fhujami · 3 years
Okay so Liam has started his kindergarden, but he has been sick for like one month now. In between he was in kindergarden one week and this week he has stayed home again because he got sick again.
This might going on for months, but I hope it will steady at some point so I have my own time for three times a week (6.5hours a day) and return to my fics and continue them.
I realizes it has been like 3 years when I used to be somehow active in here. 3 YEARS?!
I'm sure people are not even interested of my fics anymore, I have seen few familiar names in my dash whenever i made quick visit here, so I know atleast few people are still into Sam Drake 😁
@missdictatorme @jaheesvorson @samsassinparvismagna @shambhalala
You four I have been seeing in my dash. I miss you guys. I hope you are still waiting #DoNotCrossTheLine and #HelplessWhenSheSmiles oh and #AlbhabetChallenge
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fhujami · 5 years
Helpless when she smiles | Chapter 50 [Sam Drake x PlusSize!Reader]
Tags; @dragonjedihobbit @missdictatorme @toniinhere @theoniprince @ruaiori @ikikime @souls-rain @emilyackles @bechobbi @jodiereedus22 @indifitel6661
Chapters 1 - 9  -  Chapters 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 - 39 -   Chapter 40 - Chapter 41 - Chapter 42 - Chapter 43 - Chapter 44 - Chapter 45 - Chapter 46 - Chapter 47 - Chapter 48 -  Chapter 49 - Chapter 50 - Chapter 51
A/N: Sorry not sorry.
Sam ran next to the bed, where your unconscious body was laying, oxygen mask on your face, blood pouch giving you blood from your arm, when the ambulance staff rushed with you inside the hospital, where the nurses were were already waiting for you. 
“Young woman, lost lots of blood, got already one bag of blood on the way to the hospital, blood pressure getting lower, the pulse is weak.” - the ambulance staff started to inform the nurse as he gave her the blood pouch when she took his place next to you. 
“Twin birth eight days ago had been bleeding a little since then, significant other found her unconscious from the shower.”
“Doctors are ready to take her into the surgery. We’ll take her from here.” - the nurse told, the ambulance staff gave the lead to the nurses and left you in their hands. Sam kept running next to you, holding your hand, repeating your name over and over again, unable to hear what everyone was talking around him as everyone stopped moving when they needed to get Sam to leave you so they could take you to the surgery. 
“Sir?” - one of the nurses placed her hand on his arm, but he couldn’t move his eyes from you, his eyes were glued on you when he was desperately waiting for you to open your eyes.
If he had only came to look at you sooner. He should have realized that the shower was on too long without changing noises. He should have sensed something was wrong.
“Sir, we need to take her to the surgery.” - the nurse called him again, this time catching his attention as he turned to look at the nurse with red and teary eyes.
“She will be in good hands.” - the nurse smiled small, rubbing his arm as Sam turned to look at you once more, his mind being scared that this would be the last time he sees you. 
Your face had got it’s color back when the ambulance staff gave you some blood on the way to the hospital. He leaned down to kiss long your forehead, and he leaned his own against it and whispered;
“I’ll be right here waiting for you baby.”
The nurses started moving with you again, as one of the nurses stayed with Sam, who was watching how nursed pushed you in the bed toward the hall to the surgery. 
“Sir, I need you to come with me to give me some information.” - finally, the nurse broke the silence, touching his arm to catch his attention again, while Sam wiped his face with the back of his hand to dry away the tears.
“Can I call my brother first?” - his words were barely a whisper, he was not able to look at the nurse, who nodded and answered silently to him while starting to walk, Sam following her while fishing his phone from his pocket to call his brother to come to the hospital immediately.
The nurse took Sam to the room and asked some questions about what had happened for the last few days. About your symptoms and everything. 
Sam told everything he just could. 
There wasn't much he could had to tell, because he didn't knew how much you had been actually bleeding. 
You were saying it was like you had got your periods back, but you never told him anything worrying. 
Finally, heavy steps echoed on the main hall of the hospital, heading outside when Sam made his way to see if there were anyone smoking in front of the hospital so he can ask some cigarette. He surely needed one right now. 
Before he managed to reach to main doors, his brother and Elena with little Cassie walked inside from the front doors, seeing older Drake stopping on his place when seeing them. 
“Sam, what happened?” - Nathan asked his brother as he rushed to his older brother.
“I found her unconscious in the shower. She was heavily bleeding and had lost a lot of blood.” 
“She didn’t bleed before?” - Elena asked while giving Cassie to his uncle's arms when she was wiggling herself, reaching her tiny hands toward Sam and whining quietly.
As Sam took her in his arms, she immediately wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as he hid his face in her golden hair, when she comforted him even she didn’t quite understood what was happening. But she surely knew he was sad. 
“She was, but the doctors said it is normal to bleed for few weeks. But I don’t know how badly she had been bleeding since she didn’t tell me.” - he looked at his brother and sister-in-law while hugging his niece and rocking her gently, as returning worried expressions with Nathan and Elena. 
“What are they going to do with her?” - Nathan asked as he wrapped his arm around his wife’s form, pulling her closer to him.
Sam swallowed hard to get the lump away from his throat. He knew only that they took you to the surgery so they can look where the bleeding was coming for and why.
He shook his head when he didn’t knew what to answer since he didn’t knew what they were going to do to you.
They headed to the hallway to wait for the doctors to give the information about you. 
Every minute felt like an eternity.
“Mr. Drake?” 
Jumping up from his seat after hearing his name, Sam looked at the doctor who walked toward him, as he desperately waited for him to tell that you were okay.
As he was looking at the doctor coming closer, he knew it was no good news.
His chest clenched in the most painful way when he was preparing himself for the worst news ever.
“Is she okay?” - his voice was trembling when, cracking, when he was in the verge of breaking down.
The doctor stepped closer, making Sam’s heart skip a few beats between his rapid heartbeats, his breathing getting heavier, almost unstable. 
“We found the bleeding point, but we discovered her uterus is very badly infected.”
Nathan and Elena stood behind Sam, to hear what the doctor was telling him. 
“The risk she won’t survive if we won’t remove her uterus is almost a hundred percent.”
“What do you mean?” - Sam was unable to understand what the doctor was referring to, he didn't actually want to understand.
“The only way to save her life is to remove her uterus.”
