#ex: green to communicate greed or envy
magnetic-dogz · 2 months
"Of course they're all red they're all in hell" Who's gonna tell them that the beauty of character design is that you can use many different colors and shades across the rainbow to communicate relatively the same things about a character and also that demons can be colors other than bright searing blood red
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rottenrewards · 9 days
( NICK ROBINSON .  MALE .  HE/HIM )  - the  chicago  resident , ELLIOT WEAVER ,  was  heard  blaring  END OF BEGINNING / DJO  this  morning  .  the  TWENTY-NINE  year  old  is  a  lottery winner   in  the  city  &  has  lived  the EAST  tower  for  TWO MONTHS .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  GLUM  ,  but  also  GENEROUS ,  i  guess  we'll  find  out  soon  !   [  MAD, 27, THEY/THEM, PST  ]
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Name: Elliot Timothy Weaver Nicknames: Eli, Ellie, E.T. Age: 29 Birthday: October 15th, 1994 FC: Nick Robinson Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him/His Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5′11 Blood Type: A+ Build: Medium Vices: Cannabis, Alcohol, Cigarettes Favorite Colors: Red & Orange
Elliot grew up entirely average. Greatness wasn't in store for the middle Weaver child. His older brother was a football star and his younger sister was a pageant queen and as a result his parents attention was usually used up in pursuing his siblings dreams. Elliot never minded much. His nose was typically buried in a book as he was dragged along for support to his siblings endeavors. As he grew up the more Eli branched out on his own. He found himself friends with the band geeks and nerds more than the popular crowd his family was drawn to. He was never prom royalty but he also never wanted to be and he was entirely content. He had a girlfriend whom he loved and friends who he could depend on, what more could he ask for? When Elliot graduated high school he decided to stick around in Amarillo. The town might be small but it was his home and after a few years at the local community college he got a job in auto insurance. He was still with the same girl from high school who he proposed to at the age of twenty-six after being together for ten years. Life was good for Eli and he saw his whole future ahead of. Marriage, a couple of kids running around, and a small house he'd call home, maybe even a white picket fence. All of that changed one fateful afternoon in August of 2023. Elliot came home on his lunch break only to catch his fiance with another man. He was heartbroken and the simple life he'd had planned for himself was ruined. The engagement was off then and there and Eli quickly spun downward.  Life had gone to shit. His fiance moved out (and in with the guy she'd been cheating with) and Elliot spent most nights drinking and wallowing in self pity. Things couldn't have gotten any worse and miraculous it didn't. Almost two months after his break up Elliot's life would change again. He was never much of a gambler but one night when buying cigarettes he decided to purchase a lottery ticket from the gas station. Never in Eli's wildest dreams did he expect to actually win but he did. 16.8 million dollars to be exact. His life changed overnight once again. His achievement became the biggest story to hit Amarillo history in the last 20 years and it seemed everyone who'd ever known Elliot was coming out of the woodwork including his ex.  Everyone put a bad taste in his mouth and after he'd been coerced into giving away nearly a million dollars to various different people in a very short period of time Elliot went into hiding. He could no longer trust the people closest to him as they all seemed to turn green with envy or fat with greed. His new found wealth made him incredibly lonely and forced him to outgrow his town he'd once called home. Elliot settled on Chicago because he'd always wanted to visit the city and wanted a complete change of pace and be somewhere he could blend in.
Elliot's life is a mess. He's still recovering from his recent breakup over the summer and now that he's a millionaire he really doesn't know how to act. One minute he's celebrating and the next he's crying because his Spotify Wrapped playlist reminds him of home.
He is the embodiment of the meme "If I ever win the lottery I won't tell anybody but there will be signs". He doesn't boast about his wealth but he's definitely treating himself and is very generous with his money. He has been known to give 50% to 100% tips at businesses around town.
He's stopped doing laundry all together. Now he simply donates his clothes and buys new ones when he needs them. Laundry has always been his least favorite chore and now that he doesn't have to clean his clothes he won't.
He spontaneously drops twenty dollar bills around just to brighten people's days.
There's always a pile of packages waiting for him at his mailbox. Half the time he doesn't know what he's ordered because he's developed a late night spending habit whenever he can't sleep.
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loetise · 4 months
character interview.  ˎˊ˗
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name: valentine "allie" hope fleur. 
nicname/s: allie, al, als, allie cat, allie pie, allie belly, tiny, teeny, little flower, little fairy, little cupid, little dove, dove, little fae, little wing, angel, angel dust, angelfish, doe eyes, starfish, sunshine barbie, mouse, birdie, sweetheart, darling flower, princess, sunflower, fairy baby, ladybug, chickadee, lotus, cupcake, lamb, tinkerbell, pocket fairy, pretty girl.  (yes these are all rp ones and real i made a list of them like 2 years ago)
age: 18 - 22.
species: half-fae / half-human.
morality: lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
religion: whatever the fae got goin on.
sins: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
known languages: english, minimal fae.
