#fcnd review
legally-a-bastard · 1 year
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#far cry new dawn - 35 posts
#new dawn - 33 posts
#oc: contessa lola rattenmeister sierro - 33 posts
#fcnd - 29 posts
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#‘so yeah it doesn’t make sense to make life easier because we’ll still have struggles anyways’ that’s the most wack ass logic i’ve ever hear
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Why did you steal my cat's name
your cat stole my name, actually.
40 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
I'd love to hear more about your TOW captain! 👀 Can we get an introduction?
also sorry this took so long to answer I was in the middle of the woods for a bit. i am temporarily back from the woods rn but will be returning soon
This is Captain Arabella Hawthorne. She’s teeeeeeechnically a self-insert OC? but like all my OCs eventually do she kinda became her own entity
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44 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
so like what does chocolate guy do with his creations after he makes them
do people eat them? are they destroyed? can you buy them?
51 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
so I’m playing omori
have this meme I made about it
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74 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I can’t. Istg I can’t I fuckingg CANT with this game.
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This. This note is what made me actually start crying.
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154 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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fc6 · 1 year
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#dean is looking in the mirror putting his emo raider makeup on like he wasnt just going grocery shopping what feels like a few months ago
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I see now. I am so sorry. Please give me a mask, I am afraid.
107 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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136 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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the path to eden is clear to those who have faith.
143 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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MEGA TEMPLATE FOR DEPUTY/JUDGEMade by @fc6​ on Tumblr, major spoilers for FC5 & FCND (please do not remove credit!)
Name:  Age:  Gender:  Sexuality:  Faceclaim:  Personality/Myers–Briggs Type:  Hometown:  Family:  Did anyone in their family survive into New Dawn (if applicable)?:  Relationship status:  Did their partner survive into New Dawn (if applicable)?:  Reason for joining law enforcement in Hope County: 
Relationship with Adelaide:  Relationship with Burke:  Relationship with Eli:  Relationship with Faith:  Relationship with Grace:  Relationship with Deputy Hudson:  Relationship with Hurk:  Relationship with Jacob:  Relationship with Jerome:  Relationship with Jess:  Relationship with John:  Relationship with Joseph:  Relationship with Kim Rye:  Relationship with Mary May:  Relationship with Nick Rye:  Relationship with Deputy Pratt:  Relationship with Sharky:  Relationship with Tracey:  Relationship with Wheaty:  Relationship with Whitehorse: 
Relationship with Carmina:  Relationship with Gina:  Relationship with Grace:  Relationship with Ethan:  Relationship with Hurk:  Relationship with Jerome:  Relationship with Joseph:  Relationship with Kim Rye:  Relationship with Nick Rye:  Relationship with Nana:  Relationship with Sharky:  Relationship with Security Captain: 
Feelings on the Project at Eden's Gate in general:  How did they feel about being seen as a savior to Hope County?:  Peggie radio station, normal radio station, or no music?:  In what order were the Heralds taken down?:  Say YES in Fall’s End church?:  Say YES in John’s bunker?:  Did they believe Joseph in the end?:  Reaction to Burke and Virgil’s deaths:  Reaction to killing Eli:  Feelings when killing Jacob:  Feelings when killing John:  Feelings when killing Faith:  Feelings when fighting Joseph:  Most used weapon(s):  Stealth or guns blazing?:  Gun-for-hire(s) or fang-for-hire(s) most traveled with: 
What happened to them in the bunker with Joseph?:  Do they ever speak/take off the mask?:  Is their loyalty to Joseph genuine?:  Feelings on New Eden as a whole:  Feelings on the Highwaymen and twins:  Thoughts on the Security Captain being chosen by Joseph:  Did they try and help Ethan lead while Joseph was in the North?:  Was Ethan’s betrayal anticipated?:  If the Security Captain shot Joseph, how did they react?:  If the Security Captain spared Joseph, how did they react?:  If given the opportunity, would they have shot Joseph themselves? Did they?:  Do they stay in Hope County after the events of New Dawn?: 
Tagged by:  Tagging: 
193 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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219 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
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kije999 · 5 years
Far Cry: New Dawn – Hope County got a Nuclear Makeover
Ubisoft’s latest installment for the Far Cry franchise has been released and been out for a couple of days now. The game is a direct sequel after the last game in the franchise, which is beloved among many fans.