Sam closed his eyes and swallowed, as he heard Elena gasping behind him, as she hid her face into Nathan’s shoulder.
Neither of you didn’t talk about having more kids. Hell - not long ago he was sure he never even wanted kids.
But now when he had two of his own and the most perfect woman what the earth would carry, he had started to dream about a big family.
But now it looked like he never going to have that.
“She had put you on her contact person, so it is up to you what we are going to do. There is a risk of complications if the infection had spread, and - “ - Doctor didn’t manage to end his sentence when Sam spoke;
“Do whatever you need to do so my children can grow up with their mother.”
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fhujami · 5 years
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I finally got time and inspiration to write but when i started to do so, i realized I can't because yesterday I got cut to my fingertip and everytime I press the keyboard with the finger it feels like a million tiny knifes goes through my finger and arm.
It didnt even help when I covered the fingertip with bandage.
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fhujami · 5 years
Helpless when she smiles | Chapter 49 [Sam Drake x PlusSize!Reader]
Okay so.... My HDMI cable is in other town now, so I cannot connect my computer to my tv to publish the chapter, so I will try to do it with my phone. I will add the chapters to previous chapters later.
Tags; @dragonjedihobbit @missdictatorme @toniinhere @theoniprince @ruaiori @ikikime @souls-rain @emilyackles @bechobbi
Warnings; Blood
Chapters 1 - 9  -  Chapters 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 - 39 -   Chapter 40 - Chapter 41 - Chapter 42 - Chapter 43 - Chapter 44 - Chapter 45 - Chapter 46 - Chapter 47 - Chapter 48 - Chapter 49 - Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Sam opened the door for you, and you stepped inside the house after spending another day in the hospital with the babies. You walked few steps, looking around while listening the silence which was floating around you.
Every day you were hoping you could come back home with your little miracles, so coming back home without them - once again - was heartbreaking.
Doctors told the babies were getting stronger with each passing day, and before you knew it you'll can finally go home with them.
But since that day arrives, every time you came back home without them, killed you little from the inside. This was not what you were thinking to happen when you finally meet your babies, coming home without them, leaving them alone to the hospital.
You wiped your eye with the back of your hand from the tear that managed to escape, while Sam shut the door behind him, following you to the kitchen, where you walked to place the take-away food on the table.
Sam walked behind you, wrapped his hands around you and rested his jaw on your shoulder. You hugged his arms, closing your eyes.
“Soon we will have them home with us.” - Sam whispered, placing a soft kiss on your neck.
You squeezed harder his arms, sighing deeply. - “This was not what I imagined it would be, coming home without them.”
Sam took a hold of your hands, twirled you around and cupped your cheeks and looked deep into your eyes.
“Soon honey. Soon we have them with us in our home.”
Your eyes welled up with tears again, and after you nodded, Sam placed a long kiss on your forehead, before leaning his own to it, looking your eyes.
“You are so beautiful.” - he whispered, his thumbs softly caressing your cheeks.
Your eyes roamed his eyes, until a low growl broke the silence, and you saw how Sam's eyes widened a little.
“Well that was romantic.” - Sam chuckled amused.
“Is daddy hungry?” - you lifted your eyebrow, and soon you heard the growl again - ”I think he is.”
Sam straightened himself for his full height, leaving you feel yourself so small next to his body, as he waited his stomach to growl one more time. As soon it happened he looked down at you again. “Okay, I think it is time to our fancy dinner.”
“I’m gonna take a quick shower first.” - you chuckled and got up in your toes to kiss his cheek, and after that you started to head to the bathroom, while Sam stayed in his place, his eyes following your form til it disappeared behind the corner.
As your form was out of his sight, he sighed quietly. He wished as much as you did that you could get little Sandra and Aaron to home with you as soon as possible.
It was as hard to him as it was for you - but he didn't let it shown to the outside. He wanted to stay strong front of you, because you were the weaker and more fragile than he was.
Your past made you the way you were, even you had learned to show and open up about your feelings after meeting Sam, you learned to trust him and tell him whenever there were worries in your mind.
And if you didn't find words to say them, he had learned enough of your appearance to know whenever there was something going on, so he knew whenever you needed his present to make to feel you know that you were not alone. Not anymore.
You had now him.
And you two had Sandra and Aaron.
When Sam heard how the shower went on, he turned to face the table to unpack your take-away food, as waiting you to join him to have your not-so-fancy dinner.
While unpacking the food, he couldn’t stop wondering how much he couldn't wait that he could hold the twins all the time, walking with them around the house, talking to them, telling them about his adventures.
You made agreement he can do that when they were small and couldn't understand anything, otherwise they would get nightmares.
Yes, some of his adventures were not for kids ears, especially his time in prison, so he promised you that he will not talk about it to the twins until they are old enough - if even then.
And hr was actually looking forward to wake up in the middle of the night to feed them - or even change their diapers.
He never imagined he would wait that kind of stuff, and that thought made him chuckle amused.
He remembered that when he was sitting in the ruins of Libertalia with his brother years ago, he had told to his brother that this kind of life wasn’t for him.
Changing diapers and exchanging the baby photos.
‘Not for me.’
But he didn’t knew back then that he was going to meet a woman like you, a woman who would change everything.
The moment he saw you in that terrace, and that little smile of yours what appeared on your beautiful face, was the moment when his life was changed forever.
That smile brightened the whole terrace - and his life.
Now his life had a meaning, the emptiness what was filling his heart since the huge fail of Libertalia, was now finally filled.
He always thought the treasure of his life could be found in the deep jungles, forgotten city ruins or in the caves of mountains.
He never thought that the treasure of his life could be a family.
His own family.
He never could had imagine that the greatest adventure he could have wasn't of searching all those artifacts in lost cities of the jungles.
But it was fatherhood.
Latest trip with Chloe and Nadine made him realize, that the treasure hunt wasn't satisfying anymore.
Because he had now reason to come back home, - no, he had a reason to stay at home. He actually had real home now.
Home, what he never had since his mother died and his father dumped him and Nathan to the orphanage.
Now he had a home and a family, with you, little Aaron and Sandra.
He would had never forgive himself if he had missed their birth. He was happy he chose to leave back home early, it was like some instinct to tell him to come home, so he could be there to welcome his little babies to the world.
He smiled at himself when he remember how little Sandra took her first breaths, and how his heart clenched when he remember how he waited to hear Aaron’s first scream.