secrets:  she really isn't a person with any secrets, and is a very open book besides keeping her full name close to her. she's kind of scared to talk about her trauma in fear of bothering people. at least, she doesn't talk about the trauma that she knows is trauma. she's very frequently dropping concerning information about her childhood without thinking of it.
build: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average
height: 4′11″
scars / birthmarks: two scars down her back, in line and along her shoulder blades, where wings should be, though she's very insecure about them and she covers them with magic treatment that puts a glamour over them to hide them. she also gets little scabs and bruises a lot because of her clumsiness and frequent time spent in the woods among sharp branches and thick roots. / she has one on her left hip that she swears looks like a heart. (it does not actually look like a heart but you will break her heart if you tell her that, she’s very proud of it.)   
abilities / powers: magic affinity, being able to detect magic without meaning to, affinity for nature, communicating with plants and animals, somewhat unconscious allure, especially to humans (ex: she's harder to refuse, normally very easy to be drawn to in a crowd, unnaturally charming), she has somewhat of a temperature resistance, or at least she has one on feeling alone. (meaning, her body may suffer from the effects of the temperature and her not realize it) she also has a high alcohol tolerance and strong immune system (both due to fae blood as well as her experiences) for human alcohol and human diseases.
restrictions: iron and silver, though she really tries to stray from metal of any kind. iron and silver, specifically, poison her and her skin, making her feel ill and burning her. her senses are heightened and more sensitive than the average human, and while that alone isn't a weakness, allie finds that harsh smells and sounds bother her to a point of almost pain. meat also makes her ill.
favorites.            i'll let you know right now this was a flop. there are hardly any favorites just vibes, she so rarely has favorites.
food: she kinda just loves food and trying new things, there aren't really any flavors that she doesn't like, besides she just doesn't eat meat and actually doesn't enjoy any substitutes that claim to taste like meat. no favorites here i think but she loves fruits and sweets always and forever.
drink: sweet and fruity things <3 again <3.
pizza topping: i don't think she really has favorites for this but she doesn't eat meat, otherwise she likes everything.
color: she loves pastels, and pinks and greens and yellows and oranges and greens and purples and blues. she does not care for red, black or dark colors. 
music genre: she enjoys pop n dream-pop but she'll listen to anything. very much a top 40 girlie by default just because it's what is always on.
book genre: she's not a book girlie 😔
movie genre: rom-com's/chick flicks primarily i imagine, she just loves fun movies. not a big fan of horror movies but she's never Opposed to anything. you will just need to hold her hand. 
curse word: she really doesn't swear. she doesn't even like,, fake swear. 
scents: flowers......
fun stuff.
songs: matilda + harry styles, you're on your own, kid + taylor swift,  wildest dreams + taylor swift, cry baby + melanie martinez, all you wanna do + SIX, aimee atkinson, 13 beaches + lana del rey, sober + p!nk, nonsense + sabrina carpenter, because i liked a boy + sabrina carpenter, hey blondie + dominic fike, what was i made for? + billie eilish, earthangel + the penguins, moonlight + kali uchis
aesthetic: dainty jewelry, friendship bracelets, dancing in the rain, parties, loose curls, hair ribbons, cuddling with your friends, sundresses, kicked off shoes, meadows filled with flowers, fun patterned rolling papers, playful love, barefoot in the grass, colorfully painted fingernails, glitter everywhere, baked goods, forest floors covered in blossoms, intense feelings said casually, holding hands, petting wild animals and cradling them like babies, talking and singing to your plants, lots and lots of kisses, sparkly lipgloss.
sings in the shower: absolutely!
likes puns: yes! she thinks they are so fun and clever and will always laugh. 
tagged by;   stolen <3 from nearly an actual year ago &lt;3 tagging;   you, steal this and say i tagged you!
