cupidsintern · 3 years
anything you want by jawny makes me think of fem!harringrove SPECIFICALLY bc of the line "she speaks in fisticuffs!" like.... thats billie and i just wanted to share bc ur the person i think if when i think of fem!harringrove 😇
here is where i tell everyone i have a secret fem!harringrove fic ive been working on for over a year and will probably never finish so heres what i got so far
Stevie doesn't know why she bought a Playboy. Only that when she saw them on one of those plastic tray thingies behind the counter she blurted out that she wanted one and all the guy behind the counter said back was ‘“ID?”
Which she had. She was 18. Had been 18 for a couple weeks now. And what was so fucking special about eing 18 anyway. Same as being seventeen only she could sleep with college guys. And vote.
She felt the same. Felt just as naive, just as unprepared, just as stupid when her mom gave her one of those talks about how she really needed to be doing better in school and really needed to be more social, needed to try harder do better-
Today had been one of the few times talking turned into yelling and Stevie went for a drive. The drive in the car that her mom kept wondering aloud if Stevie was ‘responsible enough to have.’
Driving was good because she could be alone and maybe cry if she wanted to but she still couldn't figure out how to cry. Hadn't cried since- since…
She stopped to buy cigarettes. And then the Playboy.
Which she was now reading. Sitting on the curb behind the liquor store which wasn't the smartest but it was the middle of the day anyway- already halfway through this cigarette she was weighing the consequences of immediately lighting up another.
But Stevie had never actually seen a Playboy before. She knew they existed, obviously, but. But this was. You know, a lot. And then it wasn't. It was like, yeah, okay, naked girls. Whatever. Stevie had seen herself naked before, no big.
The red hot heat of ‘this isn't allowed’ was creeping up Stevie’s neck, making her breathe catch a little, probably because this was just about the worst thing she could be doing right now, and because she’d only recently calmed down from that fight, but this was definitely something, definitely somewhere in her brain that had woken up and she wasn't sure how to pinpoint it but-
Stevie heard footsteps, snapped her head up, and realized, way too late, that Billie Hargrove was standing a few feet away from her. Just standing, staring. Not like they'd never seen each other out in the wild. Just that Stevie had a pretty fight or flight response to seeing Billie face in general, and especially did not like seeing it now, when she knew she looked like a woman on the verge of a total mental breakdown, but Billie’s face changed, almost like-
“Harrington.” Billie said, something between surprise and sympathy on her face.
Stevie hated that.
She felt the knee-jerk ‘I’m not a dyke’ bubbling up in her throat, could see how she’d lift her head up, cross her legs, use the ‘captain of the varsity cheer team’ voice to assert that she was not a dyke- she was pretty, she was, you know, feminine and she wasn't a creep-
But Billie was never feminine. And she was always pretty.
The only two feminine things about Billie were that her hair was long and her tits were massive. Besides that- I mean, she never wore makeup, never wore skirts other than for cheer. Even wore her stupid boots to cheer one time-
“Unrealistic.” Billie said, cutting off Stevie’s train of thought.
“The girls. In magazines.” Billie walked closer. “No real people look like that. Not worth it to compare yourself.”
“Oh.” Stevie felt the words, the attitude, die in her throat. Billie thought she was just insecure. Which, I mean, she was- and she wasn't wild about Billie knowing, but. Still better than thinking she bought this for, you know, personal reasons.
Which! She didn't. She bought this out of. Uh. Morbid curiosity- that was a thing people did.
lol should i post more
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cupidsintern · 3 years
me: yeah i just dont rly like cheating fics i dont rly vibe-
also me: *blasting Slumber Party by Ashniko feat. Princess Nokia planning a 15k fem!harringrove fic entirely abt Stevie cheating on her bf by letting Billie eat her out for an hour on the bathroom floor at a slumber party*
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