As he let his thoughts to return to this planet, he had finished your not-so-fancy take away dinner, with one single candle on table burning strongly to bring some nice and romantic feeling to your dinner, Sam finally called you to bathroom telling that the dinner was ready.
You didn’t answer to him, but he could hear how shower was still on, maybe you just didn’t hear him through the door and running water, so after short silence, he called you again.
But when there was still no answer from you, Sam frowned, how you could not hear him?
“Y/N?” - he called you once again, while making his way toward the hall and behind the bathroom door as he leaned closer to listen, hearing the shower hitting against the floor, the sound of running water being steady.
“Y/N the dinner is ready.” - but yet you still didn’t answered to him, so he turned the doorknob, opened the door while the water steam hit his face from behind it.
When the door was fully open and he looked to the shower, he saw how the water on the floor was painted in red.
His heart jumped up on his throat, his eyes widening when he stepped closer, throwing the shower curtain away, revealing behind it your naked body sitting on the floor against the wall, your face pale, head hanging down on your shoulder and the water around you painted in red from the blood.
His scream of your name echoed in the house when he kneeled next to you, cupping your face, shaking it softly.
He patted your cheek, on which you didn’t reacted, as you were just a lump corpse.
“Oh lord… Babe… Babe… Wake up… Open your eyes, please open your eyes!” - he kept shaking your head, looking at your unconscious body, floor filled with blood while his tears had started to flow down his cheeks.
He reached to his jean pocket, to fish his phone from it as he dialed 911 with his shaking hand while his mind raced with panic. Placing the phone down to the edge of the sink as he put the speaker on, Sam once again cupped your cheeks, shaking gently your head again, repeatedly calling your name.
‘911 what’s your emergency?’
“This is Samuel Drake, I found my girlfriend from the shower unconscious, she’s bleeding!” - the panic and fear from his tone was noticeable.
‘Has she hurt herself?’ - woman's voice asked on the other side.
“Just send the fucking ambulance!” - Sam screamed to the phone, his fingers finding their place to your throat, searching for your pulse.
‘Sir, you need to calm down. Has she hurt herself?’
“No! She was in labour a week ago!” - Sam kept screaming while he turned the shower off after finding your pulse, grabbing a towel from the hook and wrapping it around your body.
‘Has she's been bleeding before?’
“Yes! But the doctor said is totally normal!”
‘Has she feeling any dizziness, nauseous or any pain in her abomnden?’
Sam froze as he looked down on your body, when his brain tried to figure had you mentioned anything to him.
You had told him your head felt little dizzy just before you came back home from the hospital, but you guessed it was just because you hadn’t eaten well that day.
About the bleeding - you told him everyday how you felt like you had periods again - which you hadn't during pregnancy. But how much you were bleeding, he didn't knew.
“I… She… She didn't…” - Sam had no words to say. You hadn't told him anything
'Sir, ambulance is there in few minutes.’
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fhujami · 5 years
Alphabet challenge
Struggling with few story. Almost done with S, T, W and X, but with rest I'm struggling.
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fhujami · 5 years
Helpless when she smiles | Chapter 48 [Sam Drake x PlusSize!Reader]
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Plus Size!Reader
Tags; @dragonjedihobbit @missdictatorme @toniinhere @theoniprince @ruaiori  @souls-rain @emilyackles @bechobbi @jodiereedus22 @indifitel6661 
Chapters 1 - 9  -  Chapters 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 - 39 -   Chapter 40 - Chapter 41 - Chapter 42 - Chapter 43 - Chapter 44 - Chapter 45 - Chapter 46 - Chapter 47 - Chapter 48 - Chapter 49
A/N; I\m sorry, I lied. I promised to post this and next chapter to DNCTL yesterday, but i got in a row and I almost finished this and two another chapters to this story. Forgive me?
Pair of two curious eyes, color of hazel, peeked behind the armrest, looking at the tiny roll on your arms. It was a day that Nathan, Elena, and little Cassie came with you and Sam to see the babies for the first time.
She was little nervous to see her cousins, her mother and father told her she needs to be a good girl, show the babies how to behave, how she is going to be a small role model to them. That was something little Cassie couldn’t understand fully, but she knew she needed to be careful around her little cousins.
When you looked at her peaking behind the armrest, soft smile appearing your face, a small gasp left her tiny mouth, and she started to run toward her parents, who were standing little further with Sam.
Sam felt tiny arms wrapping his legs, as when he looked down, he met eyes colored the same as his, and he leaned down to take his niece into his arms.
Elena was rocking little Aaron in her hands, who was making tiny noises and waving his small arms. And when Cassie looked at that sight, the happiness in her mother’s figure, she popped the question - “Can I have a little brother?”
Elena’s eyes snapped immediately to her husband, her eyes sparkling of joy and excitement, but younger Drake raised his hands as stepping further.
“No way, there is enough on that little adventurer.”
“But Nate.” - Elena longed e, when Aaron got scared of the sudden noise and started to cry, making a perfect distraction of talk about having another trouble maker to younger Drake’s family.
“Oh, I’m sorry Aaron, I didn’t mean to scare you.:” - Elena’s focus was now fully on Aaron, who screamed from the bottom of his lungs, making Nathan flinch - Cassie was never that loud.
Elena rocked and shushed the little wrap in her arms, without making any progress.
“Lemme,” - Sam handed his niece to her father’s arms, who wrapped her little hands around her father’s neck, looking worried of little Aaron of making such a loud noise.
Elena gave Aaron to Sam, feeling defeated that she couldn’t make him calm down, as Sam placed a tiny kiss on her temple.
“Feeling hungry little buddy?” - he smoothed gently his son's cheek with his finger while walking toward you.
“I just feed them Sam.” - you said worriedly while focusing on Sandra in your arms who started to show signs of cry too, and soon she joined her brother and the whole room was filled with your twins cry.
The sharp noise was too much for Cassie who covered her ears and wrinkled her nose.
“Are they hurt?” - she asked confused, looking at her mother.
“No honey, they are just little grumpy, babies need lots of sleep.” - Elena dragged her daughter's golden hair behind her ear while reminding her how she told her how small babies don't do much but sleep or eat for a long after their birth.
They needed to explain Cassie that she needed to wait til the babies are bigger to manage to play with her, when she was going through her toys full of excitement, and preparing playdate with her brand new cousins.