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fatefulfortune · 2 days
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Welcome to Aurora Bay @aurorabayaesthetic, [ELLIOT WEAVER] ! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [NICK ROBINSON]. You must be the [TWENTY-NINE] year old [LOTTERY WINNER]. Word is you’re [GENEROUS] but can also be a bit [GLUM] and your favorite song is [END OF BEGINNING BY DJO]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Name: Elliot Timothy Weaver Nicknames: Eli (preferred name), Ellie, E.T. Age: 29 Birthday: October 15th, 1994 FC: Nick Robinson Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him/His Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5′11 Blood Type: A+ Build: Medium Vices: Cannabis, Alcohol, Cigarettes Favorite Colors: Red & Orange
Elliot grew up entirely average. Greatness wasn't in store for the middle Weaver child. His older brother was a football star and his younger sister was a pageant queen and as a result his parents attention was usually used up in pursuing his siblings dreams. Elliot never minded much. His nose was typically buried in a book as he was dragged along for support to his siblings endeavors. As he grew up the more Eli branched out on his own. He found himself friends with the band geeks and nerds more than the popular crowd his family was drawn to. He was never prom royalty but he also never wanted to be and he was entirely content. He had a girlfriend whom he loved and friends who he could depend on, what more could he ask for? When Elliot graduated high school he decided to stick around in Amarillo. The town might be small but it was his home and after a few years at the local community college he got a job in auto insurance. He was still with the same girl from high school who he proposed to at the age of twenty-six after being together for ten years. Life was good for Eli and he saw his whole future ahead of. Marriage, a couple of kids running around, and a small house he'd call home, maybe even a white picket fence. All of that changed one fateful afternoon in August of 2023. Elliot came home on his lunch break only to catch his fiance with another man. He was heartbroken and the simple life he'd had planned for himself was ruined. The engagement was off then and there and Eli quickly spun downward.  Life had gone to shit. His fiance moved out (and in with the guy she'd been cheating with) and Elliot spent most nights drinking and wallowing in self pity. Things couldn't have gotten any worse and miraculous it didn't. Almost two months after his break up Elliot's life would change again. He was never much of a gambler but one night when buying cigarettes he decided to purchase a lottery ticket from the gas station. Never in Eli's wildest dreams did he expect to actually win but he did. 16.8 million dollars to be exact. His life changed overnight once again. His achievement became the biggest story to hit Amarillo history in the last 20 years and it seemed everyone who'd ever known Elliot was coming out of the woodwork including his ex.  Everyone put a bad taste in his mouth and after he'd been coerced into giving away nearly a million dollars to various different people in a very short period of time Elliot went into hiding. He could no longer trust the people closest to him as they all seemed to turn green with envy or fat with greed. His new found wealth made him incredibly lonely and forced him to outgrow his town he'd once called home. Instead Elliot decided to travel until he figured out where he wanted to call home next. That was how he wound up in Aurora Bay. He'd always heard the weather was nice in southern California and he figured it was as good a place as any to relocate for the time being.
Elliot's life is a mess. He's still recovering from his recent breakup over the summer and now that he's a millionaire he really doesn't know how to act. One minute he's celebrating and the next he's crying because his Spotify Wrapped playlist reminds him of home.
He is the embodiment of the meme "If I ever win the lottery I won't tell anybody but there will be signs". He doesn't boast about his wealth but he's definitely treating himself and is very generous with his money. He has been known to give 50% to 100% tips at businesses around town.
He's stopped doing laundry all together. Now he simply donates his clothes and buys new ones when he needs them. Laundry has always been his least favorite chore and now that he doesn't have to clean his clothes he won't.
He spontaneously drops twenty dollar bills around just to brighten people's days.
There's always a pile of packages waiting for him at his mailbox. Half the time he doesn't know what he's ordered because he's developed a late night spending habit whenever he can't sleep.
Elliot moved into a "small" mansion off Aurora Bay Drive. He's still furnishing it and frankly doesn't know what to do with all the rooms the home has to offer. It's slowly but turning into the ultimate bachelor pad while he saves at least one bedroom to be used as a guest room whenever his family comes to visit.
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fatefulfortune1 · 6 months
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Elliot Weaver picked up their key from the front desk a week ago. The twenty-eight year old uses he/him pronouns and is a lottery winner from Amarillo, TX, USA. According to their apartment application, people have told them they look a lot like Joe Keery, and the character they identify with most is Joel Barish from Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind. Santa Moneda gives you a warm welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay. mad, 27, they/them, pst.
Name: Elliot Timothy Weaver Nicknames: Eli (preferred name), Ellie, E.T. Age: 28 Birthday: October 15th, 1995 FC: Joe Keery Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him/His Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5′11 Blood Type: A+ Build: Medium Vices: Cannabis, Alcohol, Cigarettes Favorite Colors: Red & Orange
Elliot grew up entirely average. Greatness wasn't in store for the middle Weaver child. His older brother was a football star and his younger sister was a pageant queen and as a result his parents attention was usually used up in pursuing his siblings dreams. Elliot never minded much. His nose was typically buried in a book as he was dragged along for support to his siblings endeavors. As he grew up the more Eli branched out on his own. He found himself friends with the band geeks and nerds more than the popular crowd his family was drawn to. He was never prom royalty but he also never wanted to be and he was entirely content. He had a girlfriend whom he loved and friends who he could depend on, what more could he ask for? When Elliot graduated high school he decided to stick around in Amarillo. The town might be small but it was his home and after a few years at the local community college he got a job in auto insurance. He was still with the same girl from high school who he proposed to at the age of twenty-six after being together for ten years. Life was good for Eli and he saw his whole future ahead of. Marriage, a couple of kids running around, and a small house he'd call home, maybe even a white picket fence. All of that changed one fateful afternoon in June of 2023. Elliot came home on his lunch break only to catch his fiance with another man. He was heartbroken and the simple life he'd had planned for himself was ruined. The engagement was off then and there and Eli quickly spun downward.  Life had gone to shit. His fiance moved out (and in with the guy she'd been cheating with) and Elliot spent most nights drinking and wallowing in self pity. Things couldn't have gotten any worse and miraculous it didn't. Almost two months after his break up Elliot's life would change again. He was never much of a gambler but one night when buying cigarettes he decided to purchase a lottery ticket from the gas station. Never in Eli's wildest dreams did he expect to actually win but he did. 16.8 million dollars to be exact. His life changed overnight once again. His achievement became the biggest story to hit Amarillo history in the last 20 years and it seemed everyone who'd ever known Elliot was coming out of the woodwork including his ex.  Everyone put a bad taste in his mouth and after he'd been coerced into giving away nearly a million dollars to various different people in a very short period of time Elliot went into hiding. He could no longer trust the people closest to him as they all seemed to turn green with envy or fat with greed. His new found wealth made him incredibly lonely and forced him to outgrow his town he'd once called home. Instead Elliot decided to travel until he figured out where he wanted to call home next. That was how he wound up in Chile, he'd always wanted to visit. He's not sure how long he'll be in town but he figured since he had the means to rent an apartment he might as well even if his stay is only temporary until his life calms back down.
