#fandom problem 4083
damnfandomproblems · 1 year
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Fandom Problem #4083
Sometimes I really hate in the Genshin Impact fandom. People there love saying xiaoven shippers are toxic and try to invalidate them by saying "Xiao and Venti don't even know each other." It is canon that Venti had saved Xiao's life, yet people try to say it was someone else instead. Someone said "Xiao would 100% leave Venti to die if Liyue was in danger. Liyue > Venti. Xiaoven is toxic. Xiao should never choose Venti." I hate they said it that way. Just say you hate the ship and leave us alone
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ao3feed-peppermom · 4 years
by mainstreamelectricalparade
Peter's spidey-sense had been going off all day. If he had to stay at school for literally another minute longer, he was probably going to go insane.
And of course, there was one person at school whose single goal in life seemed to be ensuring that that happened.
“Yo, Penis! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Flash called after Peter as he took the steps three at a time in his attempt to make a quick getaway.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation and kept walking. Maybe if he ignored the problem, it would go away.
Because that had always worked so well for him, in the past.
Or, the one where Peter has a bad feeling, and Flash is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Words: 4083, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Flash Thompson, Original Male Character(s), Tony Stark
Relationships: Peter Parker & Flash Thompson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark (background)
Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, Peter Parker Whump, Hurt Peter Parker, Flash Thompson Redemption, Humor, Enemies to Friends, more like rivals to friends, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Peter Parker is a Mess, Protective Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Mild Language, flash is a potty mouth ok
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damnfandomproblems · 4 months
thought about saying this after seeing the ask somewhere but response to 4083, and i'm very sorry to bring it up since it's nagging me; its not just those reasons xiao wouldn't choose venti over liyue, he'd choose anyone for the guarantee of their safety as a guardian.
he'd choose the traveler over an oath and he chose rex lapis out of devotion and he WILL choose venti should trouble come to him but if the latter's presence affect liyue you wouldn't doubt where the priority really needs to go. phrasing it in that way shows a dependency he fell so hard for venti and this is the only major mischaracterization you can put on xiao because he loves someone to go all in and disregarding everything else.
this is the very thing that pisses some (i can't say all, i've never inserted myself into the discourse you said although i personally don't prefer them) xiaoven haters due to the romanticism resulting from two things; venti saved xiao, xiao thinks of the tune of the flute that saved him (not the flutist, which anyone can play for him) and other things that followed the brief interactions they have together.
i value both venti and xiao as their own characters and its the ship interpretation being the very problem the notion's completely ruin how they are in their core. its good to have fun with how you want to portray them, yes, but they've been one of the earliest characters so the first misconception in the name of how Compatible theyve come from a few leaks and hidden lore breaks any consistency that follows after, which then makes their concepts as partners very... off and out of the mark of what they made themselves to be. even their arts, aside how pretty it is, doesn't ring entirely true once you know their backstories as it's veiled by romanticism.
to make their goals in their connection ignores their importance to what surrounds them because its only about themselves now, which is a bit off for a character who symbolizes freedom and disattachment (in a way you're not bounded, you are you and what you choose to be) and a protector who gives his life to anyone who can't manage to save themselves, finding connections more than just one person in the past as he needs to focus on a future.
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
What... even is 4083
Absolutely no one says that lmao? unless you met one specific asshole. Also why does this submission look like it was written by an 11 year old?
And while yes Venti did technically save Xiao it wasn't intentional. They were both in the area by pure coincidence, and Xiao was just close enough to hear ventis music.
The rest of all that doesn't even make any sense lol. "leave venti to die" like venti isn't a literal God that can fend for himself. He may not be the strongest but he isn't just a frail lil bard.
Idk man just doesn't sound real lol
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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damnfandomproblems · 11 months
Omg is this that one person that thinks zhongven is incest and/or abusive?
I cannot think of a single toxic Xiao ship they could be talking about unless it's something like that.
My bro they didn't really officially meet until lantern rite. Even if they have seen each other Xiao being the way he is would not have purposefully interacted with him.
It's great that you have these headcannons and stuff. But the scenarios you come up with where they pine for each other for centuries or even secretly date are not canon. There is zero lore stating they've even spoken to one another.
Xiaoven is a great ship but shut the actual fuck up please.
And idk much about the whole white savior thing because that just doesn't seem accurate but also how tf did racism get tied into this?
It's a fucking ship yall what is going on here.
Venti accidentally saved Xiao with his music and Xiao has never forgotten that. And while there's a bit more to it, that's a great start for a cute ship so what the fuck is all this shit yall are talking over here goddamn.
Posting since this is a response to this ask.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
A response to a response to #4083
It offends me that someone is calling xiaoven the white savior troupe. Tell me you are racist without saying you are racist. Y'all the kind of people to try and erase Venti's importance to Xiao and be like "they never knew each other" or "they have a toxic relationship" but turn around and ship Xiao in a relationship that would be more toxic.
xiaoven is Xiao's purest ship
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
A response to #4083. Technically more of a criticism. Submitter of that post, no one cares. People can hate your ship if they want to.
I also want to say this: xiaoven is the white savior troupe.
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
Response to #4083.
But Xiao really would choose Liyue over Venti, submitter. I don't think you get his character if you think he would choose Venti over the land he swore to protect. Xiao would readily throw away his life for Liyue if it ever came down to it. He'd never leave for Venti. That would be out of character
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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