You looked up at Sam with a sour face when you couldn't calm down little Sandra, but still, Sam put little Aaron in your arms too, helping you to put them on their back to the huge pillow which was on your lap, guiding your hands under both of their heads to support the neck.
“Sam, I can't” - you started, sometimes you felt Sam was much better with the babies than you were, but Sam just kissed your temple and sat down to the armrest, wrapping his arm around you and pulled you little closer to him, as you both looked down at your babies, both still crying, their little hands waving in the air.
“Prince and princess are little grumpy aren't they?” - Sam said with a low and calm voice, reaching his free hand toward the twins, taking both of their tiny hands with his finger, which they both grabbed strongly, while you smoothed their heads with your thumbs.
“The two stars, which revealed to the Queen and her King, finally arrived in their world, to fulfill their lives and happiness.” - the bedtime story, which Sam used to tell to the babies when they were in your tummy, was the favorite subject for Sam to talk to the babies.
“Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful queen.” - Sam started the story from the beginning, you leaned your head on his shoulder, looking up at him; - “Really Sam? Again?”
But Sam just smiled, kissed your forehead and kept telling the story; “The queen's smile was the sun of the world, her beautiful smile made the  whole world to shine bright, making all the darkness fade away.”
You turned to look at the babies, listening to Sam’s deep and calm voice telling once again the bedtime story, maybe a hundred times already.
“But for some reason, the queen was sad, so the world was filled with darkness when her smile wasn't brightening the world.”
Sam's voice was steady and relaxing, and soon you saw how the babies stopped crying, calming down, their breathing getting steadier, as they listened to their father's voice.
“One day, the queen met a handsome king, and the king thought that the queen was the most beautiful creature in the world. And he wanted to do everything, to see the queen smile again and brighten the world again with her smile.”
You weren't sure, but maybe babies recognized Sam's voice, because him telling the story to them now, as he did many times before they were born, it had the same effect now than it did before.
It calmed the babies down.
“The queen was really scared, but the king was determined. Slowly they fell in love, and her smile returned to her lips again. And soon her smile was there for every second of the day, and the darkness faded away again.”
“Soon, two bright stars appeared to the sky. They were so bright that they could be seen even the sun as above in the sky. And the king and the queen realized that they were going to have two beautiful babies.”
You could have sworn, that you saw both of the babies smiling when Sam was talking about them in his story.
Like they understood every word. Which was impossible, they were just babies, but when you saw the smile appearing to their faces again after what Sam said next, you knew it wasn't just a coincidence.
“When the babies were finally in queens and kings arms, their life was perfect. Their happiness was so overwhelmed, they didn't know how to handle it.“
You looked how Aaron and Sandra were calmly sleeping now, squeezing with their tiny hands Sam’s finger. 
“See, they were just tired. “ - Sam said and kissed your hair again.
“When did you became that sensitive?“ - Nathan asked from his older brother, who he had used to see so rough and hard, even though Sam used to be sweet and caring around Cassie, but whenever Nathan just could, he always teased his older brother.
Elena slammed Nathan’s chest with the back of her hand, for breaking the beautiful moment with his stupid joke, while Cassie covered his eyes with her tiny hands - “I liked the story! Why you never tell me that kind of story?“
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fhujami · 5 years
Can't try no more. [Sam Drake x reader] onshotwip
Omg don't ask, I had clearly some idea to this but I have no idea what kind, but I found the wip from my files and chose to post it the way it was.
He thought it was what he really wanted.
An adventure.
Discovering the world.
Searching for artifacts.
Silver and gold.
Denying it for a long time, lying to himself and to others, he finally needed to face the facts.
He made a mistake.
He made a mistake by choosing an adventure over you.
Oh how stupid he was. How stubborn he was, to trying to deny the fact.
Even no matter how many times he came back to an empty apartment after his adventures, only to meet the silence and emptiness, he denied it was because you weren’t there.
He made himself believe it was because the adventure was over. So he went to another one as soon as possible.
Only to return home, to meet the same emptiness again.
Now he needed finally to accept the truth.
The emptiness was because there were no reason to stay at home anymore. The fact that you weren’t there waiting for him, made the word home lost it’s meaningless.
For the last few weeks, he tried to accept it that you were gone. But he couldn’t.
He tried to drown his sorrow to a bottle of whiskey in the middle of the night, but it only made his tear duct to open, making him cry, cursing himself to the deepest side of the hell, to letting you go.
If he only could turn time, to go back to the day you left. Sot he could choose the option what was right.
Whiskey burned his throat while gulping it down, Sam enjoyed the dizziness in his head the liquor gave him, he leaned the back of his head to the couch, closing his eyes, letting his brain take him back to that day, when you walked out of the door and his life
“It is me or the treasures Sam. I can’t be the second choice anymore.”
“You are not the second choice Y/N.”
“Yes I am. I’m tired of waiting for the information that you are not coming back home. I am tired of waking up in the morning the empty place next to me. I tried…”
“I have always came back to you sweetheart.”
“But some day you might not. I tried Sam, I tried to be part of your life. But I can't try no more.”
“Sweetheart, I have told you, you can come with me anytime.”
“So it's the treasures Sam?”
“No, that is not what I meant.”
“If you cannot choose, that tells me everything.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” - he asked with trembling voice, looking deep into your eyes, when he finally was looking at your familiar face after such a long time.
You yanked your head, brows knitting together.
“Tell you about what?” - your tone was genuinely surprised, which made Sam’s blood boil.
How you could ask that when you knew exactly what he was referring to? He could see that, he wasn’t blind or stupid.
“That you were pregnant.” - he raised little his voice, which made you flinch a little.
"It’s not your business Sam.” - you told, taking small step further from him.
“It is my business if you are expecting my child!” - now his voice could be heard everywhere on the store you two standed, people turning their head toward you two, interested to know the ending to the conversation.
You saw how Sam’s chest raised heavily, when his breathing was thick and heavy, his pupils being wide, his nostrils widening when he breathed.
“It’s not yours Sam.” - you said calmly, you saw how his eyes reacted to your words, as he took step closer to you, grabbing your arm without you managing to react.
“You cheated on me?! That’s why you left me? You had someone else?!"
“Sam, you are hurting me.” - you whimpered when Sam’s huge palm was squeezing your arm.