Elliot's life is a mess. He's still recovering from his recent breakup over the summer and now that he's a millionaire he really doesn't know how to act. One minute he's celebrating and the next he's crying because his Spotify Wrapped playlist reminds him of home.
He is the embodiment of the meme "If I ever win the lottery I won't tell anybody but there will be signs". He doesn't boast about his wealth but he's definitely treating himself and is very generous with his money. He has been known to give 50% to 100% tips at businesses around town.
He's stopped doing laundry all together. Now he simply donates his clothes and buys new ones when he needs them. Laundry has always been his least favorite chore and now that he doesn't have to clean his clothes he won't.
He spontaneously drops twenty dollar bills around just to brighten people's days.
There's always a pile of packages waiting for him at his mailbox. Half the time he doesn't know what he's ordered because he's developed a late night spending habit whenever he can't sleep.
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xnecromantia · 2 years
[ Meet The Muse ]
⎨The Basics ⎬
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➥Legal Name: Mortis 
➥Nickname/Alias: Mylo ➥Birthday: 11th June ➥Birthplace: Blackley Woods, Shademarsh, England ➥Sex | Gender | Species: Male, Wytch/Nekrós-Mortal (”Nem”) ➥Preferred Pronouns: He/him ➥Sexual Orientation: Homosexual ➥Spoken Languages: Latin-English
⎨A History Lesson⎬ ➥Education: By coven standards, every Wytchling was taught equally. There was no degrees, but Mortis was certainly at the top in terms of abilities.  ➥Who were they in school? (class clown, mean girl, etc.): Very studious. He preferred to learn than play, but he was no less mischievous than his fellow ‘classmates’. If this was a human environment, he would definitely be called a ‘nerd’.  ➥Occupation: None. He tends to avoid being in public for too long to escape detection. ➥Occupation they wanted as a child: None. He had no choice in what he wanted to be growing up. His fate was sealed as a Necromancer, and his coven relied upon him to accept that.  ➥Socioeconomic level growing up: None. There was no such thing in his coven. Mortis only learned about this when they moved to Shademarsh (money, status...etc). ➥Socioeconomic level now: Medium. He could influence his environment to give him a lavish lifestyle, but he prefers to fit in with the rest of the humans and remain another face in the crowd. So he is neither rich nor poor. ➥Living conditions growing up: Comfortable, safe, and well provided for by his coven. ➥Living conditions now: Basic -- yet comfortable -- apartment in Woodbourne. The only change is having a roof over his head, as opposed to the natural cover of caves and trees.  ➥Criminal Record: None.
➥Parents: Cordelia and Elias ➥Siblings: Biologically, he is an only child. But by coven standards, he has hundreds.  ➥Significant Others: None (verse dependent) ➥Ex-Significant Others: “The Masked Boy” ➥Children: None ➥Best Friends: None (verse dependent) ➥Pets: None, but he often befriends the spirits of deceased pets in his apartment complex. In which case: three cats, five dogs, one budgie, and a single hamster (the latter was his first time ever seeing such an animal).    ➥Rivals: Wytch-hunters ➥Enemies: Wytch-hunters
⎨Let’s Get Physical⎬
➥Character’s Build: Slender.
➥Height: 5′6″
➥Hair Colour: Very dark brown.
➥Eye Colour: Moss (green/brown) naturally, murky-grey when using his powers, dark-grey with swirls of gold when overstimulated using his powers. 
➥Body Modifications: Both ears pierced four times. Large mark of his coven identifier in the middle of his chest. 
➥Scars/Birthmarks: Born with the Mark of a Wytch on the back of his left hand, and Nekrós-Mortal mark on the back of his right hand.