So let’s get into it. Warning: spoilers ahead
The events of Far Cry: New Dawn takes place 17 years after the events of the last game and features some of Far Cry 5’s cast and introducing new as well. One of these new characters is none other than Carmina Rye, the daughter of Nick and Kim Rye who was only briefly seen as a baby in FC5. Carmina and her mother play a big part in the storyline of New Dawn.
The game starts with a cinematic introduction, where Carmina tells us, the player, her life story. How she was born on the day of The Collapse, how she lived in the bunker for 6 years before she ever saw the sun and why she came to Thomas Rush for his help. As she wraps up her story, the screen fades to black and we hear the train she is on crash, followed by screams and chaos.
And then the game begins. We meet the hero of the story, ambiguously called The Captain and their boss, another key-character, Thomas Rush. After a quick-paced running sequence, we also meet our main antagonists, twin sisters Mickey and Lou, the terrifying leaders of The Highwaymen.
After another cutscene, we officially enter the beauty that is Far Cry: New Dawn.
I played and finished the game in two days, I got a little bit earlier access to considering I live in Europe and I’m on spring break. So I could stay up until 4 a.m. in the morning after its release around midnight.
So yeah, the game is not long. The storyline is much, much shorter than its predecessor, FC5. As is the map. The game mechanics are practically the same, aside from the new level system that is more seen in RPG games à la Borderlands.
Arguably, it is retailed at 40 euros compared to the 60 euros you have to pay for FC5. Although, this might be the broke student in me talking, is still quite a lot.
But let’s talk about something positive, the graphics are breathtaking. The scenery is so bright and gorgeous, despite it being a post-nuclear setting where it’s popular to see dead vegetation and terrifying creatures roaming about. But no, New Dawn features a brightly colored world, with beautiful animals roaming the county.
The moment I saw and heard Carmina, I was in love with her character. And considering she is the baby you, as the deputy, saw and became a godparent in FC5. Her character design is awesome, I personally love how blue her eyes are. I pretty much felt very protective over her in-game, and wouldn’t let her die on my watch, which usually resulted in my own death as well.
Another character I fell in love with was Thomas Rush. This is a bit more on the superficial side but I don’t care, he’s good-looking. The relationship between him and the captain isn’t much explained but I could feel they’ve known and trust each other. And I was very upset when Lou abruptly killed him.
Speaking about being upset. There were moments in the game, especially when first time playing it, where I felt so sad. Seeing all these familiar places and hearing about familiar people from the previous game, reading the notes (Thanks for the feels, Tracey). Especially seeing Boomer’s grave, and the mentions of Peaches and Cheeseburger, hit me hard. Yeah, I care for the FFH a bit more than the GFH, sorry Jess and Addie… (Poor Grace though, losing her eyesight like that…)
But there were moments that put a smile on my face, like “reuniting” with Sharky and Hurk, who now has a baby with a new GFH, Gina Guerra. The Rye family reunion pulled on my heart-strings (of joy!) as well.
Now, let’s talk dear ol’ Joe. He’s still kicking, albeit missing from the first arc of the New Eden storyline. I have mixed feelings about Joseph, I never really cared that much about him in FC5 (John, however, won me over fast) and I guess you can say he’s a broken old man at this point, exiling himself from his family in New Eden.
He also has a son now, Ethan. It’s not fully clear if Joseph is his real father or considering the evidence we got. Ethan is…complicated. As a character, he might have had potential. But alas, he is poorly written and comes over as an annoying brat who throws tantrums à la Kylo Ren style. I don’t hate him, I even felt sorry for the guy at some points. But yeah, I have a feeling his character is an afterthought, as well with the rest of the ending regarding Joseph.
So now, about the ending… Like I just mentioned, it felt like an afterthought. A loose end they needed to wrap up, considering Joseph was the Big Bad in FC5. In my opinion, they should’ve ended it after the boss fight with Mickey and Lou. On another note, I like the mercy the player can show in ending. To have the choice to spare Mickey and Joseph.
In my gameplay, I killed Joseph, which I considered a mercy kill. I accidentally spared Mickey, I didn’t know she would live if I left, I assumed she would bleed to death if you walked away.
Anyway, I think it’s time to wrap up the review. I started off how I was taught, but it got personal and I startled rambling on. This review is a bit of roller-coaster, oops.