When he realized what he was doing, he quickly let go of your arm, stepping away from you while brushing his hand through his hair, while you rubbed your arm.
“What happened to you?” - you asked with sadness in your tone.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.” - trying to take step closer to you, Sam stopped when he watched you taking step back, clearly not wanting him to get closer to you.
With sad eyes he let his eyes wander down your body, to your stomach and that little bump what was barely noticeable. He tried to swallow the lump what suddenly appeared to his throat, when he finally let his eyes met yours again.
“I made a mistake.” - his raspy voice was barely a whisper, and he saw how his words affected you, when you closed your eyes tightly, shaking your head.
“It is too late now Sam.” - he could swear he heard that you were fighting against tears and not to let your voice to crack.
“You are three years late Sam. I left you three years ago."
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fhujami · 5 years
I can happily inform you, that at this moment, I’m sitting on a table, laptop front of my eyes, cup of coffee on my left side and full pack of cigarettes on my right side, and google drive open, so I am totally ready to write, finish and publish TODAY next chapter of Helpless when she smiles AND Do not cross the line! 
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fhujami · 5 years
What if next chapter of Helpless when she smiles stands with this thing ;
Chapter 51 (final chapter)
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fhujami · 5 years
Sneak peak - Helpless when she smiles | Chapter 49
Sam opened the door for you, and you stepped inside the house after spending another day in the hospital with the babies. You walked few steps, looking around while listening the silence which was floating around you.
Every day you were hoping you could come back home with your little miracles, so coming back home without them - once again - was heartbreaking.
Doctors told the babies were getting stronger with each passing day, and before you knew it you'll can finally go home with them.
But since that day arrives, every time you came back home without them, killed you little from the inside. This was not what you were thinking to happen when you finally meet your babies, coming home without them, leaving them alone to the hospital.
You wiped your eye with the back of your hand from the tear that managed to escape, while Sam shut the door behind him, following you to the kitchen, where you walked to place the take-away food on the table.
Full chapter will be out tomorrow.
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fhujami · 5 years
My Ao3 and Wattpad
So I guess Tumblr is no good place to post fics anymore, since mine include NSFW?
Let's see if they remove my fics including NSFW content...
In case, I will link here my Ao3 and Wattpad accounts, where I post my fics too, if anyone is interested.
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fhujami · 6 years
Do not cross the line | Chapter 32 [Sam Drake x Reader]
Fhujami’s masterlist
AU - Sam and reader works in the marketing communication office
Pairing: Samuel Drake x reader
Tags: @missdictatorme  @ruaiori  @jaheesvorson @dragonjedihobbit  @theoniprince @ikikime @mynameismono  @souls-rain  @samsassinparvismagna  @easy-and-steady
A/N: This song was an inspiration to this chapter;  Halo Meets Gasoline Sia vs. Beyoncé Mashup . Ever since I heard this mashup, i knew this belongs to this fic. I couldn’t capture the magic and the feeling, but this is what I am able to give you now.
Chapter 1 - 9 - Chapter 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 - Chapter 31 - Chapter 32 - Chapter 33
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You sat in your room, staring at the screen of your Mac with a blank gaze.
It was your last week in the studio. Part of you was happy it will be over, but part of you was not.
Harry was working with the animation, once in awhile taking a quick look at your way.
You barely slept at the weekend. Sam haunted your mind. Something in that man made your head to be a total mess.
It's dangerous to fall in love But I wanna burn with you tonight, hurt me
No man had ever made you feel this way. You didn’t meant this to happen.
It was supposed to be just fun, give in to the lust, feeling alive and live dangerously.
Taste the forbidden apple.
Fuck the boss.
There's two of us bristling with desire The pleasure's pain and fire, burn me
But it turned something else. The way Sam had kissed and touched you made you feel something you never felt before.
It was like his touch had brought you to life. Like all your senses were more sensitive.
Like now you finally saw the colors of the world, that you now actually focused on them.
You could feel the warmth of his body on yours. The hot comfortable warmth which was like flame what set you on fire.
How his words were now loud and you could hear them, understand them. Understand the meaning behind the words.
Rubbing your face, sighing silently you cursed.
This was not what was meant to happen.
Why don't you come Don't you come a little closer
So come on, I'll take you on, take you on I ache for love, ache for us
And then, without saying anything, you stood up from your chair, walking out of the room, leaving Harry there watching after you, his face filling with confusion.
You walked to the hall, your heels clopping against the floor, making them echo in the hallway, as you made your way through it, your mind clear, determined, your legs just moving you forward without hesitation.
Strike the match, strike the match now We're a perfect match, perfect somehow
Walking around the corner, staring at the door which was at the end of the hall, never leaving your gaze from it, your chest raised heavily when your body was burning with the desire.
And finally, when you manage to make your way to the door, you didn’t even bother to knock, you just grabbed the doorknob, turned it and opened the door.
We were meant for one other, 
Come a little closer
Sam’s head snapped up from the papers he was reading behind his desk, his brows knitting together when he heard how his door got open without any knock.
But his brows got high to his forehead of surprise when he saw it was you who appeared from the door.
You stepped inside in his room, closing the door after you, your eyes connected with him the whole time.
You locked his door, and moved to close the curtains on the windows next to it, while Sam’s hazel-brownish eyes followed your each movement with full focus.
You didn’t say anything when you walked toward his desk, walking around it while looking at him to his eyes the whole time.
Flame you came to me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
Sam followed you with his eyes, how you walked next to him, took a hold of his shoulder and turned him to face you.
You sat down on his lap, straddling him as best as you could in his office chair, as your hands circled around his neck.
I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline
Sam couldn’t move, he was afraid to move, he was afraid to touch you, to say anything. He wasn’t sure what you were planning, why you came in his room and sat down to his lap. You had made clear you didn’t want to do anything with him, and now you were sitting in his lap.
You roamed his eyes, your fingers playing with his hair on his neck, which sends goosebumps up and down his spine, when your fingers lightly brushed his neck.
I got all I need When you came after me Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
Sam’s breathing got heavier with each breath he took when he felt you playing with his hair on his neck with your perfectly soft fingers, and how your fingernails lightly scratched his skin on his neck.
Was he dreaming?