➥Powers/Abilities: Necromancy; raising or resurrecting the dead. “Juliet Effect”; extracting and storing souls for later reuniting with its host. Communication/mediumship with spirits (including invocation). Immortality. Teleportation. Telekinesis. Conjuration. Divination. Reality warping (rarely used due to its negative effects; only in an emergency). Mind control/hypnosis/persuasion (again, rarely used. He refuses to manipulate people). Mild telepathy (enough to uncover memories, but telepathy is strongest in female Wytches). Auramancy (reading auras). Spell casting. Hexes/curses. Potion brewing. Healing (himself and others). Flight/levitation. Psychometry (obtaining information of past events about a person or object). Astral projection. Nature control. Pain infliction/body control (only on Wytch-hunters). Crossing over (able to enter the spirit realm and limbo).
➥Restrictions/weaknesses: Destructive. Energy draining. Emotionally consuming. Fire. Iron. Wytch deflecting sigils (done correctly, they can prevent him from entering a building/place).  Wytch bottles (done correctly, it can counter or deflect his manipulation abilities).
➥Physical or Mental Illnesses: Anxiety, paranoia
➥Addictions: None
⎨The Juicy Stuff⎬ 
➥Vice: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath ➥Virtue: Chastity / Temperance / Charity / Diligence / Forgiveness / Humility / Kindness ➥Alignment: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic || Good / Neutral / Evil ➥Element: Earth
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deputystakes-moved · 3 years
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name.   ashley graves. nickname.   ‘ kid / guts / deputy, ’   throughout his childhood, time in the corps, and time in the marshal service, respectively.   he is also known as the gravedigger, but this is less of a nickname, and more of a nameholder. age.   twenty-nine. species.  human.
morality.   lawful good, but slowly transitions into chaotic neutral. religion.   loosely christian. sins.  greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath. virtues.   chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice. known languages.   fluent in english and american sign language.   knows a minimal amount of other languages from his time in the corps — barely enough to hold a conversation, but enough to communicate. secrets.   wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy. build.   scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average.   height.   5′6, though his boots add an extra inch or so. scars / birthmarks.   light freckles on cheeks, neck, and shoulders.   scar on face from his father attempting to kill him with a kitchen knife.   scar on left shin from compound fracture.   many, many others.   he’s covered in scar tissue — he doesn’t have a single expanse of untouched skin. most notable features.   his features are often gaunt, faintly sleep deprived.   his facial scar.   resting bitch face. abilities / powers.   incredibly high pain threshold — incredibly high.   can take a bullet without flinching.   this is the result of a series of serums administered by the slayer program.   he’s an excellent shot and master survivalist.   not too good with people, though.   he’ll admit himself that he lacks charisma.  food.   he’s vegetarian, doesn’t enjoy the taste of meat.   eats a lot of home-cooked meals.   beans and rice.   eats peanut butter straight out of the jar.    drink.   hard liquor. pizza topping.   olives, green peppers, diced tomatoes.   extra cheese. colour.   deep earth tones.  music.   he likes country and rock.   big fan of johnny cash, nickelback, shinedown, darrel scott, and gillian welch. book genre.   horror, thrillers, and westerns, with westerns being his favorite.   he likes the wild and weird west.   read a lot of westerns as a kid, since they were only a buck a piece at the thrift store down the road, and he likes reverting back to that simpler state of mind.   laying in bed with a western and the window cracked open brings him a sense of peace.  movie genre.   once again, he likes westerns, but he’ll watch anything.   flips to the history channel whenever he’s staying in a motel with christian. season.   summer. curse word.   fuck, damn. scents.   dirt, rain, hay.   coffee grounds and toasting bread.   harsh sting of liquor and rubbing alcohol.   leather, tobacco, vanilla.   subtle cologne. bottom or top.   wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy.   ( top. )    sings in the shower.   no. puns.   he doesn’t tell a lot of jokes, but when he does, they’re often military-themed.   ( ex: what sound does shit make when it hits the fan? mariiiiiiiiine. )
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missfay49 · 4 years
Sanders Sides Theory 01/15/20
You want a long theory? HERE’s A LONG FREAKIN THEORY.  
To build off an earlier post of mine here, I believe we can reverse engineer the function of the next Side by analyzing the roles of the current known Sides in the context of their correlating sin.  I’ve included some flower meanings based on the shirt release but couldn’t identify them all from the photos available.  Please reach out to me if you have identified all the flowers.
Logic / Craves Stability / Reaction to adversity is to Double down
Logan is proud, but not about just anything.  He values intelligence, critical thinking, and the lofty goals of exploration: re: the astronomy class hype, and “what really is at the bottom of the ocean?” He prides himself in being right 100% of the time and utilizes information to do so.  
When he missuses the word “infinitesimal” it is devastating to him.  It is brought up repeatedly in subsequent episodes and culminates in him feeling like one mistake will prevent him from ever being taken seriously again. He hates being wrong, because he believes that if he’s wrong, C!Thomas will literally fail at life, becoming destitute and homeless.  The stakes are real.  
He needs to ensure success, which is why he first pushes C!Thomas to pursue more traditional careers.  His arc is about accepting that success in life can take on different forms.
