the soul - the spirit?” he was asked.
“Ah,” he exclaimed, “but there is no soul or spirit. These are merely expressions of the functions of the body. These life functions cease with death and so do soul and spirit.
“What humanity needs is ideals. Idealism is the force that will free us from material fetters.”
(“Tesla Seeks to Send Power to Planets.” New York Times, July 11, 1931.)
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5. “One of the most fundamental and also one of the saddest facts in human life is well brought out in a French proverb which, freely translated, means:
‘If Youth had the knowledge and Old Age the strength of doing.’
Our condition of body and mind in old age is merely a certificate of how we have spent our youth. The secret of my own strength and vitality today is that in my youth I led what you might call a virtuous life.
"I have never dissipated. When I was a young man I understood well the significance of that old French proverb, although I doubt that I had even heard it then. But I seemed to have a clear understanding while still young that I must control my passions and appetites if I wanted to make some of my dreams come true.
(“Tremendous New Power Soon To Be Released.” By Carol Bird. Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston, West Virginia, Page 40. September 10, 1933.)
6. “To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end. The human being is no exception to the natural order. Man, like the universe, is a machine. Nothing enters our minds or determines our actions which is not directly or indirectly a response to stimuli beating upon our sense organs from without. Owing to the similarity of our construction and the sameness of our environment, we respond in like manner to similar stimuli, and from the concordance of our reactions, understanding is barn. In the course of ages, mechanisms of infinite complexity are developed, but what we call “soul ” or “spirit,” is nothing more than the sum of the functionings of the body. When this functioning ceases, the “soul” or the “spirit” ceases likewise.“
(“A Machine to End War.” Liberty Magazine, February 9, 1935.)
–Nikola Tesla
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