You smoothly moved your other hand from his neck, to his face, touching it softly while staring deep into his eyes, admiring the colors of them. The mixed brown and hazel fitting perfectly together, and the slight green circles around them, which you could see only when you were close enough.
Like you were now.
After getting enough his beautiful eyes - which would actually never happen, you could stare at them forever and watch your own reflection from them-  you leaned forward and pushed your lips gently against his.
And I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Burn with me tonight
Sam closed his eyes, shaky breath leaving his lungs and body shivered when your lips slightly brushed his, you perfectly soft lips meeting his dry ones.
Yeah - he must be dreaming.
You felt how Sam hesitated to answer to your kiss, how his body was slightly shaking, tensed under you, his hands gripping the armrests when he was afraid to touch you.
You realized he was afraid, so you pushed yourself little harder against his body, landing your hand from his face to his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly on it.
And we will fly Like smoke darknin' the skies I'm Eve, I want to try Take a bite
Gently you nibbled his lower lip, remembering how last time it drove him crazy, before you pulled away to look at him.
Sam was breathing heavily, his eyes closed, afraid to open his eyes.
You waited, keeping your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat what was as fast as yours.
Slowly he opened his beautiful eyes, looking up at you, blinking hard, like he couldn’t see anything.
Smile soft on your face, you moved your other hand from his neck to his face, with your thumb you touched his lips to clean the lipstick away what got stuck there after your kiss, as you felt how Sam’s heart beated harder as a reaction to your action.
So come on now Strike the match, strike the match now We're a perfect match, perfect somehow We were meant for one another Come a little closer
He couldn’t hold it anymore.
Sam finally let go of the armrests, wrapped his strong arms around you, his hands making their way to your back and neck, pulling you closer.
His lips eagerly captured yours between his, quiet squeak left your mouth when you finally felt his hands on you, while you cupped his face, stroking his face so he won’t pull away when you answered to his kiss.
Flame you came to me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
No turning back.
There were no reasons to deny it.
You two were meant to each other.
It was a risk, maybe just lust, nothing was certain, but everything was pulling you two toward each other.
I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline
Sam brushed his fingers to your hair when he deepened the kiss little more, you still stroked his face between your palms to make sure he does not pull away.
Like there was any reason for it.
He needed you.
I got all I need When you came after me Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
From your back his hand moved down to your ass, squeezing it through your jeans, making you to move against his body as a reaction, and you could feel him smiling against your lips.
You couldn’t react when he suddenly grabbed your asscheeks to his huge palms and lifted you up from his lap to his arms when he stood up, and the next thing what you knew was that you were sitting on his desk, your lips never parted.
You laid down to his desk on your back, pulling him with you to lay over you, your legs wrapping around his hips while his hands traveled from your ass up to your sides, holding you in place.
And I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Burn with me tonight
You were in his office in the middle of the day. The office was full of people, even you locked the door of his room, at any time someone might come and knock on it. But it's a bad debt Certain death But I want what I want And I gotta get it
But neither of you didn’t care.
All that mattered was that you two were there, together, holding each other.
When the fire dies Darkened skies Hot ash, dead match Only smoke is left
You gasped when Sam pushed his bulge against your clothed pussy, and started to grind himself against you.
You grabbed his muscled arm, squeezed it hard when his hard cock rubbed your clothed pussy, making the sensation grew with each movement.
It's a bad debt Certain death But I want what I want And I got to get it
Sam’s tongue pushed itself past your lips and made its way to your mouth, while you frowned when you tried to fight back, take the control when your tongues danced together in your mouth, while his hips moved firmer against yours.
When the fire dies Dark in the skies Hot as a match Only smoke is left
Finally, Sam pulled away and both of you gasped loudly when you needed to catch air to your lungs.
But immediately you sat up and started to work on with Sam’s shirt and belt, pulling his shirt from his jeans and opening his belt.
But Sam grabbed your wrists and when you looked up to him he kissed you immediately to not to let you say anything when you were once again pushed against his desk, his hands moving yours above your head, your wrists still cuffed to his palms. Flame you came to me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
He moved from your lips to kiss your jaw, your neck down to your collarbone, while you licked your lips, feeling his stubble to graze your skin when he made his way down.
I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline
Your head bends back when Sam started to grind himself again against you, your hands trying to get off from his grip, but he was stronger than you.
I got all I need When you came after me Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive
Not that you wanted to him to let go. You wanted him to hold you forever.
And I can barely breathe When you're here loving me Fire meet gasoline Burn with me tonight
You looked down at Sam, who met your eyes while he leaned his chin on your chest. Burn with me tonight
Small smile raised to your lips, which he returned.
Burn with me tonight
He got up, slowly reached closer to you, his lips becoming closer.
Burn with me tonight
And then you heard someone knocking the door.
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fhujami · 6 years
O - Ouija | Alphabet challenge [Sam Drake x reader]
Alphabet Challenge Masterlist
Tags: @dragonjedihobbit @shambhalala @fluffy-marshmallow-nerd   @missdictatorme @samsassinparvismagna @unchartedterritoria @mynameismono @souls-rain
A/N: I’m sorry this took so long, I am struggling a lot with my writings because I feel like that all I do in my writings is that “He did that. Then he went there and did that. And blinked, while doing that.” I feel like there is no deepness or anything in my writings, especially after reading other stories which describe things so well.
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Sam’s voice echoed in the apartment when he yelled at you after stepping inside. He had a bad feeling, somehow the air felt thicker and the place was more silence than usual.
Silently he put the groceries down to the floor on his feet, his hand already grabbing his gun from the holster on his back, when he finally heard you answer to him.
“I’m in the kitchen!”
With a relieved sigh, Sam put the gun back and grabbed the bags from his feet, following your voice to the kitchen.
“You scared me, princess.” - he watched as you stood next to the table, wooden board on it. Putting down the grocery bags, he walked behind you, kissing your hair and peeking over your shoulder to see what it was.
“What is that?” - seeing beautiful calligraphic letters and numbers on the board, he had a pretty good idea what it was.
“It’s Ouija board, I found it from the basement.” - you said, letting your fingers ran over the letters which had been craved to the wood.
“I don’t like that kind of things.” - sam told as he walked back to the bags, starting to empty them.
“I always want to try one of these, let’s try it, yes?” - You turned to look at your masculine boyfriend, a soft smile on your face.