Anxiety (Paranoia) / Reaction to adversity is to Give up
Virgil is often seen promoting activities that would be considered lazy, i.e. going back to bed in the middle of the day, staying home when they could go out, doing less work, trying fewer new things.  His makeup is a dramatized symbol for lack of sleep.  There are multiple instances showing him reluctant to spend more time even just in the presence of the other Sides; “Now I’m gonna go be cool, somewhere else.”  Ducking out is the pinnacle of sloth.
But sloth as a behavior is just a symptom of the actual condition: social anxiety and mild paranoia. Check out my short paranoia theory here.  Virgil resorts to inaction as a defense against feeling insecure about something. Wanted to go to that party, but you’re too nervous to talk to new people?  Well, actually, just stay in.  It’s safer and you need your rest.  
That’s why Virgil’s arc is not about finding the motivation to do things; that would only work if laziness was the true problem.  Instead, his arc is about learning to think through fears and overcome them, so C!Thomas can do what he actually wants, which is to be more social.  
Morality / Flower: Blue Forget-me-not / Craves Community / Reaction to Adversity is to Fake-it-til-you-make-it
Patton is about cravings. Food, pets, friends; he wants it all. He’s about enjoying everything life has to offer, gosh-darn the consequences.  He wants friends so badly he’s consistently willing to sacrifice his own well-being to put them first.  The concept of morality often focuses on giving instead of receiving.  It’s a way to prove to them that he’s a good friend, and therefore worth keeping around.  What seems like sacrifice is actually a careful prioritization of his favorite thing to indulge in: acceptance.  Being happy all the time is not just a show for the other Sides, it’s for C!Thomas’ friends as well.  People don’t want to be around someone who’s sad, right?  Gotta be happy, so they stick around.  
Forget-me-nots are about happy memories and we already know Patton is a sucker for nostalgia.  One of his favorite things are memories, so he goes to extreme lengths to make lots of good memories with his friends.  Patton’s arc will ultimately be Not about diminishing his craving for friendship but realizing that he can be his most authentic self without losing them.  He can loosen the rules that he internalized.  Real friendship does not require perfection.  
Self-Preservation / Flower: Yellow Sunflower / Reaction to adversity is Sowing Discord
Deceit, like Logan, is also focused on C!Thomas’ success.  The difference is, he could not care less what that success looks like, only that C!Thomas gets it.  Where Logan is all about careful planning and preparedness, Deceit is about taking risks and seizing opportunities.  How can C!Thomas get the most out of life?  No, don’t worry about other people.  There is only C!Thomas.  
Deceit’s objective is to eliminate the consequences of C!Thomas’ mistakes and increase the rewards for his effort.  He will do whatever it takes, whether that’s coaching C!Thomas to lie to others, or to be more honest with himself.  His stance is that since our society is built on lies, we should be willing to use lies to navigate it.  Deceit believes that if C!Thomas is honest to himself about what he wants, he’ll pursue it even at the risk of losing people along the way.  Simply put, Deceit must learn that no one makes it alone.  The sunflower symbolizes false riches, and this explains why Deceit’s assumption is wrong.  We all depend on others to reach our full potential, and a world where C!Thomas has gained everything by discarding or disadvantaging others is one C!Thomas wouldn’t want to live in.  It’s more difficult, but it’s worth it in the end to work with other people instead of around them.  
Creativity / Flower: Red Rose / Reaction to adversity is Denial
It’s easy to see that Roman is all about finding that special someone.  Red roses symbolize love.  He’s dashing, brave, and often combats mythical creatures, not for fun (although it is fun), but to prove his manliness to a potential mate!  But this Side is actually one of the most complicated. He believes himself to be the most handsome Side, and he better be, because it is his duty to secure the end-all-be-all of C!Thomas’ life: romantic love.  Someone to spend your life with, grow old with.  The initial conflict between Roman and Anxiety is entirely because having Anxiety around would theoretically lower his chances of securing a relationship.  Once he saw that Anxiety could do what needed to be done in “Accepting Anxiety”, he was able to let go of that worry.
But remember, Roman is also about Self-Love.  The creativity that he pumps out isn’t art for art’s sake; it’s to bring himself joy and to fill that hole in his heart with some kind of excitement.  If he can’t throw all his passion at a person, he’ll throw it onto the stage.  That’s why each time his work is criticized, he’s confronted with the fear that it’s all just a distraction anyway.  Yes, he is objectively good at acting and enjoys it, but part of C!Thomas uses all these creative projects to feel something he isn’t getting anywhere else.
The Roman angst dates aaaall the way back to the Valentine’s Day Episode, wherein C!Thomas decided that platonic love was important to acknowledge, too.  Roman had already stated in the first episode that he would focus on loving himself.  But maybe on that particular Valentine’s day, C!Thomas stopped trying so hard to find romance.  Maybe he fell back on what he already had, the love of his friends, and thought to himself, this could be enough.  And each time an opportunity to feel true passion comes up again, C!Thomas rejects it. First when trying to rekindle things with the ex-boyfriend, then with the big call-back.  C!Thomas is putting his love life on hold to deal with other things right now, and it’s wearing on Roman.  
