#fae regulus isn’t upset though because he thinks sirius rescued him
rizzulusarcturizz · 6 months
Morgan light of my day, warmth of my life, pulse to my heartbeat, i have a sirius question.
If regulus was a changeling, and sirius found out, what would sirius do?
Look for his missing brother? Keep the one he raised? Kill the fae child that took his brother?
What happens when baby regulus, who was raised by the fae, finds his way back home?
WHO gets to keep the name regulus?
So I’m think Sirius’ immediate reaction is going to be he needs to find HIS brother and pushing away poor fae Reggie. He’s not going to kill him because the kid didn’t even know he was fae but he’s getting his brother back dammit!!! That being said I’m thinking when he finally meets human Reggie who has been raised among the fae he’s going to realize that fae Reggie was his brother all along. Fae Reggie is DEF keeping the name Regulus even if he learns his fae name and I’m sure human Reggie has a different name he answers to at this point.
There’s a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to how the fae treat human children they abduct but I’m going to minimize the angst (for once) and say human Reggie was treated well. Sirius came on this whole journey that broke fae Reggie’s head but human Reg doesn’t know Sirius and has no intention of leaving the community that raised him. To human Regulus this dude is a stranger showing up to abduct him from his home, not a hero here to rescue him. Suddenly Sirius realizes he’s doing exactly what was done to the infants all those years ago, but it’s worse because the Reguluses have people and connections and community in the home they were raised in.
Then Sirius has to convince fae Regulus, the brother he raised and loves, that he was stupid and hotheaded and that blood was never what made them brothers. Then fae Reggie has to decide if he goes home with the man who stopped calling him family or stay with a community ready to welcome him (two for one Reggie’s is literally the dream). Obviously he ends up forgiving Sirius and going home with him but not before meeting human Regulus and getting to learn about the life he might have had.
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