“They are not real you know that? Is people who themselves move the thing.” - Sam mumbled as he put the milk cans in the fridge, along with his six pack of beer’s, only to take on of them right away.
He opened the bottle as he pushed the door closed with his hips, and when he gulped down the warm beer and looked at you, he saw how you already were closing the curtains in the kitchen.
He almost choked to his beer, coughing and spilling the liquor to his stubble covered jaw, wiping it away with the back of his hand.
“Seriously babygirl? You want to try that?”
You walked another side of the kitchen, turning the lights to be dimmer.
“Of course! It will be fun!”
You sat down at the table, waiting for Sam to join you, who hesitates for a while, before he grinned smugly, choosing to fool around with you little.
He placed the beer bottle down to the table, sitting next to you, while you landed your fingers over the planchette.
Sam shook his head a little, before he out his fingers on it too before both of you were quiet for a long time.
You bit your inner cheek to avoid smiling before with a determined and strong voice you asked;
“Is there anyone with us?”
Soon the planchette slowly moved over the word ‘Yes’, as you licked your lips to moisten them, excitement filling your body.
“Are you friendly?”
The planchette moved fast to over the word ‘No’, and you left a shocked gasp from your lips.
“Seriously babygirl, this is waste of ti-” - Sam started with an amused tone, but you cut him off immediately with shout whisper.
“Shut up Sam, this is not a joke!”
You took a shaky breath: “Have you ever killed someone?”
The planchette started to shake a little, before it rushed over the word ‘Yes’ again, while there were hearing steps on the upstairs of the house, which made Sam spook and jump on his chair a little, looking up to the ceiling.
“Is there someone visiting us?” - Sam asked before he turned to look at you, but your eyes were fixed to the board.
“Babygirl?” - Sam leaned a little closer, seeing how your eyes were glassed.
“Are you going to kill me?” - your voice was like a robot, the words coming out from your mouth steady and slowly.
Sam’s brows knitted together while he took his fingers away from the planchette after it started to move on the board quickly, while at the same time the lights in the kitchen started to flicker.
“Holy shit!” - standing fast up from his chair, making the chair to fall back down against the floor, leaving loud thump to echo in the room, as he looked up to the ceiling, the flickering lights making scary noises.
His heart beats fast, as he looked down at the board, as it stopped to the word ‘Yes’ again, his breathing heavy and heart beating rapidly to the fact he agreed to this stupid thing with you.
And if there, in fact, were some ghost or demon in the house, it was going to kill you.
“Baby girl! Is not funny, stop that!” - Sam grabbed your wrists and pulled to make your fingers to leave the planchette, but the moment your fingers left it, a loud crack and a blinding light filled the room, making Sam cover his ears and shut his eyes.
When he was able to open his eyes again, blinking hard to get the moment of blindness out of them, he saw you laying on the floor, throat covered with blood, as it slowly started to paint the floor to red.
Blinking his eyes harder, shaking his head, he couldn’t believe what he saw, so he tried to shook the image away to see your beautiful smile to show him it was all just a trick.
But when he landed his eyes on you again, the blood was still there, your eyes were closed and the floor slowly was flooding with blood.
“Baby?!” - his heartbroken scream filled now the quiet house as he kneeled next to you, his shaking hands cupped your cheeks as tears flew down his cheeks.
“Shit, shit, baby? Please baby!’ - his words got mumbled by his sobs while he touched your throat to feel how deep the cut was, but when his fingertips felt no cut there, he was filled with confusion.
The laugh started to echo from the living room, Sam’s head snapping up as he saw his brother and Charlie standing in the doorframe.
When he felt your body shaking in his hands, he looked down at you, as his tears had stopped pouring but his cheeks were still filled with them as he looked how your eyes were open and you were laughing.
He pulled away, looking at you with disbelief, as Nathan throw you a blanket, your hand catching it from the air and you started to clean your throat with it.
Sam sat on the floor, unable to realize what was going on, when he looked at how you sat up, cleaning your throat and relieving no cut on it.
“I’m sorry honey, but I needed a revenge after your little dying trick in Thailand.” - you crawled little closer to him, as his eyes moved from you to Nathan and Charlie and then back at you.
“You should have seen your face!” - Charlie shouted and pushed Nathan on his shoulder; - “I told you we need to videotape it!”
“I know I know!” - Nathan whined and rubbed his shoulder as walking past the kitchen, to open the fridge and took two beers from there, throwing the other one to Charlie.
You crawled closer to Sam, who’s cheeks were still covered with his tears, as you gently cupped his cheeks and wiped those already dried tears away.
“I’m sorry honey.” - you whispered and placed a soft kiss to his lips, but you were fastly pulled against his chest, as his strong arms circled around you, his face hiding in the crook between your neck and shoulder, as he hugged you tightly.
You felt bad for him, you didn’t realize he would react this strongly, and you gently entwined your fingers into his brown hair, hugging him back, whispering over and over again into his ear how sorry you were.
“I thought I lost you.” - his weak whimper made you feel even worse, sighing long you promised you won’t do that again.
“I’ll make up that to you okay?” - you pulled away, looking deep into his red eyes, as he nodded slowly, and you started to get up.
“Yeah you better,” - he said as he started to get up from the floor too, holding your hand still, and when you were about to walk away, he pulled from your hand, and when you turned to look at him, you saw him on his knee, looking up at you.
“By marrying me.” - he said smugly, a laugh escaping your lips as you knew Sam was not a marriage person.
But when you saw how he reached his jean pocket, popping up a ring box from there, your eyes shot wide open when he opened that little box, relieving a beautiful silver ring in there.
“Will you marry me?” - he asked and you looked at Nathan and Charlie - who had walked next to Nathan, both of them smirking like assholes to you.
“You two were in this!?” - you screamed at them, making their smirk only get wider as you couldn’t believe Sam was still able to trick you even you tried to trick him.
“That was not the answer I was hoping for.” - Sam caught your attention again, your eyes snapping down to him, where he was still kneeling in front of you, ring in his hand.
“Yes! I will marry you you fucking idiot!” - you screamed at him as you landed down on his neck, kissing him hard as Sam circled his hands around you again to keep himself in balance. 
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fhujami · 5 years
Do not cross the line
The next chapter of Do not cross the line has been almost ready for a long time (yes im really active with my writing lol), but I have read some other fic where is the exact same idea, than what I had wrote.
