#ffs man i just want smexy smexy shoulders
bending-sickle · 2 months
back from yet another orthodontist visit and
the working theory is that i grind my teeth so bad at night — a habit picked up from years of having the other type of retainers which were of the “hai have massive amounts of plastic between your teeth, sleep with your jaw wide open why don’t you” variety — that i shove the retainers too hard into my teeth and everything gets fucked :)))
they’ve been polished down a bit more so either that works or i wear them a few hours during the day.
and if that isn’t enough — or i bite too hard at night (that’s what she said eyy) then i’ll need night guard retainers.
which is basically the same as replacing the broken retainers i already had.
which means i could have just fucking skipped this whole step and these different-model-but-better retainers.
in conclusion: fuck them teeth
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