alia-of-agl · 5 years
Happy New Year, everyone! Here’s to paving the way for a bright 2019 with our friends! Let’s give it for @falconvillager‘s Evan Harris, @mewkwota‘s Tsux Namine, The7thShade’s Ari Hiserous, and TedsterGaming’s George!
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mewkwota · 6 years
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mewkwota · 6 years
Bunny Chrom is now in my possession. Only one more hero to go from last year's Spring Festival...! ( ; 3;)
Nice! I have ¾ of those Spring Units too, only in a different combination.
I noticed your follow-up ask, and honestly Roy’s not bad at all. He’s getting a weapon upgrade very soon, so you should look into it and build him up! :>
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mewkwota · 6 years
Congratulations on that final, friend-o! I'm so proud of you, aaaaaahh~! ( ;
Aww gee, thank you~! I guess pressing myself to study, read, and ask the professor really helped. So maybe I can learn to open-up more to better myself for future classes, as this is just the start of the year.
(I’m just glad this went through okay, ahhh…!!)
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mewkwota · 7 years
Not long ago, I pre-ordered my first ever Nendoroid and I'd like to ask two quick things while I wait: Have you ever owned any Nendoroids? And if so, which ones would you recommend the most?
I own a fairly small number, all of which are video game characters except Miku and Jyushimatsu. But I don’t really collect them, so I can’t really say that I could recommend a particular Nendoroid to anyone.
Let alone, my tastes may differ from others, so that’s also something too.
I can at least say my favorite one so far that I own is Kirby. He’s made with magnetic parts, he can move his parts very well and appears almost seamless. If you’re interested, you can always check him out. ( ‘ v’)b
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mewkwota · 7 years
I just got back from completing my first Tempest Trials! It was a long road to tackle being a first-timer, but I'm glad to have gotten Black Knight at the last minute. Hope he'll be worth it.
Welp, as many of us who’ve played the Tellius games of FE, I can say that if you know how to work him right, the Black Knight is one formidable Unit.
He’s already got the Skills to be as such, but he can become even scarier. Congratz on reaching that point, especially since Tempest Trials are ending in less than a few hours!!
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mewkwota · 7 years
I'm super-late in doing so, but I've finally started Fire Emblem Heroes yesterday! (Hooray!) I'd love to get that Spring Festival Lucina, but I want your input on her before I try and get her... Do you think she'll be worth it?
Oh, hooray to ye for joining the phone-gacha heckie game! ( ‘ v’);
Well, I may be the worst person to ask for this sorta stuff, so whatever I’m answering is based on my brothers’ input, as they know a lot more of gimmicks than I do.
As far as we’ve looked over, I gotta say that Lucina is okay.
This is only from me who never got her, but I personally never had any interest in her so I can’t say that I’ve looked into her a lot. As far as I can say, her Speed is the only thing that makes her decent, and compared to other Units of her class she is around okay.
Again, you don’t need to take my word or anything, nor see it as a truth as I’m just speaking from loose looking. It’s really all up to you in what you’d like to pursue with your Orbs.
That being said, best of luck in your Summons (and be careful of the RNG)!
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mewkwota · 6 years
Bwam, I’m tagged.
As the title states, m’goo friend @indygotcha​ did me a tag. This can be a nice break from my three, nonstop days of oto’ing Tsux, let’s-a go! ( J’ <’)J
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions.
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Cake Yellow
Top 3 ships: Ahh, I don’t like ranking things, and I’m afraid to talk about ships because people are evil. But I’ll just throw three things I remotely ship, I guess: Chrom/M!Robin, X/Zero, Marth/Takamaru (the latter is one-sided, however).
Last song: Assault Mirage by GaSHOT feat. Aoki Lapis, IA & Maiko Hakaine
Last Movie: Coco (Please watch it, okay yes thank you.)
Top 3 shows: I don’t watch enough TV/anime/whatever for an answer.
Currently reading: I don’t read enough books/manga for an answer.
I’ll Tag: @whoatethewaffles, @flamboyant-prince, @liminal-date, @s-ockhead, @falconvillager, @acegreenlegend, @potatokoko, @sorrealbrain, @epicwolfofdarkness
As you can see, I am a very interesting person. ( x <x);
You don’t have to do the tags if you don’t you, still sending my love to ye!
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mewkwota · 7 years
Uwagh-Tagged ( ~’ v’)~
Tagged by
@kxjin Rules: Tag 10 (or not 10) followers you want to get to know better.
Birthday: Oct. 12
Gender: am Gorl
Relationship Status: Single
Favourite Colour: Cake Yellow
Pets: None, I am the worst pet-owner.
Wake up time: 8:00-9:00 AM on non-school days.
Love or Lust: Why not both? Like, as long as it’s mutual and genuine.
Favourite Food: Soosh. I really like sushi.
Met a celebrity: I stood 2ft. away from Charles Martinet, but that was at a signing booth and I was too scared to talk to him. So maybe that doesn’t count.
Last Song Listened to: “Dragon Rising” by Takamatt feat. GUMI and Len
First Kiss: N/A Tall or Short: Short, and I have been called “Shorty” and “Short-stuff” once. The latter was less demeaning, but please never, ever call people that, okay? Tagging (Really don’t have to): @indygnation, @falconvillager, @potatokoko (As it says, you aren’t obligated to do the Tag at all, no presh!)
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