The worst part is that it’s entirely possible, maybe even likely, that Roman (and therefore C!Thomas) isn’t sure what will happen once he’s found someone.  RE: Episode #1 – his greatest fear is rejection.  
In “Am I Original?” C!Thomas states that if he only ever listened to Roman, he would be setting himself up for heartbreak.  That’s why Roman makes the final ruling in the court room.  That’s why he quietly accepts it every time they make a decision away from love (with impromptu exceptions – “PICK IT UP!”).  He both wants and fears love at the same time.  Roman’s arc isn’t really about what he needs to do differently, but about what C!Thomas needs to let him do for himself.  His stories aren’t about him getting his way and then finding out he took it too far. They’re about him not getting anything at all.  Once he gets the green light from C!Thomas, he will do what he’s always done; Throw caution to the wind in the pursuit of love.  
Creativity / Flower: Green Dahlia / Reaction to adversity is Acting out for Attention
All the “Dark” Sides were pushed away for one reason or another, but it seems to hit Remus particularly hard.  It’s not fair that his brother should be chosen over him.  He considers himself not even just as good as Roman, but in many ways better at being creative!  His range is limitless, and he is confident in his abilities, unlike his brother.  He should be the main Creativity, not that crybaby!  
Remus tries over and over again to make C!Thomas notice him.  He gives everything he’s got into each new idea, hoping that this one will be ‘the one’ to earn him C!Thomas’ recognition, but it never does.  Remus embodies envy.  It is his driving force; ALL he wants is consideration for his ideas.  
Since Remus feels envious, C!Thomas does too.  If Remus wants to reach new heights of fame, so must C!Thomas!  From Remus’ standpoint, Roman isn’t getting the job done, so he’ll just have to keep throwing idea-after-horrifying-idea at C!Thomas until he gets through to the man.  
Now for the hard part: figuring out what’s missing.  (You can check out my earlier Anger Theory here.)
Let’s summarize how the other Sides use their traits real quick:
Logan is proud of his intelligence that he uses to gain financial security.
Virgil is slothful as a result of his desire to feel safe.
Patton is gluttonous as the result of his goal to make C!Thomas feel happiness and enjoy life in the moment.
Deceit is greedy as a result of his goal to help C!Thomas navigate this world and come out on top.
Roman is lustful as a result of his goal to secure a loving, stable relationship for C!Thomas.
Remus is envious as a result of his goal to get C!Thomas to make a lasting mark on the world like so many have before.
For most of the Sides, the sin is directly related to the Sides’ function.  It’s their method of achieving their goals.  But there appears to be an outlier.  Logan seems different.  He doesn’t need to be proud in order to be intelligent, at least on the surface.  But, maybe that’s not true.  Maybe if he didn’t feel proud when he learned new things, he would have no motivation to seek out information in the first place.  Therefore, pride is essential to Logan’s function.  
All the Sides rely on their sin to accomplish their goals.  They first have a goal, a job that they are supposed to complete for C!Thomas.  Then, the sin is their method of executing that job.  The function of the Side comes before the sin.  
So, if wrath is the means, what is the goal?  What does C!Thomas need to be angry about in order to accomplish it?
What are all the instances where we see C!Thomas (not the individual Sides) get mad, even a little?
TOAwLS - C!Thomas gets frustrated with Anxiety popping up even when nothing’s wrong.
TMvTH - C!Thomas gets mad at Logan and Patton for pelting him with conflicting goals.
GU - C!Thomas acts mad at Patton for dreaming too much, but really, he’s lashing out at Patton because the others are pushing him too far in the other direction.  
MOP2 - C!Thomas rudely disregards Logan for disrupting nostalgia-time.
SVS - C!Thomas gets mad at himself for considering lying to his friends.
If we’re being honest, this is a short list, and some of these don’t even really qualify as anger.  He’s more just kind of experiencing frustration as he works through things.  The most angry he gets is when it affects real people in his life; Lee and Mary Lee’s wedding.  He feels terrible about it, but he’s angry for two reasons here.  First, that the scheduling conflict even exists, because it’s denying him an important opportunity.  Second, because the situation caused him to confront a truth about himself that he’s never been comfortable with.
But we have one more example to work with; the Aside.  In ATHD? - C!Thomas got mad at Rico for past feelings that weren’t even specifically against C!Thomas.  We don’t see it, but we see the effects.  C!Thomas is so angry with himself for lashing out, and it tells us that he’s had a lot of anger before that he never released.  Anger about being in the closet when he was younger.  There are plenty of hints in the episode on this theme:
Roman calls C!Thomas a snowflake.
This shot from the movie: “You must learn to control it.  Fear will be your enemy.”
