#fatma hutan
starbabe569 · 9 months
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I think Fadin wins best advise ever given for all of the original series. It's also wonderfully blunt and honest.
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kosemsultanim · 7 years
what's your fav and dis fav characters from MC and MCK ?
Magnificent Century
Favorite: Hürrem Sultan
Least Favorite: Fatma Hutan
Magnificent Century: Kösem
Favorite: Kösem Sultan
Least Favorite: Mahfiruze Sultan
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Innalillah... Sedang Hamil, Pengungsi Suriah Diperkosa dan Dibunuh di Turki
Innalillah... Sedang Hamil, Pengungsi Suriah Diperkosa dan Dibunuh di Turki
Harianpublik.com, Ankara – Sungguh tragis! Seorang pengungsi Suriah yang sedang hamil di Turki tewas dirajam. Tidak hanya itu, wanita pengungsi ini juga diperkosa sebelum dibunuh selang beberapa hari sebelum dia melahirkan.
Anak lainnya dari wanita ini, yakni bayi berusia 10 bulan, tewas dicekik oleh pelaku dalam kasus pembunuhan ganda yang memicu kemarahan publik setempat. Demikian seperti dilansir AFP, Sabtu (8/7/2017).
Otoritas Turki telah menahan dua pria terkait kasus ini. Kedua pria yang tidak disebut identitasnya itu, dilaporkan telah mengakui perbuatan bejatnya kepada otoritas Turki, yang menyebut kasus ini sebagai ‘serangan biadab’.
Kasus ini berawal saat para pelaku menyusup ke dalam rumah wanita pengungsi ini dan menculiknya beserta bayi laki-lakinya. Saat diculik, wanita ini juga sedang mengandung. Dia dijadwalkan akan melahirkan pada Jumat (7/7) waktu setempat.
Para pelaku kemudian membawa wanita ini dan bayinya ke sebuah hutan di kota Sakarya. Kantor berita Turki, Dogan News Agency, melaporkan warga lokal menemukan jenazah wanita ini dan bayinya pada Kamis (6/7) waktu setempat.
Dua pria yang ditahan diketahui bekerja di pabrik yang sama dengan suami wanita ini. Beberapa hari sebelum pembunuhan terjadi, para pelaku terlibat pertengkaran dengan suami wanita ini. Tidak disebut lebih lanjut pemicu pertengkaran itu.
Turki menjadi ‘rumah’ bagi nyaris 3 juta pengungsi asal Suriah. Perbuatan bejat pelaku menuai kecaman dari banyak pihak, termasuk Menteri Urusan Keluarga Turki, Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya, yang menyebut kasus ini barbar.
Wali Kota Sakarya, Zeki Tocoglu, bersumpah bahwa para pelakunya akan dihukum setimpal. Tocoglu menyebut kasus ini sebagai ‘pembantaian brutal’. Sumber: Detik Sumber : Source link
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starbabe569 · 8 months
Non Hurrem/Suleyman Scenes I Wish Had Been In The Series
**After Suleyman Returns To Find Hurrem Has Been Burned**
Suleyman questions everyone surviving Hurrem to find out how she's been doing scenes the attack. He's told she rarely leaves her chambers, she has the main entrance to her chambers bard every night and sleeps with a knife. Suleyman then calls an architect to design and build a new set of chambers contacted to his.
A few days later word begins to spread through the harem about the new chambers Suleyman has ordered. Hafsa and Mahidevran assume that the new chambers are for Mustafa.
**Sometime After Suleyman Returns To Find Hurrem Has Been Burned**
Suleyman has been back in Tapioca for a few weeks when Hurrem starts acting angry and jumpy. When he ask she says it's just nerves, so he questions Sumbal and Daya and is informed that Fatma the concubine responsible for burning Hurrem was brought back to the palace. Suleyman is furious and orders that Fatma be taken to the dungeons while he goes to comfort his mother.
**Immediately After Learning About Fatma**
Suleyman storms into the Valid Sultan's Cambers looking furious. Hafsa asks what's troubling him. Suleyman angrily confronts his mother about Fatma not only being brought back into the harem, but the fact that it's obvious that she wasn't truly punished. Hafsa try's to defend her actions to Suleyman despite the fact that he's obviously not buying it. At one point she says something that causes Suleyman to almost hit her, he stops himself before he even lifts his hand. He ends the conversation by telling her he will handle Fatma's punishment. He also tells her she needs to dismiss Gulsah because he will be appointing the new harem overseer.
**The Day After Suleyman's Confrontation With His Mother**
Suleyman has his mother and Mahidevran come to the viewing room used to over look events in the courtyard. There wondering why Suleyman has called them there, when he walks out. Their shocked to see him followed by Fatma who is being dragged by guards and an executioner. After Fatma is executed Suleyman looks up at the screen his mother and Mahidevran are standing behind before walking back into the palace.
**A Few Days After Fatma's Execution**
Word about Fatma's execution has spread through the harem. The concubines are gossiping and speculating about what this means for Valid Sultan's possession and the future of the harem. Sumbal inters to announce that Suleyman's has summoned Afife Hutan to take over as overseer of the harem, instead of Gulsah who Hafsa's chose.
**Early Season Three**
After her luncheon for the wives of Pasha and other high ranking men in the empire Hurrem holds a second uncheon for the wives and daughters of the foreign ambassadors. This event is held in the main area of the harem. Hurrem is using the mystery and speculation other countries have about the harem to guaranty the attendance of the women she's invited.
_I'm specifically basing this off of the scene in MC:K when Farya enters the harem for the first time._
**Early Season One Not Long Before Suleyman Returns From Campaign**
Hurrem is setting in her private chambers with Maria embroidering a blanket for the baby. Maria tells Hurrem that she's been worried that she'll be replaced as her concubine because she's not Muslim so she's going to talk to Sumbal about converting. Hurrem tells her she doesn't have to do that, she'll talk to Suleyman to make sure that doesn't happen. Maria responses that she rather do everything possible to make sure there not separated. Hurrem leans over and hugs Maria thanking her.
**The Night Hurrem Gives Birth To Mehmed**
Ibrahim has ordered Gulnihal to be sent to Halvet. As Sumbal is taking her to be prepared she's protesting that she can't do this to Hurrem. Sumbal tells her to keep quiet and when she's in left alone with Suleyman to introduce herself by her old name and nothing will happen. She nods her head and says okay, then keeps quiet while she's prepared.
When she's left alone with Suleyman she introduces herself as Maria, then drops to her knees and say she can't be here because it would break Hurrem's heart. Suleyman realizing that this is Hurrem's Maria who he'd given Sumbal instructions not to send to halvet he's furious. She gives an explanation that Ibrahim picked her and that there was probably confusion because she'd just converted and has been given her new name.
After Suleyman has calmed down they began talking with Maria telling Suleyman stories about Hurrem and her life before the harem with Maria telling him she was revealed to see Hurrem finally starting to live again. A few hours into their conversation Sumbal arrives to inform Suleyman that Hurrem is in labor.
**Season One Early Into Hurrem's First Pregnancy**
Hafsa tells Daya she has decided to marry Hurrem off while Suleyman is on campaign. Daya asks if she'd like her to take Hurrem to be examined immediately to confirm she's not pregnant or wait until a groom has been selected. Hafsa tells her to have the exam done immediately because she doesn't need the stress of having to back out of and engagement if she is pregnant.
_Hafsa trying to marry Hurrem off without finding out if she's pregnant or not was one of her stupidest designs in the inter series._
@redxluna @desmoonl @shivrcys @faintingheroine @minetteskvareninova
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