So I need to rewrite the whole chapter.
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fhujami · 5 years
Flagging does not affect to fanfiction?
That is bullshit. I just found out by my reader that there is another fic which is flagged, from that I haven't got any information that it's been flagged.
I have send appeal ask of My other Half part 19, but it's still flagged, even i removed the photomanip from it.
This is totally bullshit.
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fhujami · 6 years
Do not cross the line | Chapter 29 [Sam Drake x Reader]
AU - Sam and reader works in the marketing communication office
Pairing: Samuel Drake x reader
Warnings: NSFWish
Tags: @missdictatorme  @ruaiori @jaheesvorson @dragonjedihobbit @theoniprince @ikikime @mynameismono @souls-rain @samsassinparvismagna @easy-and-steady
A/N: Lame, sorry
Chapter 1 - 9 - Chapter 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24 - Chapter 25 - Chapter 26 - Chapter 27 - Chapter 28 - Chapter 29 - Chapter 30 - >
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Sam listened to how you told him what happened between you and Harry. He now realized Harry was there for you when nobody else was.
How on earth you had no-one? You were a smart, intelligent and amazing person. Everyone in the office loved you.
And he realized that he was even more asshole than he first thought he was. Everything he had done had made you feel much worse, his childish revenge had hurt you more than he could have ever imagined.
And Harry had played his game for him to make him make his move with you faster. He had seen it from Sam that he cared about you a lot, trying to help him to realize it himself.
But he fucked it all.
Sam brushed his fingers through his brown hair, looking how you were still down on the floor, your face hiding behind your hands, your body still shaking within your sobs.
He stepped closer, kneeling in front of you, taking your hands but you pulled them roughly away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” - you crawled backward away from Sam, who tried to take your hand again.
“I told you not to touch me!” - you finally got up back to your feet, when they were shaking badly and you needed to take support from the wall so you wouldn’t fall back.
Sam got up too, seeing from your face how tears were still pouring, but your eyes were full of rage.
“Please Y/N, let me hold you, let me comfort you.” - he tried to step closer again but you backed down.
“I don’t want you to hold me!” - you screamed, searching for something to take in your hand from with you could hit him if he comes closer.
“Y/N, please, I’m here for you. I care about you.” - Sam tried to stay calm, to keep his voice soft to make you calm down.
You looked at him while the flames flew from your eyes toward him because of the rage.
“Go fuck that fucking waitress!”
Sam froze. He watched how your whole body was shaking, how your lower lip was trembling and your chest raised heavily when you breathing got more and more unstable.
You had some book on the table next to you, so you grabbed it and threw it toward Sam, which hit on his chest before it fell to the floor with a loud thump.
“Go fuck that fucking waitress!!” - you screamed again, louder this time, your voice cracking as your eyes were shut before you felt strong arms wrapping around you, pushing you against the wide chest.
Still, your eyes closed, you started to hit the body front of you with your fists, trying to wiggle away from the embrace, as you kept screaming and crying;
“Don’t touch me! Go fuck that waitress! Go fuck that fucking waitress!”
Sam took every hit you slammed against his chest, he deserved every single one of them. He deserved everything. But he had no intentions to let go. He was there, he wanted to hold you, support you, be there for you.
Even you didn’t want him to.
But he would not give up.
He would not let go.
You kept screaming and hitting him, your body getting weaker and weaker after each hit you made, your mind starting to getting tired to fight.
But you didn’t want to give up.
He didn’t deserve it.
He didn’t deserve your forgiveness, he didn’t deserve your tears.
But most of them all, you hated yourself for letting you be this weak.
You hated that you had let him get access to your heart, that you let him mess your head and making you show someone this side of you.
Harry had seen it, and now Sam.
Nobody has not seen you this week ever. Nobody hasn’t seen you cry for yourself, you cried because of Evelyn and Eric with them, but you haven’t cried because of you for years.
Now you were fighting against yourself, in the arms of a man who you had fallen in love with such a short time - and who had hurt you.
You needed to get him out of your apartment. You needed him to leave you alone.
Sam kept holding you in his embrace, feeling how slowly your hits got weaker and weaker, until they stopped, your legs giving up and he hold you tighter to keep you on your feet.
Your heartbreaking cry got muffled against his chest when you hid your face in it, when you finally gave up and let him to hold you, and you let yourself cry against his chest.
Sam put his hand on your hair, starting to smooth your hair softly as he started slowly to rock you in his arms to side to side, while your hands grabbed his shirt, your tears making it wet.
He closed his eyes when he heard how you cried, how your body was still shaking and your breathing was unstable, when you were in the verge of panic attack.
He started to hum quietly a calmly melody in your ear when he leaned his cheek on your head, still rocking you gently in his arms.
You were tired. You couldn’t fight anymore. All the denied feelings you had been keeping inside you as long as you could remember, got now out with the rage toward Sam. The gates got open a little with Harry but now you had finally let them all out.
Even you had let yourself to fall to your boss, let yourself to fuck him, and letting him to hurt you, you still wanted him to hold you the way he was holding you now.
Even you knew that the relationship between you two was a huge risk, you could ruin your career, the only thing what mattered in your life, you couldn't help it when you were now too weak to let yourself to suffer alone, when you could let him to be there for you.
For a long time you two stood there, Sam humming and rocking you until you calmed down, your hysterical cry finally fading to quiet sobs and whimpers and your shaking body relaxing in his arms.
Sam knew this will not end here. He needed to make this up to you, he needed to show you that he truly were sorry, that he was the biggest asshole in the world, and that he truly cared about you.
He carefully pulled away, looking down at you, as you kept still your head hiding against his chest.
“Look at me.” - with low and soft voice he asked, but you shook your head.
“Please look at me.” - he asked again, getting the same response.
He swallowed before he leaned his forehead against the top of your head.
“Please… Look at me.” - he whispered again, and this time he felt how you moved your head so he pulled away, looking how you slowly lifted your head up, looking at him with red eyes.
Softly he dragged your hair away from your face, behind your ear, after that he cupped your cheek, looking deep into your eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m here if you let me be.” - he whispered, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
He watched how your eyes roamed his, your eyes moving when you looked his eyes in turns, as he felt how he stopped breathing when he waited for your answer.
Weak and shaky breath left your lips when they finally parted, letting the words slip through them.
“Leave me alone.”
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