terezicaptor · 3 months
(If this doesn't post anonymously then you can just screenshot and black out my name please) You know how tubbo told that bunny worker that he was pregnant? Well I've been thinking about the angst potential.
Like what if tubbo started to miscarry while richas was killing him? What then? No one but sunny foolish and that bunny worker knew he was pregnant in the first place. He never told anyone else. Sunny just facing the wall hands over her ears while phil is making jokes about tubbo's death. All she can think about is how she lost not only her pa, but her baby sibling as well that day.
Do you think that bunny worker reported to the federation about tubbo's pregnancy? How he was asking for child support money? Do you think that's the reason cucurucho was showing up to events? To check up on tubbo? Was that why fred was supposed to be at the valentines day event? Did the feds plan to have her relocated so he could keep an eye on tubbo and the baby? (They DO NOT want to pay that guy child support) Do you think fred, hearing wispers of tubbos death decided to just leave. And once she was sure she was out of ear shot do you think she just burst into tears. Do you think that's the reason cucurucho kept bursting out laughing during the movie? Because he was in such disbelief over tubbo's death?
Listen I'm crazy IM SO CRAZY OVER THIS
this ask has been in my inbox for a whole week and im genuinely fucking obsessed with it. im staring at you with so much amazement and love in my eyes tbh
i need to live in a world where this au is canon tbh because im so invested and interested in all the impies (implications said in a cute way)
like im obsessed w the fact that this implies a fed x tubbo polycule. which is a wholeass Thing ive been thinking about since forever. and also cucu and fred and the bunny assumedly all caring abt tubbos wellbeing and all loving him and not being incredibly jealous at all. all being happy with sharing him if it means he's happy. and then the upset over the obvious. his death and miscarriage.
anon do you know i love you. do you know the impact you have on my life
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qtubbo-is-not-fine · 4 months
What if what if what iffff
Fed!Tubbo meets MC, with his hair fully platinum blonde, and Sunny runs up to him. She goes for a hug, relieved to see their Pa weeks of being gone, just for him to crouch down and go:
“The egg with the useless information, you were his no?” And pats her head, just to ignore them for the rest of the conversation.
Fedbo, for me, would share Tubbo’s face, personality, and mannerisms but they have their key traits gone.
I like to think Tubbo’s empathy is gone. The same one that q!Tubbo hated about himself, but was such a core part of his character, is now Federation locked :)
Just shoot me next time, it will be less painful 😭😭😭😭😭😭
But actually, now that I think about it, if tubbo will be cold and aggressive to the eggs, maybe other people FINALLY understand that something is wrong with him and he needs help, but will they succeed? Only time will tell :)
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tubburevil · 3 months
13, 21:)
OH MY GOD I AM SO LATE my bad man so sorry i thought i answered
13. Favorite build(s) on the server
probably the dragon!!! also the titan thing foolish built, they both look super cool. as for interiors, i really liked that one building the federation made, i can't remember what it was for but i'm pretty sure it was a prison or something.
21. Name some lore you’d like to see in the future
like 2 weeks ago my answer wouldve been "something relating to pre-ice tubbo" but now that we have creation i feel a little more satisfied. at the very least im pretty certain we'll get more pre-ice tubbo lore in the future so i don't have to worry about that too much (very much looking forward to it :0)
this might sound cliche for tumblr user tubburevil to say, but i'd really like qtubbo and baribal/cucurevil to meet (and preferably team up). as partial as i am to fedbo, it doesn't seem like it's going to happen seeing as the federation is knee deep in weirdass shit rn and i think an islander joining would just complicate it. plus, cucurucho "severely denied" my application </3 so like instead of fedbo i think qtubbo teaming up with baribal would be very very cool. very awesome and interesting seeing as that would make him a proper enemy of the federation and that would fucking rock man let him fuck shit up
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berlinonair · 8 months
Fedbo & Daphne Gale - Sandalwood (Indie Folk)
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🕑 Lesedauer: 1 min / 📷 CTTO / Fedbo & Daphne Gale Offizielles Erscheinungsdatum: 27.09.2023 Wir freuen uns, euch heute eine wunderschöne neue Single der beiden Künstler Fedbo & Daphne Gale vorstellen zu dürfen. Bei 'Sandalwood' handelt es sich um einen sehr warmen und gefühlvollen Akustikgitarren-Track, der dank seines exzellenten Zusammenspiels zweier Stimmen direkt unter die Haut geht. Es sind Klänge, die zudem eine Art sommerliche Nostalgie in uns hervorrufen und an die langen Nächte im Freien erinnern. Wir denken, der Stil könnte auch euch sehr gut gefallen. H��rt direkt mal rein! Melodie: ★★★★★ | Produktion: ★★★★★ | Arrangement: ★★★★☆ | Energie: ★★★☆☆ |  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/5n9ph7E8LhyP2IE0wQSKf9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fedbomusic Text: Sonia
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terezicaptor · 5 months
why did that guard get so close to tubbos face. and then they backed up. did you kiss him
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terezicaptor · 5 months
"you are mine now" tubbo is getting into some crazy kink shit with the guards
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terezicaptor · 5 months
"i'll crank your hand crank for a hand crank" tubbo NEEDS gay sex
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terezicaptor · 1 month
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terezicaptor · 5 months
"I can be bad in any way you want me to be" I didn't expect the flirting to take this long tbh
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terezicaptor · 5 months
oh the guards are soooo in love with him. theyre allowing him 10 minutes in the barbarian camp to grab shit
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terezicaptor · 5 months
"please dont finish me off, please buy me dinner first" as a guard is beating him to death
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terezicaptor · 5 months
tubbo stop trying to fuck the guards PLEASE
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terezicaptor · 5 months
"7, heal me, heal me in passionate ways" WOOOOO was waiting for the next flirt
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terezicaptor · 5 months
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berlinonair · 9 months
Fedbo - In Your Thoughts (Indie Folk)
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🕑 Lesedauer: 1 min / 📷 CTTO / Fedbo Offizielles Erscheinungsdatum: 18.08.23 Ein talentierter Singer-Songwriter aus der Stadt ist Fedbo, dessen Musik ich kürzlich auf meinem Radar entdecken durfte. Sein Stil hat mich sofort fasziniert, denn er positioniert sich geschickt zwischen lockerem Indie Folk und leicht melancholischem Pop, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf seiner genialen Stimme liegt. Tatsächlich entstand der Track ‘In Your Thoughts‘ noch vor der Pandemie in Bezug auf eine Fernbeziehung und all die damit verbundenen Gedanken, die den Künstler zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 bewegten. Die Melodien und die Art des Schreibens wirken auf mich durchaus reflektierend, wobei ich auch die wunderbare Instrumentierung nicht unerwähnt lassen möchte: Zum Vorschein kommt ein excellentes Akustikgitarren-Arrangement, das durch eine warme Stimme im Fokus zum Leben erweckt, und von einer schönen Trompete mit tollen Akzenten in der Melodiestimme untermalt wird. Hört doch direkt mal rein und entdeckt Fedbos Musik auf Spotify und Instagram: Melodie: ★★★★★ | Produktion: ★★★★★ | Arrangement: ★★★★☆ | Energie: ★★★☆☆ |  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/5aHxNDwBQPWAI1JXryzfKm?si=8b59e323c8fa4160 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fedbomusic/ Text: AP /discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator
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