Amazing scenery, absolutely stunning and a fresh take on a post-nuclear apocalypse
Loveable new characters (Although I have my problems with Ethan)
It’s a lot of fun
Homestead building and seeing the cutscenes for it
Short story
A bit pricey
Limited Map compared to FC5
Grinding for ethanol and materials gets tiring fast.
So yeah, I might have forgotten some points and If you’d like to talk to me about the game hit me up and I’ll give you my discord.
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lockhvrts · 4 years
Hi! As someone who LOVED fc5, I enjoyed fcnd for the most part but i also found it boring and disappointing at times lol. I would only reccomend fcnd if you really loved fc5 and are eager to see some of the characters from the 1st game again :-)
hi, thank you for telling me this! yeah I’ve seen mixed reviews of fcnd that's why i was kind of hesitant about nd and fc5, but i still wanted to at least play fc5 once bc i liked fc4
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radiojamming · 5 years
my p honest FCND review below the cut. o7 some spoilers, ye, but tagged!!
so i did like a good portion of it, but i was left feeling like it was... unfinished. underdeveloped? i think FCND could have been a rockin DLC instead of the DLCs that fc5 ended up having. it felt like half a game tbh and that kind of bums me out.
that being said, i did have fun! it’s a lovely, colorful world and i appreciate the scenery! i love how saturated it is, and I LOVE HUMMINGBIRDS.
the outpost grinding got super tiring super fast. it didn’t make much sense to me and part of me thinks that because the FCND map is smaller than FC5′s, the outpost grinding system was implemented to pad the time.
i wish i could have gotten to know some of the new characters better. i was invested, and then i received absolutely nothing else about them!
weapon buildy fun :]
ethan’s plotline felt like....... a waste. he felt like an afterthought thrown in just to mix up some drama. the game could have played out just fine without his connection to joseph. part of the far cry franchise’s strength is compelling, interesting villains. ethan was neither of those.
THE TWINS THO! i really did love them, and again, i wish i could have gotten to know them better. i feel like part of their whole shtick was that they’re bad. they take stuff. they don’t like when you take the stuff they took. they have some motives. that’s it. their voice acting/mocap was spectacular, and ubi just could have done so much more with them. they had, like, parts of vaas, pagan min, and the seeds. they could have been even more awesome c’mooonnnnn. i mean, i think i would have sided with them in the end, but everything felt so stilted and like they were meant to fill in some aesthetically-cool villain rank. (i absolutely let mickey live too)
speaking of the seeds, did jacob and faith just not exist? john at least gets the inquisitor’s grave and some notes and mentions. i’m not like a huge seed stan (contrary to my apparent love of jacob) but even like a fun little wink from the devs would have been better than nothing. there were so many places that they could have done some shout-outs. i’m not asking for ubi to give the seeds back, but i wish they had done more with them than blocking out most of their regions and keeping mum about them. 
expeditions are hella fun! roger, love me.
also those GFHs. yaaaaas. i want nana to be my real nana. also i will take horatio and timber home effective immediately.
i was worried about the judge/deputy’s plot, and.......... i feel like i was right to worry. they had absolutely no resolution? what the hell? like, this is supposed to be my fc5 player character, yeah? the one i got attached to and people adored??? where did all of that go?
supernatural stuff felt kinda out of place? i mean, i know supernatural business was happening in fc5 but it felt wedged into this game. i felt like i was doing that one companions questline from skyrim.
i don’t think i have anything to say about joseph that hasn’t already been said. everything with him was... weird. i mean, i enjoyed his character because greg’s awesome and plays him so well. i just don’t know if this weird 180 attitude shift is up my alley, or if anything with him makes much sense, esp wrt the judge. 
does anything actually make sense in this game tho
and uh, where did everyone else go? did ubi just say, “kill everyone else off and drop a note for posterity”? hmm. (mostly i miss jess, is what i’m trying to say.)
man there are some definite creepy/atmospheric places in this game. i got the chills a few times. hell ye.
i also loved exploring some of the places from fc5 and seeing what’s happened to them. lots of really cool concepts.
the game is redeemed. i can be a big gay unicorn and nothing can stop me.
so p much it boils down to: i had fun, i don’t think i’d play again, i think it feels unfinished in multiple regards, it would have been better off as a DLC tbh, i wish i knew the characters better, and i would have been happy to wait another year or two to get a better, more complete product. like, i definitely am cool with people who love this game. more power to you! i mean, i don’t feel like i wasted hours of my life, but i wish we had gotten a little more.
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