#fatansy whump
rosewriteswhump · 1 year
Original Masterlist!
Prologue: Fear, numb
Mistake Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
My Art!: 1, 2
Drabbles: I'm Fine 1, I'm Fine 2
Picrews! Marlie and Dawn Marlie2 All of them, Fae,
Worldbuilding 1 Worldbuilding 2
oddly specific oc ask game: 1, 2
device battery ask game: 1
Wheel of whump: Stranded/lost, Cave In, Buried Alive, Whipping,
Own ask game: Crystals 1 Crystals 2
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rosewriteswhump · 1 year
1: Comfort
tw: Whump, past abuse, flashback, nightmares, kicking, whips, panicking, tears, fear of wings being ripped off
read at own risk. Let me know if i missed anything! tagging @nullb1rdbones cos they are why i am not too scared for posting this
Marlie woke up screaming. She fluttered her wings attempting to catch her breath. The lack of pain in her wings caused some relief, her nightmare replaying again and again. 
Whumper laughed, their voice mocking and proud. “How weak are you? A member of the fae too weak to defend herself against the simple human. So disgraceful, you do know what happens when you disappoint me?” A whip slashed Marlie across the back, letting the girl crumple to the ground before kicking her in the chest. “No food this week. I guess you don’t care enough.”
“Marlie? Sweetie, come back to me. You’re home and safe. Away from humans. You are away from them.” Caretaker tried to console the faery in her care, sickened by the sight of her younger sister cowering in the corner, begging to keep her wings. “Marlie, can you hear me?” 
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rosewriteswhump · 1 year
Whump wheel drabble 1
I feel like hurting Cedar today
link to whump wheel
CW: immortal whumpee, human whumper, pet whump, fairy whumpee, threat of wings ripped off, failed escape attempt, begging, implied torture, magic blocking restraints, blood mention, it/its used by whumper to dehumanize whumpee, Let me know if I missed anything!
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Cedar ran, trying to find the path back home. The angry yells and footsteps rapidly approached him as he caught his foot on a tree root, slamming his body to the floor. With his hands behind his back and attached the collar tightly squeezing is sore neck.
A kick to his ribs caused him to cry out in pain, begging for a merciful punishment. "P-please, Sir, I-I'm sorry I tried to run! I-" Cedar shut his mouth as his master kicked him again.
"Worthless thing. I told you what would happen if you tried to escape! You're lucky I won't rip off those wings today. You'll have another punishment." The human growled, clipping a leash to Cedar's collar and dragging him across the forest floor, a small trail of blood following him.
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taglist: @nullb1rdbones
let me know if you want to be added and feel free to ask me or my characters any questions! inbox in always open and I'd be happy to answer anything!
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