And most importantly, the lines “Don’t let them in, don’t let them see”.  Patton did purposely sing those lines of the Frozen song “Let it go”, which has often been correlated to coming out of the closet, because that was directly tied to the theme of the premier Aside.  
C!Thomas had so conditioned himself to defend his sexuality that even the mention of past prejudice was enough to set him off, causing him to overreact in the situation with Rico. He was transported back to a time when he was still closeted, afraid to come out because of people like Rico’s younger self.  Now that he’s older, he feels anger toward the people he knew back then, and he took that anger out on Rico.  
Let’s take a step back for a second.  What is C!Thomas’ ultimate goal for himself?  Balance. And what is C!Thomas’ ultimate goal for others?  Love and understanding.
C!Thomas got as angry as he did because this isn’t just about him anymore.  The prejudice that he remembered and was reacting to is something that people continue to face all the time.  As much as he struggled, he’s empathetic enough to know that others must be struggling, too, and his anger at Rico was actually anger at prejudice.  
When the last Side is revealed, it will signal that the arc is closing and the series will eventually be coming to an end.  Will the series have made its mark?  Way back in IIADS!!, Anxiety unintentionally suggested, “using your platform to positively affect your audience the same way Disney did with you”  It’s not just about C!Thomas anymore.  It’s about you.  Us.  
The biggest effect C!Thomas could have on his audience is self-actualization; becoming the most he can be and doing the most good for others that he possibly can.  Prejudice is an issue that has personally affected him and clearly affects his audience.  Fighting prejudice is a cause worth getting angry about, WORTH showing a little wrath.
Logan and Virgil have affected how C!Thomas takes in information.  Deceit and Patton affect how he moves through that world.  Roman and Remus affect how he wants his work to be seen on a personal level.  But Wrath will be how C!Thomas affects the world at large.  Wrath will lead the charge for affecting real change.  Wrath will close out the series and launch a generation of inspired viewers to go out into their own worlds and fight for their freedoms.  Wrath will be our hero.
Thanks so much for reading! This has gone on long enough, so I’m adding some bonus theories in the links below tomorrow with other things I noticed during the research for this post.  Hope you enjoyed it!
Bonus Theory now here!
Bonus BONUS Theory now here!
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xnecromantia · 6 years
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NAME .  Mylo (human), Mortis (actual) NICKNAME . N/A AGE . Permanently twenty-five GENDER .  Male SPECIES .  Nekrós-Mortal (”Nem”) ETHNICITY .  Caucasian  NATIONALITY .  British SEXUALITY.  Homosexual CAREER .  N/A, though he used to provide comfort to humans by speaking with their dearly departed in Shademarsh.
MORALITY . lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true . RELIGION .  N/A (Paganism was introduced during the 50s in England, and his wytch community existed before then.)  SINS . greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath . VIRTUES .  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice . KNOWN LANGUAGES . Latin (primary use amongst the wytch community), English  SECRETS . He keeps his ex-lover’s heart in a lead and silver case, carried in his backpack at all times. ZODIAC .  Aquarius 
BUILD .  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average . HEIGHT .   5′6″ (170cm) SKIN TONE .  Lightly tanned HAIR / EYES .  Dark brown/Moss SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .  Mark of a Wytch is on the back of his left hand, and his Nekrós-Mortal mark is on the right.  ABILITIES  /  POWERS . Primary ability includes: raising the dead and communicating with the dead (Necromancy), but some other abilities/powers include: healing, divination, changing his environment (ex. moving trees, shifting the ground), confusion, countering dark spells, concoction making (he’s a good cook!), and locating (his mother taught him how to track others without the use of marking) RESTRICTIONS . His short stature makes him appear unassuming. But he can mess you up, if he chooses to. One restriction of his Necromancy, however, is that it takes energy to raise the dead and so the ability is temporary. He cannot bring a loved one back forever.
FOOD . Chestnut and mushroom broth. However, since living in Woodbourne, he has tried a multitude of “human” foods. His favourite “human” food so far is definitely a cheeseburger. DRINK .  Lemongrass and liquorice tea PIZZA TOPPING .  Margherita  COLOR .  Green MUSIC GENRE .  Classical and pop. BOOK GENRE . Horror, science fiction MOVIE GENRE .  Adventure, horror CURSE WORD . Fuck (he likes how short and sweet it is.) He also uses the Wytch swear, “Swamp-wader”, referring to the Wytches who inhabited marshes. They had poor hygiene, giving off a strong unpleasant odour, and had messy appearances.  SCENTS . Lavender, after it rains
BOTTOM OR TOP . Bottom SINGS IN THE SHOWER .  Yes. All the time. SECRET TALENT .  He can walk on his hands (on flat surfaces and up and down staircases.)  QUIRKS.  V. fidgety. Can, and will, sort stuff out in your house. It’s why he often stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket, to stop him from moving things or tugging at his own clothing.
tagged  by :  stole from @dxspereaux :)
tagging : @dolceclavier, @brxkensovls, @percurrere, and anyone else who sees this!
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